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Jul 11, 2021 - context

A naturally pretty woman like Dani Reardon or Lindsay Cope in their prime being an object of attraction (in a non-stereotypical FBB way) by a major actor in a movie or two would go a very long way.

Agreed. But I think even now the trend is to cast a muscular woman as a minor character or a negative character. I think the producers are too old-fashioned to think of musclegirls as anything other than 'freaks'.

Jul 11, 2021 - context

A naturally pretty woman like Dani Reardon or Lindsay Cope in their prime being an object of attraction (in a non-stereotypical FBB way) by a major actor in a movie or two would go a very long way.


Jul 11, 2021 - context

A naturally pretty woman like Dani Reardon or Lindsay Cope in their prime being an object of attraction (in a non-stereotypical FBB way) by a major actor in a movie or two would go a very long way.

Jul 10, 2021 - context

appreciate women with masculine traits

Like appreciating beef that tastes like fish, or a game of baseball with cricket rules?

it's always the "eeew, muscles!" crowd that wins.

That's called biology. And note that the "eeew" comes from both men and women, if not even moreso from the latter.

when we have a woman bodybuilder in movies who is both absolutely gorgeous and massively muscular

One thing invalidates the other.

She-Hulk is supposed to look muscular.

She really isn't, anymore than Superman is supposed to be blue or Spider-Man's supposed to have six arms. At least not in the way you're probably thinking of "muscular".

Jul 07, 2021 - edited Jul 07, 2021 - context

For example, say Gal Gadot does another Wonder Woman movie. And she trains harder than she did for the other movies she's done, to the point where she builds lean muscle and has visible muscularity throughout her body. Nothing huge, just a small step forward to gently pull the normies in. There should probably be at least one short scene where she gets to show off her body. And of course she'd be a natural badass like in her other movies.

This is going backwards imo. Using Gal Gadot Wonderwoman look is like starting from square one and I believe we're beyond that level of normies acceptability. Jessica Biel circa 2004 is a better benchmark. I could pass by Gal Gadot and not even notice she hits the gym. I don't remember hearing any negative remarks from normies about Jessica Biel back then and she was the thickest muscled lead actress I've seen in a major film since peak Angela Bassett.

Jul 07, 2021 - context

I think a lot of us are seeing this through our own lens and forgetting to look through the lens of the 'normies' (for lack of a better word, the people who aren't into female muscle). Most of them literally don't care about female muscle, they don't seek it and they have no passion or interest in it. And so the only way that changes on a large scale is if, as has been suggested before, someone popularized the look. In this day and age, I think it would have to be done through someone who is already famous and has a huge following.

For example, say Gal Gadot does another Wonder Woman movie. And she trains harder than she did for the other movies she's done, to the point where she builds lean muscle and has visible muscularity throughout her body. Nothing huge, just a small step forward to gently pull the normies in. There should probably be at least one short scene where she gets to show off her body. And of course she'd be a natural badass like in her other movies.

I think it could inspire more women to workout and more men to be receptive of their wives or g/f's having a muscular body. Not everyone of course, but it could produce a nice surge in popularity. Especially if it became a trend, and there were more actresses/social media 'influencers' who followed suit.

I could see this working. She already has a nice, lean physique. Putting a generous amount of muscle on it would look good on her. A Rachel McLish type of body.

Jul 07, 2021 - context

I think a lot of us are seeing this through our own lens and forgetting to look through the lens of the 'normies' (for lack of a better word, the people who aren't into female muscle). Most of them literally don't care about female muscle, they don't seek it and they have no passion or interest in it. And so the only way that changes on a large scale is if, as has been suggested before, someone popularized the look. In this day and age, I think it would have to be done through someone who is already famous and has a huge following.

For example, say Gal Gadot does another Wonder Woman movie. And she trains harder than she did for the other movies she's done, to the point where she builds lean muscle and has visible muscularity throughout her body. Nothing huge, just a small step forward to gently pull the normies in. There should probably be at least one short scene where she gets to show off her body. And of course she'd be a natural badass like in her other movies.

I think it could inspire more women to workout and more men to be receptive of their wives or g/f's having a muscular body. Not everyone of course, but it could produce a nice surge in popularity. Especially if it became a trend, and there were more actresses/social media 'influencers' who followed suit.

Jul 07, 2021 - context

As people have been saying, it would be when we have a woman bodybuilder in movies who is both absolutely gorgeous and massively muscular, not like a fitness/figure athlete but well over 200 pounds, close to an Amazonka level.

Hate to say it....you can't have both huge and gorgeous in the long term with the drug use. Plain and simple.

Jul 07, 2021 - context

As people have been saying, it would be when we have a woman bodybuilder in movies who is both absolutely gorgeous and massively muscular, not like a fitness/figure athlete but well over 200 pounds, close to an Amazonka level.

Jul 07, 2021 - context

The golden age of bodybuilding (men's and women's) peaked in the 1980's. This was before the criminalization of steroids in 1990, but more than that, the sport had real icons that people looked up to. Of course, Arnold is the most prominent example, whose bigger than life personality and success story put him in the spotlight in about a dozen different ways. Arnold was idolized for his size, attitude, philosophy on winning, and not to mention his charisma. His movie star career only further bolted him forward, where people wanted to see these gods come to life on the screen and play unbelievable characters that could do the impossible.

Nowadays, I'd say Pro Wrestlers have taken that lime light. From Dave Bautista, Jon Cena, and Dwayne Johnson; I'd say those pros are the new "Arnold of the 80's".

So, in today's climate, what would it take? I'd say a female action hero of the same caliber. A woman who has the charisma to stay in the spotlight, the confidence to be proud of herself, and of course, the huge muscles to keep her standing apart from the usual actresses.

Jul 06, 2021 - context

Comments are hidden from non-users, yes? People are too thin-skinned. A post on socials receives tens of thousands of likes: your body is "goals," but an occasional person does not love your shoulders and thinks they're "manly." So what? I occasionally have an aggrieved student posting objectively false information on RateMyProfessor. I also have students posting undeserved praise, which is embarrassing. That's the nature of voluntary response -- extreme views. If I bother to check, a negative review could bother me, but I wouldn't ask to have it removed.

The RateMyProfessor site used to have a chili pepper students could award if their instructor was "hot." This made a lot of female colleagues understandably uncomfortable (it also gave some people -- male and female -- a much-needed and self-described "ego boost"). As a society, I think we make progress when we do not judge people by their looks when appearance is irrelevant.

For a site such as this, it's just the way it goes: Pictures are rated on appearance. Most comments are full of praise. I had a comment recently deleted because I mentioned the shaved-on-one-side style is also known as "the mental illness haircut." Not very nice, but kinda funny. "Somebody kill him. PLEASE." I think that's hilarious -- unless it's serious. Regardless, it needs to be deleted. There's a difference between making a comment to someone, and making a comment that subject seeks out. Criticism can be devastating. Writer-directors work for years to get a movie made, and then critics tear it to shreds.

Jun 29, 2021 - context

I recently watched the 1986 Ms Olympia that took place at the Felt Forum, and I was shocked by how many people were in the audience. Contrary to how women's bodybuilding seems to be viewed now, it seemed to be a big deal back in the day. For anyone that grew up in the 80s, was that true? What did people think of women's bodybuilding and ladies like Cory Everson and Rachel McLish?

Female bodybuilders suddenly started getting mainstream media attention right around 1980, and for me it was as if flying saucers had landed — I mean it was beyond my wildest dreams. By the mid-1980s college girls were hitting the weight rooms like crazy. At the University of North Carolina, for example, there was a very well-organized — and very well attended — bodybuilding contest for female students in 1985. Too good to be true! Rachel was one of my very favorites back then — I always felt there was something boring/unsexy about Cory.

Most important in 1985: The release of the movie Pumping Iron II — Rachel vs. the impossibly muscular Bev Francis. The dam had been broken! Just about any muscle girl fantasy was now mainstream, or close. Time magazine started doing articles — with lots of color photos — about Rachel and Bev and co.! Unbelievable! Do you understand that getting into Time magazine back in 1985 was the biggest media deal possible?

And things got only better from there …

Jun 19, 2021 - context

I think my very first inkling that lead to absolute proof that not just a slim or fit lady was my type but a muscular build was some movie I saw on cable.

I've no idea what it was called, maybe somebody can help me out here.

It was from the 80s, I think, slightly outdated when I saw it and definitely B-movie production value. There were several fbbs in it. At least three. One was particularly hot. To be fair the other two, I had no problems with either.

I think they were on some different planet and there was some kind of war or revolution?

I stopped watching the story and just stared at the women.

I'm interested to know what that film was, from your description.

Jun 19, 2021 - context

I think my very first inkling that lead to absolute proof that not just a slim or fit lady was my type but a muscular build was some movie I saw on cable.

I've no idea what it was called, maybe somebody can help me out here.

It was from the 80s, I think, slightly outdated when I saw it and definitely B-movie production value. There were several fbbs in it. At least three. One was particularly hot. To be fair the other two, I had no problems with either.

I think they were on some different planet and there was some kind of war or revolution?

I stopped watching the story and just stared at the women.

Jun 15, 2021 - context

i liked gina in haywire..then her career went haywire..that movie was good ...then she did worse projects ..the mandalorian was probably the best thing by far she was in since haywire. gina lost muscle and put on more weight or some combination in the past few years since haywire...in mandalorian..i believe she could beat a guy up..just from sheer size alone..lol..she was believable as a warrior,that also was physical. anyway imo gina and everyone else in hollywood and the political scene and most everything are controlled...its a shell game phoney world and has been for a long time.. its only a paper moon ,hanging over a cardboard sky as the 90 year old song goes.

Jun 15, 2021 - edited Jun 15, 2021 - context

macdis added:

How stiff and unconvincing was she in that movie and "Mandalorian" or what?

Gina's character Cara Dune on The Mandalorian was a hit and a fan favorite across the political spectrum.

Of course, that was a long time ago, in a role far, far away.

Her acting couldn't have been that bad if she made so many accept her, despite being physically different

Jun 15, 2021 - context

I wouldn't be too quick to diss Natalie Portman... she displayed a better than average six pack in a few scenes in "Attack of the Clones".

Do you have any pics of her? It’s a long movie

Jun 15, 2021 - context

No, Hollywood does not get women to put on much muscle. Marvel made a big deal about Brie Larson adding muscle to play Captain Marvel. Perhaps she did but she wasn't in the least bit cut. Same with Netflix boasting about Alison Brie in "GLOW". When they do cast someone like Gina Carano in "Haywire", the problem is that they're pretty terrible actresses. How stiff and unconvincing was she in that movie and "Mandalorian" or what?

"Thor 4" will be out fairly soon and I expect that Natalie Portman will have added a few pounds of muscle but without any definition. It seems that Hollywood started and ended definition and muscularity with Linda Hamilton.

Jun 15, 2021 - context

That was a great movie

Jun 14, 2021 - edited Jun 14, 2021 - context

Virtually every male actor in Hollywood who gets ripped is using steroids. There's simply not enough lead time between productions for these guys to naturally have such dramatic shifts in physique. As a result, you never have to worry about hiring someone specifically for their physique when you can choose the best actor and then give them some chemicals. The same thing doesn't apply to women because there just aren't enough roles that call for them to get buff. It's certainly happened before (e.g. Linda Hamilton, Jessica Biel) but very few actresses are going to hurt their overall marketability to fill such a niche. That leads to studios hiring women who are already muscular and the result is usually disastrous from an acting standpoint. Then those movies fail (e.g. Haywire) and studios get the wrong message - that muscular women don't sell. If you want to see this change, then the overall climate vis-a-vis how society views muscular women has to change. Then you'll see A-list actresses who are willing to really push their physiques for a role. Otherwise, the best you can hope for is that a couple of crossfitters get a few seconds of screentime while a woman who weighs 115 pounds is the focus.

Jun 09, 2021 - edited Jun 09, 2021 - context

🎬 First of all ~ Denise Masino is an exceptionally nice lady. Second, Adventures of Miss Fit is really fun to watch. It is a documentary about real-life superheroes. These are real people that go out into the streets and fight crime. I never knew this many people like this existed (and I'm glad they do). They are everywhere. And they literally put their lives on the line everyday to protect us. And as Miss Fit becomes friends with the heros she of course becomes one of them. I won't spoil it for anyone though. But I really liked it. And Denise also brings up her Muscle Elegance publication. There's a market for it so she does it. It's that simple. I kind of look at it as someone disliking a beautiful movie or tv star because she did a Playboy photoshoot. Now which of us would do that? Anyway, the documentary is quite interesting. And Denise looks fantastic. And she's really a nice lady (she even autographed the DVD!) And the other thing I didn't know was Denise Masino has severe curvature of the spine. So she started working out. The rest is history. 😎

Jun 05, 2021 - context

This woman never ceases to amaze me. I have seen Michelle Yeoh in several movies but Supercop 2 could very well be her finest moment. This movie is all hers and she pretty much nails every scene. It always knocks me out that when I'm watching this I'm not watching a stunt double, it's really her. If anyone really wants to know what Michelle is all about then Supercop 2 would be the movie to see. And I am not even a huge martial arts movie fan. But I will watch Michelle. And maybe Cynthia Rothrock. There is some movie with both of them in it but it is outrageously expensive.

Jun 03, 2021 - context

Has to be the scene in the office of the nightclub where she knifes the Asian guy. Everson Evil in it's purest form. As good as those silver shorts are she really looks great in that black dress. But the early scene with the shoot out and the two babies is one of the bloodest scenes I've ever watched. Wow. Good movie though. 😎

I agree that Cory was a sexy evil babe especially in the black dress scene.

I wish I could find the silver shorts for sale because I would love to send some to some current fit chicks. Also I loved the way she strutted in those shorts

I also loved her black leather coat that she wore at the office

And I wish she went all the way during the frisk scene

Jun 03, 2021 - context

Has to be the scene in the office of the nightclub where she knifes the Asian guy. Everson Evil in it's purest form. As good as those silver shorts are she really looks great in that black dress. But the early scene with the shoot out and the two babies is one of the bloodest scenes I've ever watched. Wow. Good movie though. 😎

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