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Apr 18, 2022 - context

Cool i think the Marvel movies need more muscular female characters even in the comics they where quite muscular compared to the movies not fbb size but like a fitness model.

And i am not sure what to think about female Thor i think it's a silly idea but at least she looks great i kind of got bored of all the Marvel movies there are too many i want new ideas.

Apr 18, 2022 - context

AGAIN, this isn’t a movie that is being marketed or catered to schmoes. If you want to watch videos that are full of huge and ripped female bodybuilders where there is more emphasis on appearance than acting ability, there’s Awefilms, HDPhysiques, Crushwrestling and a whole multitude of fetish sites.

Some of you need to turn off the schmoe part of your brain and recognize that there are going to be many people who want to watch this who aren’t schmoes. Not everything that involves a female bodybuilder needs to be catered to you 🤦‍♂️

For real bro, thank you. Most of us understand how the world works and movie production companies most ABSOLUTELY give a fuck if the people in it can act. Otherwise you don't have a moooovie. The worldview of people in this community is so limited and one dimensional.

Apr 18, 2022 - context

AGAIN, this isn’t a movie that is being marketed or catered to schmoes. If you want to watch videos that are full of huge and ripped female bodybuilders where there is more emphasis on appearance than acting ability, there’s Awefilms, HDPhysiques, Crushwrestling and a whole multitude of fetish sites.

Some of you need to turn off the schmoe part of your brain and recognize that there are going to be many people who want to watch this who aren’t schmoes. Not everything that involves a female bodybuilder needs to be catered to you 🤦‍♂️

Exactly! These are people we’re talking about, not objects designed to give erections to a niche amount of men.

I swear, this community sometimes…

Apr 18, 2022 - context

If I'm gonna see a movie, regardless of the genre or subject matter, yea, the folks involved have to some acting ability. I'm only gonna spend money on a movie if there's at least SOME quality to it. If I wanted to see a B-movie, I'd just go to the bargain bin or YouTube.

Apr 18, 2022 - edited Apr 18, 2022 - context

> On the subject of female bodybuilders who can act….

Who actually gives a fuck if they can act?

AGAIN, this isn’t a movie that is being marketed or catered to schmoes. If you want to watch videos that are full of huge and ripped female bodybuilders where there is more emphasis on appearance than acting ability, there’s Awefilms, HDPhysiques, Crushwrestling and a whole multitude of fetish sites.

Some of you need to turn off the schmoe part of your brain and recognize that there are going to be many people who want to watch this who aren’t schmoes. Not everything that involves a female bodybuilder needs to be catered to you 🤦‍♂️

Apr 18, 2022 - context

> Far more likely it will be a figure sized girl, not an FBB. > > Nothing wrong with that; we've all seen how huge the figure girls have gotten.

That's around what I'm thinking. It depends what type of fbb A24 is looking for. There's bikini, figure, fitness, wellness, physique, bb. They all are classed as bodybuilders. As for acting experience, Hollywood cast Arnie w/o any acting experience and look where that took him.

The movie industry in general has largely moved away from that form of character actor since the late 1990s/early 2000s. That's why Steven Seagal, Chuck Norris, Jean Claude, etc kinda faded away around that time.

Apr 17, 2022 - context

Of course the story line will be about sexual identity blah blah ..and in Hollywood a woman with muscle can only be lesbian not straight because how could any straight woman want to be muscular and strong ...its such a boring trope and story line ...a while ago there was a wiman who's husband was a severely injured war vet and she took up bodybuilding so she could pick him up and care for him etc ...now theres a story waiting to be made into a movie. Personally I think the whole thing that is perpetuated that a woman tjat is strong and muscular has to be lesbian is ridiculous and has probably put a lot of straight women off being strong and muscular or at least embracing it if they have that build.

bro, chill it with the ellipses

Man, a lot of people here are taking umbrage for some reason that the plot centers around an LGBT relationship? Why? Is it jealousy and envy?

Also, this movie clearly isn't going to be one that's catered to schmoes (despite what some are hoping it will be.) As has been mentioned (despite some posters trying to deny it,) A24 distributes quality movies. It's going to be nice that they won't treat female bodybuilders as freakshows like other films in the past has. If. however, you are going into this movie expecting fap fodder, you're probably going to be quite disappointed..

Apr 17, 2022 - context

I never even heard of A24 until this thread. And the only movie I've heard of in your list is "The Lighthouse" and that was because the DVD was advertised in a Target catalog.

Were these movies in theaters? For the past 2 and a half years, I drove by a theater on my way to work and I never saw any of those movie names on the marquee...

So, since you seem to know more about movies than I do, what makes these movies "good?" Did they win awards, earn large amounts of revenue, have good reviews on some internet review site, or because they are good in your opinion? I like the movie "Little Miss Sunshine" but I wouldn't have seen it if it didn't have Steve Carrell or a VW Bus. And I'll watch that movie over and over. So please tell me/us how a studio affiliation will make a movie good.

Oh FFS 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Yes, all those movies were in theaters, and were praised by critics and audiences.

Apr 17, 2022 - context

Of course the story line will be about sexual identity blah blah ..and in Hollywood a woman with muscle can only be lesbian not straight because how could any straight woman want to be muscular and strong ...its such a boring trope and story line ...a while ago there was a wiman who's husband was a severely injured war vet and she took up bodybuilding so she could pick him up and care for him etc ...now theres a story waiting to be made into a movie. Personally I think the whole thing that is perpetuated that a woman tjat is strong and muscular has to be lesbian is ridiculous and has probably put a lot of straight women off being strong and muscular or at least embracing it if they have that build.

Apr 17, 2022 - context

I never even heard of A24 until this thread. And the only movie I've heard of in your list is "The Lighthouse" and that was because the DVD was advertised in a Target catalog.

Were these movies in theaters? For the past 2 and a half years, I drove by a theater on my way to work and I never saw any of those movie names on the marquee...

So, since you seem to know more about movies than I do, what makes these movies "good?" Did they win awards, earn large amounts of revenue, have good reviews on some internet review site, or because they are good in your opinion? I like the movie "Little Miss Sunshine" but I wouldn't have seen it if it didn't have Steve Carrell or a VW Bus. And I'll watch that movie over and over. So please tell me/us how a studio affiliation will make a movie good.

Broadcasting your ignorance of modern cinema does not establish your critical bona fides in the way that you seem to think it does.

Apr 17, 2022 - context

Yes, A24 doesn’t make movies with broad appeal. Usually they get limited release.

Apr 17, 2022 - context

Minari starring Steven Yuen (Glenn on The Walking Dead) was a fantastic movie that A24 released a few years back and was nominated for several Oscars including Best Actor (Steven Yuen), Best Director, Best Picture, and more. I ended up buying the movie on BluRay when it came out and it's an excellent movie that is part of my prestige film collection. And yes A24 makes prestigious films.

Apr 17, 2022 - context


I can't stress enough how much I've always wanted this movie, or something like it. There's absolutely a danger of A24 refusing to cast an actual bodybuilder, of course... But I do trust them to make this a GOOD movie. No doubt, some people will seethe simply because they see the very EXISTENCE of lesbians as 'woke,' but that can't be helped. Neither can the moronic coverage this movie will get from the likes of Autostraddle and their ilk (who ACTUALLY ARE WOKE IDEOLOGUES), but luckily they aren't the ones making the movie!

> Since you seem to know so much about Hollywood, enlighten us on the excellent movies distributed by the aptly mentioned A24.

Not that guy, but...

  • The Green Knight

  • The Lighthouse

  • Midsommar

  • Mid90s

  • Under the Silver Lake

  • Hereditary

  • Green Room

  • The Vvitch (lol)

A24's track record is ridiculously good. Their involvement is an incredible endorsement of this film.

I never even heard of A24 until this thread. And the only movie I've heard of in your list is "The Lighthouse" and that was because the DVD was advertised in a Target catalog.

Were these movies in theaters? For the past 2 and a half years, I drove by a theater on my way to work and I never saw any of those movie names on the marquee...

So, since you seem to know more about movies than I do, what makes these movies "good?" Did they win awards, earn large amounts of revenue, have good reviews on some internet review site, or because they are good in your opinion? I like the movie "Little Miss Sunshine" but I wouldn't have seen it if it didn't have Steve Carrell or a VW Bus. And I'll watch that movie over and over. So please tell me/us how a studio affiliation will make a movie good.

Apr 17, 2022 - context

Helle Trevino had appeared in some movies, like Sandy Wexler on Netflix, but just in the background, she doesn´t have acting experience. Maybe Gina Carano, she is still muscular. Of course, we won´t have news for a while. Just wait.

Apr 17, 2022 - context

It will be great to get more and more female bodybuilders in the movies and television. They have earned it and deserve it.

I agree it would be, but more in a documentary rather than dramatic acting roles.

Acting is hard. And when people who can't act try to act, you enter cringetown.

Apr 16, 2022 - context

It will be great to get more and more female bodybuilders in the movies and television. They have earned it and deserve it.

Apr 15, 2022 - context


I can't stress enough how much I've always wanted this movie, or something like it. There's absolutely a danger of A24 refusing to cast an actual bodybuilder, of course... But I do trust them to make this a GOOD movie. No doubt, some people will seethe simply because they see the very EXISTENCE of lesbians as 'woke,' but that can't be helped. Neither can the moronic coverage this movie will get from the likes of Autostraddle and their ilk (who ACTUALLY ARE WOKE IDEOLOGUES), but luckily they aren't the ones making the movie!

Since you seem to know so much about Hollywood, enlighten us on the excellent movies distributed by the aptly mentioned A24.

Not that guy, but...

  • The Green Knight

  • The Lighthouse

  • Midsommar

  • Mid90s

  • Under the Silver Lake

  • Hereditary

  • Green Room

  • The Vvitch (lol)

A24's track record is ridiculously good. Their involvement is an incredible endorsement of this film.

Apr 15, 2022 - context

My biggest sexual fantasies are:

  1. Women with muscles
  2. Women with swords, specially when they fight and beat men

I grew up in the 80-90 and perhaps saw too many warrior movies and build this fantasy from there. I really hope they could make more movies around this subject, such as a new Red Sonja movie.

Thanks for opening this thread.

Apr 15, 2022 - context

LMAO you're assuming that a film distributed by A24, who have a lengthy track record of distributing excellent movies, will be bad before you've seen it, yet you go on to decry others for being closed minded. Hilarious. Just admit it, you're a pathetic manchild and you're afraid of anything you don't understand.

I hope she (or he) sees this, bro.

Since you seem to know so much about Hollywood, enlighten us on the excellent movies distributed by the aptly mentioned A24.

Apr 15, 2022 - context

There is an endless number of plot devices that can be explored. But, that assumes some level creativity, courage and open-mindedness - - NONE of which exists anymore in the leftist monolithic of the virtue-signaling Hollywood elite.

LMAO you're assuming that a film distributed by A24, who have a lengthy track record of distributing excellent movies, will be bad before you've seen it, yet you go on to decry others for being closed minded. Hilarious. Just admit it, you're a pathetic manchild and you're afraid of anything you don't understand.

Apr 15, 2022 - context

To create a movie with an accurate portrayal of a cult sport OR to work overtime to crowbar LGBQT+++ into a storyline where it is neither wanted or needed.

This movie is absolutely going to flop; just like every other movie coming out of that warped left-coast culture, INCLUDING the so-called "best picture of the year" - - which was an utter POS.

I mean, there's only so many plot devices that exist, struggling with sexual identity happens to be one of them.

Who's in consideration for the FBB role, is there a list?

Apr 15, 2022 - context

A24, can't be worse than any other FBB movie I've seen. Nowhere to go but up.

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