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Nov 14, 2021 - context

I would begin by adjusting the passenger seat of my car as close as possible to the dash. When she couldnt get comfortable, I'd make a lot of comments regarding her being such a massive example of womandom because "all my huge man friends fit with no problem."

When in line for dinner, I'd pick fights with other patrons, then point out that my life-partner could kick their ass (while pointing).

I'd order an enourmous steak for her and a salad for myself.

At the movie theater, I'd ask the cashier to give me a discount on four tickets, since two would be for her shoulders. Then start fights with other patrons, but use a flashlight to show her off (because the theater is dark).

Back at my mom's place, I'd turn on the hidden cameras in my bedroom, then measure her and get her to tell me what she can bench. Then I'd say "prove it" and drag out the weights I keep in the closet for such an occasion.

After a night of bliss, I'd awaken about 3AM and post photos and stories on the NSFW forums.

In the morning, I'd sneak her out wearing a blanket (saying I was concerned about the cold) but really because I didnt want my creepy neighbors to see me with a muscle woman.

Then I'd call/text/email her all day long asking for another date.

Nov 14, 2021 - context

Well it depends on her personality i would just ask her what she likes to do and then do it maybe go to movies or a amusement park maybe go to the beach or pool maybe go camping in the woods but i prefer to do things at home.

And how would i act i am not sure how my body would react to a woman of that calibre i think i may try too hard to please her i hope she is open minded and is willing to fulfil my fantasies but i will try to focus on her pleasure in the first time.

Nov 12, 2021 - context

Modern movies always manage to disappoint.

Nov 11, 2021 - context

Think of the film Scarface, when Tony Montana tells Manolo:" In this country, first you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girl".

Jesus H Christ. Congratulations on being yet another dude who got the completely wrong message from that movie. You do know how the movie ends, right?

Good God man, if JFKโ€™s skull was as thick as yours, he would have survived getting shot ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Oct 29, 2021 - context

I agree with the above; you don't have to overthink it. They make my dick hard. They turn me on. Whatever you wanna say. It just is. Of course there's probably some kind of different thing with everyone. I'm a natural leader in my life, a take control kind of person. So maybe I want a muscular woman to be in charge in bed. Or maybe I saw something when I was little like a movie with muscular women or just being an athlete from little on. There's so many possibilities.

Oct 15, 2021 - context

Roongtawan Jindasing [


Her father is from India and her mother is Thai. She has worked as a model and served as a police in the royal Thai police force and still an active member and teaches judo. Also have done 2 movies; Deu suay doo (2009) and Kill 'em All (2012) both movies Highly recomended, but beware she plays a bad woman ^o^

Oct 07, 2021 - context

Any movie on video about Strong woman Joan Rhoads?

Sep 17, 2021 - context

can woman lift man by throat or collar?

Not with one arm, no. That is only in the movies LOL. But with two arms and squatting down to use her legs also, a strong woman can lift a smaller man off the ground by his throat. It's not very safe though hahaha.

Sep 16, 2021 - context

Luvembuff my exact sentiments I've always liked fit chicks from old Old-school movies women in heels showing calves old Sci fi movies body suits Olympic gymnast runners etc I STILL STAY FIT AS I CAN TO CONNECT EVEN IF ITS TEMPORARY FIT WOMEN ACTUALLY MOTIVATE ME NOT TOO QUIT ๐Ÿ‘Š

Sep 11, 2021 - context

I wanna join femalemusclemovies.com but they stream I was wondering if there's a way to save the streaming movies. They look good.

Aug 30, 2021 - context

even though this is a movie scene, but her reaction looks real

Aug 27, 2021 - context

Agreed he was a great actor. Addams Family Values was his 2nd to last movie role. Right before he played M.Bison in street fighter.

Aug 27, 2021 - context

I think that may have been why they stopped the movies. They just couldn't have gone on without Gomez. And there would have no way to replace him. ๐Ÿ•ธ

Aug 26, 2021 - context

Lol. He may have. Most of the time he was just hair and glasses. Which seemed kind of insane because nobody was sure if he even had a face. He did wear hats often though. The movies seemed to center a lot on little Wednesday Addams played by Christina Ricci. An absolutely horrible little girl. She was my favorite. ๐Ÿฆ‡๐Ÿ•ท๐Ÿ•ธ

Aug 26, 2021 - context

Mattilce4, The Addams Family was an old US TV show. And two movies. A character on that show was called Cousin It. It was all hair from head to toe. And It talked like he was on crack or acid or something. People thought he was strange but I understood everything he said. He was just a free spirit.

Aug 08, 2021 - edited Aug 08, 2021 by cgsweat - context

Can anyone tell me her name please. I saw her in a short movie by Amazon Productions

Aug 07, 2021 - edited Jun 23, 2022 - context

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Aug 03, 2021 - context

I think my very first inkling that lead to absolute proof that not just a slim or fit lady was my type but a muscular build was some movie I saw on cable.

I've no idea what it was called, maybe somebody can help me out here.

It was from the 80s, I think, slightly outdated when I saw it and definitely B-movie production value. There were several fbbs in it. At least three. One was particularly hot. To be fair the other two, I had no problems with either.

I think they were on some different planet and there was some kind of war or revolution?

I stopped watching the story and just stared at the women.

Could you be thinking about the โ€œNemesisโ€ movies with Sue Price? One of the sequels (part 3?) there is a bunch of FBB cameos in addition to Sue.

Jul 30, 2021 - edited Jul 30, 2021 - context

The Rock does have Athleticon, if that's still happening. So who knows - maybe your plan may actually come to fruition.

I looked into that and it does look interesting and maybe promising, so we'll see. It would be awesome if The Rock could simply say, right out in the open, that he supports women who bodybuild. He is the most powerful influencer today, with millions of male and female fans -- for him to say something like that would do a tremendous favor toward "normalizing" fbbs. (What's he got to lose by saying it? He won't lose fans, and he'll stir up the conversation to the masses who basically heed to The Rock's every word.)

The main thing I think is to have bodybuilding competitions back on TV. With the amount of money WoS has, I certainly hope they can negotiate to bring it back on TV (why they haven't done it yet is beyond me - the owner is a multi-millonaire). When female bodybuilding was on TV back in the 90s, they were perceived in similar ways as the MMA fighters are perceived today. Fbbs were on game shows, talk shows, magazine covers, had their own TV programs etc. I don't mean to denigrate MMA but because they're on TV (and Dana White is a marketing genius), it's normalized; despite the fact that these women are in many ways more "masculine" than even some fbbs, it's mostly fine to the general public (heard more than a few times where normal guys complimented favorably the rougher looking women as "beasts" and "badass"). Hence why Ronda Rousey was in the FF movie, or why Amanda Nunes is in beer commercials, even though it's nonsensical for her to be in such commercials (what average beer consumer looks up to a muscular lesbian who can fight? At least Conor McGregor slanging Proper 12 made sense, on a stereotypical level). It's mind-boggling that homosexuals and even transexuals are becoming more and more accepted into the mainstream -- but not female bodybuilders? Strategized TV exposure and the ensuing public education from such exposure would do a lot to remedy that. It's all in the careful marketing and crafting of public opinion, something Dana White and Vince McMahon would agree with.

Jul 15, 2021 - context

That'd be more likely to be on HBO Max if we're talking the Amazons from Wonder Woman. Also, it was announced sometime ago that they would get their own movie.

Hopefully they cast Brooke EnCE in the lead role. She was the best thing about justice league

Jul 14, 2021 - context

Just make a Netflix series based on the Amazon tribe and cast Crossfitters in all the roles

That'd be more likely to be on HBO Max if we're talking the Amazons from Wonder Woman. Also, it was announced sometime ago that they would get their own movie.

Jul 14, 2021 - context

Don't forget movie stars like Cameron Diaz in her prime ๐Ÿ˜€

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