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Political posts from "Fbb's that makes you cringe"

1 day ago - permalink

And of course there's good ol' Liberia...


What does Liberia have to do with this? We're talking about Haiti, not Liberia. Liberia is a country in western Africa, whereas Haiti is in the Caribbean.

16 hours ago - permalink


Dude I literally cannot find anything about Haitian people eating cats.

Not surprising, considering the motto seems to be running cover for them these days. Have a look here, here, here or at these comments from Haiti's next-door neighbors.

Your "indelible in the hippocampus" credibility mileage may vary, but to pretend like this is just something that emerged out whole cloth because of Mean Orange Man is incurious at best.

Anyway, and taking a step back, the bottom line is what yotv succinctly summed up: "I cringe when someone has different politics from me". If people were honest instead of affecting a neutral pretense that they just don't like it when fbbs express political opinions, this whole derailing exchange about cats and Haiti's socioeconomic woes wouldn't even have happened.

1 hour ago - permalink

> > Agreed. No use bringing that all on here. I know that I mentioned it, but I specially said that it didn't make me cringe. > > Also, for anyone who's reading this, give Katie Lee a break. I KNOW she doesn't make it easy at times, but she's really been through some s*** lately. She could honestly use our support. I don't agree with much of what she posts, but she's fundamentally a good person and an asset to our scene. Let her go off and maybe give her a positive comment from time to time. > > Okay on the lighter side.. something that makes me cringe is girls posting the SAME EXACT THING WITH TINY VARIATIONS. This girl Maddi Pann should be right up my alley. Cute, fit, thicker muscular body, pretty feet, and loves showing them off. > > https://www.instagram.com/maddi.pann/?hl=en > > But good lord she's made the same video with slightly different angles and different colors of the same outfit like 1000 times. She's good at getting engagement with reels, but the repetition is so monotonous that she lost me. I won't click on her content any more, and I'm like genetically predisposed to be ridiculously into her.

No one is bothering Katie Lee. She’s a grown adult who chooses to support a political affiliation that takes away rights from citizens. She seems like a nice person and yes she’s very attractive but her constant posts of political beliefs are the only things that’s being ridiculed. No need to white knight her. No one’s harassing her…

You are just insufferable.

1 hour ago - permalink

Is fascism politics? I think when you're openly supporting denying people the right to do what they want, that's beyond politics. It's one thing to identify individual politicians with whom you disagree, but another to promote a movement dedicated to advocating dictatorial powers for a specific group or ideology. The Taliban is not a political faction, nor is Project 2025.

Jesus, you are that Hercules guy.

21 minutes ago - edited 3 minutes ago - permalink

I split these posts off from the main thread to quarantine the political garbage.

Here are the bans earned above:

  • untergr8 here for casually sneaking in the assumption that your political opponents are self-absorbed, I don't know what you expected from that but it certainly doesn't help lower the temperature; also the "Um dude you need to STFU" here
  • real_iluvmuscle for the two posts directly above that serve absolutely no purpose except insulting other posters
  • Honorable mention to norbertwinston, I'm not banning you right now but I've seen you come into threads like this all the time and just cheerlead for your side without adding anything meaningful.
Thread locked by Chainer.
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