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May 23, 2021 - context

Lol. Yep, that's it. That gorgeous red dress and that shotgun was the last things that owl ever saw. I never saw the Cory movie though. I'll have to look for that. I'm sure her appearance on Home Improvement with Tim Allen has to be out here somewhere although I haven't looked yet.

Here's another image of Cory. I love those silver shorts

May 23, 2021 - context

Really? I didn't know Kay Baxter ever did movies. That gives me something else to look for. I did order Denise Masino's Adventures Of Miss Fit. From what I read it is supposed to be a different slant/take on the super hero genre. 😎

May 23, 2021 - context

Lol. Yep, that's it. That gorgeous red dress and that shotgun was the last things that owl ever saw. I never saw the Cory movie though. I'll have to look for that. I'm sure her appearance on Home Improvement with Tim Allen has to be out here somewhere although I haven't looked yet.

May 23, 2021 - context

Double impact is a movie from 1991 with Cory Everson playing a villan it took not 1 but 2 Jean claude vandammes to defeat her.

Here's sexy Cory this film helped me get into FBBs

May 23, 2021 - context

Ok, so I just downloaded Day Of The Worrior from Youtube. I'm holding your responsible here. If this movie is total crap, I may have to report you to her highness Kristi. ;)

May 23, 2021 - context

Ok, I found this completely by accident. There is a movie called Day Of The Warrior (1996) that has Raye Hollitt in it. I think she's pretty good. She looks great and is absolutely evil. Yes, Raye is a bad girl in this. I doubt this won any Oscars but it is fun to watch. 😎

May 22, 2021 - context

Always been a fan of martial arts movies where women kicks the sh-t out of men, or in some cases other females. Not been so interested in MMA or boxing before. But for some reason a few videos where suggested to me on the tube; mainly I liked Weili Zhang and Rika Ishige. Will probably watch their upcoming matches.

May 21, 2021 - context

I remember the second it happened. I was about 12 or 13, and I just finished watching SNL when a commercial came on for the Movie Skin Depp. They basically showed the whole Ray Hollitt scene and I was hooked ever since *

May 17, 2021 - context

This responce might be taken down, but I am gonna write it anyway. As a 6years old I was told I was gonna be totally paralized on my right hand side.... it didn´t happen. Surely I was athletich and so on as a teen - not that I was growing big with muscles, but still. People asked me how I could like fit women when I wasn´t fit myself (now we are talking about the PRO Level fit here) And my responce was - this will get me in trouble on this site. I asked them if they liked music, movies and so on, most did, and I asked them what band or what movie they been apart of. Once again English is my Fifth (5th) language so bare that in mind that as I write this. 100% of the people/individual I asked about the music/movies question thay all said no, no one had any background in any. My second question was; "How can you then like it?" Sure some deathtreaths came and some fights appeared, all I wanted to show their doublemoral, as if you ani´t build in a certain way or not having the specific ethnicity or done any work in certain business you can Not like it. None of the understood. I have a huge background of being banned or simply having my comments erased from several forums becouse of my questions OR simply wanting to teach people in language etc. What I want to leave you with is; LOVE what YOU LOVE and keep on Loving it. You wouldn´t imaging how many people around thye net that feels like you, in certain topics. Peace.

May 06, 2021 - context

Reports of celebs that state they're showing off their INCREDIBLY toned abs, or legs, or arms and then the images show no muscle.

Female characters in cartoons getting muscled as a throwaway gimmick and they lose it all.

A muscled female but they're just a background character.

Some character visits a gym and there's only men lifting weights.

Girls and women who possess superhuman strength but aren't visibly muscled.

Muscled women being used for a joke now that fat jokes are off limits

Maybe there is a movie trope called "Checkov's Female Bodybuilder" where if there is ever a woman in the gym lifting there automatically has to be an entire scene with her. falling into one of the other stupid tropes lol.

Oh! I was shooting by TV last night and saw this whole bit on a cartoon where a woman was trying to get these kids super buff and... I guess she did. But I had never seen any of these wacky children before. They also had a black chef who took their game tablets away. They were antagonist mean to her, but the show was pretty cool about her crossfitty buffness

May 02, 2021 - context

I am surprised no one has mentioned more recent additions. E.g. Tiffany Denise Hobbs in Chicago Five. She is in a short scene in the beginning of the movie where you can tell she has some guns on her.

Saw this yesterday and immediately noticed those arms. She's incredible.

Apr 30, 2021 - context

I agree 100%.The problem is there are no muscular actresses that can play a lead in a movie. If the actress becomes muscular, she won't get cast in any movies.

I've come to find there are, but they're lesser known and their muscles get them typecast. And since Hollywood probably thinks "buff women don't sell", these actresses aren't given a fair shake.

Apr 30, 2021 - context

I agree 100%.The problem is there are no muscular actresses that can play a lead in a movie. If the actress becomes muscular, she won't get cast in any movies.

There are plenty of examples of guys getting bulked up for a movie role and then returning to normal size once filming is over. There's no reason a woman couldn't do the same.

Apr 29, 2021 - context

I want to insert an opposite cliche which I am tired of. Action hero girls who are like a stick, fighting big dudes and beating them. At least make them a little muscular so we can believe a little bit that she can beat strong thugs. That's what I liked about Carla Dune in the Mandalorian. She was some one you could say just by looking at her that she can kick ass

I agree 100%.The problem is there are no muscular actresses that can play a lead in a movie. If the actress becomes muscular, she won't get cast in any movies.

Apr 29, 2021 - context

Marvel and DC movies are still guilty of this. Though I wonder how buff Marvel will make She-Hulk.

Not getting my hopes up, unless her cgi is done by Ed McGinnis

Apr 28, 2021 - context

I want to insert an opposite cliche which I am tired of. Action hero girls who are like a stick, fighting big dudes and beating them. At least make them a little muscular so we can believe a little bit that she can beat strong thugs. That's what I liked about Carla Dune in the Mandalorian. She was some one you could say just by looking at her that she can kick ass

Marvel and DC movies are still guilty of this. Though I wonder how buff Marvel will make She-Hulk.

Apr 27, 2021 - context

Maybe this belongs in the stories section, but I'll put it here - what are some tropes and clichés you're tired of seeing when it comes to muscle women in movies, TV shows, comics, etc?

Apr 25, 2021 - context

The Oscars are on tonight. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that none of these movies are among the nominees. ;)

Apr 24, 2021 - context

Now that is what I thought. I think 4 was the one I saw. And that was so long ago I barely remember it. I do believe she was partially nude and had very little dialogue. I will have to check into it. But the RoboWoman movie looks to be more interesting. That's one of the cool things about the GWM ~ you can find out about all this stuff. 🤗

Apr 24, 2021 - context

I'll have to see if they package the Nemesis movies together. My problem was that I watched 3 or 4 without seeing the previous movies so I couldn't quite figure out what was going on. Lol. Sue did look amazing though.

Apr 24, 2021 - context

You got to watch Nemesis 4 the movie is pretty much made for people like us to enjoy i could not believe they actually made a movie like that.

Apr 24, 2021 - context

And for those who don't know it ~ Vicky Pratt is in a movie called Winner Take All (1999) with Andrew Dice Clay & Don "The Dragon" Wilson. Its loosely based around steroids and FBB. And Vicky does a topless scene in this. And she looks damn good!

It's called Whatever It Takes.


Apr 24, 2021 - context

I did see Sue Price in one of the Nemesis movies and she looked great. Isn't she in two or three of them?

2, 3, & 4. She's nude in almost all of 4.

Apr 24, 2021 - context

I did see Sue Price in one of the Nemesis movies and she looked great. Isn't she in two or three of them?

Yes... not in part 1 but in 2,3 and 4

Apr 24, 2021 - context

I did see Sue Price in one of the Nemesis movies and she looked great. Isn't she in two or three of them?

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