You can get a script for anything from a “wellness” or “anti-aging” clinic.
Is that in the US? As far as I know, anabolic steroids are schedule 3 drugs and even legal prescriptions are monitored. Oxandrolone (old Anavar) is not manufactured or sold in the US and maybe obtainable through black market sources but identity and quality is questionable. So it would be interesting to learn about sources of steroids and not just what some think they are taking.
What is actually legal? I find it hard to believe that bodybuilders who work outside the fitness industry are risking obtaining illegal drugs.
In most jurisdictions it’s definitely not legal. And while anti-aging clinics can get you scripts for things like testosterone, they’re not going to prescribe you stuff that a lot of bodybuilders and strength athletes use.
Speaking from a U.S. perspective, law enforcement doesn’t really care about personal use when it comes to PEDs. It’s hard to establish probable cause to search for them (you can’t just search a bodybuilder’s home because they look jacked or raid a gym because a lot of the people there are exceptionally muscular,) and PEDs aren’t given as much as attention as “more dangerous” drugs are. That being said, law enforcement does care if they think you are distributing. That is what will get them to raid your place and charge you with serious prison time,
No one has answered the questions about sources, identity and quality? Can anyone imagine chronically injecting unproven steroids into your thigh? How is it that the IFBB passively encourages use of anabolic steroids by defining competition “standards” and yet these drugs are potentially misidentified and of poor quality?
LOL you're on the wrong site if you're looking for sources here.
In broad strokes, you have three routes:
1) Doctor-prescribed anti-aging will juice you up with legitimate test and the price is better than ever before. You won't win a pro competition with this, but you can get really huge. Bigger than most guys for sure, and it's sustainable and monitored.
2) SARMS, which are cheap but quality is unknown and it's grey market at best. Unless you're a teenager or on a serious budget, I'd avoid.
3) Real gear, but you're going to have to befriend some other bodybuilders for this. Easiest route is to hire a professional BB coach. We're talking like $5K a year for the coaching and another $5k for the gear though, so you need to be really serious to go this route.
Number one is great and can be quite safe. It's what I do.
Also, to add: sources that sell “good enough” PEDs from a UGL are not too hard to find if you are dedicated lifter. Other lifters aren’t going to give their sources towards random schmoes (which makes sense considering that they aren't legal,) but if you are a regular lifter and actually network with your local strength sports/bodybuilding community, you should be able to find out where you can buy stuff. I am a natty lifter, but I came close to jumping on the PED wagon, and I got sources from asking people that I knew in my fitness community.
You may see bodybuilding sites and other forums (like another fbb fetish forum) advertising places that sell steroids. Those places are ALWAYS a scam. And if you are a brand new user on a bodybuilding forum or otherwise someone who comes across as a complete noob asking for sources (assuming you don't get banned for breaking a common policy in not asking for or sharing sources, you WILL get scammed.)
Occasionally, I get an add for distributors of anabolic steroids and SARMs. I guess the IG algorithm sends me these adds because I carefully look at the content. Buying a wide variety of these drugs seems very easy. But this stuff is likely not from a regulated source. The quality and identity is still hazy to me. If steroid use is as widespread as believed then these women (and men) must be buying from these mail order distributors.
Real pharmaceutical grade, certified steroids could, in principle, be produced and tested in generic labs in Mexico, China, India perhaps and brought into the US in a variety of ways. None of this seems legal, allowable or easy.
What are BB taking now?