Looking for two specific stories that I can’t seem to find at the archive:
1) “Brandi 4 - Work - Brandi goes nuts at the construction site”. Story was by “Neptune”. I don’t think that author had his own bookshelf.
2) I can’t find this story www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/musclefan/tammy02.txt. I’m sure of that URL because I had it bookmarked but doesn’t seem like there is a snapshot of that story.
Both of those are in my archive download on the previous page. If you're looking at archive.org yourself, you might miss them, since depending on the snapshot date there might have been an "unavailable" page captured, and the Internet Archive web interface can be wonky at times. I combined a couple different full dumps going back years for that reason, along with filling in missing bits from other sources.
You're correct that Neptune didn't have a dedicated author page, but from "library.html" in my archive, if you scroll down to the "Authors of Misc: N" link, his stories are listed there, including "Brandi 4 - Work". The location of the actual text file is "/stories/1misc7/bran04.txt"
Similarly, "library.html" has a dedicated author page linked for "Muscle Fan", which contains his stories, including Tammy Chapter 2, located at "/stories/musclefan/tammy02.txt".
In general, if anyone is looking for a story from DtV and you haven't downloaded the library archive linked here, save yourself some time and just do that. Those links are all the same file, you only need to download one.
Both of those are in my archive download on the previous page. If you're looking at archive.org yourself, you might miss them, since depending on the snapshot date there might have been an "unavailable" page captured, and the Internet Archive web interface can be wonky at times. I combined a couple different full dumps going back years for that reason, along with filling in missing bits from other sources.
You're correct that Neptune didn't have a dedicated author page, but from "library.html" in my archive, if you scroll down to the "Authors of Misc: N" link, his stories are listed there, including "Brandi 4 - Work". The location of the actual text file is "/stories/1misc7/bran04.txt"
Similarly, "library.html" has a dedicated author page linked for "Muscle Fan", which contains his stories, including Tammy Chapter 2, located at "/stories/musclefan/tammy02.txt".
In general, if anyone is looking for a story from DtV and you haven't downloaded the library archive linked here, save yourself some time and just do that. Those links are all the same file, you only need to download one.
Thank you! Very helpful. Especially the URL for Neptune’s stories.
I made a copy of thevalkyrie using sitesucker a few months ago. Its 16,900 files and I zipped it up and put it on google drive:
Also I found an archive of brawna someplace earlier. It 2500 files. Here is a link as well -
Let me know if it doesn't work for you.
Would you or someone else be able to re-post the brawna archive? That link doesn't work anymore
I'm actually putting together a better version of the brawna.org archive similar to the DtV one. I just have to get back to renaming the folders, the original structure of the collected files was kind of a mess.
Has anyone else noticed that some stories are now missing the final few sentences or paragraphs? At least two of my favourites now have the end missing. Can this problem be got round?
Which ones? It could have been a capture problem by the Internet Archive, or there may have been an issue with one of the find/replace commands I ran to fix links and such.
I remember what a treasure this site was when I discovered it in 1997. And funny part is it never changed! Just content added. It was a delightful mess.
That's the all websites should. No need to change the site. Just add content.
the wayback machine has been offline for days now it looks like it will take weeks before its back online. i tried download the archived zips my first attempts failed. i eventually downloaded it from google drive the others were all down .and unzipped the files. but man zip files are so annoying right now it extracted a bunch of pointless empty files while all the stories and other stuff is spread all over my already confusing porn folder .i tried it again and made a special Diana folder but the folders are all empty so its hard to find the stories i like that are all in alphabetical order below the pointless folders .its hard since they all got cryptic names so its a minor improvement but still way too confusing why does it have to be like this i also wanted to delete the bullshit folders. but you got to do it slowly since the it wont stop scrolling if i go too fast and it will select the entire porn folder with the stuff i actually want to keep .in the zipped version everything is nicely ordered by writer but when i unzip it it always creates a mess
Has anyone found any good stories?
I did a keyword search and found some I liked. I posted them to my DA.
i eventually downloaded it from google drive the others were all down
Yeah, that part was my bad, I hadn't been checking the links in a while and some of them got taken down for inactivity or the fake copyright claims again recently, they've all been updated now.
That said, once the zip is downloaded, I honestly have no idea what some of you are doing to have trouble with it afterwards. Zip files with nested subfolders aren't some new unfamiliar technology, they've literally been around since the 1990's. I'll try to walk through it with screenshots, let me know which part is happening differently for you.
Heres's the downloaded zip, it should show as around 736 or 754 MB (the number will depend on which definition of a Megabyte the view you're in is using):
If you open the zip, it only has one folder inside it:
Don't try to look at the library from there, it's still inside the zip file, just right-click and pick "copy" on that folder, then go somewhere else you want to put it and paste it, or drag it out to somewhere you want to keep it, or just highlight it and Ctrl-C, then go to the folder where you want it and Ctrl-V. When you copy that folder out is when the system should ask you for the password, which is "dianathevalkyrie". You can even put it right beside the original zip in the folder you downloaded that to like in my example below, it doesn't really matter:
Not going to lie, the default Windows zip handling can be painfully slow with large password-protected zips like this, I switched back to it to make these example screenshots, but normally I use 7-Zip, which I'd recommend to anyone who deals with zip files regularly. It's free and also handles every other archive format known to man.
Anyway, once the folder is done copying, I'd recommend checking the properties on it to make sure it extracted correctly, it should be around 1.2 GB total size and contain 39,905 files:
If that's correct you can just delete the original zip at this point, since you're done with it. Inside the extracted folder it should look something like this (the icons for the HTML files will look different depending on your default browser):
As previously mentioned, "library.html" is the main Library page, which I took some pains to edit so it works for these locally-stored files. Opening it in a browser should look something like this:
If you scroll down you can see the links for the individual author bookshelves etc, most of which should work when you click them (and allow you to open the individual story files linked from them):
Going back to the extracted folder, inside it there was also a "stories" subfolder, which is where most of the raw story files are (some of which might not be accessible from the Library bookshelf pages, depending on when those versions of the pages were captured by archive.org). Inside that folder should look like this:
Going down to one of the individual author folders, in this case "archiefan" and opening it, looks like this (some of the others may have html files, images, more subfolders, etc):
I don't really know what else to say, it's just a zip file with a single folder in it to extract, containing the library. If you've got a bunch of "empty folders" or "files spread everywhere" that aren't in their correct subfolders, you or the system you're using has somehow managed to do something wrong.
Ok I used 7zip because I thought the copy paste trick doesn't work with password protected zips I am not sure why I thought that. and I also had it in a language that I only understand a few words in so I used the wrong settings don't ask why I did that. and I ignored the html files since they usually never actually work when I open them.
and I ignored the html files since they usually never actually work when I open them.
You're looking at an HTML file right now, that's what most web pages are. Whatever browser you're using to view this forum should be able to open the library page fine, if the files were extracted correctly.
I do think I can guess what happened, though. If you used the 7-zip "Extract files..." option instead of just dragging the folder out, you probably had the options set like this (the part that's a problem is highlighted):
That would indeed try to put all the files into a single flat folder structure, leaving you with all the files in a single folder instead of organized in their respective subfolders, with all the now-empty subfolders put in the same place. Normally no one would use that option for a file like this, but I guess you might have set it by accident.
It should be set to use the original full paths instead, like this:
Or like I said, just drag or copy and paste the folder from the zip and give it the password when prompted, and the folder structure should be kept in the same way.
Man i really wish there was a modern equivalent of Diana the Valkyrie because my deviant art account just got banned. i had almost 800 watchers and getting more likes than my favourite writers .seems like there is almost no place on the internet that accepts sexual violence in stories anymore. you can have sex and you can have violence but not both .you can act all moral and claim people will do this in real life or something. but the themes in my stories are common in more mainstream stories that were printed on actual books before the internet existed but it was usually male dominated. i already know the stories wont be welcome on this site because of the violence aspect. but we really need something like Diana the Valkyrie since it only appals to people like us. while most sites try to appeal to everyone so when a norime finds it they will report or they change the rules .
Hello guys. I brought part of the site back in the life at https://www.thevalkyrie.name (I can't post links as new member on this forum) as archive what Mr. chipperpip saved for US
I own server and domain. It will hold most probably until I will pass away, lol
(Little) more info and contact there
Thank You, mr chipperpip!
And enjoy :)
Hello guys. I bring part of the site back in the life at www dot thevalkyrie dot name (I can't post links as new member on this forum) as archive what Mr. chipperpip sved for US
I own server and domain. It will hold most probably until I will pass away, lol
(Little) more info and contact there
Thank You, mr chipperpip!
And enjoy :)
Excellent effort by you folks!
Hello guys. I brought part of the site back in the life at https://www.thevalkyrie.name/ (I can't post links as new member on this forum) as archive what Mr. chipperpip saved for US
Thanks, changed your link to a real one.
Two things:
I appreciated the thanks, but I'd request that you take my username off that page, as I'd prefer for the archive to spread around semi-anonymously.
The INTERNET PRIVACY LIMITED thing who contacted you is the same fake one who tried to get these download links taken down. They're not a real company or lawyers, they're trolls with no connection to the original site, as you'll be able to tell if they're still using a free comics.com email address. Feel free to call them on their nonsense if you like, I found it easier to just reupload the archive occasionally, but I realize you're trying to keep a static web page up.
Hey chipperpip, if you have not already, I would suggest reaching out to the administrator at: admin at thevalkyrie.name
Hope he does not get scammed.
It's more convenient than using the wayback machine or the archive I downloaded. but some of the later stories are still missing probably forever despite them only being a few years old. Compared to the older ones that have been backed up just because they had more time and this site was more popular back then. most archived sites have the opposite problem were the older versions are gone or broken while the newer ones tend to be better. but it was often too late and the site was in decline or they litteraly only archived the shut down message. but Diana the valkerie didn't change much over the years. so you just want the newest version with the most content.
Looking for two specific stories that I can’t seem to find at the archive:
1) “Brandi 4 - Work - Brandi goes nuts at the construction site”. Story was by “Neptune”. I don’t think that author had his own bookshelf.
2) I can’t find this story www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/musclefan/tammy02.txt. I’m sure of that URL because I had it bookmarked but doesn’t seem like there is a snapshot of that story.