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tip of my tongue

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

so basically there are 2 pieces of old media that i wanted to ask about but they are weird so i don't want to ask on reddit or other mainstream platforms one is an old movie involving no female muscle but some weird awkward femdom .the other one are old female muscle videos i just want to know about the background music since the videos are on youtube if you want to ask a similar question post below maybe i can help.

anyway for the old movie i don't remember much of these movie it was a horror movie from 1989 at least i think its from that year because of a copyright date on the tv guide if only i remembered the title. i am also not sure if it was supposed to be a parody since it looked very cheap and ridiculous. anyway the one scene i remember .was when a guy was about to have some kind of femdom sex with his wife who tied him up and blindfolded him but i don't remember why but the wife had to go away for a long time and then a ghost possessed a Barbie doll and the Barbie doll begins to fuck him but he thinks its his wife and then he gets killed by something but i don't really remember much quite strange. the only other part i remember was that they had a conversation about being married for 17 years before this scene but i thought that was odd since the actress looked young compared to the husband who was older. but i forgot everything else about this move and probably only watched the opening because i had to go to school or probably because my parents didn't want me to watch more of it .

my 2nd questions is simpler i want to know what the name of the background music is in these old videos because i like the style and i always wondered were i could find more like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmL9aEEtw1s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdFFPZADsPM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TChEKhaLqtc

if you have a question about old media you don't remember the name of but are too embarrassed to ask for on more mainstream sits please post it below maybe i or another user knows the answer

2 days ago - permalink

I see you’re a Monica Brant fan. Little known fact, Monica speaks excellent Spanish:

2 days ago - permalink

Maybe to help your 2nd question it's background music and unless a major motion picture seldom gets released or named. That particular piece may be hard to find. Since it does have Japanese instruments (accompanied by a electric bass?? which is an ODD combination) in it something SIMILAR to that might be along this line: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lyieFu7BnHE

Hope this helps.

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