Hi, There wasn't this photo in the model's feed. And if you check the photo doesn't come out if you search the photo uploaded by o_o (the other uploader) of the model (https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/?name=...).
Hi, There wasn't this photo in the model's feed. And if you check the photo doesn't come out if you search the photo uploaded by o_o (the other uploader) of the model (https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/images/?name=...).
I reported your upload as a duplicate so it was already definitely in the Models gallery . You must have missed it. Looks you are now listed as the main uploader and oo as secondary so he wont show up as uploaded it though he was the first. Usually that is because your upload is a better quality image or resolution (but not always) or for another reason the Mods will have to clarify.
When I find a cool Pic that I think isn't on gwm and I try to upload it it turns out it either already is on here anyway but I didn't see it for some reason. or the model is blacklisted or the mods just have a random problem with it despite following the rules. like headscissors aren't banned but they don't seem to like them.
Hi, i'm new to this site. Yesterday I have uploaded this image
and today I noticed that I'm not the only uploader.
Before the uploading, I checked on the site (in particular on the model's profile) if this image was already present in the site.
I would have an explanation for that.
Thanks in advance