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Jan 05, 2022 - context

Being of the immensely OLDER generation, I hid my love for muscular women for many years. I had even been with a couple of girls with muscular arms and still hid my attraction. They wondered why I kept touching and feeling their arms. Eventually, I was on a blind phone date with a woman. During our phone conversation, she told me that she had previously worked at the airport loading luggage. She went on to say, she got comments about her arms all the time. Bingo!!! She opened the door and I ran through. I told her how attractive athletic or muscular women were to me. Our first date was at the movies. It was chilly, so she had on a long sleeved sweater...no chance to see her arms. Before the movie started however, she offered up her arm for me to feel and she flexed. Through the fabric I could feel a nice hard lump!!! I think I even let out a little moan as I squeezed it. We'll, she quizzed me? Nice, very nice, I told her. We'll, she smiled, I'm right handed, that's my left arm. You'll have to go on another date to feel my bigger arm. We wound up getting engaged a few months later. Female muscle is so captivating to me. She had me as soon as she flexed. She joined the same gym and really started building her arms. I was honest about my lust for female muscle, otherwise that was an opportunity that never would have grown into daily muscle worship for me. She absolutely loved what her muscles did to me!!! She rarely got a second look from guys before but because of her muscular arms, I made her feel sexy and gorgeous!

Dec 24, 2021 - context

even though this is a movie scene, but her reaction looks real

Same scene without the edits. First 3 minutes. https://youtu.be/IVJY2L4M54c

Dec 23, 2021 - context

Muscle girls in fight is my favorite thing. But I'm talking about movies, clips... simply not real fighting.

Dec 18, 2021 - context

This kinda reminds me of the old days where I'd just watch a movie becuase I saw it had a FBB in it. LOL. Anyway just saw the trailer for Legend of the White Dragon. Mayling Ng is in it and she looks badass.

Link to trailer

Apparently she was in The Scorpion King Book of Souls so now I gotta go watch that. LOL. And she was Mongal in Suicide Squad. She'd have made a good She Hulk too.

Dec 08, 2021 - context

Re: Opposing steroids in principle yet visiting sites like this...

I think high-end sports cars look great and I watch lots of violent movies with gunplay. That doesn't mean I want to see more Lambos on the road, or that I would even own one if I had billions of dollars. It doesn't mean I want to own a bunch of firearms, or snap pictures of myself acting tough. In other words, I can make a distinction between fantasy and reality.

Dec 07, 2021 - context

LOL I remember In Living Color when I was little! That’s how Jim Carrey started his acting career! It was like a s sequel to Saturday Night Live!>

Well, only one of them is black. That's the crazy thing about it though. There's such a big distinction between them. The black Pillow was in an episode of In Living Color, Martin, and she also made an appearance in the movie "Low Down Dirty Shame" starring Keenan Ivory Wayans yet you can hardly find anything on this woman. Not even her full name

Yep! That was definitely the show back then! What's even more sad is when I type her name in on here I get NOTHING of her. Not even a clip from the episode of Martin she was on. Can't really find anything about this woman. What a bummer!

Dec 03, 2021 - context

In the Stallone movie "Over the Top," which I'm sure is totally realistic, they show armwrestlers/pullers wearing elevator shoes. I'd assume there's an advantage for having a shorter arm (and the position of one's body). Weight is probably a more significant factor, and the taller you are, the more weight you can add. I remember watching Youtube videos about this form of "combat" years ago, and one of the all-time great armwrestlers was a man of unremarkable height. We've also seen professional arm-wrestlers toy with hulking bodybuilders.

As for the OP's question: I'm reasonably fit, and I'd feel confident beating the vast majority of women on this site, even if the ones who can lift more weight than me, and that's for the same reason I can throw a ball farther: they have terrible mechanics. The women who are strong and study armwrestling would destroy me. Height is a relative non-factor.

Dec 02, 2021 - context

Crass, but not without a point. Contestants and spectators pay, so, in a sense, it's fair for the winner of the show that brings in more people to earn more money. The fighters in the undercard do not get paid the same as the guys in the main event. Even the guys in main event do not get paid the same if a "name" fighter is bringing in more butts. Remuneration in the entertainment industry is different than other sectors of the economy. It's often feast or famine.

It's not reducible to sexism: Jennifer Lawrence got paid twice as much as Chris Pratt for their shitty sci-fi movie. His character had more screen time, but she was the bigger draw.

To be fair, it's a common theme in most sports. I wouldn't be surprised if female gymnasts significantly out-earn their male counterparts too.

That doesn't make it any less wrong. This system only persists because we accept the reasons that you put forth. If there was a requirement to pay FBB's the same as MBB's, you wouldn't see the sport of bodybuilding go bankrupt and fail.

You'd see a hell of a lot more effort to promote women's bodybuilding. It doesn't need to be a "tiny sideshow." It's just not a priority for the event organizers. When a sports franchise is motivated to promote something, believe me, they will.

Dec 02, 2021 - context

Why would there be even prize money? Which do you think attracts more people? Sorry but generally..womens bodybuilding is tiny sideshow. What you think the the olympia should have women get same as the open class bodybuilders? Lmao

Crass, but not without a point. Contestants and spectators pay, so, in a sense, it's fair for the winner of the show that brings in more people to earn more money. The fighters in the undercard do not get paid the same as the guys in the main event. Even the guys in main event do not get paid the same if a "name" fighter is bringing in more butts. Remuneration in the entertainment industry is different than other sectors of the economy. It's often feast or famine.

It's not reducible to sexism: Jennifer Lawrence got paid twice as much as Chris Pratt for their shitty sci-fi movie. His character had more screen time, but she was the bigger draw.

Dec 01, 2021 - context

Bodybuilding is a weird "sport". It's the only sport where steroids and PEDs are encouraged by its athletes. If we look at baseball guys like Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and Alex Rodriguez have their careers tarnished by being associated with or using steroids because it creates unfair competition. But in bodybuilding, it's necessary to achieve that perfect physique. Even with social media and fitness influencers, a lot of them are clearly on some type of steroid but some people are none the wiser and believe that they can look like The Rock if they just become the hardest worker in the room. I think because of the negative association with steroids, the public would rather sweep it under the rug when it comes to fitness influencers or movie stars preparing for roles.

I'll be honest. I'm 30 and I have been lifting since I was 15. The temptation is always there to use steroids since it is all around me not only through bodybuilding but through social media and movies. Once people acknowledge that reality, the better off we would be.

I feel you. Longtime lifter here, and it’s frustrating to see that there’s such a clear ceiling on how much you can progress naturally. It sucks I have to do something illegal in my country (U.S.) to progress.

Dec 01, 2021 - context

Bodybuilding is a weird "sport". It's the only sport where steroids and PEDs are encouraged by its athletes. If we look at baseball guys like Barry Bonds, Roger Clemens, and Alex Rodriguez have their careers tarnished by being associated with or using steroids because it creates unfair competition. But in bodybuilding, it's necessary to achieve that perfect physique. Even with social media and fitness influencers, a lot of them are clearly on some type of steroid but some people are none the wiser and believe that they can look like The Rock if they just become the hardest worker in the room. I think because of the negative association with steroids, the public would rather sweep it under the rug when it comes to fitness influencers or movie stars preparing for roles.

I'll be honest. I'm 30 and I have been lifting since I was 15. The temptation is always there to use steroids since it is all around me not only through bodybuilding but through social media and movies. Once people acknowledge that reality, the better off we would be.

Nov 29, 2021 - context

I would begin by adjusting the passenger seat of my car as close as possible to the dash. When she couldnt get comfortable, I'd make a lot of comments regarding her being such a massive example of womandom because "all my huge man friends fit with no problem."

When in line for dinner, I'd pick fights with other patrons, then point out that my life-partner could kick their ass (while pointing).

I'd order an enourmous steak for her and a salad for myself.

At the movie theater, I'd ask the cashier to give me a discount on four tickets, since two would be for her shoulders. Then start fights with other patrons, but use a flashlight to show her off (because the theater is dark).

Back at my mom's place, I'd turn on the hidden cameras in my bedroom, then measure her and get her to tell me what she can bench. Then I'd say "prove it" and drag out the weights I keep in the closet for such an occasion.

After a night of bliss, I'd awaken about 3AM and post photos and stories on the NSFW forums.

In the morning, I'd sneak her out wearing a blanket (saying I was concerned about the cold) but really because I didnt want my creepy neighbors to see me with a muscle woman.

Then I'd call/text/email her all day long asking for another date.

Now that sounds like romance. 😂😜🤫

Nov 27, 2021 - context

Holly Hunter when she portrayed Billie Jean King. She did a nice flex in that movie. Sorry I don't have a picture.

Nov 27, 2021 - context

That’s interesting! I’ve heard of Pillow, BUT if you ask me, I think both women of color are awesome HAHAHA. That might be why her nickname is popular as well.😊👊🏾🌹>

His channel was one of the only sources that actually discussed the Pillow dichotomy. Most people always thought there was one FBB named Pillow when in actuality there was also a black FBB named Pillow who was an actor that made appearances in TV shows and movies back in the 90s. She was only credited as "Pillow" and had no competitive history. Probably why she's not heavily acknowledged in the community because there's not much info to dig up on her.

Well, only one of them is black. That's the crazy thing about it though. There's such a big distinction between them. The black Pillow was in an episode of In Living Color, Martin, and she also made an appearance in the movie "Low Down Dirty Shame" starring Keenan Ivory Wayans yet you can hardly find anything on this woman. Not even her full name

Nov 26, 2021 - context

Another YouTube channel to check out is Dr Showbiz Bodybuilder! He’s my friend and used to compete in a national shows too! He posts retro bodybuilding shows and fitness shows too. He’s awesome! https://youtu.be/qJVx8gi0MWU

His channel was one of the only sources that actually discussed the Pillow dichotomy. Most people always thought there was one FBB named Pillow when in actuality there was also a black FBB named Pillow who was an actor that made appearances in TV shows and movies back in the 90s. She was only credited as "Pillow" and had no competitive history. Probably why she's not heavily acknowledged in the community because there's not much info to dig up on her.

Nov 24, 2021 - context

I randomly saw an article today from the summer where Zack Snyder said he wanted to make a female version of "The Wrestler" but with a female housewife becoming a bodybuilder. Said he would cast Amy Adams in the role. I honestly think Natalie Portman, being a bit younger, would be perfect for something like that.

Regardless, I hope that movie gets made!

Well, I do remember reading somewhere that Amy Adams' mother was a semi-pro bodybuilder in her 30s, so...

Nov 24, 2021 - context

I hear Natalie Portman got jacked for the Thor movie would love to see that!

I randomly saw an article today from the summer where Zack Snyder said he wanted to make a female version of "The Wrestler" but with a female housewife becoming a bodybuilder. Said he would cast Amy Adams in the role. I honestly think Natalie Portman, being a bit younger, would be perfect for something like that.

Regardless, I hope that movie gets made!

Nov 24, 2021 - context

I hear Natalie Portman got jacked for the Thor movie would love to see that!

Nov 22, 2021 - context

Strong female superheroes tend to come in three flavors: no muscle/normie athletic despite strength level, believably big (depending on the artist and character), and comically huge. The first one is the only category that translates well to live-action by virtue of being the easiest to cast. The third is rare and would solely be in the realm of animation so that's mainly down to finding a mocap actress. The second is where you always have the most trouble.

Look at DC's Power Girl for example. The best renditions of her have her bulky in a larger-than-life way. So there are women on this site that fit the bill, but can they act? Have their voices been wrecked by chems? It's a real conundrum: your goal is to get asses in seats and turn a profit. Do you risk turning off audiences by hiring someone that looks the part but can't act and is potentially unpleasant to listen to? Do you get someone that can act but is almost a foot shorter than the character and far too thin? Or do you just write her out of the hypothetical JSA movie entirely?

I don't think they've done justice to high strength level superheroines yet. There aren't very many on screen, come to think of it. Gal Gadot was an awful fit for Wonder Woman I feel, and She-Hulk's trailer isn't really giving me hope, especially considering how they changed Titania. As much as I hate to say it, I can't think of anyone that even can do the characters justice in all the ways that count, and that's kind of depressing. I'm just an old jaded comic nerd though.

Nov 16, 2021 - context

Ideally? What I'd do with any other woman. Take her to dinner, maybe a movie or a show, or just stroll around town and talk.

Realistically? I'd be in the gym spotting her lifts because she's 10 weeks out, doesn't have time for that shit, and can't eat anything besides her meal preps anyway.

Nov 15, 2021 - edited Nov 15, 2021 - context

I think this si the most accurate assessment. I think if you’re someone who not really into the fitness realm or have much knowledge about training, it’s going to come across as quite a shock when you find out how restrictive a female bodybuilder or muscular’s woman’s lifestyle is. They have to spend a lot of time at the gym, you can’t really go out for drinks or crappy food often and late nights out probably won’t happen because you need a lot of sleep to recover from those intense training session.

Also, more along the lines of kind and BDSM, I find that among people like us who are attracted to buff women, there is a bit of a preconceived notion that a woman showing off a display of strength and power means that are interested in taking on a “domme”role where they’re aggressive, dominant and have a desire to overpower men. The reality is: that might not be as common as what is perceived, and I think if a “schmoe” who has a preconceived notion that a muscular woman they meet is going to own the shit out of them, they might be disappointed if said woman has no interest or desire at taking on that “dominant” role. A lot of strong and fit women I know don’t give a shit that they’re stronger than an average dude, and they don’t look down at dudes who can’t lift as much as them. Rather, they only do their sport for a love of it. I think the chances of disappointment won’t really come from the physique itself if you see it in person, but if the guy also is interested in a dominant attitude to go with the muscled physique, it will come more from that specific fantasy not coming true.

Yes! Society really wants us all to believe that female body builders are Dominate and gay (penis envy?) but it's just not true I've found that the majority of them are girly and bodybuilding only helps heighten their femininity not take away from it, some may feel the opposite of course but the majority treat competitions like victoria secret beauty pageants..

Then there's the "female body builders are lesbians" bs, ask your self this, how many lesbians do you know irl over the age of 20 that have interest in fitness compared to hetero sexual women? I live in the city and have seen many FB fitness related groups for women spring up over the years and the truth is 90% of the women that join these groups were there to either impress their man or find one, many of them regular mom types with zero dom bones in them. I swear the only reason why people believe bodybuilding is a queer activity is because of how many gay girls dominate female sports in college/highschool and movies, it's quiet strange and unrealistic.

Nov 15, 2021 - context

True, but they're also never gonna use anyone who isn't an ACTOR. I don't get why nobody seems to get that. This isn't a made for TV movie here.

Female bodybuilding is not mainstream. It's a niche interest. Hollywood needs actually actors not female bodybuilders that will gross out the audience with their looks and the way they sound. If somebody wants to make a She Hulk fan film than they can hire a female bodybuilder to do it.

Nov 15, 2021 - context

I hate to say this but Disney wants someone with a feminine voice to play She-Hulk. I don't think Disney had a female bodybuilder in mind to play She-Hulk who would most likely have a deep voice.

True, but they're also never gonna use anyone who isn't an ACTOR. I don't get why nobody seems to get that. This isn't a made for TV movie here.

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