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Why not simply join a gym if you want to see muscular women?

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

All from personal experience?

Jesus that was a lot to unpack

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

> Better yet, it's not the 90's anymore, just slide into their DMs. Of course, do so with a real instagram profile (not one that follows a bunch of fetish shit), and send a real message, nothing creepy or fetish driven.

Girls doing steroids use Instagram to work. they have anywhere from 30.000 to 500.000 followers. Good luck with having a girl with 250.000 followers answer your friendly dm... Even worse...your pathetic profile with 30 followers is on her inbox with your pics so every time you pass by her on the gym you Will feel embarrased.....and since she never answers to that dm eventually you start to fall into a depression comparing yourself to that mighty goddess on drugs.

The BEST way to get close to them I think would be to become their client. But they Will suck you dry lol....and you'll end Up depressed anyway because you can't even eat a chocolate or drink a soda. And you'll crave her approval and attention....but she'll say she has 100 other clients, if you don't like it leave.

She'll have you on lettuce and Chicken for Life working out 3 hours a day. Herself, she'll only go 3 times a week to the gym and eat whatever she wants. She'll make you feel so worthless....until you accept reality and start talking drugs, which she Will sell to you.

In your last day of life you Will ask her why she rejected you sexually....she'll say that she didn't want kids, she just wanted to travel, party and have fun. She loves freedom. Her kids are her cats/dogs.

You'll die miserable and poor while she travels with the money you paid her.

I saved this.

This is an absolute masterpiece. The part about "chicken and lettuce" and "working out 3 hours a day" just sent me.

I feel that we rushed into the ending of a miserable and poor death. Any chance you could detail more about what happens when you start the drugs that she sells you? Combined with that chicken & lettuce and 3 hour/day high volume training, I feel like this male protagonist is going on an unprecendented fitness journey. Bro could basically be the Liver King 2.0.

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

Dying miserable beats being misogynistic.

Jul 07, 2024 - edited Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

> > Depends......if by chance you go to a bbing gym you will see a few of them. It's a bit of luck. Or you can go on purpose to bbing gyms. Expos are cool but there's not many of them. > > Girls doing steroids use Instagram to work. they have anywhere from 30.000 to 500.000 followers. Good luck with having a girl with 250.000 followers answer your friendly dm... Even worse...your pathetic profile with 30 followers is on her inbox with your pics so every time you pass by her on the gym you Will feel embarrased.....and since she never answers to that dm eventually you start to fall into a depression comparing yourself to that mighty goddess on drugs. > > The BEST way to get close to them I think would be to become their client. But they Will suck you dry lol....and you'll end Up depressed anyway because you can't even eat a chocolate or drink a soda. And you'll crave her approval and attention....but she'll say she has 100 other clients, if you don't like it leave. > > She'll have you on lettuce and Chicken for Life working out 3 hours a day. Herself, she'll only go 3 times a week to the gym and eat whatever she wants. She'll make you feel so worthless....until you accept reality and start talking drugs, which she Will sell to you. > > In your last day of life you Will ask her why she rejected you sexually....she'll say that she didn't want kids, she just wanted to travel, party and have fun. She loves freedom. Her kids are her cats/dogs. > > You'll die miserable and poor while she travels with the money you paid her.

All from personal experience?

Never hired a fitness coach but I follow a few of them and sometimes they share their clients' posts.

Typical 6 meals a day, gym, strict healthy eating programs.

Sometimes they even get annoyed when their clients question their instructions lol.

Jul 07, 2024 - edited Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

I saved this.

This is an absolute masterpiece. The part about "chicken and lettuce" and "working out 3 hours a day" just sent me.

I feel that we rushed into the ending of a miserable and poor death. Any chance you could detail more about what happens when you start the drugs that she sells you? Combined with that chicken & lettuce and 3 hour/day high volume training, I feel like this male protagonist is going on an unprecendented fitness journey. Bro could basically be the Liver King 2.0.

Roided influencers would probably respect you more if you do steroids and have many tattoos.

But they already know many guys like that which makes me think they are simply not interested in being with a guy (some of them, others do find a romantic partner).

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

Roided influencers would probably respect you more if you do steroids and have many tattoos.

But they already know many guys like that which makes me think they are simply not interested in being with a guy (some of them, others do find a romantic partner).

Well personally I am on steroids (4 cycles a year), I’m pretty muscular and I have a few tattoos. Not a lot though.

This is a big help with meeting muscular women, it’s true.

I think that the mistake is to frame this in an Incel narrative though. They don’t like me because I’m a “gigachad” and these shallow women are trying to maximize their reproductive potential or some BS.

It’s a lifestyle. Because I lift and have muscles - I’m part of the lifestyle. That’s a place to connect and a shared experience. This goes a long way in meeting women.

You like anime gamer e-girls? They’re gonna like you more if you also watch anime and go to conventions and play Elder Ring and make your own cosplay. Gives you something in common with them.

This is actually really simple and straightforward.

Jul 08, 2024 - edited Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

It’s a lifestyle. Because I lift and have muscles - I’m part of the lifestyle. That’s a place to connect and a shared experience. This goes a long way in meeting women.

An ifbb pro girl won't be impressed unless you are ifbb pro caliber yourself.

Other than that your only choice is the kamikaze style approach...ask her out directly.

Anything else is useless.

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

An ifbb pro girl won't be impressed unless you are ifbb pro caliber yourself.

Other than that your only choice is the kamikaze style approach...ask her out directly.

Anything else is useless.

Bro. Your assertions are so wildly inaccurate that I don’t think you’ve ever dated any woman. Muscular or not.

For the record, the “kamikaze approach” of being a dadbod fetishist schlub who directly asks out an FBB at the gym (apparently, his only choice) is absurdly bad advice.

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

Bro. Your assertions are so wildly inaccurate that I don’t think you’ve ever dated any woman. Muscular or not.

For the record, the “kamikaze approach” of being a dadbod fetishist schlub who directly asks out an FBB at the gym (apparently, his only choice) is absurdly bad advice.

So what is your advice?

Inject drugs, get tattoos and hope girls are just gonna come to you?

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

Fbbs are not all same. What I mean to say, yes there are a few with extreme narcissistic tendencies that are incapable of being in a relationship. There are also those who seek a partner that is also a professional Bb. However there are many who have normal men as partners. Normal - not fat. Normal - men who do not fetishize muscles on females every waking minute. Try being normal. Or be like some of the clowns on the site who only consume porn and constantly complain about not being able to date fbbs or get butthurt or downright jealous when they have boyfriends. Pathetic losers.

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

Fbbs are not all same. What I mean to say, yes there are a few with extreme narcissistic tendencies that are incapable of being in a relationship. There are also those who seek a partner that is also a professional Bb. However there are many who have normal men as partners. Normal - not fat. Normal - men who do not fetishize muscles on females every waking minute. Try being normal. Or be like some of the clowns on the site who only consume porn and constantly complain about not being able to date fbbs or get butthurt or downright jealous when they have boyfriends. Pathetic losers.

There are very few fbbs indeed.

If this is your taste you live in a world of scarcity.

Jul 08, 2024 - edited Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

I love doing analogies to this line of thinking, because you can see how ridiculous it is once we're out of this little bubble.

Let's say you're into girls who fish. You log on everyday to girlswhofish.com to check out the new uploads. You're crushing on this hottie...

Now, you come on here and say "OMG I love girls who fish why can't I meet any fishing queens?!?!"

You're given the very practical advise of "why don't you try fishing yourself? Hang at Bass Pro Shops. Maybe if you're not into fishing, then something like hunting or hiking? Clearly this woman loves being outdoors and active."

And then you say "oh but I hate fish. I don't like to wake up early. I get bitten by mosquitos. I don't like being outside. It's too cold. It's too far away." Whatever the excuse.

And then you're butthurt and say "these shallow fishing girls only want a fishing man. If you're not up at 5AM with a canteen of coffee and bucketful of bait, they won't even TALK TO YOU."

Like.. yeah.. they won't. Welcome to the world of women. Welcome to the world of human beings. People want to be in monogamous relationships with other humans who share their interests, lifestyles, and passions. What do you want to hear?

EDIT: off-topic but the ocean around that fish's head looks weirdly curved. I wonder if this pic has been morphed. I bet people who fish edit their pics to make the fish look bigger! I'm actually serious... it's an even funnier analogy to our thing.

Jul 08, 2024 - edited Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

I love doing analogies to this line of thinking, because you can see how ridiculous it is once we're out of this little bubble.

Let's say you're into girls who fish. You log on everyday to girlswhofish.com to check out the new uploads. You're crushing on this hottie...

Now, you come on here and say "OMG I love girls who fish why can't I meet any fishing queens?!?!"

You're given the very practical advise of "why don't you try fishing yourself? Hang at Bass Pro Shops. Maybe if you're not into fishing, then something like hunting or hiking? Clearly this woman loves being outdoors and active."

And then you say "oh but I hate fish. I don't like to wake up early. I get bitten by mosquitos. I don't like being outside. It's too cold. It's too far away." Whatever the excuse.

And then you're butthurt and say "these shallow fishing girls only want a fishing man. If you're not up at 5AM with a canteen of coffee and bucketful of bait, they won't even TALK TO YOU."

Like.. yeah.. they won't. Welcome to the world of women. Welcome to the world of human beings. People want to be in monogamous relationships with other humans who share their interests, lifestyles, and passions. What do you want to hear?

EDIT: off-topic but the ocean around that fish's head looks weirdly curved. I wonder if this pic has been morphed. I bet people who fish edit their pics to make the fish look bigger! I'm actually serious... it's an even funnier analogy to our thing.

for me it's the other way.

First I choose the activities I like.

Second girls who practice these activities at a high level become more attractive to me.

Now practicing the same activity as a girl won't bring you close enough to this girl.

You will still have to go and talk to her/ask her out....there's no way around it.

Unless you are a superstar and people talk to you.

Personally fishing and hunting are not activities I enjoy.

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

Okay, wait so are you a bodybuilder with big muscles? That's why girls who have big muscles are attractive to you?

And yes, these two statements are true:

Now practicing the same activity as a girl won't bring you close enough to this girl. You will still have to go and talk to her/ask her out....there's no way around it.

What's your point? In general, heterosexual men have to initiate contact with almost every girl. It can go the other way, but that's pretty rare.

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

Unless you are a superstar and people talk to you.

Personally fishing and hunting are not activities I enjoy.

I noticed you edited out the talk about women must love animals and that it would a turn off to you... Why?

Jul 09, 2024 - edited Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Okay, wait so are you a bodybuilder with big muscles? That's why girls who have big muscles are attractive to you?

I go to the gym every now and then.

And yes, these two statements are true:

Now practicing the same activity as a girl won't bring you close enough to this girl. You will still have to go and talk to her/ask her out....there's no way around it.

What's your point? In general, heterosexual men have to initiate contact with almost every girl. It can go the other way, but that's pretty rare.

You are gonna have to do that effort so you might as well just make that your starting point instead of wasting time doing other things.

Now if you really like going to the gym please continue.... but you are doing it for yourself, not for the roided ifbb pro you like and you never dared to talk to.

Now let's talk about your injected ass, how many ifbb pros have you taken to bed?

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Fbbs are not all same.


Think about high levels of achievement with anything. Let's say, starting a company. Or becoming a prima ballerina. Or becoming a famous musician. There are people who become highly competitive achievers while maintaining a sense of balance and healthy human relationships, and then there are people who leave a trail of destruction, dysfunction, and broken hearts in their wake.

This happens across all endeavors.

The challenge we are actually discussing here is making healthy relationship choices. This transcends any high level of achievement a person might chase.

Bodybuilding (or whatever the focus may be) is incidental. Bodybuilders are not toxic relationship destroyers any more than people who want to be movie stars or tenured physics professors. Some people are toxic losers, and others are full of love and positive energy.

If you want a relationship, it's up to you to do the personal examination and the work to get ready for it. And if you want a relationship with a high achiever (of any type), start looking inward and ask if you have what it takes. In all cases, you're responsible for your own mental health and choosing a compatible person.

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Now if you really like going to the gym please continue.... but you are doing it for yourself, not for the roided ifbb pro you like and you never dared to talk to.

... and it also helps to get to know a little about the people around here.

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

As a bodybuilder, I'll say that we are a bit more toxic then most. It's a difficult and obsessive lifestyle. Many of us (me included) use it as a way to compensate for past harms and internal insecurity.

Anecdotally, I'd say that this is even more so for female bodybuilders. They're not only making the choice to obsessively build their muscles, they're also doing it in the face of social conventions.

So yeah, we're an intense group. Probably easier to meet a female rock climber who's going to be more conventional overall.

But the basic tenets hold true. Women want to meet people who understand them, respect them, and share their passions.

So unless you're REALLY rich or INSANELY charming... there's an almost 100% requiement that you're fairly serious about fitness and/or athletics if you want to date an FBB.

Sorry couch potatoes. But the good news for you guys is that paid sessions and onlyfans exist.

Jul 09, 2024 - edited Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

As a bodybuilder, I'll say that we are a bit more toxic then most. It's a difficult and obsessive lifestyle. Many of us (me included) use it as a way to compensate for past harms and internal insecurity.

Anecdotally, I'd say that this is even more so for female bodybuilders. They're not only making the choice to obsessively build their muscles, they're also doing it in the face of social conventions.

So yeah, we're an intense group. Probably easier to meet a female rock climber who's going to be more conventional overall.

But the basic tenets hold true. Women want to meet people who understand them, respect them, and share their passions.

So unless you're REALLY rich or INSANELY charming... there's an almost 100% requiement that you're fairly serious about fitness and/or athletics if you want to date an FBB.

Sorry couch potatoes. But the good news for you guys is that paid sessions and onlyfans exist.

there is no "we the bodybuilders" group.

this is only in your looney head.

the ones who compete in the same tournaments and for the same federations end up knowing each other from competing but that's about it.

it's the same in every sport really....

you could go to the gym every day of your life, inject drugs and diet like cbum........and end up with 0 bodybuilder friends/lovers.

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

there is no "we the bodybuilders" group.

this is only in your looney head.

the ones who compete in the same tournaments and for the same federations end up knowing each other from competing but that's about it.

it's the same in every sport really....

you could go to the gym every day of your life, inject drugs and diet like cbum........and end up with 0 bodybuilder friends/lovers.

Lol that’s weird, I have lots of bodybuilder friends and I’ve had several lovers.

I’m not built like cbum but turns out that’s not that necessary.

But please give me more insight on bodybuilder dating tactics. Seems like it’s working out great for you.

Jul 09, 2024 - edited Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Lol that’s weird, I have lots of bodybuilder friends and I’ve had several lovers.

I’m not built like cbum but turns out that’s not that necessary.

But please give me more insight on bodybuilder dating tactics. Seems like it’s working out great for you.

You might be a sociable person and have bber friends and lovers.

Or you might not.

Depends on your personality really.

What I'm saying is just because you live a bber lifestyle it doesn't mean you will end up knowing bbers.

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

Where do you live bkrugby because here in the Midwest USA there are a lot of them.

NYC. I have seen a few sure, but in most gyms I have gone to there were very few.

Jul 09, 2024 - permalink

You will still have to go and talk to her/ask her out....there's no way around it.

Duh! I thought this was common knowledge. Lmao!

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