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Feb 15, 2010 - context
I agree with poolshark - most polls on this site has a deranged quality to them and are not fair.  This one is not nearly as crazy as most (aside from the dual inclusion of tickle torture hehe), but does not allow voters to submit a realistic or dissenting opinion either.  What this poll does illustrate, however, is the common thread that is present throughout the site:  namely, that appreciation of muscular women and a desire to be dominated are *extremely* closely linked.  Even those of us, like one of the commenters above, who don't want to be: dominated in terms of physical overpowering, wrestling, scissoring, getting a severe beat down, or in the rare instance, of being tickled until we can't take it anymore - we still want to be made to feel WEAK in some sense.  Knowing she can lift more weight, or perform an amazing feat of strength.  Whatever the case may be, I personally am of the opinion that it is better (healthier) to own up to that psychological fact of what's going on.  You can even continue to like it - kinda hard to stop once you do - but delve into the reasons WHY.  And remember, that ultimately, no matter how great the woman you admire is or even the woman you date etc - you still have to live YOUR LIFE...let me repeat that: YOUR LIFE to the fullest.  You cannot live vicariously through anyone else, no matter how incredible they may seem to be.  Simple example of this:  you admire a woman with muscles, her hard work, her dedication, her strength, her spirit, her beauty.  OK, great, that's fine to appreciate others - but what's next?  Go to the gym and exhibit all these virtues that you admire in her.  And it's fine if you want to be dominated in the privacy of your bedroom or get tickled until you pee (actually, I'm still not sure about that:-P) - but  let it be a mere hobby and not your end all. What I mean is, you still need to make yourself a MAN who is capable of leading a full, rich, powerful life of substance.  Perpetual emasculation is no way to live.
Feb 15, 2010 - context
@wgonzo - I refer you to the True Stories thread in the Stories section of the forum if you'd like to tell us more about your friend.  And if you could post a pic of her calves, that would be awesome too.  Thanks man. :)
Feb 14, 2010 - context
"None of the above" should be one of the choices in most of these polls. Without it, one is faced with not voting at all or choosing one of the choices that might be close but no cigar-kinda like some political choices we are forced to make when you do your duty and show up to vote.
Feb 12, 2010 - context
Yeah.... I've never really been so much into the idea that I'd be tortured/abused/injured or what-not, and even "tickle-torture" isn't really something I'd look forward to receiving from a woman.

I'd be way more into a woman showing off her strength to me in other ways.  (Like one woman I know used to be able to pick up the back end of her car.  That was cool to see.  Or another woman my buddy used to hang out with was able to leg-press a full stack of weights on the Universal machine at their apartment's clubhouse.)
Feb 10, 2010 - context

I used google translate - never do that :)

I would have said that I looked at her biceps and then her forearms - wrists. That might make me look strange in the real world but I'm sure that in here people understand  :D

Let's hope there is hope for Joe :)
Feb 10, 2010 - context
In response to liftmedk:

so you look at her biceps AND her arms eh?  no calves or legs?  :-P  and actually, i'm 6'0" and of average/slightly athletic build (around 207lbs).  I'm not ripped, and definitely not a bodybuilder - so, no there is hope for average Joe's of the world!  I do however, workout, and my goal is to get a 6-pack of my own.  As far as luck with the ladies, I believe it's more a matter of confidence and actively pursuing your dream girl.  I have a friend who is quite overweight (around 260) and has gotten all kinds of chicks!  Granted, he's not into muscular ones, but attractive girls nonetheless.  So, even though we're hung up on the women's physiques, it's crucial not to confound that with what they're looking for.  Sure they might like a guy who's in shape - or they might not care as long as they're treated decently.

Feb 09, 2010 - context


MuscleMaster - I guess that you're big and strong. And so perhaps it's normal that you can tell people that you like strong and well-trained women. But if you look like me, a little too thick on the stomach and a little too thin everywhere else, it can be very difficult to say that you like muscular women  :D

I've never told my parents, I've never told my girlfriend. I tried to tell a friend once that I loved girls with muscles. I started with a little muscle on a girl. Didn't wanna scare him, but he didn't understand - so left the subject pretty fast.

No one at work or other friends has a clue about this site or any of the other sites. They would never understand I think. If I said at work that when I look at a woman I look at:
1. her biceps
2. her arms
3. her face
4. her tits
5. her ass
People would think I'm too strange  ;D ;D

I would love to be able to look at GWM or any other sites with friends. Being able to say that Colette Nelson is better looking than Sandra Bullock etc. :)

But, thank god we have internet so we can talk about it here.
Feb 09, 2010 - context
Confused as to how tickle torture made the list (doubly so at the fact that it made it on there TWICE).  Pretty sure I've never seen this mentioned in the same breath as domination or female muscle before.  I like the idea of receiving a severe beating, but competitive or semi-competitive wrestling would probably be the only thing I'd actually want to physically try.  Something about the scissoring technique, be it of the head or torso variety, never had much appeal to me - seems cheesy I guess, though I understand the idea of being crushed could be exciting...
Feb 09, 2010 - context
Female muscle love is a pretty secretive affair, aside from one segment I saw on a talk show about some guy that travels and spends thousands of dollars on sessions with female bodybuilders. Does anyone here have close friends, immediate family, or relatives that know about their love for female muscle? If so, what are their reactions and/or opinions?
I have spent my whole life keeping my obsession a secret from my parents when I was a kid, and now my friends and girlfriends as an adult. Let me know what you think.


You raise an interesting point regarding the taboo status of feminine muscularity (often equated with masculinity).  The more muscular the woman, the the smaller the proportion of the population will accept her (let alone find her attractive/beautiful).  The reason I throw this in there is because if you merely like someone like Kiana Tom with well toned muscles, but still very petite and traditional in appearance, then I see no issue in you "coming out" to anyone about your preference for this aesthetic.  On the other hand, if you particularly appreciate large fbb's, you may be in for a slightly harsher reception.  The good news is, that family and friends won't think much differently of you - if at all.  Telling your girlfriend, however, is a much dicier proposition.  If she's muscular she could think that you "only" like her for that reason and most woman don't want to be fetishized within a relationship.  On the other hand, if she's not muscular, she most likely won't take up bodybuilding or steroids for you, and may develop insecurities about her appearance.

With regard to your example of the guy that spends a lot of money - I think there is a very underground and relatively small subculture of men who are willing to pay good money to be dominated or otherwise enjoy the company of extraordinarily muscular women.  In my opinion and experience though, the transactions are exclusively known to the service provider and the recipient.  I'm not saying it's a form of prostitution, but I think it's more or less done on a similarly low-key basis, usually in the privacy of a hotel room, dungeon, or the like.

As for my personal practices:
(1)  Family:  Found out via "busting" me with pictures of thousands of muscular babes on the computer (oops), but really didn't say much or treat me differently.  My dad mocked me about it once or twice, which looking back was pretty funny, because he was mimicking flexing poses and making sound effects.
(2)  Friends:  I'm pretty open with friends, and have never received even the slightest criticism about my preference.  I say I like athletic girls and explain that a 6-pack on a girl is awesome to me, etc.  Some guys will differ and say something like "I like a flat stomach, but no abs."  A few have agreed that athletic girls are awesome.  When push comes to shove, a lot of guys do appreciate at least a girl with abs.  My last roommate had a poster of Jamie Eason who is a fitness model.  I never went into depth about muscle babes with him, but chances are he'd be down for a fit chick, too.  I mention this because what are the chances of two random students who both like it being randomly assigned to live together?  That indicates it may not be as uncommon as we often think.
(3)  Girls:  In this situation, I merely say I like a girl who is athletic upfront, but without placing huge emphasis on the matter.  I'll say that I like abs on a girl too.  I rarely get into more detail than that, but occasionally have asked for a flex.  I never make it a big deal though.  So far, this open but played-down approach has helped me date several muscular chicks - something you have to experience - you deserve it!
Feb 07, 2010 - context
I simply wouldn't like to be dominated. xD really..
Feb 07, 2010 - context
Yep, was in love with Kiana and Cory Everson too. Good stuff
Feb 07, 2010 - context
If pressed, I will say I like athletic girls and leave it at that. 

No one knows I've been sexually aroused by fitness/figure babes since I was a young teen watching Kiana on Bodyshaping
Feb 07, 2010 - context
 i do tell people friends etc. i am not ashamed. i love female muscle. i think jesus put that sexual desire for muscle women in me.
Feb 07, 2010 - context
I let my wife know when I first met her that I had a weakness for strong women. She has accepted it and so long as I don't let it consume me (i.e. spending too much time on sites like this) she has been rather tolerant of it. So far, so good...
Feb 06, 2010 - context
Most of these things would suck, but if it means the chance to rub up a girls thick, hard muscles, it might be worth it.
Feb 05, 2010 - context
Female muscle love is a pretty secretive affair, aside from one segment I saw on a talk show about some guy that travels and spends thousands of dollars on sessions with female bodybuilders. Does anyone here have close friends, immediate family, or relatives that know about their love for female muscle? If so, what are their reactions and/or opinions?
I have spent my whole life keeping my obsession a secret from my parents when I was a kid, and now my friends and girlfriends as an adult. Let me know what you think.
Feb 05, 2010 - context
Touche' ;)
Feb 05, 2010 - context
Well played, sir.
Feb 05, 2010 - context
When I see a fat woman, I'd like to think there are several slender women trying to get out. 
Feb 04, 2010 - context
Don't hate... it drags everyone down :-[ Whenever I see a "fat" woman, I like to think that there's a slender woman wanting to come out.
Feb 03, 2010 - context
Me too - it's just a preference, for me anyway.  I love all women.

I don't.  I hate fatties.
Feb 03, 2010 - context
I don't think being attracted to female muscle is any different than being turned on by a big bust etc...so I reject the "fetish" label.

Me too - it's just a preference, for me anyway.  I love all women.
Feb 02, 2010 - context
I just wanted to tell my story. I feel odd because I hear my buddies and other guys talking about girls chests and butts all the time. It seems as if those are the two main points of attractiveness about women these days, other than their face. While I do get very turned on when I see a hot "36X42X36" girl I get much more turned on when I see a fit or muscular girl in person. This is a little embarrasing but at first I thought it meant I had gay tendencies. That's not at all true, I've learned. Anyway, I remember in late elementary school years when certain activities like climbing wall and stuff showed that the two strongest kids in my class were girls. In High school I had a close friend who played lacrosse and was pretty muscular for a high school girl. She was much bigger than me, and a little heavy set around the waist. The only thing that ever happened was she asked me to feel her calves one time. Those are two events that I can remember that hooked me on muscle girls. It's funny, I think feet worship and bondage and stuff like that is so gross. I assume there are guys that find girls with any muscle repulsive. I should have payed more attention in psychology.  :)
Jan 21, 2010 - context
Jessica Duran's Myspace page is mostly about partying.  However, as far as I know, she is still a Division I track athlete.  And you can see her biceps pretty clearly in the photo.  But I agree that she looked her best in high school.
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