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Dilemma Of Growing Up Years Ago

9 hours ago - permalink

I have rarely ever posted on this site but felt compelled to share my feelings.

Growing up many years ago, I never got to experience muscle girls, like what all of us are experiencing now. Even teenage girls are lifting weights and proudly flexing. In the 1960s and early 1970s, girls very rarely deliberately showed off their muscles.

The one real opportunity I had was having a muscular neighbor, on a ranch. My parents were friends with hers and I was so in love, so in lust, with her. Her name was Gertrude, she went by Trudy. Damn that girl was strong and had awesome, shoulders and arms. She even had traps, although I didn't know what that muscle was called back then.

She bucked hay on her parents ranch and sometimes helped us as well. If you don't know what bucking hay is. You stack bales of hay, bales weighing anywhere from 50 to 150 lbs. I'm guessing ours were in between, maybe 80 to 90 lbs.

I probably made a fool of myself, many times, staring at her. She almost always wore a ponytail and watching her working on it, tying it up, drove me to the bathroom, for private time, many times. She never actually flexed her biceps but that would have been a treat for sure.

I never had trouble getting girls but she was different. She wasn't pretty but because of her muscles, I was awkward around her. I wanted to tell her how beautiful her arms were but there was no way I could say something like that. Girls back then didn't want muscles and Trudy was no different.

We were sneaking beers from our parents one summer evening. Hiding along the stacks of hay, I got a nice buzz and made my move. I think we were both around 16 or 17. We were kissing and I decided, I just had to feel those arms of hers. At first I just was sliding my hand along her arm but as she pulled me in close to her, I could feel her bicep harden and I took hold.

I'm sure I was stroking her bicep muscle more than I should have and she did not like it one bit. She was teased at school for having muscles, especially having biceps like hers. So my attention to her muscles made her uncomfortable. I should have gradually let her know that it was okay for a girl to have muscles, eventually letting her know I liked them.

There was no more kissing or beer parties for us. I even began to notice how she would glare at me when she knew I was staring at her arms. I don't know how many of the older guys on this site have had similar experiences. We would have been branded weirdos by boys and girls alike, if we said we liked muscles on girls.

9 hours ago - edited 9 hours ago - permalink

Been there and done that. I'm sure I shared my story about a similar experience in Yosemite National Park. That buffed blonde flat out called me a weirdo for spending too much time on her arms! I definitely was born too soon. I can easily feel the frustration you felt.

9 hours ago - permalink

I didn’t even realize I loved muscle on women until was in college but in high school my girlfriend who is now my wife was a very strong farm girl who was big into sports. She worked out for sports so much she was getting visible muscles and wide shoulders (she had large traps). So much so her mom kept telling her to stop lifting weights. So she did as soon as her sports were done. This was the late 1980’s.she is still very strong for a woman.

9 hours ago - permalink

Well, it´s not like so many young women today are muscular.

Surely, the numbers are increasing but its from very low levels to start with.

The experience you had there in the barn really sounds like a good one (if its not fabricated)!

7 hours ago - permalink

I do think there is a fine line between admiration and fetishization.

Being attracted to buff women is probably more acceptable now than it was decades ago, but women can pick up pretty easily if you're fetishizing them or not, and almost universally they don't like that.

5 hours ago - permalink

even now i can't find any muscular women anywhere a few months ago i went to a beach and there were 1000s of women but no female muscle at all. there were a lot of men with big muscles too i never really got the opportunity to compliment muscular women in real life because i almost never see one. that one time i saw a very muscular jogger she was running so fast i barely noticed her and i avoid talking about these things to random women for obvious reasons so its hard to know what they think about this stuff. i just don't really know what my reaction to muscular women would even be if i saw one in person and she wasn't super busy. i told a certain woman she has nice calves .but that was after i already had sex with her and she thought her calves were ugly and big despite my trying to convince her they looked amazing .

i can't even imagine it in the 1960s did people even know what a fetish was back then ? seems like most older people that don't use the internet much think that anything that isn't very popular is weird not just when it comes to things that are sexual but even things that more family friendly that isn't popular. like i tried to explain this older guy what a podcast is but he just didn't get it. i tried to compare it to radio talk shows but nope listening to people talk about their hobby is very weird .these guys just seem to work eat watch football or in the case of women watch soap operas sleep repeat and now they don't even to the working part.

while i am young i still remember when south park came out and the idiots thought it was for kids because its a cartoon so there was some outrage. seems like in the past people were just less open minded everything that wasn't traditional was hard to comprehend .

4 hours ago - permalink

I feel like I need to comment here. I've dated female bodybuilders and powerlifters. My ex wife is a strong, muscular woman. In my opinion, no woman likes to be fetishized or objectified. A woman wants to be treated like a woman, not like an object of lust. Take her to dinner, the movies, see if any feelings develop. Women are emotional, they need to have that connection with a man to go any further. She may be willing to do the fetish type stuff once you have her heart. She would definitely be more willing to please. I would be willing to bet there is a guy out there enjoying her muscles. If you would have played it cool, that could have been you. Muscular women are so rare. I hope you get another chance to find your muscle queen

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