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Jun 25, 2011 - context
Just a bit of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm, no offense intended :-\
Jun 24, 2011 - context
Wow mixed response, I was hesitating about sharing this stuff with you guys...I still don't know if it was right, Im glad some of you responded in a constructive way of manner, but also some of you, geez, go drown yourself in your own miserableness! The thing is that I am still in contact with my ex. I love her alot, but we were just at two different places in life.
Jun 24, 2011 - context
I guess to have a relationship like that, it would help greatly if you both shared the same lifestyle. A bit like Dana Linn Bailey and her husband; both gym rats. But to say that dating muscular women is hard work and probably not worth the effort based on one failed relationship, is like saying "Damn, that pair of shoes were really uncomfortable. I don't think I'm going to buy any more. I'll just dream of having a comfortable pair."

What I'm trying to say is don't give up.  :)

Everyone is different.
Jun 24, 2011 - context
Good to hear from you again Xan, and I'm sorry your relationship didn't work out.

Hope to see you more around these parts!
Jun 23, 2011 - context
Wait a minute! You mean to say that it's NOT a fantasy? :o Geez, and here I was thinking all along that all this eye candy was only just for fantasy purposes :P Thanks for bursting my bubble :'(
Jun 23, 2011 - context
Thank you, Dr. Phil. 
Jun 22, 2011 - context
Hello people.

I know a lot of you know I was dating a muscular girl, I did for many years and then we broke up before 2011, we then started dating again in the start of may, I was happy because I had missed her, I of course also missed her muscles. BUT it is not all, believe me guys, it is great to have a muscular girl, but it is not that far from fantasy. And I was the one dumping her at the end, because of problems in our relationship.

I just wanted to say that, that our fantasy is a good thing, we have an imagination of what it would be like to be with a great muscular girl, it is great, believe me, but there are also a lot of problems following it. They are special people who can not just sit back and relax. I wont exclude muscular girls  in the future, but I have learned for sure, that looks isn't everything. And our imagination is a great thing, and often doesn't match the reality, so maybe it's better to keep it as a imaginarium.
ace of spades
May 23, 2011 - context
Really cute girl! I think i'd try and persuade her to give me her number! lol
May 22, 2011 - context
SWEET! :D Who wouldn't want a cute gal like that to give them a hug, regardless if she could crack a rib or two...
May 22, 2011 - context
How would you have reacted if you were one of the guys?  :o

I would assume that she knew me and that I was just being forgetful, and I would let her hug me (of course).
May 21, 2011 - context
I'd keep walking around the block. LOL
May 21, 2011 - context
How would you have reacted if you were one of the guys?  :o
May 21, 2011 - context
welcome to the forum Air ;)

nice video, LOL ;D
May 21, 2011 - context
Girl with some very impressive arms gives some bear hugs to the men in the street  ;D


What do you think about this?  8)
thomas hendrix
May 01, 2011 - context
Her squat is probably more competitive than her bench.
Yep, but do you think she could bench considerably weight?
Apr 23, 2011 - context
Yeah, good research and info ...  and I agree.  She obviously wants to leave that part of her life behind, so it's not very cool of some web site to link the porn part to the bodybuilding part like that (unless she consented to it, which sounds pretty unlikely).

On the whole though?  I don't know if I buy 100% into her claims either, that the porn industry is full of only unhappy people who have to resort to drugs or alcohol to numb the pain of what they're doing.  Sure, that CAN be the case.  But I've known people who worked as exotic dancers for years (not a whole lot different really -- and lots of crossover between those two careers), AND a couple women who did amateur porns at least a few times.   I think some of them would tell a very different story.

It's like a lot of things...  If you wind up doing it simply because your life is miserable and it's the only obvious avenue left to earn the kind of money you need to get out of your financial hole?  You're probably NOT going to enjoy it much.  On the other hand, some women simply realize they're very physically attractive and start thinking, "Hey...  If so many guys are always staring at me and trying to get me to strip naked for them anyway?  I should make some cash out of this, before I get too old to do it anymore!"  I knew one stripper, for example, who was working at McDonalds before that.  She simply realized that "Hey, why flip burgers when I can dance at night instead and make WAY more money, tax-free?"  She was comfortable with her body and it was just something to do while she was going through school.

But yeah, the atmosphere you're putting yourself in when you do any of this stuff is generally a "Let's party and get crazy!" one, which encourages alcohol or drug use.  You have to be able to say "No thanks...." and pass on that stuff when it's waved in your face, and some people can't do that.
Apr 22, 2011 - context
Personally, I wouldn't ask her for a flexing photo. If you're friends with her on facebook, she might find a request like that a little creepy and "unfriend" you. Just enjoy the photos that she's posted. Your call though.
Apr 22, 2011 - context
Long first post, but a good one  :)
Apr 21, 2011 - context
I know one girl,I want to ask her on facebook for flexing photo.
She does not gives photo to unkown people, how I should ask her for it? ;)
Apr 21, 2011 - context
Hi people,

I've been browsing this site for a while now, and registered yesterday to comment on this photo
" class="bbc_link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
, as I thought Zuzana from bodyrock.tv was being mixed up with Susana Spears, the porn star.

Then I did a bit of googling, and realised that Zuzana is actually Susana Spears. I was blown away! Wow!

I then read this interview, where Zuzana talks about her history in porn: http://www.bodyrock.tv/2011/01/04/my-interview/

In particular these bits:

When you see these girls in the pictures smiling almost like they are happy having their clothes off and being exposed like this – it is the biggest lie of all. I have never met a single girl who was happy to be doing that job. Contrary to popular belief these girls don’t make a lot money doing this and they end up broken inside and left with no self-confidence or feelings of self worth. Many of them turn to drugs and alcohol to help numb the pain.
I finally got the courage to stop and change my life when I hit the bottom. I was in debt, I was completely emotionally broken and on the verge of being an alcoholic which is something that scared me because my father is a raging alcoholic and I didn’t want to end up like that. I quit everything and told myself that I had to push through no matter what. I didn’t want to continue my life the way it was, but I didn’t want to give up living either. When you know that you have to make a major shift in your life it is always terrifying and that’s why many people get stuck in the darkness, because they feel safe in the familiar even if that reality is killing them slowly. So I quit and that was years ago. I have absolutely nothing to do with it anymore and I am not profiting from it in any way. I have a dream about doing something to help stop the cycle of exploitation that feeds on these young girls and destroys their lives.

That made me pretty sad, and seeing this made me mad:

That's a picture from one of Zuzana's recent exercise videos, being used on an "official Susana Spears blog". I imagine it's being used without her consent, on a website possible run by the same people she tried so hard to get away from.

Anyway, getting to the point of my post, it seems that Zuzana has had a painful past life and is trying to leave that life behind her. She's got a fantastic body, and deserves to be posted to GWM. But I'd suggest retagging the photos with the name she chooses to go by now - Zuzana Light.

What say you?

Phew, long first post from me! Thanks for listening!
Apr 21, 2011 - context
Do you honestly think she does either?  o.0
Apr 20, 2011 - context
Her squat is probably more competitive than her bench.
Mar 20, 2011 - context
Dana Linn bailey or Emily Stirling.

But then Minna Pajhulati has some serious shoulders!!!!
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