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2 days ago - context

I do believe that muscular women are becoming mainstream, to an extent. You're seeing them in more movies, the occasional TV show, and video games, but they are rarely ever the main character or top billing (so to speak). The overall population will still take an established actress who went through some training over a FBB with hardly any experience, especially now that we've seen more and more martial artists / athletes on YouTube doing their thing, the audience is gonna want more than just (muscular) eye candy.

Fit is the new skinny. People want to see low bodyfat, just not the 90's anorexic look. As far as Hollywood goes it is usually easier to make an actor/actress hit the gym than it is to teach a bodybuilder how to act. You're looking for a unicorn that is big enough to convincingly play the brute/muscle/enforcer role while simultaneously having a feminine face & vocal range. Ideally who is also capable of acting beyond standing there stoically, and smart enough to not get shitcanned from their notoriously brand conscious employer with incredibly dumb Twitter hot-takes (RIP Rangers of the New Republic). Turns out that is a pretty hard combo to find.

Not every man just wants to have contacts instead of affection or companionship. Why is it men are expected to settle only for cold, heartless, mercenary business transactions with the women they love instead of love?

And not every woman is a mid-30's Catholic girl with late-stage baby fever from Bumble, who'll grill you harder than an HR rep about your employment history gaps on date 1. But pretty much all of them can smell desperation / insecurity from 10 miles away. H3rcules point being that maintaining platonic friendship/acquaintances with women is low stakes social practice so you're not left hyper-ventilating into a paper bag in mere the presence of an attractive woman. Otherwise they will pick up on it and you will violate Rule 2 of Dating: "Don't be unattractive".

i mean that muscular women are so rare its pointless to try to hope to get a muscular girlfriend

Probably. At least at the front page of GWM level. I personally love beer gardens and dislike repetitive manual labor too much to have a compatible lifestyle with a pro bodybuilder. I assume at least half of us are in that same (increasingly low freeboard) boat.

6 days ago - context

I was on a trip outside the USA. As we waited to leave the location we were at. A group of serious outdoor people started to file off this bus to go on a SERIOUS hiking part of the trip. This one woman in her mid to late 20s comes off the bus. With dark hark in a short cut. She got a huge duffel bag on. That is why I first noticed it. It was the size of a small tent strapped to her back. I wondered how she could carry it all. Then I noticed she filled out her baggy t-shirt with a wide and thick chest. A neck full of muscle cords bulging out.

But when I looked at her legs I was blown away. She had on pretty short shorts. But with each step huge muscle busts out of her claves and quads. I mean it was like a FMG come to life. Her quads and calves were thicker than most built men's legs. As she walked away I watched her. Each step was like an explosion of size and shape. Each new muscle group showed off as she walked. She was wearing hiking boots and short socks. So I could see her entire muscled-up legs very easily. As she walked about. I could see her quads were huge and watermelon-shaped! And claves that just bust open with size with every step! It was the type of muscle you only get from doing a lot of serious outdoor stuff! Of course, she was with some hippie boyfriend who was all skin and bones from walking so much!

At the gym a few weeks ago. I was into my workout when I went over to the Smith machine. As I get weight I am stopped short. A blonde woman with short hair about 5 6 is using it with her boyfriend. She has great skin. Very healthy looking. She looks a bit like Alyssa Milano in the movie Double Dragon.

As she bends down to get something. I notice her workout shirt can barely contain her thick wide chest. I mean she has built a bodybuilder. but it's all compact dense woman muscle mass. The kind you don't see unless they flex or use it, or really look for it! Her shoulders are huge, just boulder shoulders. Her only giveaway to the rest of her So as I workout. I notice she using a lot of weight. So she is strong also. But how dense and big she is mind-blowing. Her BF was built but not a BB and about 5 9. But she almost got him beat in size. He has musculars legs. She got her leg built up by not huge. If she equals the leg size to her chest size. She would be way more built than him. Never seen them before. But I got the feeling. She got him in lifting hard.

6 days ago - context

I do believe that muscular women are becoming mainstream, to an extent. You're seeing them in more movies, the occasional TV show, and video games, but they are rarely ever the main character or top billing (so to speak). The overall population will still take an established actress who went through some training over a FBB with hardly any experience, especially now that we've seen more and more martial artists / athletes on YouTube doing their thing, the audience is gonna want more than just (muscular) eye candy.

6 days ago - context

Playing: I don't really play video games lol

Watching: Breaking Bad for the first time (on episode 5). Over the summer I watched the movie "Ran," which I utterly loved.

Reading: I recently finished Pride and Prejudice and Little Women, probably the two classics I hadn't read up to that point. I'm also going through the One Piece manga as a favor for some friends lol.

Listening: "Yellow Submarine" soundtrack. Love the album and m ovie.

6 days ago - context

Unquestionably. At least in the U.S. I'm 51 years old and when I was a teenager you had to hide the fact you were into muscular girls. Girls who had visible muscles were usually ashamed of them. Female bodybuilders existed, but they were really on the fringe. I remember buying Women's Physique World magazine or finding VHS tapes from the few companies back then. It was like a cup of water in a huge dry desert. Forget telling anyone you were into muscle girls, you'd be immediately branded as a homosexual, unless it was someone who knew you really well---in which case they'd still think you were weird.

Flash forward to today, girls are flexing everywhere all over social media. "Muscle mommies" are literally common. Most guys who are into it aren't ashamed to say it. Sure, some insecure meatheads still call you gay or say 'that's a man', but it's like 5-10% of what we had back in the day.

There is NO question at all that muscular women are well on their way to becoming "mainstream" in western society (if they're not already there). It depends on what you mean by "mainstream", but there is ZERO doubt in my mind that tremendous progress has been made and it's heading in the right direction at full speed.

Yeah, this is precisely my thinking. I honestly feel like I was born at just the right time in regards to being attracted to muscular women lol. I was watching the 1984 movie "Getting Physical," and it was crazy to me seeing how ridiculed the main character was despite having hardly any muscle mass.

6 days ago - context

Subjective question of course, but to clarify, by "muscular" I don't necessarily mean someone at the level of bodybuilding or physique divisions, nor someone with a body fat level low enough to be stage-level.

By "muscular," I more so mean someone who clearly exercises regularly and has a impressive amount of obvious muscle tone and development. Or maybe another example would be that of a women is who more muscular and toned that the average healthy-weight man who doesn't lift weights regularly.

Do you believe that women with at least this level of development are mainstream? Or at least far, far more compared to previous decades?

A yes or a no is a pretty black-and-white poll option, but I'm curious to get the opinion out here (on this highly biased forum).

I'm of the opinion that the answer is generally yes, at least in regards to millennials and younger generations. Sydney Sweeney's recent transformation for her upcoming boxing movie prompted this post, but the transformations of other celebrities for buffed-up female roles, the celebration of muscular athletes like Simone Biles, and the social media presence of muscular women online ("muscle mommy" trend, etc.) also play a significant factor.

The first two factors of course existed for decades now, but I feel that there much more common and intense now. I don't believe a movie like "Love Lies Bleeding" couldn't have seen a wide release outside of the past few years for examples.

Feel free to dissent with nuances in the comments below.

Oct 12, 2024 - context

Open for 2024!

There is now a halloween tag! Please use it responsibly and not for tagging anything and everything where she happens to be wearing a costume. If it's a cosplay (usually as a character from a famous movie, show, game or anime) then you can use the cosplay tag on it instead. For the halloween tag, we're looking for more traditional costumes, like witches, clowns, homicidal maniacs, vampires, monsters, skeletons, pumpkins, etc.

You can also use images where she's not necessarily in costume, but there is something "Halloween-related" in the pic, such as:

Finally, here's a brand new image of Vanessa Serros with her bowl of treats:

Oct 08, 2024 - context

I feel like I need to comment here. I've dated female bodybuilders and powerlifters. My ex wife is a strong, muscular woman. In my opinion, no woman likes to be fetishized or objectified. A woman wants to be treated like a woman, not like an object of lust. Take her to dinner, the movies, see if any feelings develop. Women are emotional, they need to have that connection with a man to go any further. She may be willing to do the fetish type stuff once you have her heart. She would definitely be more willing to please. I would be willing to bet there is a guy out there enjoying her muscles. If you would have played it cool, that could have been you. Muscular women are so rare. I hope you get another chance to find your muscle queen

Sep 21, 2024 - context

Pretty much this girl, and I say that as a man who would totally hit on her if I had a shot. She's hot, but would be so much hotter if she toned the act DOOOOOWWWWN!

I don't even know what the act is. Is there some movie or animated character she's cosplaying? Or a fetish I'm not aware of? But she's hot, for sure.

Aug 27, 2024 - context

Hi! Was curious if there were scenes in shows or movies from back then where muscle women would cameo or have a role in which the actress would still appear with the muscular body. See link from Sabrina the teenage witch as example lol


Aug 14, 2024 - context

I don't see bodybuilding as a sport, for me, it's a beauty contest! I'm not belittling the athletes' effort, just giving my opinion. I agree that it is an ideal of beauty unattainable without the use of some substances, but the same occurs in all sports. In any sport, athletes use substances in order to improve conditioning, whether for strength, endurance and or speed. The difference is that in bodybuilding, the results are much more explicit! I mean, runners reach impressive marks, swimmers and etc... but no one stops to think "Is it possible to achieve this result naturally?" In the case of bodybuilding, everyone knows that, of course, it is impossible to reach the physique of athletes, whether men or women. But anyway, it's a choice of the athletes themselves. Regarding my attraction to muscular women, I have always liked it. Since my childhood, even before puberty, I thought women with bodies full of muscles were beautiful. At that time it was much more difficult to find related material, so we had to hope that some competition was televised, that the subject was the subject of some report, or cartoons and movies. One of the first times I saw a muscular woman was in David Lee Roth's "California Girls" music video. I was also fascinated by the runner Florence Griffith-Joyner, considered extremely muscular for the time. I've been drawing since I was a child, and I still draw as a hobby. As a child, I drew muscular girls. One fine day, watching the cartoon ThunderCats, those wild characters appeared, the warrior maidens, which sparked my imagination and soon I took out my sketchbook to transform those characters who were already athletic into really muscular women. On this occasion I was really "excited" and whenever I finished the drawing, I thought "Can I make it more muscular?" I was making another and another drawing, the girls getting more and more muscular until... I came in my pants. It was the first time I had come and I was scared, because I didn't know what had happened. At that time, we didn't have as much information as we have today, there was no internet, sex was not a debated subject, anyway... I never had doubts about my sexual orientation, I was always sure about being straight, because as I said the attraction is for muscular women, not men. I talk openly about it, on my Facebook I posted photos of competitions and etc... My desktop currently has the photo of Leyvina Barros, but it already had Denise Masino and etc... Everyone who knows me knows and those who don't like it, fuck it! My last ex-girlfriend thought these girls were beautiful and was jealous that I liked this body type. She even said that she would be muscular to conquer me, however, I told her that I already loved her and that she didn't need to change for me, unless she really wanted to, because as said before, it is an unattainable goal without the use of substances that can be harmful to health. Yes, I would like her to become a huge bodybuilder, but of her own volition, not to impress me.

Aug 10, 2024 - context

The "sport" of bodybuilding seems undignified when compared to actual athletic endeavors like the Olympics and even Crossfit. Think about it... women work on repetitive, targeted muscle exercises for many years, obsess about everything they eat, post incessantly on social media with carefully posed photos announcing how many weeks out from the next contest, inject themselves with male hormones to make their muscles even larger, starve themselves to the brink of ill-health to make their bodies look like anatomical drawings (except for the usual breast enhancement surgery).

The human endocrine system is delicately poised and doesn't respond well to tampering, so most of this growth injecting could have far-reaching consequences that take years to show up. Look how many paragons of health (like Katie Lee) have had terrible, life-threatening health problems early in life. It's a very dangerous thing to mess with because they increase the likelihood of cancer, among many other potential dire consequences.

For these shows (for which they pay an entry fee in hopes of getting a "pro card," which isn't really a credential so much as a level-up that allows them access to more extreme contests), they dye themselves dark brown, pay hundreds of dollars to have their makeup look like something a drag queen would do, pay hundreds for a non-functional bikini and high-heeled shoes, all so they can walk out on a hotel ballroom stage where a group of "professionals" sit in hotel chairs and mark down what is wrong with them.

If they are really lucky, one of the established site-owning men (or Annie Rivecchio) will engage them for a photo shoot or invite them to a cam site where they can flex their muscles while men like us masturbate because we have a muscle fetish. Or they can go all-in like Lee Keyrouz or Gracie Parker and make thousands on Onlyfans by selling subscriptions, but they better hope that they retain their current liberal attitude about being a porn star because those movies and images will last literally forever and potentially be seen by millions of people. If I saw Carina Thompson working at a car wash I would recognize her even though it's been thirty years since I bought her video. Dame with Debbie Kruck.

Add to this the fact they might get cancer and lop quite a few years off their life because of the steroids.

I mean, I'm glad because I have had an almost crippling muscle fetish since I first read about Katie Sandwina in the Guinness Book of World Records when I was nine. I have always been attracted to muscles, but never to dicks (which is how I know I'm hetero with a kink instead of gay... it's one thing to fantasize about muscle, but it's quite another to put your buddy's cock in your mouth).

I watched Laura Coombs on Real People when I was 14 and literally came in my pants. I got every issue of WPW when it was hot off the press, and the first thing I looked for on the internet was "female bodybuilder." I dated one for a while, but when I realized how crazy she was I lost interest and came close to getting a restraining order when she refused to accept that I was breaking up with her. That's when I realized I could have imaginary sex with any and every FBB I could look at, and the minute I came they would vanish until next time. I know every FBB from Katie Sandwina to Pudgy Stockton to Bev Francis, all they way to Peyton Dutcher to Manon LeFebvre (my newest favorite).

I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on my fetish, but I don't kid myself. This is abnormal. That doesn't mean I will ever change. I never talk about it, never share it. It's nobody's business but mine, and it stays in my fantasy realm like all good fetishes should.

What do you think?

Aug 09, 2024 - context

I don't know any, but what you're describing is the exact plot of this movie:

Aug 04, 2024 - edited Aug 04, 2024 - context

FV 12 - 1992 Ms. National Fitness Contest (Full Version)

At risk of being disappointed again, this page does show the 2-disc DVD set available, and is probably your best bet (not sure why it says "Finals only" when the description says it includes the prejudging and such, so one of those is wrong). Not sure which site you were looking at, but that shopify one is their current DVD store that has almost everything available.


2003 HerBiceps Armwrestling Tournament

Arnold Expo Bicep Curl Competition (DianeTheValkyrie)

For both of these your best first step might be to look at old archived versions of the pages to get an idea of what video filenames you're actually after.

Here's a likely index page for Herbiceps, you could check pages like the 2003 HerBiceps Dinner to see if the descriptions match:

HerBiceps Event Coverage

DianeTheValkyrie is tougher, but here's the last version of their movies index page captured:

Diana the Valkyrie's Movie Theatre

It's not terribly well-organized as I'm sure you remember, and the videos you're talking about could be on any number of the yearly miscellaneous or specific contents pages. Some of the more specific ones that might be what you're looking for:

The Curl Challenge at the Arnold, 2002

Biceps contest at the Arnold, 2004

There's also the last resort of looking at the list of all video files that were on the site:

Diana the Valkyrie All the movies

I should reiterate that the archive.org versions are just the index pages for the most part, and won't have actual video files available except for some of the free ones that didn't require a login, like these.


Someone out there has gotta have the abs and the ring video with danny j

As far as I know this is the first time you've asked about that, I know she had some videos on Femflex and such. With a description that vague, the best I can suggest is going to the DC++ Hub and doing a search for "dannyj" to see if you can find the ones you're looking for.

Jul 31, 2024 - context

Just a fun "what if?" -type of thread. This could go a number of ways, but to me a GWM would spice up any scene in a movie! Action movies would probably be at the top of most users' minds, but this could be for any movie or TV show, regardless of genre.

This was inspired by the pic below, imagining her in the role of Mrs. Robinson in "The Graduate" (especially in the iconic scene):

Jul 24, 2024 - context

I post pics and vids of Barbara Carita and a lot of times they are met with very snarky comments about her appearance. Yes, she has had major breast enhancements and some plastic surgery/botox on her face, but her physique is incredible. Especially considering she is over 50 years old. I respect the hard work she has put into developing her physique and I respect her decisions regarding her appearance. Someone even edited her name on my post to “plastic trash”.

I love all women bodybuilders including Barbara Carita . would have thought any one who thought these women are big and scary would not even be on this site . maybe they have never seen the inside of gym

there is a comedy outline script for a comedy she hulk movie . part of the comedy is about men bodybuilders trying to discredit womens bodybuilding shame it will never see production

Jul 16, 2024 - context

The many Korean and Chinese girls (fbbs/fitness) who use face shrinking in photos. Some take it so far that it just looks ridiculous. Lookin like the Goombas from the old Super Mario movie.

Jul 14, 2024 - context

Okay so... it breaks my heart to say this, but Love Lies Bleeding isn't good overall.

It has some positives: * amazing visuals * great soundtrack * Katy O'Brien got pretty jacked. She flexes and shows it off a lot. She's very cute * Kristin Stewart is cool * Ed Harris is honestly pretty awesome.

But the negatives: * Storyline is ridiculous * Halfway through, Katy O'Brien goes into a strange junkie-like trans and loses all of her charisma and screen presence. It really sucks actually * The ending is a mess

I honestly think that this formula (great visuals & music, awful storyline and conclusion) is pretty on-brand for A24. I've seen a lof of their movies and - to date - "Green Room" and "Talk to Me" are the only ones that I'd call good.

That said, if you go in for 80's music and Katy's biceps and visceral gunplay and one thousand year-old Ed Harris... then you'll find things tthat you enjoy. Just don't overthink it.

Jul 14, 2024 - context

are a24 movies good ? i only know about this one and civil war civil war was also a big fail

Jul 13, 2024 - context

Saw it in the cinema. It was very disappointing with cliche upon cliche. A lesbian Bouquet Romance Novel. Characters, storyline all super cliche and just dumb. In general A24 movies are quite good. But this.. meh..waste of my money

Jul 12, 2024 - context

A) As other have noted, this is in no way something new. I remember reading an interview with Juliette Bergmann where she criticized Denise Masino for trying to fetishize the sport. This was the early 2000s, when pay sites like WPW were just starting. A lot of FBBs had their own sites with member only content. OF is just the newest version of this.

B) Women's weightlifting in mainstream culture has always been about sex appeal. "Flex Appeal" with Kiana Tom in the 90s was a fitness show with woman in bikinis. Cory Everson guest starred on Hercules in a chainmail bra. Magazines prominently featured fitness models on covers. Men have a degree of mainstream appeal thanks to 80s action movies and WWF. But women have always been treated as eye candy.

C) A sport about nearly nude oiled bodies on display for crowds is inherently sexual. One can still appreciate the work and dedication it takes. But no one is paying to see athletes in jeans and polos. It should come as no surprise that a sexy sport ends up being about sex.

Jul 09, 2024 - context

Fbbs are not all same.


Think about high levels of achievement with anything. Let's say, starting a company. Or becoming a prima ballerina. Or becoming a famous musician. There are people who become highly competitive achievers while maintaining a sense of balance and healthy human relationships, and then there are people who leave a trail of destruction, dysfunction, and broken hearts in their wake.

This happens across all endeavors.

The challenge we are actually discussing here is making healthy relationship choices. This transcends any high level of achievement a person might chase.

Bodybuilding (or whatever the focus may be) is incidental. Bodybuilders are not toxic relationship destroyers any more than people who want to be movie stars or tenured physics professors. Some people are toxic losers, and others are full of love and positive energy.

If you want a relationship, it's up to you to do the personal examination and the work to get ready for it. And if you want a relationship with a high achiever (of any type), start looking inward and ask if you have what it takes. In all cases, you're responsible for your own mental health and choosing a compatible person.

Jul 06, 2024 - context

Stumbled across this upcoming movie featuring Emily Bett Rickards, Felicity Smoak in Arrow, and Deborah Ann Woll, Jessica in True Blood, both of whom are strong looking for actresses.

Queen of the Ring

The biopic of Mildred Burke, the first ever million dollar female athlete and champion pro-wrestler who pioneered the sport in a time when all girl wrestling was banned in most of America.


Jul 05, 2024 - context

Every female bodybuilder I have ever seen is with a guy who's insanely roided out. Not like I got on a small dose to play a movie character but like on so much roids they look like they are barely breathing. Most are as wide as they are tall. Most of these female bodybuilders are a result of a steroid addict who was a trainer they met and got them on gear. These ladies basically date the dealer, like hot women in Miami date another type of dealer.

Recently saw this skinny girl get on gear, she became so sauced she was way more jacked then her chubby sedentary husband. Literally left the guy and her kids less than a year into marriage for a buff roid head, that's more common than you think.

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