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Political posts from "Fbb's that makes you cringe"

2 days ago - edited 5 hours ago by Chainer - permalink

At this point you shouldn't be at all surprised that the average competitive fitness woman is ardently Christian, politically right wing, and astonishingly self-absorbed. Go to your average iron gym and listen to the conversation. This is not yoga or tai chi. It's all about image, vanity, obsession, and body dysmorphia. So what? I come here to gawk and fantasize. IRL is a whole other story. These women are also very very young.

2 days ago - permalink



"Way too MAGA and Pro Trump for me. Shamelessly post alot of right wing content". You didn't say she was "way too political" or "shamelessly post alot of strong political opinions", you specifically zeroed in on her political leanings, snidely implying that she should be ashamed of them. Be honest with yourself and others, instead of pretending you're simply bothered by someone "being 100% for the any politized media".


If it's not in the US why does it matter?

The US doesn't contain some type of magic dirt that makes cultural norms and habits simply go 'poof' when people land there. Many Haitians eat or sacrifice cats, as they themselves will readily admit, and as mission and human aid reports corroborate. That all of a sudden you'd get reports that domestic animals are disappearing and being eaten in a city that had a sudden influx of 20.000 Haitians isn't exactly surprising. But hey, feel free to visit the country and check for yourself. I hear the barbecue is to die for.

2 days ago - permalink

Um dude you need to STFU. This has nothing to do with anything. Haiti was one of the first actual democracy, and the first country to have a government with Blacks in positions of power. The domineering colonialist powers did everything in their power to destroy it, and this is just another example. Spreading lies in your bubble may be your jam, but this isn't your bubble.

2 days ago - permalink

Anthonythegrad was perfectly clear about what he/she found cringeworthy. No question about that. But there are Apologists out there that will spin everything such that nothing makes a shred of sense anymore. Untergr made an excellent point.

1 day ago - permalink


Um dude you need to STFU. This has nothing to do with anything. Haiti was one of the first actual democracy, and the first country to have a government with Blacks in positions of power. The domineering colonialist powers did everything in their power to destroy it, and this is just another example. Spreading lies in your bubble may be your jam, but this isn't your bubble.

This is why you shouldn't talk about politics in unrelated threads. People just end up losing it after a while, and we get gems like "This has nothing to do with anything", followed by a nonsensical, jaundiced rant against... well, something.

1 day ago - permalink


This is why you shouldn't talk about politics in unrelated threads. People just end up losing it after a while, and we get gems like "This has nothing to do with anything", followed by a nonsensical, jaundiced rant against... well, something.

I tried reporting some of these comments to who ever is in charge of GWM for editing or removal . that was 3 days ago .

in my book this entire thread might aswell get taken down by now

maybe it is not case of who is moderator or in charge of GWM maybe it is a what that is running GWM

1 day ago - permalink

Um dude you need to STFU. This has nothing to do with anything. Haiti was one of the first actual democracy, and the first country to have a government with Blacks in positions of power. The domineering colonialist powers did everything in their power to destroy it, and this is just another example. Spreading lies in your bubble may be your jam, but this isn't your bubble.

the history of haiti goes like this: 1. blacks take power 2. kill all the whites 3. haiti becomes a starving impoverished nation for the rest of its existence

1 day ago - permalink

the history of haiti goes like this: 1. blacks take power 2. kill all the whites 3. haiti becomes a starving impoverished nation for the rest of its existence

LOL...Your grasp of History Blips seems lacking in a few details. The first detail being Facts.

1 day ago - permalink

LOL...Your grasp of History Blips seems lacking in a few details. The first detail being Facts.

youre subscribed to barbara vitez so you can complain in the comments of every picture she uploads, you are the most butthurt and least credible person ive seen on this site

1 day ago - permalink

the history of haiti goes like this: 1. blacks take power 2. kill all the whites 3. haiti becomes a starving impoverished nation for the rest of its existence

Europeans conquer island, kill off most of the locals, set up a commodity economy using imported slave labor.

Rebels take control. The island economy, built for export, struggles due to lack of recognition and trade. Thomas Jefferson, freedom lover and slave owner, withholds recognition because it might give slaves in Virginia ideas. No I am not kidding.

France extorts 150 million francs to recognize Haiti in 1825. The debt requires for this cripples Haiti, rising to 80% of Haitian government revenue by 1900, and is not paid back until 1947.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries foreign governments repeatedly intervene in Haiti for political and commercial reasons. France, Germany, and especially the USA. USA not only intervened the most, but tacitly allowed the other governments to do so without any of the usual "Monroe Doctrine" resistance. And then, intervened to REDUCE German influence, occupying Haiti from 1915-1934.

The USA made many infrastructure improvements and yet also used force labor to do so.

The USA supported the dictatorial Duvalier dynasty as "anti-Communists" from 1957 to 1986. About 60,000 Haitians were killed by their own government during this era.

IDK what any of this has to to with Bodybuilding. But if you're gonna give a history lesson, don't skip the important parts.

1 day ago - permalink

I cringe when someone has different politics from me.

1 day ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

Europeans conquer island, kill off most of the locals, set up a commodity economy using imported slave labor.

Rebels take control. The island economy, built for export, struggles due to lack of recognition and trade. Thomas Jefferson, freedom lover and slave owner, withholds recognition because it might give slaves in Virginia ideas. No I am not kidding.

France extorts 150 million francs to recognize Haiti in 1825. The debt requires for this cripples Haiti, rising to 80% of Haitian government revenue by 1900, and is not paid back until 1947.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries foreign governments repeatedly intervene in Haiti for political and commercial reasons. France, Germany, and especially the USA. USA not only intervened the most, but tacitly allowed the other governments to do so without any of the usual "Monroe Doctrine" resistance. And then, intervened to REDUCE German influence, occupying Haiti from 1915-1934.

The USA made many infrastructure improvements and yet also used force labor to do so.

The USA supported the dictatorial Duvalier dynasty as "anti-Communists" from 1957 to 1986. About 60,000 Haitians were killed by their own government during this era.

IDK what any of this has to to with Bodybuilding. But if you're gonna give a history lesson, don't skip the important parts.

This is very much as it happened, except it was much much worse. Watch the documentary Exterminate all the Brutes on HBO if you are interested in the history of colonialism in the western world. As for the "this is politics" criticism, you can be entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. There is such a thing as truth, hard as it is for some people to believe when it makes them uncomfortable. White people by and large have been horrible to people of color throughout history, and it's still happening.

1 day ago - permalink

I cringe when someone has different politics from me.

We should have a cringe users thread. Would be epic

1 day ago - permalink

youre subscribed to barbara vitez so you can complain in the comments of every picture she uploads, you are the most butthurt and least credible person ive seen on this site

As a matter of fact, if you check many of Barbies pics, you will see that I have called her out for being a Nazi along with many others saying the same thing. That is the reason why. So you are simply, once again, jumping to conclusions lacking facts again.

1 day ago - permalink

Europeans conquer island, kill off most of the locals, set up a commodity economy using imported slave labor.

Rebels take control. The island economy, built for export, struggles due to lack of recognition and trade. Thomas Jefferson, freedom lover and slave owner, withholds recognition because it might give slaves in Virginia ideas. No I am not kidding.

France extorts 150 million francs to recognize Haiti in 1825. The debt requires for this cripples Haiti, rising to 80% of Haitian government revenue by 1900, and is not paid back until 1947.

Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries foreign governments repeatedly intervene in Haiti for political and commercial reasons. France, Germany, and especially the USA. USA not only intervened the most, but tacitly allowed the other governments to do so without any of the usual "Monroe Doctrine" resistance. And then, intervened to REDUCE German influence, occupying Haiti from 1915-1934.

The USA made many infrastructure improvements and yet also used force labor to do so.

The USA supported the dictatorial Duvalier dynasty as "anti-Communists" from 1957 to 1986. About 60,000 Haitians were killed by their own government during this era.

IDK what any of this has to to with Bodybuilding. But if you're gonna give a history lesson, don't skip the important parts.

nobody immediately recognized a nation of rebels that massacred thousands of citizens in a bloody revolt, sure, in a manner of violence that has remained among the nation of haiti ever since, not surprising

This is very much as it happened, except it was much much worse. Watch the documentary Exterminate all the Brutes on HBO if you are interested in the history of colonialism in the western world. As for the "this is politics" criticism, you can be entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts. There is such a thing as truth, hard as it is for some people to believe when it makes them uncomfortable. White people by and large have been horrible to people of color throughout history, and it's still happening.

and heres one of those "white people are uniquely bad and nobody else ever did anything wrong" people

As a matter of fact, if you check many of Barbies pics, you will see that I have called her out for being a Nazi along with many others saying the same thing. That is the reason why. So you are simply, once again, jumping to conclusions lacking facts again.

yes i know why youre constantly crying under all her pics, that doesnt make it any less weird or pathetic. lol who does that on a fetish website

1 day ago - permalink

The tragic history of Haiti makes me cringe

1 day ago - permalink

This thread got out of hand.....isn't this supposed to be about aspects of FBBs that make you personally cringe? Why are some people zeroing in on peoples opinions? This is suppose to be a supportive group or at least a thread that isn't about personal confrontation.

1 day ago - permalink

The US doesn't contain some type of magic dirt that makes cultural norms and habits simply go 'poof' when people land there. Many Haitians eat or sacrifice cats, as they themselves will readily admit, and as mission and human aid reports corroborate.

Dude I literally cannot find anything about Haitian people eating cats.

1 day ago - permalink

This thread got out of hand.....isn't this supposed to be about aspects of FBBs that make you personally cringe? Why are some people zeroing in on peoples opinions? This is suppose to be a supportive group or at least a thread that isn't about personal confrontation.

Good luck with that.

1 day ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

Dude I literally cannot find anything about Haitian people eating cats.

Omg just because I'm sick of this thread. Here's your cat eating report obtained through Freedom of Information Act from the city of Springfield Ohio.

And of course there's good ol' Liberia...


1 day ago - permalink

Omg just because I'm sick of this thread. Here's your cat eating report obtained through Freedom of Information Act from the city of Springfield Ohio.

And of course there's good ol' Liberia...


I'm so over this absolutely ridiculous story and time-wasting lie. It's wild that we have so many serious problems and this crap is what grabs attention, but I've had to accept that we have a lot of unserious people in this country. I'm not gonna call them stupid per se, but I will call them intellectually juvenile. Seems to be getting worse and not better.

Anyway in regards to this post, it seems that:

Neighbor called the cops to report her cat was eaten

Cops came out to talk to her

Nothing was confirmed. Unknown meat with no fur, bones, or other evidence was supposedly collected and shown to the cops.

Is this the slamdunk proof that you're showing us? Am I missing something here?

1 day ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

I'm so over this absolutely ridiculous story and time-wasting lie. It's wild that we have so many serious problems and this crap is what grabs attention, but I've had to accept that we have a lot of unserious people in this country. I'm not gonna call them stupid per se, but I will call them intellectually juvenile. Seems to be getting worse and not better.

Anyway in regards to this post, it seems that:

Neighbor called the cops to report her cat was eaten

Cops came out to talk to her

Nothing was confirmed. Unknown meat with no fur, bones, or other evidence was supposedly collected and shown to the cops.

Is this the slamdunk proof that you're showing us? Am I missing something here?

Well there's that and a whole bunch of black folk complaining about it at their city council meeting. It's on YT. The only reason to 'care' is because while the pet eating story has no doubt been embellished (you can figure there are always a few more going unreported) the real issue is an administration that just dumps people into the country and says "fuck it taxpayer, deal with it. We're going back behind our walls and private security." So if it takes sensationalism to make politicians care; good.

Agree, I'm over it as well but the thread won't die so maybe this will kill it.

1 day ago - permalink

Is this the slamdunk proof that you're showing us? Am I missing something here?

She found the cat "Miss Sassy" in her basement a few days later and apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile phone translation app according to the NYT.

Certain "news" outlets tend to gloss over retractions though, so these guys probably missed it.

1 day ago - permalink

She found the cat "Miss Sassy" in her basement a few days later and apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile phone translation app according to the NYT.

Certain "news" outlets tend to gloss over retractions though, so these guys probably missed it.

Good. Maybe the NYT can apologize for all the "Russia hackers created Hunters laptop" reporting as well. That's the price paid for biased untrustworthy journalism. This chaos is purposeful.

1 day ago - edited 1 day ago - permalink

Good. Maybe the NYT can apologize for all the "Russia hackers created Hunters laptop" reporting as well. That's the price paid for biased untrustworthy journalism. This chaos is purposeful.

She found the cat "Miss Sassy" in her basement a few days later and apologized to her Haitian neighbors with the help of her daughter and a mobile phone translation app according to the NYT.

Certain "news" outlets tend to gloss over retractions though, so these guys probably missed it.

LOL that's so good.

Nice. Miss Sassy was found safe after all. She wasn't turned into anonymous meat in the backyard.

Are all of you outside of the States just laughing all day at us? We're ridiculous.

Also... I think we need Artificial Intelligence sooner than later, as the Organic Intelligence is really going to s**t.

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