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Apr 30, 2023 - context

The other day I was watching this movie about a guy who shrinks with his family, and there's a big bald head going around or something, and this character appears, the actress is called Katy O'Brian.

you have never heard of Ant Man ? 😂😂

Apr 30, 2023 - context

The other day I was watching this movie about a guy who shrinks with his family, and there's a big bald head going around or something, and this character appears, the actress is called Katy O'Brian.

Apr 21, 2023 - context

I used the same username on HBC as on hardwarecams. She has heard about a site selling her videos and wanted to "report" it. She contacted me through the site and literally told me that she had seen my username and was contacting admin to have me permanently blocked. I used to cam with her all the time so she was familiar with my username. I told her I was buying the clips legally and that I had no idea she would be so upset. Within 2 days my VIP status was revoked, IP banned, and I tired to make another profile; it would not accept my purchase order. She is also still on the site and has a personal ban list with my name on it. It very petty and frustrating.

To be fair, that's like saying you legally bought a pirated movie.

Apr 18, 2023 - context

I believe, It was done by the website "Awefilms", They were doing short movies of that style in the 2000`s ^_^

Apr 16, 2023 - edited Apr 16, 2023 - context

In 1995 Demi Moore was considered very muscular when she appeared on the David Letterman show:

I didn't quite follow the argument here, but there's some truth there. In the 90's any woman with a slighty toned body would be considered muscular or manly.

For example argentinian tennist Gabriela Sabatini was considered very manly and an awful woman by general media (even portraited with the body of a male bodybuilder in some magazine, cannot find the image right now).

Now you see the pics and for ours days (and also our taste in GWM) she seems like a very appealing young woman. But at that time she was a buff ugly tom-boy, etc, it was clear like that!

With the years Gabriela got a more standar femenine look and she was really stunning, even for the "haters".

So I remember when the movie Streap-tease came out, you could tell Demi Moore really hit the gym and every beauty enhancer she could, at that time she was like the ultimate-perfect-babe. Some still would say that she may hit the gym to much. Me, I just really love that fit and perfect body look.

But it is really funny how the general public change on this things, I could imagine someone at that time just comenting something like that about Demi Moore.

EDIT: looking at Demi photo on Letterman again, also I would say she was the first to bring that new "really fit" look to the table. Beautiful actress by that time might had some good bodies but very little showed that level of training and fitness.

I always remember that in some movies they used a double for naked/bikini shots or ass/legs/belly shots, instead of regular body actresses, and I was in awe then I saw an interview to one of this models. A totally hot fit chick with curves every, like you could put a glass of champane in her ass, insane legs, abs, boobs (I think boob job), a GWM.

Apr 03, 2023 - edited Apr 03, 2023 - context

Interesting Zarkle did not contest the observation of pervasive snobbery.

I forgot to allege a pattern of passive-aggressive accusation as well as classic projection.

Here's the framework from a Zarkle point of view-- I call it "The Zarkle Show":

  1. I'm being victimized here by behaving in a manner that lacks in self regulation, and think that I deserve automatic agreement without explaining how my ideas lead to anything conclusive related to the topic of this thread;

  2. Anyone challenging my words and beliefs is attacking me personally! How can I push them into an inferior position and attack back using semantics or by making an epistemological retort? ==> I hope they take the bait so I can get them into my comfort zone, which a repetition of Step 2 until all challengers acquiesce, which I take as a sign of my superiority.

  3. I will make no attempt to identify areas of true epistemological disagreement, because then someone could actually point out I might be wrong, which would expose the artifice of my authority-mimicking tendencies. This supersedes seeking actual truth or consensus, because my sense of superiority is more important. ==> If this starts to happen, go back to step 2.

  4. I have general contempt for those who visit this site, because they are addicted fetishists;

  5. My contempt for others here, and my desire to mark them as inferiors, means I don't need to listen to what others have to say. Despite this, they should all work to understand me. Everyone else is ruining the conversation! ==> If I am forced to engage in an actual argument, I will withdraw-- by claiming I am above all the hoi polloi-- and look for other areas where I can run this loop and seek a veneer of superiority. It is impossible for all of you to truly understand me!

(return to #1 and repeat)

If you don't believe me, here it is in real life action:

> Zarkle is a chatbot optimized for literature review

By your logic, name a single person here who isn't a chatbot.

That wasn't logic, it was merely an assumption, based on observing your behavior, which is analogous to a a chatbot that uses language modeling to engage in facile proto-realistic conversation but doesn't employ a higher executive function to organize its language models around testable theses (the following being a case in point):

Semantic assumptions? But words are usually assumed to correspond with reality.

Really? This statement is demonstrably and empirically false. My dreams at night are filled with words. Movies scripts are made of words. Again, this circumvents committing to any kind of testable argument.

You're blaming me for speaking. Just like some people here blame me for thinking.

{--Translation="I'm being victimized here by behaving in a manner that lacks in self regulation"}

Zarkle, I'm accusing you of a few specific things, but certainly not "blaming" you for speaking.

Authority-mimicking corrections? I disagreed with someone. And I thought and I still think I am right. So I am guilty of trusting my ideas and conclusions.

{--Translation= "I desperately wish to be viewed as correct and don't think I have any duty to demonstrate why, because I so blindly trust my own thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Anyone challenging these beliefs must be flawed somehow and is attacking me personally! How can I attack back using semantics or by making an epistemological retort?"}

Yes, you are guilty of that. You actually have failed to articulate any defensible conclusion, and your inconclusive ideas follow the same pattern. Thus, "authority-mimicking" because you demand agreement without explaining how your ideas lead to anything conclusive related to the topic of this thread.

False epistemological arguments? I guess we disagree on what can and can not be known. This was always something I readily and willingly pointed out again and again.

{--Translation="I haven't actually argued on an epistemological basis, so I'll chalk it up to fundamental disagreement and try to gloss over this point. At the same time, I'll spin it such that I have continually observed an epistemological tension in the thread, but will take no responsibility for identifying areas of such disgareeement, because then someone could actually point out I might be wrong, which would expose the artifice of my authority-mimicking tendencies."}

We don't disagree on any of that.

Yet, again, you have explained nothing.

The wasteful pity of so many addicted to this site. Not saying it's the site's fault. But saying that it's quite strange to attempt to make me into some special case. Fake thanks for faking care about me. But let's just agree that I am guilty of everything I do, which sounds absolutely redundant, because it is.

{--Translation="I turned this into the The Zarkle Show by participating on this site where I pity the user base, but now that my desire for greatness has not been realized, you are picking on me."}

You should like yourself more.

Ideally we could just ban everyone from writing to this who only uses up space to attack or ridicule me without adding anything to the actual topic. I think that would be the perfect solution. There are obviously those who wish to have this conversation and those who wish to ruin it. Those who wish to ruin it think I am guilty of having it and I think they're guilty of attempting to ruin it.

And here we go back to the beginning of the loop: Anyone challenging Zarkle's beliefs must be flawed somehow and is making a personal attack...

{--Translation="No one just automatically accepts my attempts to correct them, even though I have no thesis or overarching conclusion to bring to this conversation! And, since I don't listen to what others have to say and think that I deserve automatic agreement without explaining how my ideas lead to anything conclusive related to the topic of this thread, everyone else is ruining the conversation!"}

--{Bonus translation 1= "I'll project onto everyone else what I am actually doing... "attack or ridicule me without bringing anything to the actual topic"}

--{Bonus translation 2="Those who don't automatically agree with my inconclusive attempts to be authoritative should be banned! Maybe by behaving in this way I can passively accumulate power to bring retribution on those whom I perceive are bringing harm to me."}

But there's nothing anyone can do.

Claiming powerlessness... "nothing anyone can do." But still looping. Very passive aggressive.

{Translatation= "I Zarkle am so superior and correct all the time, changing the way I think and interact is not a possible option here."}

They will keep on squabbling and I will keep on wondering when and how I should respond, if at all.

{Translation="Oh these squabblers-- I will scan for semantic arguments or facile epistemological areas of disagreement to further avoid making an actual argument relevant to the topic of the thread, while harboring passive resentment that no one automatically accepts my attempts to demonstrate psuedo-intellectual authority. Since I am being forced to confront actual arguments at this point, I am preemptively suggesting that I might not be capable of engaging outside of my comfort zone, and therefore might choose to ignore this thread since it is no longer the Zarkle Show as I desire it to be scripted."}


Apr 03, 2023 - edited Apr 03, 2023 - context

relevant movie clip inserted here

Zarkle is a chatbot optimized for literature review, but incapable of culminating in a concise defensible thesis statement.

While never actually taking a position by promulgating a concise hypothesis or thesis that could be testable, Zarkle attacks opposing points of view based on semantic assumptions and corresponding authority-mimicking “corrections,” or even worse, false epistemological arguments. All infused with snobbery. It’s rather amazing, actually, despite the wasteful pity of it all.

There’s no “there” there.

Apr 01, 2023 - context

I don’t believe anyone can be pure in their attraction to one person. But you can be pure in your devotion. No way to avoid seeing hot women. You have to acknowledge, appreciate and move on, otherwise you’re creating a forbidden fruit scenario that drives obsession.

Im an artist hobbyist and spend a lot of time just looking for beauty and inspiration. That has taught me to appreciate things from a distance. Looking at pictures seems to me a victimless crime. Like smelling flowers or looking at clouds. Why would you let such simple pleasures interfere with your relationship? How are you going to avoid all abs? Never watch olympics, mma, movies?

I think you need to maintain a healthy appreciation. It’s about moderation and sustainability.

Mar 20, 2023 - edited Mar 20, 2023 - context

Okay, well here's the thing... I know quite a lot of female fitness professionals and I attend the Olympia and the Arnold every year. And these are the dynamics that I see.

1) No athlete can make a living straight up from female bodybuilding alone. Some men can, but even that's pretty rare.

2) However, I'd say the vast majority simply have careers outside of it. You can see that lots of them are nurses or therapists or firefighters or office workers or whatever. Some have careers in fitness... like coaching, personal training, or owning their own gym or fitness studio.

3) For the latter, being a bodybuilder is a major credibility point. So saying that anyone earning money from bodybuilding is a thinly veiled prostitute is incorrect at best and slanderous at worst.

4) There's a spectrum of sex work services out there. Some girls actually are prostitutes in the true sense of the word. Some of them do silly wrestling videos. Some have fairly PG-rated onlyfans sites. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, and a male partner is not a cuckold by definition because his GF or wife engages in this with his permission. Is the wife of an actress a "cuckold" if she does a sex scene on film? Is the boyfriend of a stripper a "cuckold" if that's how she earns a living? It's very possible for a confident man to be in a relationship where his partner is a sex worker within agreed upon boundaries. It's incredibly common.

5) If you watch "Killer Sally" on Netflix, you can see the other pimp dynamic where a controlling boyfriend or husband profits off of his woman's sex work and treats her like garbage. Hell, you could just read about Andrew Tate to see this dynamic. That guy made a ton of money off of actively managing cam girls and maintaining relationships with them. I could call that POS a lot of things, but I wouldn't call Andrew Tate a "cuckold."

I'm just going to clarify a few things and then we'll have to agree to disagree.

1) Agreed.

2) Agreed, and I'm obviously not talking about anybody whose primary source of income is from an actual career or anybody whose partner earns money and subsidizes their bodybuilding.

3) Not incorrect, not slander nor libel (fyi slander is oral defamation, libel is written), just an uncomfortable fact you don't want to accept, although we might disagree about what constitutes making "good money" because most personal trainers wouldn't meet that threshold either.

4) These are all really bad analogies. Sex scenes in movies are not real sex, the men wear penis wigs, there's no penetration, there are intimacy councilors and dozens of crew, etc. If a stripper is fucking clients, then yes, the boyfriend's a cuckold. If your wife is unfaithful, you're a cuckold. It's genuinely that simple.

5) Andrew Tate is a sexual predator and a human trafficker, he's psychologically manipulating vulnerable women to sell them. He's not dating them. I'm uncomfortable with the way that you're blurring the lines between a coercive relationship and a normal romantic one.

Gonna bow out now because I've lost interest in this discussion.

Mar 15, 2023 - context

I'll say no. Bodybuilding by definition is extreme, and most people don't like extremes. Even casual things like diet gets on people's nerves--how many of us despite extreme vegans or vegetarians or people that SWEAT by the carnivore diet.

As trends shift I think athletic women will become more "acceptable" but with a body positivity movement running around I don't think it will get more mainstream than that. Heck, I bet if you looked around you coudl find disparaging comments about Katy O'Brian who showed up in Quantumania looking pretty jacked (she is a one-time figure competitor herself and still keeps in fantastic shape).

Judging by the quality of the Olympia stream (it was not great and the show overall i heard was not good, with several delays) this would not be something a network would ever tackle. ESPN never reupped whatever deal they inked with crossfit ane I would say that's much more commercially viable and accesible.

Also, the era of the action star is about dead, minus Tom Cruise. At least how they were. Arnold and Ferrigno were great public faces for bodybuilding in film and tv but Arnold had a charisma that is hard to match. And movies like that rarely pop up anymore. Maybe a streamer would take a risk but everyone is bean-counting these days.

Also, unless you have a pretty comfortable niche as a character actor, you're going to want to be as diverse as possible in terms of a look you can pull off, and if you're absolutely jacked, even if natty, you're gonna have a tough time. you might be able to get by if you're a Biel type but she wasn't that great of an actress to begin with.

If there was a time to get SOMEONE to do it, it's now with all these superhero franchises getting stuff done, and the most we've gotten is a CGI'd model of She-Hulk and a dude painted green to be a stand in for one scene, plus Natalie Portman getting some digital work to look a little bigger in some scenes as Thor.

Feb 24, 2023 - context

Remember AJ Johnson from the House Party movies & Baby Boy who is now a personal trainer 💪🏾

Feb 20, 2023 - context

I didn’t watch the whole thing but I stopped in some places, everything about this movie is peak 80s. Also kinda fun to see familiar locations but nearly 50 years ago

Feb 20, 2023 - context

Saw Antman 3 yesterday. Movie is mid. But there is a female warrior called Jentorra and considering it's Disney she is pretty muscular. Her costume showed her shoulder and abs.and whenever she was on screen I kept staring at those parts.did some digging after the movie. Her name is Katy O Brian and she is already here on the website


Feb 20, 2023 - context

I posted about her in another Forum a few years ago. The best part of her appearance in the movie: she bulked up specifically for the role, since she hasn't sported such build in later films. Although it was her arms that called my attention.

Name ?

Feb 15, 2023 - context

Born in 1999. I don t have a specific imprinting, but a lot of influences. Surely First Time that Muscles have hit me was watching the Scooby doo movie, when scrappy becomes a huge, muscolar Monster. I was about 4 years. Since then all the muscular charachters in media had my attention. Talking about actual sexual arousal It begun when i was about 9/10 i guess, seeing a fbb in a TV show. Then i started searching them online and go on

Feb 08, 2023 - context

There was this one Norwegian actress in the recent Hurcules film (the one with The Rock) I forget her name but she had nice abs in that film.

I posted about her in another Forum a few years ago. The best part of her appearance in the movie: she bulked up specifically for the role, since she hasn't sported such build in later films. Although it was her arms that called my attention.

Feb 02, 2023 - context

Not of my time, but i believe Jane Fonda was fully well known on her time. Even more than Chyna (that somehow was limited to WWE fandom). Sure, some would even wonder if she classify as muscle in todays standards...

Abby was a BIG presence on a mainstream game... but many still think she is trans... 🤦‍♂️ Cassandra (Assassin's Creed Odyssey) is a nice despiction of a female warrior (with muscles) on videogames...

Notable mentions goes to: Kim Chizevsky had a minor part on a movie (The Cell? i believe), it was around the time she was Ms. Olympia... Sue Price starred on Nemesis... Kiana Tom had her show on ESPN around the world for a while...

Feb 01, 2023 - context

I'm just wondering who's the biggest that you've ever seen in something mainstream (major studio movies, network TV, etc)?

Jan 30, 2023 - context

In that movie Without a Paddle, those hippy women who live on a tree can grab shit their feet

Even i can do that. if there is something on the ground like a towel. i can just grab it with my toes and then i lift my leg up and take it in my hand. and i am not flexible and quite weak.

Jan 30, 2023 - context

Flexible legs and very strong toes. ;

In that movie Without a Paddle, those hippy women who live on a tree can grab shit their feet

Jan 29, 2023 - context

Brittany Daniel - Club Dred movie -great fit body

shes my favorite ! nice find

Jan 28, 2023 - context

Brittany Daniel - Club Dred movie -great fit body

Jan 27, 2023 - context

Linda Hamilton in T2 doing chin-ups breathing heavily wearing a tank top, the two bodybuilders on the satirical police sitcom Sledge Hammer flexing and bursting through their clothes, Kiana Tom in her bikini workouts on Flex Appeal, and early ESPN broadcasts of Ms. Fitness competitions with Mia Finnegan, Carol Semple-Marzetta, and Monica Brant.

Yes classics for me. Wasn't that in awe with Gladiator show as the outfits were bad and girls not particular charming (I took a look from time to time but I couldn't see much because of the screen time, outfits etc)

Totally always did zapping in the sports channels like ESPN because in some rare moments there was some bodybuilder transmision, or fitness show, bikini open. But bodybuilder shows I most often miss or catch and couldn't record.

But everyday I would check for Bodyshaping or Kiana Flex Appeal.

I loved all the bikini stuff like Sport Illustrated callendar shot.

Also there were many nineties "vedette" models that were rather fit and I started digging the fit bodies more. At the beggining I waas more of giant boobs and asses, but really loved a great plain belly with noticible training.

I particulary remember a video about a "body double" that worked in some movies, so in some shots she would be there instead of the leading actress (to show amazing legs, glutes, back, even bust). And she was oh boy just astonishing as f, a fitness model with firm and toned everything. I say that is the way.

Jan 27, 2023 - edited Jul 06, 2023 - context

Similar experiences as mentioned – Raye Hollitt and Shelley Beattie on Gladiators, Cory Everson in Double Impact stabbing a man and flexing her muscular thighs right into the camera, Linda Hamilton in T2 doing chin-ups breathing heavily wearing a tank top, the two bodybuilders on the satirical police sitcom Sledge Hammer flexing and bursting through their clothes, Kiana Tom in her bikini workouts on Flex Appeal, and early ESPN broadcasts of Ms. Fitness competitions with Mia Finnegan, Carol Semple-Marzetta, and Monica Brant.

There were also movies with women who weren't necessarily muscular but powerful, like Lucinda Dickey in 'Ninja III' (one of the best worst 80s films of all-time), Grace Jones physically dominating and sitting atop a panting Christopher Walken in 'A View to a Kill', and going further back there was Lindsay Wagner in The Bionic Woman overpowering men and their useless weapons.

***This is an obscure memory, but I remember seeing a woman sweating it out, doing crunches with a ripped six-pack (no pun intended), with some high energy workout music on a Coors Light or Bud Light commercial circa late '80s-early '90s. Does anyone else recall this?

Jan 25, 2023 - context

Yeah i don’t like say, “hey, uh muscular women are hot. I love their veiny biceps, huge clots, and roided out bodies,” in the middle of watching a game or talking about golf with my buddies or something. But if a muscular woman comes on tv or a movie id probably say something about her being hot. Or if that kind of topic comes up in our group for some reason Id absolutely say I’m into muscular women. A lot of my friends and obviously my wife know I’m into muscles. Maybe not to the full extent some of them, but I’m not hiding it. I mean it’d be weird if you just blurted out, “I love huge boobs,” in the middle of talking about food or beer or something not related to that topic.

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