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Poll: Your stance on trans inclusion

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Jul 23, 2024 - permalink

There are spot for people to indulge their dick chick fetish, nobody is looking to take that away from you, the only people looking to push their agenda on others here is you. You are not the oppressed, you are the authoritarians.

Lmao maybe it’s time to log off the internet and eat a bowl of upsetti spaghetti if this forum post is making you feel like a victim.

Jul 23, 2024 - permalink

Anyone else find the "you wouldn't even know" obsession incredibly creepy?

Jul 23, 2024 - permalink

Don't know why you're trying to twist it like that. You know I meant: you would not be able to differentiate a trans person (assuming they passed the visual inspection rules of the site).

If you can't tell, why does it matter? This isn't a dating site.

Jul 23, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Scythian
Jul 23, 2024 - permalink

Anyone else find the "you wouldn't even know" obsession incredibly creepy?

Yes, it’s deranged

Jul 23, 2024 - permalink

accepting biological facts.

Who here is rejecting bioligical facts. Unless you didn't know that biological sex ≠ gender.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

I don't like men with gaping surgical wounds they have to dilate regularly where their genitals used to be. Seems like a pretty big difference to me.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Don't know why you're trying to twist it like that. You know I meant: you would not be able to differentiate a trans person (assuming they passed the visual inspection rules of the site).

If you can't tell, why does it matter? This isn't a dating site.

Agreed. The projection is amazing to see from afar though.

Little bit aside, but I'm also really into guns. I own some AR rifles, so I joined the AR15 forum. I came across a thread about a youtuber who reviews cars.

I could care less about cars, so I didn't know her. But some dudes were into her channel and watching her videos. Then they discovered she's trans. And, as expected, the soft bois over there lost their mind:


There's a bunch of loser takes, but this one stands out:

"It's just cringy that she's built a business on deceiving desperate guys who think she actually has a vagina between her legs. It'll all blow up on her when the truth comes out on a large enough scale."

Thing is, this isn't porno. It's not a dating site. This person reviews cars on youtube and it completely clothed. She doesn't say she's trans, but she doesn't really have to. The videos are funny enough and I'd watch them if I cared about the subject.

But these guys cannot help but see a pic/video of an attractive woman and project her into a sex object. And then be mad as hell and "betrayed" when she's not what they expected. Even though THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO MEET.

That sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?

Me? I project any hot girl or guy into a sex object. Like immediately. But I don't get mad if they're trans/unavailable/religious/crazy/whatever. I just move on.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Alright this is turning into one of the meanest threads I've ever seen on the site. The poll was posted, the users spoke. How long are both sides of the argument gonna keep saying the exact same things over and over again?

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Holy fudgeballs,no one cares about trans women. Maybe that's the problem. But,big buff females taking test are just the same,that's where the issue lies. What's the difference between a roided out girl,or a estrogen fueled male transitioning?

A womb. A vagina. Being born a woman. Everything. They still even have a female hormonal profile, ie, they have much higher androgen sensitivity. They are absolutely different.

Lame,you all think it's so cut and dry. Retards, you're all dumb. Post op well done surgeries look way better than actual females with big testosterone fueled pussy muscles. Eww,gigantic clits fuck no

Ur mad lol. Nice cope. You know plenty of women have big clits without using test? Don’t project your bisexuality on everyone else- the majority of us like women and women only and can easily make this distinction.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Since actual trans individuals are a very small minority of the population, why should we turn ourselves inside out to accommodate them? Why should we succumb to the tyranny of this obnoxious and devious minority? Most likely the vast majority of the pro trans lobby are not trans themselves so what is their agenda? To wreak social havoc I suppose. It’s more about winning an argument or gaining power rather civilized discourse or accepting biological facts.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Javert
Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

I wanna put my cock in a butthole whether it be male or female

Mods,you had your chance to delete this thread. I'd shove my cock in your butthole too

I would never take an opinion from a person like you seriously. You disagreeing with me assures me yours is one of a deranged person, because you consistently demonstrate this with every message.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Agreed. The projection is amazing to see from afar though.

Little bit aside, but I'm also really into guns. I own some AR rifles, so I joined the AR15 forum. I came across a thread about a youtuber who reviews cars.

I could care less about cars, so I didn't know her. But some dudes were into her channel and watching her videos. Then they discovered she's trans. And, as expected, the soft bois over there lost their mind:


There's a bunch of loser takes, but this one stands out:

"It's just cringy that she's built a business on deceiving desperate guys who think she actually has a vagina between her legs. It'll all blow up on her when the truth comes out on a large enough scale."

Thing is, this isn't porno. It's not a dating site. This person reviews cars on youtube and it completely clothed. She doesn't say she's trans, but she doesn't really have to. The videos are funny enough and I'd watch them if I cared about the subject.

But these guys cannot help but see a pic/video of an attractive woman and project her into a sex object. And then be mad as hell and "betrayed" when she's not what they expected. Even though THEY WERE NEVER GOING TO MEET.

That sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?

Me? I project any hot girl or guy into a sex object. Like immediately. But I don't get mad if they're trans/unavailable/religious/crazy/whatever. I just move on.

You can't use sex to sell something to the public, then clutch your pearls pretending you're an innocent victim of being looked at in the way you portrayed yourself. If you knowingly publish thirst trap content and do so continually, you haven't committed any crime, but you're not innocent.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

You can't use sex to sell something to the public, then clutch your pearls pretending you're an innocent victim of being looked at in the way you portrayed yourself. If you knowingly publish thirst trap content and do so continually, you haven't committed any crime, but you're not innocent.

For real though, is she thirst trapping?

Admittedly, I haven’t watched a lot of her videos, but the ones I did see, she is dressed like a girl at the mall and sometimes makes kind of raunchy jokes.

Is she supposed to be dead serious and dress like the handmaid’s tale?

Even if she did, dudes will find a way to sexualize her. It’s what we do. Exhibit A for that would be almost the entire Middle East.

These guys are simply upset that trans people exist. Many of them are upset that other groups of people exist too… it’s just less socially acceptable to say that out loud these days.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Devious minority?this whole site is the devious minority

LMAO, you have been out of pocket this whole time, but that's 100% the truth.

"Trans people are a devious minority." From the site that brought you such hits as


"Huge bulge in that bikini bottom, just how I like it mmmmmm"

"Step on me and crush me mommy pleeeeze"

Not that anything is wrong with those statements, it's just the pot and kettle situation that's funny.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

These guys are simply upset that trans people exist.

For what it's worth I have never gotten even a single complaint about the Trans section of the forum existing. I think the vast, vast majority of the site users have no problem with that. It's only when the idea of posting trans women on the main site comes up that there's an issue.

(Obviously, I banned YourSlave again, for quite a bit longer this time)

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Since actual trans individuals are a very small minority of the population, why should we turn ourselves inside out to accommodate them? Why should we succumb to the tyranny of this obnoxious and devious minority? Most likely the vast majority of the pro trans lobby are not trans themselves so what is their agenda? To wreak social havoc I suppose. It’s more about winning an argument or gaining power rather civilized discourse or accepting biological facts.

Again, nobody is disregarding biology. Science is not your thing, don't bring it up.

I actually voted no in the poll. (Seeing as there is already a trans section here).

I only started chiming in when I read some of the disgusting, uneducated, and hateful comments picking on a tiny minority.

Jul 24, 2024 - permalink

Who here is rejecting bioligical facts. Unless you didn't know that biological sex ≠ gender.

Except whenever biological sex does = gender, whether it's the traditional synonymous meaning, or it's trans ideologues pushing for biological males in female sports, or it's modern feminism taking male and female equality far too literally...

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