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Image tagging changes (custom tags!)

Sep 27, 2024 - permalink

Meh, I’m honestly not sold on the new tag system. It would be nice to still have a drop down of the most commonly used tags, then a searchable field for obscure tags. But maybe the ui will grow on me 🤷

Sep 27, 2024 - permalink

Meh, I’m honestly not sold on the new tag system. It would be nice to still have a drop down of the most commonly used tags, then a searchable field for obscure tags. But maybe the ui will grow on me 🤷

Agreed with this. Some of the tabs and easily selecting were part of my daily "flow"

Sep 27, 2024 - permalink

i am too dumb to use this lol. wanted to combine the search biceps measurement(s) but got no results.

Sep 27, 2024 - permalink

i am too dumb to use this lol. wanted to combine the search biceps measurement(s) but got no results.

Those are two separate tags, so it would be biceps, measurements with a comma between them. Like this.

Sep 27, 2024 - permalink

> > I thought it was established that "sleeve" had been a catchall for body-hugging/compression clothing. So, while arms might be bare, a six-pack poking through a tight top would fall under "sleeve" or tight pants that can't contain a big ol' ass would be a "sleeve."

When was that ever "established"? Where is the reference to that definition anywhere else on the site? A search elsewhere suggests no one outside this thread ever considers that word as you define it.

First, calm down. Second, I thought it was mentioned on this here forum.

Sep 27, 2024 - edited Sep 27, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by PP1000
Sep 27, 2024 - permalink


Any possibilities to subscribe to a tag as well? Like, in similar fashion where one subscribe to a model to receive notifications?


Sep 27, 2024 - permalink


Any possibilities to subscribe to a tag as well? Like, in similar fashion where one subscribe to a model to receive notifications?


Yeah, I have already asked for this too

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by upright_row
Sep 28, 2024 - permalink


Any possibilities to subscribe to a tag as well? Like, in similar fashion where one subscribe to a model to receive notifications?


I'm seconding (thirding?) this proposal.

I'm so far neutral on the new tags system but I think it's definitely worth a try. Allowing users to subscribe to specific tags would make it way better though.

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink

Just a note, for any tags with "bicep" in the name I've merged them into versions that use "biceps" with an 's' instead, since that's technically the proper name of the muscle and I'd like to keep it consistent when people are searching for or creating related tags.

(Even for one arm and without a noticeable split, it's an inherently double-headed muscle where it connects to the upper arm anatomically, which is where it gets its name)

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink

> Please restore the old tag system before it gets completely out of hand.

I like the new system. I think the old system had its share of tag misuse as well, such as biceps, teen, and sleeve.

Honestly, I think it’s high time we rename the teen tag to something like “young” to indicate young women rather than outright minors.

Sep 28, 2024 - edited Sep 28, 2024 - permalink

By the way, on the topic of tags, I’d like to make a request: create tags for models in tandem with images. My favorite kind of women are women of color (black, brown, asian, indigenous, latina, etc), who I’ve spent much of my time here on GWM doing my best to chronicle and source them in the comments. Lately, I’ve been trying my best to tag as many images of these goddesses of color with their ethnicity. The problem with this, however, is that it not only takes a lot of time, but additionally strains the 10-tag limit with tags that could be much more effective if they were applied to the model, not just the image. I imagine this system would have to work as a 10-tag-capped service just like with images, just applied to the model itself and displayed alongside the image tags on every image they have, saving a lot of time on tagging aspects like their race/ethnicity, and non-muscle related attributes like height, measurements, their body type, hair, nationality, age (I mentioned replacing “teen” with “youth”, and have applied the “mature” tag to some women like Maggie Watson), etc.

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink

That's actually been brought up, to see if tags that would apply to all of a model's pic could be applied separately, or attached to the model name so they're applied automatically, etc. It's up to Chainer whether something like that gets implemeted eventually, I think there are other things he wanted to get to first, like negative tag searches.

Sep 28, 2024 - permalink

Model tags and tag subscriptions are both pretty high priority, more so than negative tag search.

I've discussed why I'm not renaming the "teen" tag to "young" on the forums before, but it boils down to: First, "teen" does not imply minor as 18 and 19 are numbers that exist, and second, "young" would get misused even more than "teen" does currently on basically anyone under 40.

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

Model tags and tag subscriptions are both pretty high priority, more so than negative tag search.

I've discussed why I'm not renaming the "teen" tag to "young" on the forums before, but it boils down to: First, "teen" does not imply minor as 18 and 19 are numbers that exist, and second, "young" would get misused even more than "teen" does currently on basically anyone under 40.

I don’t know, the use of “teen” is pretty suspicious, I think it’s best to rename it to young/youthful, as it fits the unsaid agreement users seem to have on using it: young and youthful women (regardless of their actual age, but generally <40), as opposed to more mature women. Using teen just feels like it’s bound to set ephebophilia detectors off, which in their defense, is a fair and reasonable response to the risk of seeing minors on this site.

Sep 29, 2024 - edited Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

Besides that point, I think another feature we could benefit from adding would be a form of description for the tags decided by the community, like community notes on Twitter, where the specific parameters and use are described to disambiguate and clarify the specifics of tags. I think this would mainly be effective with the original tags, but the option to add it to custom tags would also be greatly appreciated. Also, I think descriptions for individual images or models could be nice. Maybe we could meld the model tags idea with a form of stats based on measurements, records as competitors, and etc for models. It’d also be useful to add sources for their social media on it, though I will admit to having grown used to manually inputting sources for social media into their model names. It’d also be useful for providing alternative names as well. Admittedly, I’ve come to blows with Chainer over including 汉字 Hànzì and romanizations of Cantonese in names, but that’s because I sincerely want to include the important information found in these model’s names, especially of non-English languages. Allowing a space to include both social media and alternative names could save a lot of time and be beneficial in the long run. Though, I’ll also admit to being fond of having something of a “record” of sources I can access through my comments. Maybe a form of crediting edits could remedy that? Like, if some of us users are particularly reliable with sourcing models, we can have our names be included so followers can keep up with our contribution to their info.

…regarding the use of Yuèyǔ(Jyut6 Jyú5)/Cantonese (廣東話/广东话 Gwóng2 dùng1 wáa2, 廣州話 Gwóng2 zàu1 wáa2) though, I’d like to clarify that I affirm the use of Cantonese in model names: if a model is from an area where it’s spoken, like 兩廣/两广 (Liǎngguǎng/Léuhng Gwóng), Hong Kong (香港 Hoēng1 Góng2), and Macau (澳門/澳门 Ou3mún2, then chances are that they primarily speak and identify with Cantonese/Jyut6 Jyú5 over Mandarin, and that should be respected.

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

Model tags and tag subscriptions are both pretty high priority, more so than negative tag search.

That's great to know, thank you.

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

Minor complaint: It seems like a mouse click is necessary when using the auto-complete for the tags (this is not the case when using auto-complete for model search). If I type "Body", I can use the down arrow key to highlight (what the hell) "body paint" but I cannot actually select it by hitting "enter." No, I have to click on it with the cursor. However, if I type "Ariel", then the enter key CAN be used to select a model. I tried this on Firefox and Chrome.

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

I use Tab for auto-complete. It will pick the most-used tag.

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

I use Tab for auto-complete. It will pick the most-used tag.

Useful. Thanks.

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

I can finally tag quad shakes. YEAH

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

Tried a tag and video search and nothing happened. Took me to the same videos without the tag search

Sep 29, 2024 - permalink

Tried a tag and video search and nothing happened. Took me to the same videos without the tag search

Can you give an example? I just did a search with a name, two tags, and "video" checked, and it works fine.

Same if I remove the name and just search for videos with certain tags.

Sep 30, 2024 - edited Sep 30, 2024 - permalink

Also, side note unrelated to the above, I've merged the tags for "big biceps" (which I created) and "boulder biceps" into "huge biceps" instead.

The idea is to mostly reserve it for shots showing really huge biceps, a few good examples:

The thinking being that normal-sized biceps are covered by either the regular "biceps" tag, or also "peaked biceps" if they're particular shapely and sharp.

Note that some "huge biceps" also deserve the "peaked biceps" tag, Charla Sedacca has some nice examples:

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