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Feb 08, 2022 - context

Terrible movie writing-wise, Luisa is by FAR the best part.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

The director was probably going for a grittier and harsher look to fit the theme of the movie. Not to discredit the bodybuilder they did use as I'm sure she's normally at least decently attractive, but in the trailer she looked fairly rough in some of the scenes.

Yeah, and I'm sure they went throught a lot of woman during the auditions, and probably she was the best choice considering the look, and decent acting skills

Jan 30, 2022 - context

I think my choice would be something like her, in the pics I attached. A more feminine bodybuilder would be a better representation and all in all a reason for a wider audience.

The director was probably going for a grittier and harsher look to fit the theme of the movie. Not to discredit the bodybuilder they did use as I'm sure she's normally at least decently attractive, but in the trailer she looked fairly rough in some of the scenes.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

Here is another girl who's gonna appear in the movie,some backstage shots. Tbh I dont have any problem with the main character, but IF I would've got the change to make the casting, I think my choice would be something like her, in the pics I attached. A more feminine bodybuilder would be a better representation and all in all a reason for a wider audience.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

The only type of female bodybuilding movie that I will watch involves a housewife that gets a new hobby which is bodybuilding and gets addicted to it and we see her awesome muscular evolution on screen as she progress and eventually wins the local competition.

So..."Getting Physical"? A film that desperately needs a remake imho.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

If you're an FBB you're gonna get 3 roles in a movie.

  1. Most common, you're the buff henchwoman (see Cory Everson Double Impact). Man I loved that part where Cory dominated the other chick in that leather getup!

  2. You're the punchline in a comedy. A dude thought he was picking up a not buff lady at a bar. Surprise, she was a FBB the whole time!

  3. I'm adding a new category with movies like this and Pearl. It shows the struggles beyond the fantasy and shows us the darker seedy side of bodybuilding and how it can be a coping thing, going against societal expectations, etc etc.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

Reminds me of the book "Chemical pink", which was going to be made into a movie, but never happened.

Wanted to like that book, but oof, the writing was not great. Wasn’t expecting Hemingway, but I gave up a quarter of the way into the novel.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

Where can I watch the movie?

I think it picked up a distributor from the festival, possibly? So, it might get some sort of release this year.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

The only type of female bodybuilding movie that I will watch involves a housewife that gets a new hobby which is bodybuilding and gets addicted to it and we see her awesome muscular evolution on screen as she progress and eventually wins the local competition.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

Where can I watch the movie?

Jan 30, 2022 - context

Reminds me of the book "Chemical pink", which was going to be made into a movie, but never happened.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

The Nemesis movies did have at least some gratuitous FBB nudity.

Jan 30, 2022 - context

Shemale ??

That's what you got out of that? One word? I'm sure even if you watched the full movie you'd only say this one word lol.

Jan 29, 2022 - context

Love this thread.

While I am only interested in women romantically, I have alway been sexually attracted to muscle and strength on both women and men.

Especially seeing really strong guys Dominate other men with brute strength. I remember as a kid watching the old hecules movies, and loved those scenes with strength feats. Like when Lou Ferigino lifted this huge log and then proceeded to crush a half dusin men against a wall....

I would love to chat with other guys who are into the same.

Jan 29, 2022 - context

I have to say the Luisa character is really the only good thing about the movie, it's pretty awful.

Would be nice to a non-animated movie/series with a real female bodybuilder who can actually act, but that's probably asking too much.

Jan 28, 2022 - context

I still have yet to write about my multiple experiences arm wrestling females throughout my life, but those are for the arm wrestling thread. A non arm wrestling experience with female strength stands out from when I was in 5th grade. A green-eyed blonde named "Katie." I am unsure if that was her real name or her American name since she was from Europe and her dad played professional soccer. She called herself "big boned" and she was built larger than the rest of us, but she was not fat! I remember she was quite animated when she would talk and she would move her arms; and I could see visible expansion whenever she would bend them.

My first experience with her was a back to school weekend party. I still had no idea who she was back then, and this was my first year at this new school. The party was at a local park with a pond and grass fields for games like water balloon fights, etc and there was BBQ for food. I remember standing with a group of boys talking about whatever toy or cartoon that was popular when suddenly I felt someone wrap their arms around me from behind, pick me up and swing me back and forth! The other boys ran away, and I panicked because I came from a school where bullies ran rampant, so this felt like an attack from a bully, and the boys running away confirmed it. I squirmed myself free and ran toward the other boys who were all laughing. We calmed down enough to fall back into our routine, when she did it again, this time to a skinny blond boy. She didn't sneak up either...she just confidently and quickly walked up, put her arms around him and lifted him up swinging him back and forth. I panicked again and grabbed an egg and threw it at her and ran away. I heard her scream in disgust. Some of the boys told me later that she was really upset and was out to get me, so I had my guard up looking for her. I was a skinny kid, but I was fast, and have outrun plenty of bullies before, but I never had to deal with a female bully. I remember I had a chocolate flavor tootsie pop, my favorite, and one of the more difficult flavors to find, and I was enjoying it by myself when Katie charged at me trying to smash an egg on my head! I took off running, and she chased me! I ran all the way around the pond with her slowly falling back. I thought she gave up, so I quit running and tried to retreat to a more remote area when she caught up to me and tried to grab me so she could throw water balloons at me with her friends. I spun around quickly and with my tootsie pop, I smacked her on the head as hard as I could. She screamed "OW" and let me go, and I took off again. I looked at my lollipop and saw it covered in blonde hair so I threw it away, upset that I never got to the tootsie roll center.

At school, she left me alone, but she let me know that there was a big lump on her head after I hit her with my lollipop. I told her that she put her hair all over it and I had to throw away my favorite flavor. She looked at me as if to say "I guess we're even" but no more words were exchanged. She did her lift and swing move to me one more time before she settled on the skinny blonde boy to repeatedly pick on. She would grab him and swing him around like a rag doll multiple times a week. He told me he hated it but theres nothing you can do once she has you in the air.

Looking back, I don't believe there was any malice involved. I think she may have been at the age where she started to like boys but didn't know how to express it. At that age, boys haven't noticed girls yet, so it's easy to interpret her actions as hostile. The skinny blond boy was one of the more popular kids so that's probably why she gave him so much attention. She stopped picking up any boy when the skinny blond kid kicked her while she was swinging him. He was just kicking, hoping he would connect, and he did, and she immediately dropped him. Everything stopped. The boys went to one side, the girls went to another side. Eventually, we acted like nothing happened, and everything went back to normal, only Katie no longer would pick up the boys.

There was physical fitness testing, and while I don't remember how Katie did, there was a kid named John who did 6 pullups, the most of anyone in the class. He was a very athletic kid, and was always showing off something physical he could do. One time in class, we were doing a rehearsal for some event, and I noticed Katie and John in a nearby corner talking about something. I looked over at the perfect time. Katie rolled up her sleeve and flexed a HUGE bicep. She said "Look at that. That's a GIRL!" John was both impressed and intimidated. He flexed his arm, but did not roll up his sleeve and I saw him squeeze his bicep with his other hand. He didn't give her eye contact after that. This confirmed what I already knew. That her biceps were huge, and bigger than the strongest boy in class. I was both scared of her and intrigued.

One more event with her that I remember was the blond boy had a birthday party at his house, and one of the activities was a scavenger hunt. She was on my team, wearing a tank top, and at one of the stops she put her hands behind her head and stretched out. You know the pose. Not only were her arms big, but there were peaks on those biceps! I looked, but couldn't believe what I was seeing, and she wasn't even flexing very hard! Later, I went with the boys and said "Katie was all like this" and tried to mimic the pose as if to make fun of her, but the boys didn't really care. The girls left the party early and the boys got together and watched a movie with naughty language. We later had wrestling matches and one kid got wasted by this other kid who used to go to our school. I didn't know him. I began thinking what if Katie had wrestled him. He might have ended up like the poor kid who almost was knocked out. We had to stop after that.

Katie did not return to 6th grade. I checked the soccer roster for her dad. I guess they went back to Europe.

Jan 27, 2022 - context

It was a multi-lane question, actually. I have a mythical understanding of TKD - even with the kicks - and aikido as being more self-defense arts/sports rather than being combat sports. I only asked this question to one other TKD practitioner before and her answer was a similar to yours - "I can fight if I have to, but I'm not a fighter" - meaning, she could defend herself in a dangerous situation, but despite being a champion forms competitor, she could never envision herself being a combat fighter.

I see. Again I was 12 when I started and growing up I always liked old Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan movies, and so I thought it would be cool to be able to fight like them. The instructor I had was more focused on self defense, as well as the importance of form when doing each move, and so that got instilled into me. Now I'm out of practice, although I'd like to think the muscle memory is still there.

Jan 25, 2022 - context

Watched this a few nights ago. Apparently the animators had to really fight for Luisa's design. It was a pretty good movie, and what can I say once in a blue you grt a craving for a Disney movie.

She had a pretty good song I have to say. Poor Luisa. She just wanted a break! Maybe the way to a muscular woman's heart is helping her to take a load off now and then.

Jan 25, 2022 - context

Yes, "Encanto" is an animated film, but I think the non-fantasy implications are possibly worthy of serious dialogue. I saw a few posts in the cartoon thread, but there's more at work with this film, IMO. Am I the only one who thinks this way?

I'm old enough to remember the on-screen muscles Linda Hamilton and Angela Bassett inspiring countless conversations among (then) new-age women about their incredible physiques, which resulted in many thousands of American women gaining an interest in something they'd never thought of before: developing their own "show" muscles.

As much as "art is life", art also influences life. Now, I haven't heard any random conversations about "Encanto", but I did enjoy it and I was impressed that the director did not shy away from or try to downplay Luisa's super strength. That sort of took me to a place when decades ago, many girls I knew were ashamed of being "too strong" - as if such a thing exists - and would often try to avoid situations where their great strength might become apparent. I grew up in a farm town, for crying out loud. lol

A fellow female muscle fan suggested I check out this movie and I'm glad I did. I hope some of you will, too.

Jan 24, 2022 - context

AMMAN , JORDAN )) The Land of Dead sea and Petra )) Also let me mention the land of filming many movies like The martian , Indiana jones , Transformers , Aladdin , Star wars and many more lol :))

Jan 19, 2022 - edited Jan 19, 2022 - context

They ought to take these stories of emotional lows overcome through bodybuilding, make a movie out of it, and show it every Christmas on Hallmark.

Jan 15, 2022 - edited Jan 15, 2022 - context

Well, while maybe the new Cindy Phillips or Dani Reardon will still be a rarity I guess, pretty sure the average level of fitness on women has been rising a lot in these last years.

Women started playing sports that used to be a male only place, there's more social acceptance about strong women, on movies as well they are having always more a badass role, on socials flexing muscles and working out is not a tabu anymore. Tiktok, the last social who became the most popular is boosting this process, it's full of young girls proud of being very strong and even sometimes even more proud to be considered "freak" for having muscles.

Indeed, having muscles for a woman is not yet the most common thing, but way way better and more popular than in the past years. And I'm guessing the trend in rising exponentially.

Btw, I'm not talking about big body builders, I think they will always be a niece, but for sure being stronger, healthier, and having visible muscles, is a trend thing and I don't see any reason why this process should change.

Jan 13, 2022 - context

I think my very first inkling that lead to absolute proof that not just a slim or fit lady was my type but a muscular build was some movie I saw on cable.

I've no idea what it was called, maybe somebody can help me out here.

It was from the 80s, I think, slightly outdated when I saw it and definitely B-movie production value. There were several fbbs in it. At least three. One was particularly hot. To be fair the other two, I had no problems with either.

I think they were on some different planet and there was some kind of war or revolution?

I stopped watching the story and just stared at the women.

I'm pretty sure that was Nemesis 2 with Sue Price.

Jan 13, 2022 - context

Where can you download this movie of debby bramwell

Jan 10, 2022 - context

If you are after martial art movies, look up all the movies starring Yanin "Jeeja" Vismitananda. One of my dreams is to be knocked out cold by her.

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