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Fbb's that makes you cringe.

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4 days ago - edited 4 days ago - permalink

Shifting away from politics, Katie Lee used to post a lot of reels from BJJ competitions when she got into the sport, and it kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. You could tell from her physique that she was still on the PEDs, and when she stepped on the mat you would see her practically dwarf her opponents at times. I get that in bodybuilding and strength sports, PEDs are pretty much the norm (and while there are tested and "natural" competitions, it's still an issue,) and I also get that PED use is prevalent in elite professional-level BJJ (look at Gordon Ryan, among others,) but to be on them in an amateur competition against other amateurs just feels wrong. You shouldn't have to feel like you need to take them at a local competition just to feel like you would have a fair chance, and I feel bad for her opponents who have trained hard naturally to go up against her with all the advantages of her drug use.

Really? That is an interesting perspective. I was actually supportive of that endeavor of hers. When I competed in BJJ, I went against some guys who were on some gear. Honestly, I welcomed it. It allowed me to truly put my skills to the test against stronger opponents. I saw her videos and I was glad for the combination of a bodybuilder entering a sport where skill is more important than athleticism. I can see your viewpoint though.

4 days ago - permalink

I'm disengaging from the political stuff. One person in particular is not worth engaging on this.

Okay on the lighter side.. something that makes me cringe is girls posting the SAME EXACT THING WITH TINY VARIATIONS. This girl Maddi Pann should be right up my alley. Cute, fit, thicker muscular body, pretty feet, and loves showing them off.


But good lord she's made the same video with slightly different angles and different colors of the same outfit like 1000 times. She's good at getting engagement with reels, but the repetition is so monotonous that she lost me. I won't click on her content any more, and I'm like genetically predisposed to be ridiculously into her.

Never heard of her, thank you for this.

Fafafitness is a great example of this. Amazing physique, but her videos are all just her walking in slow motion or awful skits like this. The shift to Reels has resulted in cringy behavior for a lot of influencers trying to churn out content, and I don't just mean muscle chicks.

4 days ago - permalink

Really? That is an interesting perspective. I was actually supportive of that endeavor of hers. When I competed in BJJ, I went against some guys who were on some gear. Honestly, I welcomed it. It allowed me to truly put my skills to the test against stronger opponents. I saw her videos and I was glad for the combination of a bodybuilder entering a sport where skill is more important than athleticism. I can see your viewpoint though.

I can see the "it's a test against a stronger opponent" thing, but the problem with that is that if you were to take, with all other variables removed, a natty competitor and an enhanced competitor and have them put in the same amount of time and effort training, the enhanced competitor will win every time. They are not just stronger, but have the ability to train more frequently and with less rest than a natty competitor, and if a natty competitor tried doing a similar routine to an enhanced competitor, they will regress at best due to overtraining or at worst get injured. I would know, because when training in CrossFit, the same thing happened to me when trying to keep up with people at my gym who were on PEDs. Sadly, you can't "outwork" a PED user. Katie Lee had a very aggressive training schedule that got her promoted much quicker compared to most other BJJ practitioners. You think she could have been able to sustain that level of training if she wasn't on drugs? And of course, that doesn't even factor on how much bigger, stronger and physically imposing she was against other women who were in the same weight class as her.

The way I see it, using PEDs at amateur competitions is far less ethical and more morally wrong than using them in professional, elite competitions. In elite competitions, it's a pretty safe assumption that most of your competition will be using, and given than you are competing for a financial payout, you can see why people are willing to do whatever they can to win. But amateur competitions are supposed to be fun, and they're also supposed to be a celebration for our athletic achievements. Made me think of this: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2015/mar/09... . Seeing how widespread drug use is in amateur competitions of every kind really takes the fun out of it.

4 days ago - edited 4 days ago - permalink

I am natty kristen nun, crazy steffi cohen, square jaw dr scoopy (Alyssa joan) or any FBB that murders animals, period are cringe and deserve the worst. They are trying to go overboard with their masculine energy and only result in being POS that need to be locked away. CRINGE all of them.

4 days ago - permalink

Tessa Barresi's making his BF to wear a dress is a level up... What a guy he is.

She might as well peg him too.

4 days ago - permalink

They don't eat cats my dude. I don't know where you're getting your information from.

yes too many foreigners are into that. bad people heck some rednks are into that sh too. Jail them all.

4 days ago - permalink

Jody May.

One of my first crushes. She was so perfect to me. Everything about her body, her face, her attitude. I saw her compete in person once. I've been a fan forever.

Now, I don't immediately judge people on their politics. Especially bodybuilders, as they tend to skew opposite of me politically. That's okay. I can still find them to be hot and appreciate what they do.

So I rolled with her thin blue line shirts and her gun collections and her pick me behavior and her pics with MTG. That's all fine. It's her life and I'm happy she shares it with us. She could choose to post nothing.

But a few months back she posted a picture next to a dead giraffe. That she shot in South Africa. A giraffe. With the usual BS spiritual caption.

And she's dead to me. I even find her old photos disgusting now, and they were some of my favorites. I can't abide someone who would kill one of those incredible animals for sport

100000000000% and anyone like her is dead to me too. Animal abusers are the top 3 worst people in the world if not the wors!

4 days ago - permalink

I can see the "it's a test against a stronger opponent" thing, but the problem with that is that if you were to take, with all other variables removed, a natty competitor and an enhanced competitor and have them put in the same amount of time and effort training, the enhanced competitor will win every time. They are not just stronger, but have the ability to train more frequently and with less rest than a natty competitor, and if a natty competitor tried doing a similar routine to an enhanced competitor, they will regress at best due to overtraining or at worst get injured. I would know, because when training in CrossFit, the same thing happened to me when trying to keep up with people at my gym who were on PEDs. Sadly, you can't "outwork" a PED user. Katie Lee had a very aggressive training schedule that got her promoted much quicker compared to most other BJJ practitioners. You think she could have been able to sustain that level of training if she wasn't on drugs? And of course, that doesn't even factor on how much bigger, stronger and physically imposing she was against other women who were in the same weight class as her.

The way I see it, using PEDs at amateur competitions is far less ethical and more morally wrong than using them in professional, elite competitions. In elite competitions, it's a pretty safe assumption that most of your competition will be using, and given than you are competing for a financial payout, you can see why people are willing to do whatever they can to win. But amateur competitions are supposed to be fun, and they're also supposed to be a celebration for our athletic achievements. Made me think of this: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2015/mar/09... . Seeing how widespread drug use is in amateur competitions of every kind really takes the fun out of it.

I completely understand where you are coming from in athletic dominant sports. From my experience, jiujitsu is a bit different as a sport. Let me explain, the hypothetical you used was two similar athletes with the only difference is one uses PEDS. In traditional sports that would be like playing checkers with someone, but you have half as many pieces. Both have the same pieces to the game, but one person has more of the piece.

Jiujitsu is more like playing chess except you start out with more or less of different pieces. You may start with a complete set of pieces on your side of the board where your opponent start with less in the beginning. As you get better, you begin acquiring more pieces. Sure you can perform athletically better in grappling, but by nature in jiujitsu, the tempo of it is slow. There is a reason why a lot of high level people in jiujitsu have more developed slow twitch fibers than fast ones.

I agree with you on about every other sport that relies on athleticism which is a lot of them. I’m not saying in jiu jitsu that it doesn’t play a role. It just doesn’t play as strong of a role because there’s a lot more to jiu jitsu than just athletic ability.

4 days ago - permalink

I am natty kristen nun, crazy steffi cohen, square jaw dr scoopy (Alyssa joan) or any FBB that murders animals, period. They are trying to go overboard with their masculine energy and only result in being POS that need to be locked away. CRINGE all of them.

IDK I'm a big Dr. Scoopy fan. I think she's beautiful and she is a veterinarian. I'm okay with ethical hunting.

I can see the "it's a test against a stronger opponent" thing, but the problem with that is that if you were to take, with all other variables removed, a natty competitor and an enhanced competitor and have them put in the same amount of time and effort training, the enhanced competitor will win every time. They are not just stronger, but have the ability to train more frequently and with less rest than a natty competitor, and if a natty competitor tried doing a similar routine to an enhanced competitor, they will regress at best due to overtraining or at worst get injured. I would know, because when training in CrossFit, the same thing happened to me when trying to keep up with people at my gym who were on PEDs. Sadly, you can't "outwork" a PED user. Katie Lee had a very aggressive training schedule that got her promoted much quicker compared to most other BJJ practitioners. You think she could have been able to sustain that level of training if she wasn't on drugs? And of course, that doesn't even factor on how much bigger, stronger and physically imposing she was against other women who were in the same weight class as her.

The way I see it, using PEDs at amateur competitions is far less ethical and more morally wrong than using them in professional, elite competitions. In elite competitions, it's a pretty safe assumption that most of your competition will be using, and given than you are competing for a financial payout, you can see why people are willing to do whatever they can to win. But amateur competitions are supposed to be fun, and they're also supposed to be a celebration for our athletic achievements. Made me think of this: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2015/mar/09... . Seeing how widespread drug use is in amateur competitions of every kind really takes the fun out of it.

Couldn't agree more.

We heard all about the testosterone levels of Imane Khelif at the Olypmics and suddenly every sports commentator was a Endocrinologist.

Female bodybuilders who aren't actively competing like Katie could be at 500 to 800 ng/dL, which puts them very firmly into the healthy young male range. If people are gonna be mad about chromosomes and the like, they should also be mad about female competitors who are blasting enough testosterone to make young Vin Diesel look modest.

And to be clear: I'm 100% fine with girls blasting any gear that they want in bodybuilding and fitness. It's part of the required equipment. But it's absolutely unfair to bring that drug regimen into other sports that aren't about that life.

4 days ago - permalink

It's à 4-3 years ago thing. I unfollowed many FBBs at that time being into anti-vaxxer rethoric. Big shredded pro FBBs saying "I'll not inject unnatural products in my body" and "I dont trust BigPharma". Well, let me laugh.

4 days ago - permalink

It's à 4-3 years ago thing. I unfollowed many FBBs at that time being into anti-vaxxer rethoric. Big shredded pro FBBs saying "I'll not inject unnatural products in my body" and "I dont trust BigPharma". Well, let me laugh.

LMAO. Yes, as an avid steroid user, and half the time having no freaking idea where the stuff comes from, I'll echo that.

If the Covid vax also gave you massive traps and capped delts, it would probably be a lot more popular tho.

4 days ago - permalink

It's à 4-3 years ago thing. I unfollowed many FBBs at that time being into anti-vaxxer rethoric. Big shredded pro FBBs saying "I'll not inject unnatural products in my body" and "I dont trust BigPharma". Well, let me laugh.

Also keep in mind that at this point there have been millions of American citizens that have been vaxxed and a lot of the anti-vaxx crowd avoided it out of fear that the vax itself may be faulty and do something to alter our DNA or cause other health issues...Well, a lot of us are still here today to tell our stories and the well documented negative side effects of roids don't deter a lot of these types from making the cost-benefit analysis decision to inject them to their systems. Such a huge lack of self awareness there.

3 days ago - permalink


They don't eat cats my dude. I don't know where you're getting your information from.

You must have missed the previous exchanges, my dude. The documented facts I am referring to are not the alleged incidents in the US.


I think when you're openly supporting denying people the right to do what they want, that's beyond politics.

Any political movement is about up denying some people the right to do what they want. Just because you happen to agree with what your side of the fence seeks to deny doesn't mean you're in the right (see what I did there?).


𝑲𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒚𝒏 𝑾𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒓: Way too MAGA and Pro Trump for me. Shamelessly post alot of right wing content. Which to me is unfortunate because she looks really sweet and kind, but being 100% for the any politized media is distasteful.

Again, people, be honest with yourselves. It's not that she's for this or that side of the aisle, it's that she happens to be on the side you unhingedly oppose.

3 days ago - permalink


You must have missed the previous exchanges, my dude. The documented facts I am referring to are not the alleged incidents in the US.


Any political movement is about up denying some people the right to do what they want. Just because you happen to agree with what your side of the fence seeks to deny doesn't mean you're in the right (see what I did there?).


Again, people, be honest with yourselves. It's not that she's for this or that side of the aisle, it's that she happens to be on the side you unhingedly oppose.


3 days ago - permalink


You must have missed the previous exchanges, my dude. The documented facts I am referring to are not the alleged incidents in the US.

If it's not in the US why does it matter?

3 days ago - edited 3 days ago - permalink

Also keep in mind that at this point there have been millions of American citizens that have been vaxxed and a lot of the anti-vaxx crowd avoided it out of fear that the vax itself may be faulty and do something to alter our DNA or cause other health issues...Well, a lot of us are still here today to tell our stories and the well documented negative side effects of roids don't deter a lot of these types from making the cost-benefit analysis decision to inject them to their systems. Such a huge lack of self awareness there.

I really don't know about the United States, but it's à country where you can buy steroids at wallmart. I think it's even more ironic when it was antivaxxer FBB's from european countries, countries where assuming to be on steroïds can lead you to jail, so they have to order russian stuff on darknet.

3 days ago - permalink

Used to be subscribed to Penelope Seedhouse but her content on this site turned into tiktoks that made me roll my eyes were she reacts to comments. She has a great physique and I wish her the best but that's not what I want to see. Her content has improved since though.

3 days ago - permalink
Deleted by PeperoniTony
3 days ago - permalink

I haven't been following this thread too closely but the above post is over the line IMO. The post(s) you responded to was political but at least not insulting, but you just had to throw in a few insults there.

Not banning this time but next time I might.

3 days ago - edited 3 days ago - permalink

Also for reference:

"I don't like X's political posts": fine

"X's political posts show she's a moron": insulting, not fine

3 days ago - permalink

Just as long as they don’t shoot a giraffe. Looking at you Jody May… you awful person.

Actually there are quite a few women, mostly young, very attractive, and very fit, who post with their wild game "kills." It's not just her, and it's terrible. I understand hunting for food, and hunting for sport-and-food (like deer hunting), but trophy hunting esp. of rare species is morally repugnant and it makes the girl look suddenly unattractive.

1 day ago - permalink

Ngl I find this new "most muscular" pose I see a lot of girls (especially on the smaller side) do is kinda cringe. The whole arms in an X shape with an emphasis on the firearms pose is kinda corny to me. They don't look any bigger and it just looks like they're showing off their elbows to me. Bridgett May does this A LOT.

1 day ago - permalink

it's silvia matta's nazi tat for me, but i guess the feeling is much worse than cringing

1 day ago - permalink

Ngl I find this new "most muscular" pose I see a lot of girls (especially on the smaller side) do is kinda cringe. The whole arms in an X shape with an emphasis on the firearms pose is kinda corny to me. They don't look any bigger and it just looks like they're showing off their elbows to me. Bridgett May does this A LOT.

if they have the size and muscle for most muscular pose than it is good .

some contests use it in pre judging .in some cases it might be better changing that pose for some thing else

1 day ago - permalink

link text

LOL...Your grasp of History Blips seems lacking in a few details. The first detail being Facts.

I meant more so this type of most muscular pose, I personally love the regular most muscular

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