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Dec 22, 2023 - context

There’s a new movie by A24 called “Love Lies Bleeding” which has a main character that’s a female bodybuilder. Here’s the trailer https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=BF_J3-DmiS0

Dec 21, 2023 - context

Back in the day, if you saw ANY femuscle in a movie, it was in a dumb action flick for about 20 seconds. Between this and Fuchs’ Body Oddesy (dammit spellcheck, where are you when I need you?), two movies that actually look sophisticated, we’re living in a golden age.

Dec 21, 2023 - context

we have finally reached the point that marvel did. the muscle fans finally are old enough and have some backing to do work like this.

this is the kind of movie that likely wouldn't get out of development hell 20 years ago, 10 even. A24 has a good track record of decent to great movies on low budgets, so this is definitely getting coverage from a hit, since this likely won't make any money. but again a little shocking that something like this finally sees the light of day and it isn't a passion project from an indie producer

How do you know it isn’t a passion project? Not doubting you, just don’t know how that works.

Dec 21, 2023 - context

we have finally reached the point that marvel did. the muscle fans finally are old enough and have some backing to do work like this.

this is the kind of movie that likely wouldn't get out of development hell 20 years ago, 10 even. A24 has a good track record of decent to great movies on low budgets, so this is definitely getting coverage from a hit, since this likely won't make any money. but again a little shocking that something like this finally sees the light of day and it isn't a passion project from an indie producer

Dec 20, 2023 - context

A24 is a movie company that has gained popularity for being more focused on producing original and experimental pictures.

Dec 20, 2023 - context

Don't do many movies, unless they're on cable. What is a24? Thanks.

Dec 20, 2023 - context
Deleted by connor123
Dec 20, 2023 - context

You could make a modern movie about bikini girls. But 80s nostalgia is trendy now.

I wonder how that would have played. Bikini contests seem to get a lot of flack.

Dec 20, 2023 - context

I figured they would, since the competitors back then looked conventionally attractive enough for normies.

You could make a modern movie about bikini girls. But 80s nostalgia is trendy now.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Katy O'Brian was a great choice to star in this movie. After all she is a bodybuilder in real life. She did compete a couples of times. Also good thing a competitive female bodybuilder who is not an actor didn't get the role because more than likely their acting would stink to the highest level.

I think she was maybe the only reasonable choice as far as I know, most hollywood "muscular" actresses only have some abs and that's it, only her has the size and the skill

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Katy O'Brian was a great choice to star in this movie. After all she is a bodybuilder in real life. She did compete a couples of times. Also good thing a competitive female bodybuilder who is not an actor didn't get the role because more than likely their acting would stink to the highest level.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Sounds sad but reading some of the comments on forums not un inmaginable... Found the movie here

Yeah that's it! Weirdly, I remember it being a much longer film, like 45 minutes or even over an hour in run time but unless that's edited down I must be misremembering it. I thought there was more buildup to that final scene but I do remember it hitting like a ton of bricks when it happened.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

This A24 movie is probably going to be much better than "Civil War" lol

it wont

Dec 19, 2023 - context

It's probably going to be a recurring surreal motif of some kind across the movie.

The last does seem something like a dream or something, but there's a smaller growth scene in the middle that maybe could indicate she gets bigger through the movie

Anyway, can't wait

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Is that what that was? I was trying to figure out what was going on there, lol

It's probably going to be a recurring surreal motif of some kind across the movie.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

This A24 movie is probably going to be much better than "Civil War" lol

Dec 19, 2023 - context


Trailer for the Kristen Stewart female bodybuilding movie.

Dec 19, 2023 - context

Sounds sad but reading some of the comments on forums not un inmaginable... Found the movie here


Dec 19, 2023 - context

Earlier today I remembered a movie I saw quite some time ago online, at least three years ago if not more. It was a movie focused around a female bodybuilder, I honestly don’t remember much of the movie. I think there were scenes of her working out and preparing to compete in a competition, if not showing her competing in one. What I do remember quite well is towards the end of the movie she meets this guy, I don’t really remember what he looked like but he wasn’t a bodybuilder by any means, and they hit it off. They decide to go on a date and they end up having dinner at his apartment. I think he asked her to arm wrestle and I think they did, which he lost. She gets up and becomes uncomfortable, at one point she’s looking at herself in a vanity esq mirror and while she’s looking at herself he comes up from behind and begins to get handsy. She becomes completely uncomfortable at his advances and tries to leave but he’s locked the door of his apartment from the inside with a key. He then forces her to wrestle with him for the key, but it ends very quick as she puts him in a chokehold and he loses consciousness. He may have even swallowed the key? She then stands there crying and distraught over what she was just forced to do. I don’t remember anything beyond that scene but it was definitely near the very end of the movie. I almost want to say I dreamed this movie up because I can’t find it anywhere online no matter how hard I search, but I remember it in such vivid detail I just can’t believe it isn’t a real movie. I know I watched it for free somewhere, it certainly wasn’t a movie that would see any kind of wide spread release in theaters. Any help as to the name of this movie would be super helpful.

Dec 18, 2023 - context

She's the one from the antman movie. Was not a fan of her acting but the whole movie was bad so can't only blame her

Dec 18, 2023 - context

I have to watch more A24 movies. All I hear is good things.

If you’re in the States, The Iron Claw comes out this weekend. If you’re a pro wrestling fan it looks like a must-see, but even if you’re not I think it will still appeal to people who don’t know who the Von Erichs are.

Dec 18, 2023 - context

I have to watch more A24 movies. All I hear is good things.

Dec 07, 2023 - context

Same. Would like to watch it.

Jay seems to be doing movies now. Also did Pearl with Julia F

Dec 07, 2023 - context

Does anyone know where to find this movie? It’s been out for almost a month and all I can find are reviews and the trailer.

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