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Do you like tallness with your muscle girls?

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

Absolutely love it, to me height is almost as attractive, I read here about that upcoming BBall player from China who's 7'4", oh MY can you imagine the muscle you could pack onto a 7'4" frame ??!?!?!

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

The only disadvantage is that it's far more difficult to look super bulky the taller you are. For the girls who are able to accomplish the rare feat, totally.

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

Yes, truly freakishly tall women is my other thing, just as fascinating. Just like FBBs, I follow tons of gals 6'5" and taller. Seven foot women are spectacular.

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

I think 6, 6'2 Is enough. I don't want them to go in the realm of the giants. It will make them like someone from Amazonians.net 😡

I also have a soft spot for 5, 5'5 girls but stacked with muscle 💪

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

Don't get me wrong, I adore tall women, but it is hard enough for them to pack on muscle as is, and it is exponentially harder for them to pack on freakish amounts when they're tall even with the help of PEDs. Sweet spot is 5'9, where they are considered very tall but also can still look extremely muscular!

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

Yea I would prefer taller women who are much taller than me but I would rather have a short muscular woman than a very tall skinny woman. but if I had to choose between a non muscular short women and a non muscled tall one I would pick the taller one. and beyond that it depends on a lot of of factors. like I guess I would take a 7ft basket ball player over a 3 foot fbb but normally more muscle is better. I can dream about ultra tall fbbs but it's hyper rare most fbbs seem to be shorter than me and my hight is below average but they are way stronger regardless. but it's confusing when you see an fbb that you tougth was gigantic and you see a Pic of her next to a non muscular or slightly above average guy and she looks like a dwarf compared to him. like her face is at the height of his belly. at this point it's really hard to figure out who is the strongest and how big these people are compared to me. is the guy an 8 foot ogre or is she a 2 foot gnome. it makes no sense I rarely see such differences in real life. most guys are taller than their wives but not to such a crazy level.

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

I've never seen a pretty girl who was much above 6 foot tall. I like pretty girls with muscle. My all time favorite, Tonya Knight, was 5'8".

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

Honestly I am only attracted to girls taller than me. And I think I rather have that then a muscular girl if had to choose between the two, plus a girls 5'8+ are much more common then muscular girls anyway.

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

I'm kinda indifferent on height.. As long as a woman has muscles, I don't care if her frame is 5 feet tall, or 6 feet tall. It's the density, and curves of the muscle that takes (aesthetic) priority over height.

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

Definitely yes

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink


Jul 25, 2024 - edited Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

Yes. Short girls can look great but if they are under 5'8" I'm not interested.6' and over really get my attention. Some beach volleyball girls are tall and very attractive. Gabby Reece was hot as hell!

Jul 25, 2024 - edited Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

I don’t necessarily have a thing for tall women, but I’m definitely turned off by short women. It’s hard to stay attracted when I find out someone is 5’3” or shorter (ex. Anastasia Leonova, Noof Yusuf).

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

Like my muscle girls under 6ft, Barbara fletcher short is ideal

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

the taller the better

Jul 25, 2024 - permalink

Yes. Short girls can look great but if they are under 5'8" I'm not interested.6' and over really get my attention. Some beach volleyball girls are tall and very attractive. Gabby Reece was hot as hell!

Maybe it was just me being a 20'something in the 90's but that decade was bursting with stunners. Gabby Reece, Sandra Bullock, Cindy Crawford, Helena Christensen. It was a beauty parade.

Jul 26, 2024 - permalink

Maybe it was just me being a 20'something in the 90's but that decade was bursting with stunners. Gabby Reece, Sandra Bullock, Cindy Crawford, Helena Christensen. It was a beauty parade.

Dead right. I was drooling at the TV most nights!

Jul 26, 2024 - permalink

Maybe it was just me being a 20'something in the 90's but that decade was bursting with stunners. Gabby Reece, Sandra Bullock, Cindy Crawford, Helena Christensen. It was a beauty parade.

I think the average woman looked better back then but muscular women got better now

Jul 26, 2024 - permalink

Dead right. I was drooling at the TV most nights!

Though Gabby did some light training and Cindy had a bodyweight workout vid, IMAGINE if they all trained in earnest, roid free... :)


Jul 26, 2024 - permalink

Though Gabby did some light training and Cindy had a bodyweight workout vid, IMAGINE if they all trained in earnest, roid free... :)


Yeah, dreamland!

Jul 26, 2024 - permalink

Different fixes. Eg, Julia Föry gives me Amazon vibes. But I like the 5-foot nothing balls of juicy muscle like Michaela Aycock

Jul 26, 2024 - permalink

Julia Föry is only 5'7".

Jul 28, 2024 - permalink

the taller the better


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