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Poll: Your stance on trans inclusion

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Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

let's not contribute to the degeneracy of the west

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

let's not contribute to the degeneracy of the west


Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

The funny thing here is that most of the women on this site aren't "natural". In fact, you could argue that some, if not all, are on the spectrum of becoming trans males. Meh.

They are naturally women, even if they identity as trans male, "non-binary", Democrat, or whatever.

let's be real, the reason you guys are so opposed to trans people being included, is not because you're not attracted to them, it's because you ARE, and that makes you feel insecure. if you actually think you can clock them so easily, then you can easily just ignore them. but you're afraid you're gonna be tricked into being attracted to a "man"

I'm quite secure that I frequent this site to see various types of women with various degrees of muscle; not quite the insecurity trans individuals have regarding their sex, or some desire to trick/compel others into taking them as "woman".

I for one am disappointed, only 71% come on guys those are rookie numbers.

Roughly 74% currently. Not too shabby considering we're still in a sociopolitical climate with a fair number of allies and yes-men for trans ideology.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Trans women are women, so should be on the site.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

I am so sick of this shit. These people keep injecting their agenda into everything, again and again and again. They don't care if they get a million "no's" as long as they finally get a single "yes." Well this question has been raised dozens of times. The answer has always been no. Stop asking. I really think mods need a blanket, templated response to threads like these then lock them immediately. This is ridiculous.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Trans women are women, so should be on the site.

Using that logic, a white man can identify as a black man. We all know he isn't but we all are required to participate in the make believe. Simply saying you are a thing doesn't make you that thing. I am not "transphobic" I have a deep problem with bullshitting - you say you're a thing? Okay fine, you also want me to say you're that thing? Nope. You want to use the same bathroom as my daughter? Nope. You want to compete against women in sports? Nope.

Get a copy of the DSM-5, transgender is considered gender dysphoria. In other words, before PC culture entered the world through politics, it was understood what this was. Those that virtue signal the loudest in support of it are actually the most uncomfortable with it. They can be told what to believe and what to say. Do what you want in your own life, don't expect me to participate in you lying to yourself.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Using that logic, a white man can identify as a black man. We all know he isn't but we all are required to participate in the make believe. Simply saying you are a thing doesn't make you that thing. I am not "transphobic" I have a deep problem with bullshitting - you say you're a thing? Okay fine, you also want me to say you're that thing? Nope. You want to use the same bathroom as my daughter? Nope. You want to compete against women in sports? Nope.

Get a copy of the DSM-5, transgender is considered gender dysphoria. In other words, before PC culture entered the world through politics, it was understood what this was. Those that virtue signal the loudest in support of it are actually the most uncomfortable with it. They can be told what to believe and what to say. Do what you want in your own life, don't expect me to participate in you lying to yourself.

Yeah why don't we just say a flabby out of shape ocelot is a sexy girl with muscle? Who are we to judge? Hey, let's just flood this site with crayon drawings of turtles, it's all the same!

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

let's not contribute to the degeneracy of the west

Amen! This site is devoted to GWM. G stands for girls.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Amen! This site is devoted to GWM. G stands for girls.

Is the degeneracy of the west caused by Trans people??? Stop with this bullshit, please

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Is the degeneracy of the west caused by Trans people??? Stop with this bullshit, please

The poll shows that 74.4% of those who have responded say trans women are biological males. That's 3 out of 4 which is a clear majority. There is no bullshit. The remaining 25.4% on this poll can believe what they want.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Trans women are women, so should be on the site.

We need to be on guard against this type of philosophy. This thinking clearly denies science. However depending on who is in charge, people could be prosecuted for believing the truth. Not a unique idea but history repeating itself. Remember 2+2=5 because I said so and the government at large said so. Opposition sends you to the gulag. Antiscience and woke ideologies need to be called out and condemned.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

The poll shows that 74.4% of those who have responded say trans women are biological males. That's 3 out of 4 which is a clear majority. There is no bullshit. The remaining 25.4% on this poll can believe what they want.

I haven't said what you wrote. I haven't mentioned the poll, the majority decides. I have mentioned your comment about the degeneracy of the West caused by Trans people, which is a total bullshit. Don't try to argument this bullshit, please.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

We need to be on guard against this type of philosophy. This thinking clearly denies science. However depending on who is in charge, people could be prosecuted for believing the truth. Not a unique idea but history repeating itself. Remember 2+2=5 because I said so and the government at large said so. Opposition sends you to the gulag. Antiscience and woke ideologies need to be called out and condemned.

Woman =/= Female

Gender and sex are not the same thing. Sorry, science supports this being the case. Stay mad.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Please stop trying to force transwoman onto the site lmao


Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Shouldn't even be a discussion on this!

Girls with muscle "NOT" trans with muscles!

Anyone who wants to look at men, then this site is not the site for you..


Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

I guarantee if a trans woman flexed for half you little posers you'd get a boner


Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

The pro trans lobby is getting sloppy with their arguments. We do agree that femininity, femaleness or gender are social constructs. However, the pro trans lobby wants to convince everyone that a hormonally and surgically altered male to look like a woman is equivalent to a biological woman (XX). Lipstick on a pig is still a pig. You can turn red, stamp your feet in frustration during your hissy fits but you can’t alter the science.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

The pro trans lobby is getting sloppy with their arguments. We do agree that femininity, femaleness or gender are social constructs. However, the pro trans lobby wants to convince everyone that a hormonally and surgically altered male to look like a woman is equivalent to a biological woman (XX). Lipstick on a pig is still a pig. You can turn red, stamp your feet in frustration during your hissy fits but you can’t alter the science.

its also like saying i could identify as black even though im white, which would be weird.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

I don't have anything against the trans community, but I voted for "no".

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

it appears this silly 'issue" has been decided by a wide majority. The question that must be asked of those of you pushing against the majority so vigorously is why do you have such a strong opinion on the subject?

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Christ almighty, so many transphobic people on here claiming to have science on their side and other nonsense. First of all, I recommend you read up on what modern biology has to say about sex, gender etc. Or at the very least, look up "Sex and Sensibility" on Youtube - it's a great video about this topic.

Clearing up some basic misconceptions:

  1. Gender != sex. And neither is binary.
  2. Trans woman is a woman.
  3. Trying to compare gender to race/age/whatever is ridiculous.

This poll is (or at least should be) whether you want to see trans women on this site, not whether trans women are or aren't women. Stop using that as an argument. Personally, I have no issues of trans women being here but I can understand that most people want to see only cisgendered women. And I think solution is very simple - add a global toggle to the site if you want to filter out transwomen. I have seen such a switch on porn sites already - works great.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Christ almighty, so many transphobic people on here claiming to have science on their side and other nonsense. First of all, I recommend you read up on what modern biology has to say about sex, gender etc. Or at the very least, look up "Sex and Sensibility" on Youtube - it's a great video about this topic.

Clearing up some basic misconceptions:

  1. Gender != sex. And neither is binary.
  2. Trans woman is a woman.
  3. Trying to compare gender to race/age/whatever is ridiculous.

This poll is (or at least should be) whether you want to see trans women on this site, not whether trans women are or aren't women. Stop using that as an argument. Personally, I have no issues of trans women being here but I can understand that most people want to see only cisgendered women. And I think solution is very simple - add a global toggle to the site if you want to filter out transwomen. I have seen such a switch on porn sites already - works great.

Very clear explanation, I agree with you and I hope that everybody can get the point.

Jul 21, 2024 - edited Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

How many times do you pests have to be told off? We don't want trans here. It's not "transphobic" to have a sexual preference for women. Get your own site. Just do it. Go make a site that caters to your fetish. No one will care.

You know exactly what you're doing. You're cry bullying, treating everyone who doesn't indulge your fetish as a hateful bigot, when in reality you're the one who's trying to force your agenda on everyone else.

Cut the shit. Everyone knows your gameplan, because we've seen it now hundreds of times. It's tiresome, it's infuriating, and it's boring. Mods seriously need to shut these conversations down. They've been given all the air time they need. We have a sitewide consensus on the matter. We don't need to keep fighting it out once a month.

Oh and by the way, calling people who disagree with you a "transphobe" (read: "bigot") is intentionally provocative language, it denigrates others, and it adds nothing of value to conversation. I have so utterly had it with this bullshit.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Christ almighty, so many transphobic people on here claiming to have science on their side and other nonsense. First of all, I recommend you read up on what modern biology has to say about sex, gender etc. Or at the very least, look up "Sex and Sensibility" on Youtube - it's a great video about this topic.

Clearing up some basic misconceptions:

  1. Gender != sex. And neither is binary.
  2. Trans woman is a woman.
  3. Trying to compare gender to race/age/whatever is ridiculous.

This poll is (or at least should be) whether you want to see trans women on this site, not whether trans women are or aren't women. Stop using that as an argument. Personally, I have no issues of trans women being here but I can understand that most people want to see only cisgendered women. And I think solution is very simple - add a global toggle to the site if you want to filter out transwomen. I have seen such a switch on porn sites already - works great.

Based response. I agree on all points.

If we take the perspective that GWM is a business, then it has to be in their business interest to do it. Would making a functional space for trans women bring more eyes and more ad revenue? Then do it. There are certainly great looking muscular trans women out there, and I could see those galleries being appealing to a large part of the community here - whether they want to admit it or not.

As you wrote, this is already standard practice on most adult sites.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

How many times do you pests have to be told off? We don't want trans here. It's not "transphobic" to have a sexual preference for women. Get your own site. Just do it. Go make a site that caters to your fetish. No one will care.

You know exactly what you're doing. You're cry bullying, treating everyone who doesn't indulge your fetish as a hateful bigot, when in reality you're the one who's trying to force your agenda on everyone else.

Cut the shit. Everyone knows your gameplan, because we've seen it now hundreds of times. It's tiresome, it's infuriating, and it's boring. Mods seriously need to shut these conversations down. They've been given all the air time they need. We have a sitewide consensus on the matter. We don't need to keep fighting it out once a month.

Oh and by the way, calling people who disagree with you a "transphobe" (read: "bigot") is intentionally provocative language, it denigrates others, and it adds nothing of value to conversation. I have so utterly had it with this bullshit.

Dude, for real, if you're so upset why do you even bother clicking on this thread? No one is bullying you or (my favorite threatened guy response) "shoving it in your face."

This site doesn't have an algorithm, it's like 30 year chatforum tech. You have to go out of your way to click on this and take the time to make several responses. If you don't want to be a part of this discussion, it's supremely easy to avoid it.

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