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Biggest alternatives to GWM/Saradas?

1 day ago - permalink

Now how is anyone going to sue the owner there, when everyone there is sharing illegally reposted content, especially content from pay sites?

Please think a little before you post lol

1 day ago - permalink

Yeah, when I said I wanted the guy who runs Saradas outed, I was talking more full name and address.

And the VIP part of the "community" there is equally scummy. There was a glitch or failed system update or something where a bunch of the VIP forums got made public, and in Danielle Gardner/Ms. Devious' forum they were conspiring on ways to cost her as much money as they could, like systematic distribution of her pay vids and passwords to her site. Ms. Devious quit BBing for 'findom' not too long after that.

Thanks guys. You sure are supporting the community by driving this piece of hotness out of the scene.

1 day ago - permalink

people should just move their stuff to another forum it can't be that hard right ?

1 day ago - permalink

Why complaining about the copyright infringement on other sites when at the same time this site is based on the same priciple? Or does anyone of you ask the girls before re-posting their stuff? Many of them make money with advertising. So I don't see a big difference ...

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