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Poll: Your stance on trans inclusion

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Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

Just gonna point out:

1) There’s already about a dozen trans women on here. Not a big deal. No one cares. Mods only remove trans images if people complain, so it’s entirely possible for them to be on here.

2) They fit in perfectly with the other girls. This isn’t generally the case, but this site is filled with women on male hormones, with facial plastic surgery, with breast augmentation, with deep masculine voices, etc. I mean, really! Show GWM to a normie on the street and that normie will think that nearly all the girls are trans here.

There is a “quality” issue with inclusion though. I support trans women on here, but I don’t support crossdressing males. And the line gets pretty blurred at times.

I’m bisexual and I like guys too. There are some very fit guys out there… particularly Asians and Brazilians… who have stunningly pretty faces.

Click this link at your own risk. It’s SFW, but nearly guaranteed to give you a sexual identity crisis….


This guy is super feminine but still identifies as a man. However, put a wig and makeup on him and for real, he would be in the top tier of the hottest women on this site.

I can see how trying to regulate that is a headache.

Jul 20, 2024 - permalink


Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

Admin, if people feel strongly, perhaps have a special section for "Trans Women".

As long as GWM...or TWM are highlighted as such...what's the problem?

Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

> The site is girls with muscle, not trans with muscle.

The world is ever changing. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Nothing has changed besides perception- men are men. Trans “women” have no womb, they have the wrong chromosomes, they have secondary masculine traits from puberty like wide shoulders.

All this nonsense is going to come to an end, you are all accepting a mental illness instead of allowing these people the right treatment.

Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

Surprised this has hit a real sore point on the site.

I voted 'No', but can see that having a TWM section isn't the end of the world.

As long as we are not being made to accept someone else's view of themselves as law, I'll be cool. Probably where the issue lies in wider society, and being echoed in here.

Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

They have their own section and we should keep it that way, if you're into, you'll find it, I'm here to see girls only


Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

History books will see the trans issue as the most overblown nothingburger in the story of humanity. There's a bunch of reasons for it, but really... the constant fighting over trans people is a great way to distract everyone from (1) the massive and accelerating transfer of wealth to the ruling oligarch class and (2) the systematic dismantling of our safety nets.

But it keeps working so they keep doing it. Props to anyone to refuses to take the bait.

Anyway though... I've been arguing this point for a bit, and I'll say this.. if GWM is explicitly a fetish content site, and the images here are explicitly for the male gaze, then I actually don't have a problem with trans people being in their own section.

For example, the trans girl who's active on the site now:


Is there a space for her that makes sense? Kind of a "Femmes With Muscle" section that has the functionality of the main site? Assuming that this site earns money with ads, I wonder if that's a way to expand the userbase?

Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

I voted that trans women are women, and as others have astutely pointed out, they're already on this site, and this site is full of women jammed full of more hormones than most normal people have in their bodies in their entire lifetime.

I think unfortunately a lot of men are insecure in their sexuality and as a result they take it out on those who have less power than them (all the while shamelessly doing the bidding of those with actual power / wealth)

Jul 20, 2024 - permalink

I think unfortunately a lot of men are insecure in their sexuality and as a result they take it out on those who have less power than them (all the while shamelessly doing the bidding of those with actual power / wealth)

I thought people were attracted to who they’re attracted to, and that’s it? As soon as we’re talking about trans people, that whole concept seems to be replaced with this idea that I’m either ignorant, hateful, or insecure if I’m not interested.

Is this another way we’re all being forced to validate their choice to identify as something that they biologically are not and never will be?

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Trans women are women, period. However as an erotic site, people shouldn’t be forced to engage with sexy pictures of trans women without a label and the option to omit it just I believe users should be able to filter out cis women if they desire.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

I thought people were attracted to who they’re attracted to, and that’s it? As soon as we’re talking about trans people, that whole concept seems to be replaced with this idea that I’m either ignorant, hateful, or insecure if I’m not interested.

Is this another way we’re all being forced to validate their choice to identify as something that they biologically are not and never will be?

Nobody's "forcing" you to do anything, you're making an active choice not to accept when people tell you who they are because it threatens your sheltered world view.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Fully trans with surgery? I dont see a problem

A problem could be trans ideologues who feel that a person is already fully trans by belief without surgery or hormonal boosting. There are those who invoke fairly virilized GwM as nigh indistinguishable from biological males, so I can see resistance to any surgical requirements.

Jul 21, 2024 - edited Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Trans women are women, period. However as an erotic site, people shouldn’t be forced to engage with sexy pictures of trans women without a label and the option to omit it just I believe users should be able to filter out cis women if they desire.

I'd agree with this, and but I'll add that it depends on how this site is defined.

We all know that Herbiceps is an erotic muscle girl site. It's has an 18+ disclaimer that you have to agree to. It's no longer available in Louisiana. It exists to serve adult content with muscular female models.

As such, I have zero qualms with them not featuring trans models. Or really butch girls. Or anyone who they don't think is hot. Sexual preferences are fine, and it's not bigoted to have preferences. The members are paying for a specific, highly curated experience.

Now contrast this with GWM. The about section says this:

"This site is a discussion forum and an archive of images and videos of muscular women, uploaded by users of the site."

That doesn't sound erotic. Nothing prompts you to confirm your age. I imagine it's viewable in all of the red states with new anti-p0zn laws. There's no charge to use it. Although many of us (me included) use this site for fapping material, nothing explicitly states that this is the purpose.

Muscular trans women can be hot. Some (probably many, maybe even most) users would like them. It seems like there are users who would upload them if given the chance. In keeping with the "about" mission.

I can understand the opposition to a trans athelte, but this isn't a competition. A trans woman's picture here doesn't diminish anyone else's picture. The only compliant is that some guys are afraid of being confused, and afraid of accidentally pleasuring themselves to the image and fantasy of someone who wasn't born female. Am I right?

Honest question for any mods watching. The images on Herbiceps are there specifically to turn on the male clients of the site. Is that the purpose for every pic on here? Can images exist on here even if they are not a turn on to parts of the userbase?

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

History books will see the trans issue as the most overblown nothingburger in the story of humanity. There's a bunch of reasons for it, but really... the constant fighting over trans people is a great way to distract everyone from (1) the massive and accelerating transfer of wealth to the ruling oligarch class and (2) the systematic dismantling of our safety nets.

But it keeps working so they keep doing it. Props to anyone to refuses to take the bait.

Anyway though... I've been arguing this point for a bit, and I'll say this.. if GWM is explicitly a fetish content site, and the images here are explicitly for the male gaze, then I actually don't have a problem with trans people being in their own section.

For example, the trans girl who's active on the site now:


Is there a space for her that makes sense? Kind of a "Femmes With Muscle" section that has the functionality of the main site? Assuming that this site earns money with ads, I wonder if that's a way to expand the userbase?

Is she pre-op or post-op??

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

> You can tell their true gender if you look for more than a few seconds. they think we live in a Sci fi world where you can just change gender with ease but we only got hormones and plastic surgery. I think we should actually stop talking about this because these people have a lot of of power and if we talk too much about it we will get more attention. and they are going to try to sabotage the site so it's best to just delete them in silence. and only bring it up when people ask why their pictures are taken down

Lets not give them any attention. theyre not worth it. this site should only live up to its name. Enough Said!

Respectfully disagree. Part of the reason I created this poll was to bring attention to the outspoken minority as well as the silent majority.

A lack of attention and polite quiet is how we wound up with biological males in female sports. No one wants the negative connotation of being a "gatekeeper" but, once the trans ideologues are inside, they're the ones gatekeeping to the effect of throwing out the once-silent critics as 'phobes. In order for GwM to live up to its name, the silent majority needs to be crystal clear.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Respectfully disagree. Part of the reason I created this poll was to bring attention to the outspoken minority as well as the silent majority.

A lack of attention and polite quiet is how we wound up with biological males in female sports. No one wants the negative connotation of being a "gatekeeper" but, once the trans ideologues are inside, they're the ones gatekeeping to the effect of throwing out the once-silent critics as 'phobes. In order for GwM to live up to its name, the silent majority needs to be crystal clear.

yea but trans people are banned from this site anyway but the problem is that while this small niche site doesn't care about them .there are a lot of bigger companies that do like the hosting companies or google and even the banks they already boycotted some other sites over lgbtq issues ruining them in the process

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Nobody's "forcing" you to do anything, you're making an active choice not to accept when people tell you who they are because it threatens your sheltered world view.

I mean, one individual is seemingly openly talking about SAing people who have differing views, another person suggesting that while we don't care, hosting companies and whatnot do...

Outside of the confines of this thread or site, it's getting to where not wanting to date a trans "woman" is seen as unacceptable, and you can see a guy with stubble on their face with a profile set up as a "woman..."

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

yea but trans people are banned from this site anyway but the problem is that while this small niche site doesn't care about them .there are a lot of bigger companies that do like the hosting companies or google and even the banks they already boycotted some other sites over lgbtq issues ruining them in the process

Trans advocates and ideologues pushed it too far, particularly with female sports and "trans kids", and the pushback was a natural if delayed reaction. But trans folk do have a place in the GwM Forum for special representation.

You guys would be surprised how many so called trans women don't claim that they are real women (Blair White for example). They know exaxtly what they are: A biological man who changed his appearence to pretend to be a woman. Never the less I would be happy if there would be a real gallery for this kind of athletes on this site. Now its just a bunch of threads in the forum. Browsing that for content is not very convenient.

For a minority group, I doubt much browsing is required; though it may help to follow the Saradas example with topics named after the trans individuals.

Jul 21, 2024 - permalink

Shouldn't even be a discussion on this!

Girls with muscle "NOT" trans with muscles!

Anyone who wants to look at men, then this site is not the site for you..

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