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Biggest alternatives to GWM/Saradas?

Sep 02, 2024 - permalink

Now that DTV is gone

Sep 02, 2024 - permalink

i don't know much the male vs female forum is nice for mixed wrestling fans apart from that you mostly got general purpose sites or porn sites .for stories deviant art is quite nice i put my stories on there. but it can sometimes be hard to find what you want between an ocean or irrelevant content

Sep 04, 2024 - permalink

As you mentioned, DeviantArt is a great place for stories and artwork related to mixed wrestling and female muscle. The platform hosts a wide variety of content, but you might have to search or follow specific artists to find exactly what you’re interested in.

Sep 04, 2024 - permalink

Can you post link to any good stories. It's hard to find stories there. Search is awfull there

Sep 04, 2024 - permalink

Can you post link to any good stories. It's hard to find stories there. Search is awfull there

do you like stories that are realistic or are you more into super women ?

Sep 05, 2024 - permalink

Realistic stories appreciated here.

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

Did anybody get a weird email from Saradas?

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

They are not accepting my registration request

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

do you like stories that are realistic or are you more into super women ?

Both are fine

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

They are not accepting my registration request

They say they wanna delete inactive users. I had an account, but forgot the password.

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

Did anybody get a weird email from Saradas?

they often spammed me with strange adverts even after they banned me for being inactive i don't get the logic of it if you go to old threads you see most people that posted are now banned i ended blocking them

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink
Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

Realistic stories appreciated here.

it depends on your definition of realistic i personally like less realistic stories about things i can't experience myself maybe you like these 2 .



Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

Can you post link to any good stories. It's hard to find stories there. Search is awfull there

LH art is also good for stories and art work

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

Is saradas still worth it?

Sep 06, 2024 - permalink

some people sugguested making another Magneeta video or the growth experiment video sequel so far no other bodybuilders or production companies have decieded to make any more such videos which is a shame

Sep 07, 2024 - permalink

Is saradas still worth it?

Not really, my opinion.. unless you are uploading content frequently. They are very over-moderated.. banning people left & right, even if the posters comment. I think you are expected to upload images, etc. I guess it can still be valuable if you are an unregistered lurker ?

Sep 08, 2024 - permalink

Even if you do post content to Saradas they're likely to move it to VIP only so that you don't get any 'karma' for it. The whole website is really just a scam for the guy who runs it to make money off the women producing female muscle content. Would love to see him outed tbh.

Sep 08, 2024 - permalink


Sep 08, 2024 - permalink

ThaCat, I think you mean make money off the suckers that "donate" money to him.

This site is great for GWM. FTvideo is or was a great one too.

Sep 08, 2024 - edited Sep 08, 2024 - permalink


It used to be good, but a lot of good subreddits got shut down (like r/hardbodies). And other subs like r/Death_by_snu_snu got throttled by new copyright rules, so now the vast majority of content comes from OnlyFans models spamming the same stupid topics like “my ex said I was too muscular!” Or “I specialize in fan fucks, where do you live?”.

Sep 11, 2024 - permalink

Realistic stories appreciated here.

might like some of mine: https://www.deviantart.com/rgreye

Sep 12, 2024 - permalink

Would love to see him outed tbh.

It seems to me that they have been pretty thouroghly outed. The people who continue to use the site are either indifferent to its bad ethics or in denial.

1 day ago - permalink

It seems to me that they have been pretty thouroghly outed. The people who continue to use the site are either indifferent to its bad ethics or in denial.

I think he means "named and shamed", and I don't think it's indifference or denial primarily (though I agree those are factors), I think it's just a lack of both willpower to set somewhere else up, coupled with lack of belief anyone will actually subscribe.

Pretty nearly thrown in the towel there myself as a story writer, I happen to think my stories are a good read for any GWM fan, and it's only here, a site with 1/10th the traffic at best, I've had a single review that isn't obviously a bot ("Yeah, great story, can't wait for more!"), which they want me to react to with threats like, "We banned 2 billion members for lack of participation, don't become one, maintain active memberships". Like I'm gonna bow to that.

In summary, our community lacks numbers and commitment.

1 day ago - permalink

I've pretty much thrown in the towel as well after he put my K points down to zero for like the 4th time or so even though i post pictures I find through the out the net. I'm still amazed he hasn't been sued to oblivion yet for everything.

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