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Creepy schmoes ruin it for all of us fans

2 days ago - edited 2 days ago - permalink

Michaela Aycock posted this on her IG story. I'm glad she's ok, that must've been a scary moment for her.

WTF is wrong with these people?

2 days ago - permalink

what a massive piece of shit...glad she is ok.

2 days ago - permalink

Unfortunately this is what all women have to worry about on a regular basis. It is a creepy experience. I’ve been followed before by an old man and for the record I am a guy. The old man was eyeing while I was shopping for a phone in a store. I could tell he was eyeing me because the vibes felt weird so I did what she did and walked into another place to lose him.

I feel sympathy for women in general because they experience this kind of crap on a more regular basis. That’s why I advocate that if you think a muscular gal is hot, just introduce yourself to her and compliment her. Don’t follow her and don’t stare like an idiot. There’s too many creeps here in this world so don’t be part of group.

2 days ago - permalink

I've seen Michaela at my gym in tampa FL b4. Didn't realize it was her. She looked like a girl that's just starting college but is hugely jacked. Very cute too. Idk why guys act like this. If you want a muscle woman, go to the gym and talk to them when they're not busy. Don't follow them around. That's how I met a gorgeous FBB that i made out with and who actually competed against Michaela that weekend. The gym is also where I met my bodybuilding Wife too. Guys they're women just like all of the other women. Expect they're jacked, and most of the time are attracted to guys who have muscles too. Just be normal. Dont ask them about their muscles or competing. I usually let them know that they have a very beautiful face or gorgeous eyes. Something like that, then we exchange numbers and start getting to know each other on a date or something. I dont mention anything about muscles unless she brings it up. Or we've been together for a bit. Guys like this probably don't even lift. So what are you expecting to happen when you follow them in a creepy manner?

2 days ago - permalink

Unfortunately there are people who lack that part of the brain that prevents you from acting this way. The few bad apples will always exist.

2 days ago - permalink

Unfortunately this is what all women have to worry about on a regular basis. It is a creepy experience. I’ve been followed before by an old man and for the record I am a guy. The old man was eyeing while I was shopping for a phone in a store. I could tell he was eyeing me because the vibes felt weird so I did what she did and walked into another place to lose him.

I feel sympathy for women in general because they experience this kind of crap on a more regular basis. That’s why I advocate that if you think a muscular gal is hot, just introduce yourself to her and compliment her. Don’t follow her and don’t stare like an idiot. There’s too many creeps here in this world so don’t be part of group.

The girls who are ok with you approaching them will let you know. She's assuming the worst but you need to be safe. A hotel is not a place to follow muscle girls around.

2 days ago - permalink

First off, I'm glad she's safe. Also, this is why everyone, especially women, should carry something with them at all times. Be it a gun, mace, knife, or whatever.

It sucks that this is a reality in western society, but it is.

Secondly, we should stop acting as if creepy behavior is somehow only, or more, prevelant with schmoes. It's not. Do you see what female wrestlers go through? One female had her home broken into because a crazed male fan wanted to date her. Certain popular female streamers can't go out in public without security. This isn't something that only FBBs have to deal with, and I'm tired of them, and others, generalizing people with a female muscle fetish.

2 days ago - permalink

Prudence is one of God's graces. You need to be smart about how you act in each given unique situation. The girls have issues with many things far beyond this example. The man obviously lacked self-awareness.

2 days ago - permalink

...One female had her home broken into because a crazed male fan wanted to date her.

??WTF?? How the hell did he imagine breaking into her house would make her more likely to date him? There's some insane MFers out there.

2 days ago - permalink

So this guy, what is his username on here?

2 days ago - edited 2 days ago - permalink

This is what happens when you view women as sex toys and not as human beings, it’s misogyny turned up to the max and it’s only gonna get worse with the next generation due to how extreme the internet has become.

there’s so many bad influencers out now like Andrew Tate who actively encourage these weirdos to act out in anti social ways, I really do fear for the next and current gen of female bodybuilders because their male fans will more than likely be just as brain dead as all the guys mentioned in this thread in a few years, the culture needs a massive shift before it’s too late but saying too much here will get you labeled as “woke” essentially mocked.

So this guy, what is his username on here?

I’m sure he does, part of the reason why I left this site is Because of idiots like him.. so much plausible deniability they’re always getting the Benefit of the doubt or their comments deleted along with those who speak up against them, I’m sure one of them will show up soon enough to kill this conversation just like all the others.

2 days ago - permalink

The girls don't all hate it. There is still the session thing and ways for them to make money. You have to realize who is who and be respectful. Society is in worse shape for many more reasons than influencers acting out. The internet opened a can of worms, but it brings more positive than negative. Those type guys were always out there....just not discussed amongst fans. People feel more entitled now with all the BS political movements and lewd behavior being excepted by society. Look at what is on TV....pure trash in many cases. Kids don't have a chance. They don't go out as much unless they play a sport or do group activities. They spend their time on the net. That is something we did not have back in my day. You'd wait for the magazines and look. That was it. The sport took off with the start of the WSE and shows being on TV. It went downhill from there with PEDS and other things losing sponsorship and the insane 25% rule. The sport has never come back from that. It has improved the last 10 years a little with the internet playing a role.

2 days ago - permalink

@zig563 no woman in her right mind wants to be stalked by strangers zig, consent is a must.

1 day ago - permalink

that one line: "We know there's those "types" that love female muscle" they must just assume were all like this

1 day ago - permalink

that one line: "We know there's those "types" that love female muscle" they must just assume were all like this

Any wonder? Either the male only stares or when they do speak, it gives them the ick. Hardly appealing.

1 day ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

First off, I'm glad that Michaela is ok. At the end of the day, it was a very uncomfortable situation that could have become dangerous. Best case scenario is that he was an very socially awkward awestruck fan who didn't know how to properly talk to someone, but he also could have been a dangerous individual who wanted to bring harm to her (and no, her being muscular isn't necessarily a safeguard and I wish people here would stop thinking that.) Shit like this is NEVER ok, and it deserves to be called out.

Before I write my next thing I want to reference something I wrote on the "celebrity schmoe" thread about what exactly is a schmoe. I don't think being attracted to muscular women makes someone a schmoe, and I also don't think someone not being a bodybuilder themselves or a fit person makes them a schmoe. Rather, a "schmoe" is someone who is into buff women but acts creepily and inappropriate towards them. Kay Baxter coined the term to describe those creepy "fans," and that was long before the Internet era in the 80s. Creepy people have always been around, but unfortunately I think being a more digital world where people are interacting less and less in-person is fueling more of those undesirable mindsets.

Secondly, we should stop acting as if creepy behavior is somehow only, or more, prevelant with schmoes. It's not. Do you see what female wrestlers go through? One female had her home broken into because a crazed male fan wanted to date her. Certain popular female streamers can't go out in public without security. This isn't something that only FBBs have to deal with, and I'm tired of them, and others, generalizing people with a female muscle fetish.

Nobody is saying that creepy behaviors don't exist in other communities (as someone who is into tabletop gaming, D&D and especially Magic the Gathering I have also witnessed very inappropriate behavior,) but since this is a forum geared towards muscular women, it's not surprising that that is going to be where most of the focus is. In general, from my OWN experience being in the strength sports community and knowing muscular athletes in-person, most have no issues with people who are physically attracted to them. Rather, it's shit like what that dude did at the Olympia that sticks out, and unfortunately, EVERY athlete that I know with a least a moderate following has had creepy interactions online and/or in person (and that includes male bodybuilders and strength athletes.) As someone who loves playing MTG while having a solid social life, it sometimes pains me to see negative stereotypes about MTG players. But if I am being honest and fair, it's a stereotype that has been earned. We should direct most of our derision to the people like that dude, and not the unfortunate recipients of behavior like that who feel like they have to be cautious around those who dig muscular women.

And unfortunately, both in-person and online I have also witnessed a lot of creepy behavior. Hell, in here, we have people posting "stealth" pictures of women that they have taken without their consent who are minding their own business at the grocery store, the gym and even the classroom. And the worst part is that there are people who not only don't see anything wrong with that behavior, but get defensive when challenged. While yes, there are "admirers" who are respectful and know how to properly interact with women, there are unfortunately a lot who don't and that needs to be called out.

I found an article written in Iron Magazine on how fans should approach bodybuilders. As a disclaimer, it is a little too harsh towards people who are attracted to muscle, and I disagree with the author's view on those who he deems "not true fans," but the general premise on how to approach them at conventions and competitions is pretty spot on. How Should Fans Approach Bodybuilders?

When you run into bodybuilders IRL, or even if you message them in person, the best advice I always have is to simply treat them like you would anybody else. Don't mythicize them to an absurd degree because at the end of the day, they are human beings. Compliment them on the work they put in or maybe ask them about their training. You would be surprised how low the bar can be for leaving a positive impression. I have had women that I have talked to say that they were completely surprised when I talked to them about training, recovery, splits because they usually only get questions like: "how big are your biceps? Can your flex? Can you beat up men?"

And finally, to quote the immortal words of BIll and Ted: "Be excellent to each other!"

First off, I'm glad that Michaela is ok. At the end of the day, it was a very uncomfortable situation that could have become dangerous. Best case scenario is that he was an very socially awkward awestruck fan who didn't know how to properly talk to someone, but he also could have been a dangerous individual who wanted to bring harm to her (and no, her being muscular isn't necessarily a safeguard and I wish people here would stop thinking that.) Shit like this is NEVER ok, and it deserves to be called out.

Before I write my next thing I want to reference something I wrote on the "celebrity schmoe" thread about what exactly is a schmoe. I don't think being attracted to muscular women makes someone a schmoe, and I also don't think someone not being a bodybuilder themselves or a fit person makes them a schmoe. Rather, a "schmoe" is someone who is into buff women but acts creepily and inappropriate towards them. Kay Baxter coined the term to describe those creepy "fans," and that was long before the Internet era in the 80s. Creepy people have always been around, but unfortunately I think being a more digital world where people are interacting less and less in-person is fueling more of those undesirable mindsets.

Nobody is saying that creepy behaviors don't exist in other communities (as someone who is into tabletop gaming, D&D and especially Magic the Gathering I have also witnessed very inappropriate behavior,) but since this is a forum geared towards muscular women, it's not surprising that that is going to be where most of the focus is. In general, from my OWN experience being in the strength sports community and knowing muscular athletes in-person, most have no issues with people who are physically attracted to them. Rather, it's shit like what that dude did at the Olympia that sticks out, and unfortunately, EVERY athlete that I know with a least a moderate following has had creepy interactions online and/or in person (and that includes male bodybuilders and strength athletes.) As someone who loves playing MTG while having a solid social life, it sometimes pains me to see negative stereotypes about MTG players. But if I am being honest and fair, it's a stereotype that has been earned. We should direct most of our derision to the people like that dude, and not the unfortunate recipients of behavior like that who feel like they have to be cautious around those who dig muscular women.

And unfortunately, both in-person and online I have also witnessed a lot of creepy behavior. Hell, in here, we have people posting "stealth" pictures of women that they have taken without their consent who are minding their own business at the grocery store, the gym and even the classroom. And the worst part is that there are people who not only don't see anything wrong with that behavior, but get defensive when challenged. While yes, there are "admirers" who are respectful and know how to properly interact with women, there are unfortunately a lot who don't and that needs to be called out.

I found an article written in Iron Magazine on how fans should approach bodybuilders. As a disclaimer, it is a little too harsh towards people who are attracted to muscle, and I disagree with the author's view on those who he deems "not true fans," but the general premise on how to approach them at conventions and competitions is pretty spot on. How Should Fans Approach Bodybuilders?

When you run into bodybuilders IRL, or even if you message them in person, the best advice I always have is to simply treat them like you would anybody else. Don't mythicize them to an absurd degree because at the end of the day, they are human beings. Compliment them on the work they put in or maybe ask them about their training. You would be surprised how low the bar can be for leaving a positive impression. I have had women that I have talked to say that they were completely surprised when I talked to them about training, recovery, splits because they usually only get questions like: "how big are your biceps? Can your flex? Can you beat up men?"

And finally, to quote the immortal words of BIll and Ted: "Be excellent to each other!"

Well said!

1 day ago - permalink

that one line: "We know there's those "types" that love female muscle" they must just assume were all like this

Shes always kind of been off put towards fans in general i believe just based upon how she acts in general ive always felt, and i believe definatly puts alot of fans in that group i believe. This is in no way ment to say that what took place was in any way right, or a diecent way to approach some one at all. Ive just always felt that she is very stand offish with female bodybuilding fans.That being said just as its been said before just be a diecent person in any interaction.

1 day ago - permalink

Shes always kind of been off put towards fans in general i believe just based upon how she acts in general ive always felt, and i believe definatly puts alot of fans in that group i believe. This is in no way ment to say that what took place was in any way right, or a diecent way to approach some one at all. Ive just always felt that she is very stand offish with female bodybuilding fans.That being said just as its been said before just be a diecent person in any interaction.

I’m not saying this to start an argument by the way. I can see your point. She may be like that to some fans(I don’t know), but muscular women have to deal with crazy fans on the daily(not just online, but in real life too). Imagine being stalked yourself for looking the way that you look.

Not every woman out on social media wants to be a celebrity. To some, they just want to inspire other people without having to filter out all the creeps. I imagine her being “stand-offish” is a mixture of her personality and her wariness of certain “fans”. This incident is a perfect example as to why some women are disinterested in carrying a conversation with a total stranger.

PS: I know you weren’t condoning this behavior…..

1 day ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

I’m not saying this to start an argument by the way. I can see your point. She may be like that to some fans(I don’t know), but muscular women have to deal with crazy fans on the daily(not just online, but in real life too). Imagine being stalked yourself for looking the way that you look.

Not every woman out on social media wants to be a celebrity. To some, they just want to inspire other people without having to filter out all the creeps. I imagine her being “stand-offish” is a mixture of her personality and her wariness of certain “fans”. This incident is a perfect example as to why some women are disinterested in carrying a conversation with a total stranger.

PS: I know you weren’t condoning this behavior…..

I also want to add: When you say "fans," do you mean people who are fans of the SPORT of bodybuilding and are fans of her as an athlete and competitor, or "fans" in the sense of men who are more into her for her physique and don't really care about the sport itself? Nothing wrong with the latter, but something tells me she would be much more open if you came to her as a fan of her as an athlete than if she thinks you are fetishizing her for her look.

For Michaela, I don't think she "hates fans" in the true sense of the word, but rather has zero interest in the fetish side of the industry (hence why she doesn't shoot for herbiceps, or do cam work.) And that's ok!

I also want to add: When you say "fans," do you mean people who are fans of the SPORT of bodybuilding and are fans of her as an athlete and competitor, or "fans" in the sense of men who are more into her for her physique and don't really care about the sport itself? Nothing wrong with the latter, but something tells me she would be much more open if you came to her as a fan of her as an athlete than if she thinks you are fetishizing her for her look.

For Michaela, I don't think she "hates fans" in the true sense of the word, but rather has zero interest in the fetish side of the industry (hence why she doesn't shoot for herbiceps, or do cam work.) And that's ok!

Yep, I think she loves the fans that actually like and care about the sport of bodybuilding and her journey, but doesn’t like the fans that are only into it for the fetish.

1 day ago - permalink

@zig563 no woman in her right mind wants to be stalked by strangers zig, consent is a must.

I would beg to differ having met many top fbbs over the years. They don't want to be stalked, but many are fine with close up pics and enjoy putting on a show with their bodies. Some look at it as work. Prudence is needed. Fbbing has many strangers at shows. Do you think they want friends and family only? I don't. The sport is in bad enough shape as it. We saw that with the payouts as compared to Mr Olympia last weekend.

I agree on talking for sure. I think you need fans to have a sport. A basketball player in the WNBA just got "threats" in her e-mail which someone had found. Police are looking into it. She is a top 3 player in the sport. There are more mental illness and misguided people than ever before. The police were at the shows I worked to look for a stalker and this was 2003. This is not a new thing Michaela posted. She could have filed a police report if it was near as bad as she said. Tough situation, but most of the girls that have been around know the ropes and feel comfortable.

1 day ago - permalink

Yep, I think she loves the fans that actually like and care about the sport of bodybuilding and her journey, but doesn’t like the fans that are only into it for the fetish.

You would have to know all this and I'm not sure why she was picked. The non session or outside girls tended to be much more to themselves and not as fan friendly. I saw this often. Many of the girls were against the girls who did sessions. One was very famous and at the top of fan's wish list.

1 day ago - permalink

One female had her home broken into because a crazed male fan wanted to date her.

Ah, that home invasion rizz.

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