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How muscular do you *want* to be?

Sep 08, 2024 - edited Sep 08, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by PRAP384
Sep 08, 2024 - edited Sep 08, 2024 - permalink

I am already quite muscular, aiming to be peak natty. I have recently increased my training to 4 times a week. I am prioritising my chest and glute muscles. I want to have huge pecs again, like I did in the past. I also want bigger, rounder glutes.

Sep 08, 2024 - permalink

I don't really care if I'm muscular or not, so I'll go with skinny.

Sep 09, 2024 - permalink

If I didn't have the rest of my life to take care of I'd train as much as possible, but because I personally worry about side effects I'd be hesitant on roids/PEDs unless it's with a partner.

Sep 09, 2024 - permalink

If I didn't have the rest of my life to take care of I'd train as much as possible, but because I personally worry about side effects I'd be hesitant on roids/PEDs unless it's with a partner.

Smart way to do it. PEDs come with side effects no matter how hard people rationalize their usage.

Sep 10, 2024 - permalink

Muscular enough to attract an FBB!

Sep 10, 2024 - edited Sep 10, 2024 - permalink

Recreational bodybuilder - not looking to complete. Started TRT about 18 months ago out of medical need, then figured since I am on TRT for life now anyway, mind as well try the PED train. Played highschool and college football. Always was something on my bucket list but obviously stayed clean in school for NCAA random testing.

Fast forward a few decades from my football career years, family, 2 kids, busy career I got up to 350 pounds of complete fat ass on my 6'1" frame. Either do something or die young my doctor told me. Did the Tirzepatide and lost 130 pounds. Felt great but lots of lose skin. Tried lifting and eating again (knew how to do it from years of training playing ball) made zero gains, in fact lifting was killing all my joints. That's when I did bloodwork, my testosterone was in the toilet.

Started TRT, strength came back, body filled back in to normal. Spent a while absorbing every bit of knowledge from PubMed, found several good doctors and coaches, settled in on how I was going to cycle. Learned to make my own pills and sterile injectables and ancillaries. Learned how to source, and properly test all these drugs, and making my own every is dosed proper.

So been on blast cruise for about 12 months. Shotbback up to 265 pounds, all lean gains, body Fat I would estimate around maybe 15%-18%. Love handles are gone, can just see the outline of my abs box and adonis belt lines, some muscle definition and veins but not ripped by any means.

Been slow and steady, but very fun. I do bloodwork 4x a year or whenever I need it. Blood pressure, cholesterol, kidney function, liver function, all perfect. I keep cycles SANE which is the key. You grow and cut slower, but I am not killing myself in the process.

Sex drive couldn't be better, my wife couldn't be happier, and I love turning the heads of girls half my age. While I wished I had started this sooner, if I did I would be sterile like all men are on TRT, and I wouldn't have my two incredible children. Gotta stay safe to be there for them healthy as they grow up, but this is something I have Always wanted for myself. Goal now is to just keep growing and improving.

And in case you are wondering: yes the reality is every bit as awesome as the fantasy. I now completely understand why everyone of these girls does what they do.

Sep 10, 2024 - permalink

My genuine aim is peak natty. I'd love the pro BB look, but I'm unlikley to go down the PED route.

Sep 13, 2024 - permalink

I too with like to try PED route but I hear don't do it from some guys I know that have took them. So peak natty. My idea look would be bigger than Randy Orton and smaller than John Cena. My diet sucks the most even though i can work out!

Sep 14, 2024 - permalink

When I was in my twenties I worked out for several years and had a pretty buff body. But because of my fetish I stopped it. Just doing cardio and beeing slim feels better in this context. I just enjoy it when some young chicks half my age in the gym have bigger arms and legs than I have. 😋

Sep 17, 2024 - edited Sep 17, 2024 - permalink

I would like to be muscular, unfortunately I have to deal with the limits of my physique but I always try and always try to improve. one of the most beautiful things ever is taking care of your body and building muscles and becoming strong and see a muscular physique (of men or women), in this women are the true masterpiece: if you notice female bodybuilders are always healthier than men and women are always healthier and overall more strong than men.

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink

just muscular enough to earn myself a muscle goddess

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

and I love turning the heads of girls half my age

I've also had the experience of enormous female attention after doing a hard bodybuilding cut. From someone who never had attracted girls when I was young, it was more awe-inspiring than the northern lights.

Its a shame a lot of guys will go through life not experiencing that at least once.

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

if I did I would be sterile like all men are on TRT, and I wouldn't have my two incredible children. Gotta stay safe to be there for them healthy as they grow up, but this is something I have

That is a myth. Been blasting and cruising for 5 years now. Had 2 kids in between

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

That is a myth. Been blasting and cruising for 5 years now. Had 2 kids in between

Its wild how often I hear this. But I think it boils down to how naive many people are about PED's.

They read a story about an outlier professional male BB or influencer who dies or gets sterilized or ends up in dialysis.

They think that this is a common outcome for PED users. And then they look at the guy in question - who's absolutely huge - and assume that only people who look like him are on gear.

When in reality every single ripped dude and girl in their gym is on gear. As was most of their high school wrestling team and all of their college football team.

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

I used to want to be big and everything and went to the gym all the time etc, but now as im getting older I realise how pointless being big is. You are slower, you put more wear on your joints, not as flexible etc basically its just harder to live and do normal things when you are bigger. So now its all about being leaner, running, bodyweight exercise, stretching etc

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

I was pretty muscular during my younger years, but it gets harder to retain as you get older. I had really big arms and the ladies would love to hold on to them during sex and make comments about how big and hard they were. Seems like a lot of women like the big arms. I’m still fairly muscular for my age but don’t get to work out as much as I used to. Hope to change that soon and maybe put back in some of that muscle mass.

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

I've also had the experience of enormous female attention after doing a hard bodybuilding cut. From someone who never had attracted girls when I was young, it was more awe-inspiring than the northern lights.

Its a shame a lot of guys will go through life not experiencing that at least once.

YESSS! I knew a girl in school who only randomly noticed me and seemed a bit disgusted about me (skinny, acne a.s.o.). In later years I trained a few years, not very much but got quite athletic. I went to public swimming and she saw me. She immediately went other and talked very friendly... ;-)

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

I feel about it like this:

  • I'd want to be totally jacked just to experience what it feels like, but I wouldn't want this to be my day to day existence... just more of a one time thing. For this reason it's never going to happen.
  • I'd prefer to be in peak athletic condition, but that requires a commitment to training that I'm unwilling to make time for.
  • I can live with the physique I have now, which is athletic enough to deal with anything life throws at me.
Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

Bodybuilding is really in the blood.

I can’t imagine looking any way but this way. Being muscular is a major priority in my life, and honestly quite tied to my self worth these days. Feeling like this is a requirement for most bodybuilders . Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth it to put in this much work

Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

Bodybuilding is really in the blood.

I can’t imagine looking any way but this way. Being muscular is a major priority in my life, and honestly quite tied to my self worth these days. Feeling like this is a requirement for most bodybuilders . Otherwise it wouldn’t be worth it to put in this much work

I respect the hell out of the people who are able to commit to the lifestyle. Let's just say that my free time is typically devoted towards more "nerdish" endeavors.

For a long time as a kid I was committed to martial arts. I went all the way to black belt, but what I learned from it is that I pushed myself to excel from a combination of personal curiosity to see how far I could go, and from pressure from others. So, in a way, I know what it's like to push your my to the limit, not specifically from pumping iron but from fatigue and burn all the same, where it feels like battery acid running through my veins.

Bodybuilding isn't for me, and I've accepted that. I do think that finding your passion is the most important thing in life, and for some that passion is bodybuilding. For others it might be something else. For every one of us, though, general fitness at minimum should be a part of day to day life.

Oct 04, 2024 - edited Oct 04, 2024 - permalink

I have played rugby for about 28 years. For most of that I was very overweight (330lbs). last year or so I've dropped a lot of weight and noticed I was more muscular as a result. IDK.. It's something I am kind of working towards but I still am not sure where I want to go with this. Can't play rugby forever.

"When I was in my twenties I worked out for several years and had a pretty buff body. But because of my fetish I stopped it. Just doing cardio and beeing slim feels better in this context. I just enjoy it when some young chicks half my age in the gym have bigger arms and legs than I have."

God I sometimes wish I could be very slim so when I meet up with one of these sessionettes and they can legit toss me around like nothing.

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