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Fbb's that makes you cringe.

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Jul 29, 2024 - permalink

Being far too political....I'm not inherently bothered by conservative or right leaning people, but when they make it obnoxiously obvious where their politics lie, it can get real cringe real fast. I'm sure many in this forum have come across some out in the ether(I believe I saw Katie Lee mentioned a few times). Their profiles are riddled with more memes than actual photos that showcase their lifestyle. Those memes will typically be about anti-vaxxing, their Christian beliefs, dunking on any left leaning beliefs in the most elementary way possible, or something that displays their sense of hyper-patriotism. There will probably be a post of them asserting their beliefs about the family dynamic and she'll probably be posing with her AR-15. It becomes so stereotypical that you have no choice but to slot them right under the cringe category.

And very very rarely will you find a hardcore left leaning GWM. I think social media has done a really good job at exposing how cringe some on this side of the spectrum can truly be. So many lefties are probably too wrapped up in the body positivity movement or immersed in other ideologies that are centered around beliefs derived from Marxism about achieving equity in society to be that hyper focused on developing their physiques. There can always be exceptions of course but if you have a worldview that is rooted in the "us vs. them" or "oppressed vs. oppressor" mentality, the typical bodybuilder mentality of being super driven and determined to achieve goals no matter what probably won't seem so appealing to you if you're trying to overthrow the system. The two mindsets don't overlap enough to where I think we'll start to see a culture where the announcer at a competition will have to state the competitors pronouns when bringing them out on stage. I could be wrong about that though. But super left leaning bodybuilders stick out like a sore thumb. You will definitely know them when you see them and if they are anything like the rest of their party then you know the cringe will ensue.

Also, trying too hard to look like the rest of the normies on the internet can get a bit cringe too. Especially when it gets to levels of being really corny and there's no transparency about what really comes with their lifestyle. By default GWM's aren't normies so it would be nice to see those non-conforming sensibilities expressed through certain means.

Jul 31, 2024 - permalink

Tessa Barresi's making his BF to wear a dress is a level up... What a guy he is.

Jul 31, 2024 - permalink

I see it mostly on Reddit but when muscle girls are trying to build their brand with a lot of pics/vids with dumb comments like “Would you date me?” “Are my muscles too big?” Stuff like that, just lame schmoe-bait.

Oh god I hate those. They are usually crossposting over a few subreddits, so there is at least one that is normal. But I would much rather see a progress pic and text like "Arms are finally 15 inches" etc.

Jul 31, 2024 - permalink

People may like some of those videos but the recent "walking out in public and trying to record people noticing me because I have muscles" trend is so cringe to me.

Yes, you go to the gym. No, you are not the center of the world.

This just screams child like behavior and self centered god complex.

Douchey vibes are an immediate turn off as a human for me

Aug 01, 2024 - permalink

People may like some of those videos but the recent "walking out in public and trying to record people noticing me because I have muscles" trend is so cringe to me.

The worst part is they usually do it in the three block radius of a small city’s city center for more attention (since there’s just not that much going on)… I’d like to them try to get so much attention with those physiques in NYC, LA, or even Miami Beach.

Aug 03, 2024 - permalink

The worst part is they usually do it in the three block radius of a small city’s city center for more attention (since there’s just not that much going on)… I’d like to them try to get so much attention with those physiques in NYC, LA, or even Miami Beach.

I've seen some where they were in Times Square, Manhattan.

Aug 03, 2024 - permalink

Well, I might get a lot of shit for this, but:

She must have had a custom filter programmed for her face. So fake and plastic-looking. I'd give real money to see what she actually looks like in real life. Nice guns, though.

Aug 03, 2024 - permalink

Emily Joel, Katie Salerni, Charlotte Chant, really any of the new wave of "alpha females". All great to look at but that chip on the shoulder act seems like it would be exhausting to be around irl. Rah rah, men are X, look how much I can bench, huehue stronger than your boyfriend. How original.

Aug 03, 2024 - permalink

Emily Joel, Katie Salerni, Charlotte Chant, really any of the new wave of "alpha females". All great to look at but that chip on the shoulder act seems like it would be exhausting to be around irl. Rah rah, men are X, look how much I can bench, huehue stronger than your boyfriend. How original.

Chances are that they are just joking. It’s Tik Tok so don’t take the videos too seriously. It’s all memes.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

Being far too political....I'm not inherently bothered by conservative or right leaning people, but when they make it obnoxiously obvious where their politics lie, it can get real cringe real fast. I'm sure many in this forum have come across some out in the ether(I believe I saw Katie Lee mentioned a few times). Their profiles are riddled with more memes than actual photos that showcase their lifestyle. Those memes will typically be about anti-vaxxing, their Christian beliefs, dunking on any left leaning beliefs in the most elementary way possible, or something that displays their sense of hyper-patriotism. There will probably be a post of them asserting their beliefs about the family dynamic and she'll probably be posing with her AR-15. It becomes so stereotypical that you have no choice but to slot them right under the cringe category.

And very very rarely will you find a hardcore left leaning GWM. I think social media has done a really good job at exposing how cringe some on this side of the spectrum can truly be. So many lefties are probably too wrapped up in the body positivity movement or immersed in other ideologies that are centered around beliefs derived from Marxism about achieving equity in society to be that hyper focused on developing their physiques. There can always be exceptions of course but if you have a worldview that is rooted in the "us vs. them" or "oppressed vs. oppressor" mentality, the typical bodybuilder mentality of being super driven and determined to achieve goals no matter what probably won't seem so appealing to you if you're trying to overthrow the system. The two mindsets don't overlap enough to where I think we'll start to see a culture where the announcer at a competition will have to state the competitors pronouns when bringing them out on stage. I could be wrong about that though. But super left leaning bodybuilders stick out like a sore thumb. You will definitely know them when you see them and if they are anything like the rest of their party then you know the cringe will ensue.

Also, trying too hard to look like the rest of the normies on the internet can get a bit cringe too. Especially when it gets to levels of being really corny and there's no transparency about what really comes with their lifestyle. By default GWM's aren't normies so it would be nice to see those non-conforming sensibilities expressed through certain means.

Katie Lee's post after the Trump assassination attempt was...something.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

You mean that cringey Jesus and Trump pic she posted or something else?

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

You mean that cringey Jesus and Trump pic she posted or something else?

Yes, that one, where she said this was "good vs. evil" without a hint of irony.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

People like Sydney Thunder who act like they are "fitness athletes" but only use that as an excuse to overcharged people for their porn.

These type of women are causing many to leave the sport/ go off social media entirely.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

Yes, that one, where she said this was "good vs. evil" without a hint of irony.

It's amazing to me how so many of these women are ultra religious conservatives. I don't really get it.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

Yikes, you folks are worked up over little things. I hope the rest of your day(s) go better.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

Aleesha Young has gone full-on crazy by making a false bomb threat at her kid’s school https://kslnewsradio.com/2106934/woman-charge...

Edit: clarified what she did. As it turns out, she blamed her ex-husband with making the threat, but investigators said he had no knowledge of it.

She's gone off the deep end 🤣

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

She's gone off the deep end 🤣

Witnesses told police that “while she was waiting with other moms for a field trip, Young approached the school and began stating that there was a bomb threat at the school and that ‘everyone needed to get out,'” according to charging documents. Young then allegedly “entered classrooms and began saying the same thing to students and teachers.”

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

People may like some of those videos but the recent "walking out in public and trying to record people noticing me because I have muscles" trend is so cringe to me.

Yes, you go to the gym. No, you are not the center of the world.

This just screams child like behavior and self centered god complex.

Douchey vibes are an immediate turn off as a human for me

I actually like these, I'm not even sure why. I've seen fbbs out in public a few times, and it always excites me, so maybe it is the positive association with those moments.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

I don't mind the out in public videos, I think they are interesting sometimes even humorous.

What I absolutely hate is a video of a woman lifting hard in the gym and the audio is super loud rap/hip hop/techno really any kind of music. Give me the sounds of a muscle woman training and grunting hard as she lifts the weights

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

It's amazing to me how so many of these women are ultra religious conservatives. I don't really get it.

I don't understand the perceived conflict between being religious, and building muscle? Or do you mean more like women doing pornographic content, etc?

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

I don't think there is a conflict and I am not saying all of these women should be ultra liberal. It's just a thing I have noticed. Might be more of an athlete thing, as in many sports, athletes are always thanking God and Jesus etc.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

It's amazing to me how so many of these women are ultra religious conservatives. I don't really get it.

I don't think there is a conflict [...] It's just a thing I have noticed. Might be more of an athlete thing, as in many sports, athletes are always thanking God and Jesus etc.

These two statements don't align. Just own up to your secular liberal bias instead of pretending you're merely "noticing" something.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

People like Sydney Thunder who act like they are "fitness athletes" but only use that as an excuse to overcharged people for their porn.

These type of women are causing many to leave the sport/ go off social media entirely.

Prices for some of these girls stuff have skyrocketed lately. Some of the girls come along and charge 5X the normal rate and also post their amazon wishlist. What kind of world are they living in that that their price gouging is reasonable to them? There's some idiot out there that's paying their delusional prices and buying them gifts but it's not me. I contacted one through email and asked why their prices were so high you can imagine the response I got but I didn't create the situation honey.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

"Prices for some of these girls stuff have skyrocketed lately. Some of the girls come along and charge 5X the normal rate and also post their amazon wishlist. What kind of world are they living in that that their price gouging is reasonable to them? There's some idiot out there that's paying their delusional prices and buying them gifts but it's not me. I contacted one through email and asked why their prices were so high you can imagine the response I got but I didn't create the situation honey."

There's always someone willing to pay. Good for them, but this is like the session thing, where some women charge upwards of 1000's of dollars for one hour. Someone is going to pay that price, and they will set the price until it is too high for most.

Aug 05, 2024 - permalink

Religion is a spectrum and I don't follow her. more hard core Christian don't like her being muscular and posting pics with her not wearing many clothes. but in the last decades it's not a big deal.

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