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Tagging by race?

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

"so instead of one convenient click, we should spend hours searching through peoples' profiles. Do you have a job? If so, what is it because you have a lot of time on your hands. I'm jealous."

Really, dude? You're the one who keeps pushing your personal issue and expecting everyone else to buy in. Who said anything about "peoples' profiles?" My reference was to the daily uploads. I'll offer that you appear to be the one with "time on your hands."

Bottom line is that this is Chainer's site. He'll consider the opinions expressed and do what he thinks best.

My personal issue? The tagging system affects us all dude, if it was so unpopular no one would use it you all are the ones in the minority here. And clearly your answer to this problem is for us to sit on the site 24/7 digging for images, you could really care less about efficiency or other peoples time as long as you don’t have to think about other peoples race anymore that’s all that matters.

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

The tagging system affects us all...." Whatever.

"you could really care less about...other peoples time..." Ridiculous comment. Everyone on this site controls their own time.

I agree with the last post from "Heavily Edited." You've been owned by him and perhaps others. I'm done here. Bye.

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

The tagging system affects us all...." Whatever.

"you could really care less about...other peoples time..." Ridiculous comment. Everyone on this site controls their own time.

What does that even mean.. and how can my statement be ridiculous when your suggestion would take hours out of people’s day.. like really think about what you’ve suggested, you literally want people to waste their time when one click would save us hours, Jesus.

I agree with the last post from "heavily edited." You've been owned by him and perhaps others. I'm done here.

You all don’t seem to understand, users have been tagging girls by their race in mass.. I personally have only done this twice but there are THOUSANDS of girls tagged by their race by other users here.. so common sense would tell you that this system is very popular, it’s working and that you all are literally in the minority… a very loud minority, good bye.

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

Men of color are more likely to prefer women of color than white men, so racial tags are more useful for them, since most of images here are of white women.

This is false; imo there are no need for the racial tags.

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

This is false; imo there are no need for the racial tags.

Then you believe this thread about race should be removed too?


Damn shame that’s how I was originally finding black women and without it I wouldn’t have discovered your profile.

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

"Whether people can be classified by appearance characteristics" and "whether such classification means different races of human beings" are two different things

If you deny the first question, send random street photos of random European countries, East Asian countries, and Sub-Saharan African countries to kindergarten children and ask them if they can distinguish

Like all liberals, I deny the second question. However, since appearance characteristics exist objectively and this is a website for appreciating women's appearance, it is natural to use these appearance features as tags. Just like some people want the blonde tag and some people want the tall tag, it does not mean humans have races based on hair color or tall people discriminate against short people

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

Then you believe this thread about race should be removed too?


Damn shame that’s how I was originally finding black women and without it I wouldn’t have discovered your profile.

Clearly the forum is dominated by white FBBs and the goal of my page was to promote/ highlight other black muscular women.

Then you believe this thread about race should be removed too?


Damn shame that’s how I was originally finding black women and without it I wouldn’t have discovered your profile.

Clearly the forum is dominated by white FBBs and the goal of my page is to promote/ highlight other black muscular women.

Then you believe this thread about race should be removed too?


Damn shame that’s how I was originally finding black women and without it I wouldn’t have discovered your profile.

Yes, the forum is dominated by white FBBs and the goal of my page was to promote/ highlight other black muscular women. I have over 100 new finds of black muscular women & wouldn’t need to use race if I wanted to search for someone. I just through it was weird when the new tags came out and saw an Andrea Shaw photo I posted being tagged as black. Obviously she is but why was that needed?

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

Obviously she is but why was that needed?

The likely answer - people use the tags on this site to discover new images/models and want their racial preferences to show up in that tag system.

The less likely answer - users anticipate an exclusion search feature in the future and add racial tags so they can omit those images from their future searches. Again, due to racial preferences.

The wacky answer - some users have an innate desire to categorize things.

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

@HaitianKing Yes, the forum is dominated by white FBBs and the goal of my page was to promote/ highlight other black muscular women. I have over 100 new finds of black muscular women & wouldn’t need to use race if I wanted to search for someone.

What is your process for searching for black/Afro FBBs on and outside of GWM?

I assume if you’re not using racial tags on here or outside of GWM then you’re spending hours scouring the net and shows waiting for them to just show up randomly, if that’s the case then that sounds absolutely exhausting but I don’t know your process so I won’t judge.

I just through it was weird when the new tags came out and saw an Andrea Shaw photo I posted being tagged as black. Obviously she is but why was that needed?

Well like you said the site is flooded with white FBBs, had I not decided to venture off into the black womens FBB thread I wouldn’t have found the majority of my favs nor would I have found you, the tags make things even easier for me and other users but if you have a better process I’d love to hear it.

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

this all sounds racist to me

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

So I'm on the fence about this. On one hand, as an Egyptian, I want representation. Having a tag for Ethnicty can show people just how many bodybuilders come from countries they don't expect.

Not to mention it's important to acknowledge our differences. Yes, in the end we are all humans, but we can't deny that we have different skin color, hair color, hair type, food, music, clothes, etc. Based on where we come from.

I also have a natural attraction to Egyptian women, and I'm always curious to find more. Ethnicity tag helps with that.

On the other hand, there are many people who will use these for the wrong reasons. They will use them as a reason to discriminate.

So while I do believe it's important to classify women according to their Ethnicity because of representation, I am also concerned about the potential harm that can come from it.

Side note: I tried tagging Fatema Elnemr (Dengel) as Egyptian (because she is) but it said that tag is not allowed on the website?

Extra side note: I just noticed there's an Arab tag. Just like people complained that "white" is too broad, so is Arab. There's Egyptians, Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqi, Saudi, Palestinian, etc. And there's differences in their cultures

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

Great points Zote! Thank you for your thoughtful input! Cause for thought and contemplation upon what all this means. This all reminds me of the pseudo-science of Phrenology --- where skull measurements, skin colour and various physical attributes were directly related to intelligence, health and social usefulness. It was all total bullshit but most people in the 18th and 19th centuries accepted such categorizations and, of course, the terrible outcomes Phrenology caused. And now, in the 21st Century, we are again witnessing something very similar...and the cohorts of apologists are just as active as they were in 1850 and earlier or later. Highly biased categorizations are nothing new in the World of Humans.

This website is dedicated to muscular gals --- who cares what 'colour' or socially-biased 'race' she might be since such has nothing to do with a muscular woman. She, whomever she may be, is an Human Female but very muscular as opposed to the usual Human couch-potato.

So for those that are 'search inept' all you need search for is what turns you on: ie. Biceps, Thighs, Abs etc. That should be good enough without the added racial categorizations since race has nothing to do with musculature but muscle types do. Or you can exercise your brain (that appears to be enormously difficult) and search by 'Name'.

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

i dont see whats wrong with this at all, its categorization of fetish content which is only a good thing, why are people so afraid of race? its a real thing

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

i demand the ability to look up "brazilian glutes" as a fundamental God-given human right!

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

Here come the Apologist's a-whining away...and right on time too. And it is also interesting to note that the whiners are all supporters of Barb Vitez --- Russian Fifth Columnists? I leave the rest to your imaginations.

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

funny little passive aggressive remark but im not wrong lol

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

This thread seems fairly pointless at this point. Some people find demographic nationality/ethnicity/race model tags useful for a variety of reasons (both fetish-related and not), some people don't care for them, that's about all there is to say.


If you are into white girls or black or anything else, I think you'll easily find what you're looking for in here without the need of a tag.

There are over 1,600,000 uploads on the site currently, stop playing dumb. Note that such model tags can be combined with all the other muscle group/activity/etc tags to help people find what they're looking for.

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

Here come the Apologist's a-whining away...and right on time too. And it is also interesting to note that the whiners are all supporters of Barb Vitez --- Russian Fifth Columnists? I leave the rest to your imaginations.

wait, what??

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

This thread seems fairly pointless at this point. Some people find demographic nationality/ethnicity/race model tags useful for a variety of reasons (both fetish-related and not), some people don't care for them, that's about all there is to say.


There are over 1,600,000 uploads on the site currently, stop playing dumb. Note that such model tags can be combined with all the other muscle group/activity/etc tags to help people find what they're looking for.

Nuff said! 👍

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink

Excellent point Chipperpip. Cool.

Oct 30, 2024 - edited Oct 30, 2024 - permalink


I also have a natural attraction to Egyptian women, and I'm always curious to find more. Ethnicity tag helps with that.

On the other hand, there are many people who will use these for the wrong reasons. They will use them as a reason to discriminate.

The whole thing about tags is discriminating. Discriminating is in our nature and we do it al day. Do i eat the apple or the pear? Its about differences and our personal preferences which helps u to make a choice. Its not a real problem but if one feels superior to the other....

As for who is what,I know no real white or black people most are a shade of...the people coming closest to real white are Albino who are part of the black race

Oct 30, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by norbertwinston
Oct 31, 2024 - permalink

As I said upthread, I agree that the "white" tag has problems, though not for racial reasons. I suggested a solution. I'm also fine with Chipperpip's solution of renaming it to "caucasian". I don't feel very strongly about it and I don't know if it solves the problems I outlined.

With regards to the general use of race tags, I am not entertaining any arguments that boil down to "I don't like this, therefore you shouldn't be able to use it."

Oct 31, 2024 - permalink

It's just a more efficient way of sorting all the models. Some people have prefences for certain races but that doesn't mean it's a fetish. You all need to learn to stop reading so deep into everything.

Oct 31, 2024 - edited Oct 31, 2024 - permalink

Then you believe this thread about race should be removed too?


Damn shame that’s how I was originally finding black women and without it I wouldn’t have discovered your profile.

Personally I find the white fragility from other users in this thread deeply embarrassing. Some of us are POC and we prefer easy ways to access the WOC we prefer. Tagging by race/ethnicity makes our experience on this site easier and lets us waste far less time. There’s literally no reason to remove something that adds and costs so much to the experience of users like us. I’d also like to add that race may be pseudoscience, and not matter to white people (especially Europeans) but for us POC, it’s become an incredibly useful tool we reluctantly use to identify people and how they relate to us. Also, as someone who prefers WOC, it was genuinely torturous to have to dedicate so much effort to searching for them the hard way. Even threads dedicated to specific groups barely scratch the surface the way the race/ethnicity-model tags make things quick easy and organized. Yeah, it can seem dubious, but it’s useful. I agree with chainer’s suggestion to make it private to non-users.

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