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Why not simply join a gym if you want to see muscular women?

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

> Here's an odd take. Some of us aren't looking to meet and or date a muscular woman. I'm very happily married. I love my wife and would never dream of cheating on her even with the FBBer of my dreams. But should the opportunity arise to see a muscular woman well then that'd be nice. So something like the original post here, arrive at the airport early and watch is good info for someone like me.

Hey, 2P. We used to chat at DtV.

I agree with this take. I enjoy looking at these women, but I know well enough that it's just a fantasy. I've met several FBBs and been lucky enough to call 2 IFBB pros friends, but theirs is not a life I'd ever want to live. For me, the fun is occasionally observing it from a distance while I live my quiet life.

What's up man? Good times. I heard the site finally shut down. Crazy.

Yeah. I can fantasize about these women but I don't think I'd necessarily get along with a lot of them. I kind of enjoy this just being a fantasy thing. The mind state you have to be in to get to this level just isn't something I think I'd get alone with naturally. I've heard more than a few stories of men that have dated FBBers that made me think it might not have worked out even if I hadn't met my wife and took a different path. I would have headed for the gym if I'd stayed single and gave it a shot though.

Also I think that we are looking at this as an all or nothing problem. Go to the gym and be super into it and meet a professional FBB. There's also the level of just kinda being ok with working out and being around and meeting a girl that works out like a normal person that's just got nice calves or a bicep or something. That'd make a lot of dudes happy I think.

I get why some people are getting upset. Yes there are obviously some guys that are just socially stunted and they complain why can't I meet a FBB all the time? It's attention seeking behavior. We aren't all that way. Just like not all schmoes are weird and fall to their knees at the thought of a strong woman. I've very lucky. Even though my wife doesn't work out she is a tall strong woman and loves to wrap her legs around me and squeeze me sometimes. Most times she likes when I'm dominant but a good marriage is about compromise. If I had a genie and could design my ultimate awesome perfect fantasy world things would different but hey we live in the real world.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

I'll put this out there and take it for what it is.

The vast majority of men on this site are ashamed for liking muscular women. So much so they hide it from not only their friends, but from their whole life. Therefore, they will never afford themselves the chance to meet one. It's that simple.

That is a truism right there. There is still a stigma about this. I think the fact that there are more just generally muscular women walking around that it is a little more acceptable. I truly thank the rise of crossfit for this. So many girls that I see in my regular life that have muscled arms are because of crossfit. But even then I would never let my friends see the true level of muscularity that I like. My wife knows which is good and bad. LOL. If I see a FBB out in the wild she knows that I'd want to look at her. I sometimes kind of wish she didn't know so I could look and she'd think nothing of it. She gets jealous. A busty blonde can walk by and she doesn't bat an eye because she knows that's not my type a muscle girl walks by and I can feel her eyes on me. LOL.

I still think about that thread here where one guy was basically asking if liking FBB makes you gay. And that's someone in the community not some normy.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

Also I think that we are looking at this as an all or nothing problem. Go to the gym and be super into it and meet a professional FBB. There's also the level of just kinda being ok with working out and being around and meeting a girl that works out like a normal person that's just got nice calves or a bicep or something. That'd make a lot of dudes happy I think.

This is so true.

Again, some of the most beautiful lean-muscled women I've seen in real life were a part of a running club.

No gym needed.

Go where there is a muscle in motion. There will be beautiful women with muscle. They might even want to talk to you. Hiking, climbing, cycling, swimming, spinning, yoga, ballroom dancing. Not a bad idea to do something that’s good for your own health, either.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

So, when my wife and I started our journey 10 years ago, she just wanted to get in better shape and tighten up and was adamant that she did not want to look like "one of those women". I reassured her that in order to look like "one of those women" you have to want to look like "one of those women" and work hard for years. After several years of training, she got bigger. She started to cover up and hide herself from her friends and her family. I asked her why she was doing it and she said she was embarrassed and didn't want to hear negative comments.

So, I'll pause there for a second. Even women, and women who are starting training, have this feeling.

After 4 years of training, I told her she could compete in a show and place. She didn't believe me, so I took her to a local show to watch. After she saw the competitors, she believed she could do it. So, she committed herself to win her first show one year later. That drive sparked the end of her "embarrassment". After that, she worked even harder, ate right, and did all the right things. She didn't cover up anymore and was amazed that her friends and family not only were supportive of her but loved the way she changed herself and wanted tips to do the same.

Since then, we have trained together and helped our friends achieve their goals. Goals which many on this site consider taboo. They are not taboo. They are indicators of commitment, dedication, and a healthy lifestyle. The sexiness and physical attractiveness to most people are a side benefit (even though some may be put off). She does not cover up anymore. She's proud of her hard work.

In the end it is your life. You only have so many spins around the sun. If you don't take charge of your life and do the things you want to do without fear of being "looked down on" by others, you'll never really be happy.

Loong story short... Don't worry what other people think... It doesn't matter. It's your life. Do what you want to do to make yourself happy as long as it doesn't hurt others.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

Split from Real-Life Encounters, feel free to re-title - Chainer

> So two things. First, if you want to see muscular women, during the summer arrive at the airport for your flight 3-4 hours early, find a seat at a busy part of the concourse and then just watch. It’s almost guaranteed to see some muscle (every once in awhile you get a bodybuilder or elite level cross fitter, but almost every time you’ll get an average cross fitter and/or woman who works out with amazing calves or biceps…. And yes I spend a lot of time in airports. The key is to remain in one busy place and let everyone pass you….). Oh, and women barely dress when they fly these days, so you’ll see some non muscular hotties too.

Why not simply join a Crossfit gym if you want to see muscular women? There are always pretty fit women at every gym I have dropped in at (including the one I was a member of), and a couple pretty jacked ladies. Also, you get in shape and it's usually a great community!

I've been a member of many gyms over my life. Out of all those experiences I can count maybe three times I have seen a woman that is muscular. 99.9% of women in gyms are not very muscular at all. So, yes, one can join a gym but this is no guarantee of anything

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

Where do you live bkrugby because here in the Midwest USA there are a lot of them.

Jun 21, 2024 - edited Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

I've been a member of many gyms over my life. Out of all those experiences I can count maybe three times I have seen a woman that is muscular. 99.9% of women in gyms are not very muscular at all. So, yes, one can join a gym but this is no guarantee of anything

Geography plays a role so you have a point. I live in a metroplex and I kid you not, they are pretty common here. I see muscular women about every other day. Granted the musculature can vary and I must admit most are not bodybuilder competitor level of muscle.

I’ve made friends with muscular women in gym in the past because of just simple small talk that didn’t involve creepy vibes. Try to get to know muscular women by getting to know them as a person not an object. Some women will be open to talk while others won’t but it never hurts to approach in a respectful manner.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

What's up man? Good times. I heard the site finally shut down. Crazy.

Yeah. I can fantasize about these women but I don't think I'd necessarily get along with a lot of them. I kind of enjoy this just being a fantasy thing. The mind state you have to be in to get to this level just isn't something I think I'd get alone with naturally. I've heard more than a few stories of men that have dated FBBers that made me think it might not have worked out even if I hadn't met my wife and took a different path. I would have headed for the gym if I'd stayed single and gave it a shot though.

Also I think that we are looking at this as an all or nothing problem. Go to the gym and be super into it and meet a professional FBB. There's also the level of just kinda being ok with working out and being around and meeting a girl that works out like a normal person that's just got nice calves or a bicep or something. That'd make a lot of dudes happy I think.

I get why some people are getting upset. Yes there are obviously some guys that are just socially stunted and they complain why can't I meet a FBB all the time? It's attention seeking behavior. We aren't all that way. Just like not all schmoes are weird and fall to their knees at the thought of a strong woman. I've very lucky. Even though my wife doesn't work out she is a tall strong woman and loves to wrap her legs around me and squeeze me sometimes. Most times she likes when I'm dominant but a good marriage is about compromise. If I had a genie and could design my ultimate awesome perfect fantasy world things would different but hey we live in the real world.

The part about liking these women but likely not having anything in common with them is a great point. As was the user who said a lot of people with this fetish don't actually want to meet these women.

If you are not into bodybuilding or going to the gym, which is totally fair, you will likely be a terrible fit for these people, not only as a potential partner, but even as a friend if you meet in adulthood.

The whole point is that this is a sexual fetish, it isn't grounded in anything concrete. It is in the head.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

The part about liking these women but likely not having anything in common with them is a great point. As was the user who said a lot of people with this fetish don't actually want to meet these women.

If you are not into bodybuilding or going to the gym, which is totally fair, you will likely be a terrible fit for these people, not only as a potential partner, but even as a friend if you meet in adulthood.

The whole point is that this is a sexual fetish, it isn't grounded in anything concrete. It is in the head.

This is true for some, but not all.

A consistent concern throughout these message boards is "I want a long-term relationship, but where can I meet a muscular woman I'm physically attracted to?"

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

This is true for some, but not all.

A consistent concern throughout these message boards is "I want a long-term relationship, but where can I meet a muscular woman I'm physically attracted to?"

That's true but I think a lot of these posters just want to be with someone they are attracted to. The reality of the lifestyle and what it would actually be like to date these women is lost on them.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

The 'encounters' where the OP even spoke to the object of their desire are few and far between. They'd rather take photos without her consent so they're not even shooting their shot.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

Right, but "these women" have a very broad range of fitness activities and commitments across a spectrum. Just like the men who are attracted to them. Of course, there's not much out there for the guy who does not want to leave the computer desk, but for someone willing to leave their house and go try an activity, there are so many options. Not just a gym, and not just a 24/7 lifestyle.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

> > I honestly don't think this is as hard to understand as you two above frequently claim. > > These people are attracted to this one specific superficial quality in women (muscles) for reasons out of their control. It's easy to imagine that a lot of the time, this doesn't also mean that they themselves are going to enjoy the activity (going to the gym, being fit, etc.) that results in them having the best chances of meeting such a woman. The attraction is independent of their own level of interest in doing the thing. > > This puts them in a difficult situation because they can either fake interest in fitness, which might get them a little bit closer to getting with a buff woman but honestly not really, because the women are going to pick up on it... or, they can do nothing and be the people that you two repeatedly rag on. > > The avenue of "go to the gym, really into it, get super fit, meet or even get with buff women" may have been open to you two which is why this is easy for you to say, but it is not open to everyone.

I'd agree with much of what you say. I think that the R. Crumb paradigm of a small out of shape man being super attracted to a larger, powerful woman is often times accurate. Just because you like muscular women doesn't mean that you want/can become muscular or athletic yourself.

I get that. It's all good. I'm attracted to really goth women but I'm not even a little bit goth or part of the lifestyle. Kind of prevents me from meeting any goth women IRL... outside of maybe seeing them at a concert or the mall.

So the idea of admiring women of a type/culture/scene outside of your own.. it's probably pretty common.

My issue is with the guys in this situation who endlessly complain that they they want to meet muscular women and cannot. They wonder "where the muscle women at?!?" They sometimes look at the objects of their affection with contempt... saying that there's something wrong with FBB's wanting a partner who's equally dedicated and athletic. I hate this attitude. When I hear it, I'm like... there's nothing stopping you from getting off your ass and working out if you really want this badly enough. Not to mention, it's freaking good for you!

And with my ballet comment... it's a way to show how this attitude doesn't work with other subcultures.

I agree as well. To clarify, I am not saying that there needs to be a fitness "requirement" or whatever to be attracted to muscular and fit women. I used to be pretty heavy and out of shape (like, get winded after two flights of stairs out of shape,) but even then I still was attracted to buff women. My start in fitness didn't even come from particularly enjoying it or wanting to look better: it mostly came from having some health scares when I was only 30 that were directly contributed to my weight. It was one of things that I "learned to love" rather than loving it from the start or really having a passion for it in the beginning.

Like what Muscle Toez has said, the issue comes from repeated threads about how to meet muscular women, where to meet them and how to get with them. And something else I have seen is the utter resentment that comes when they end up with muscular men (as evidenced by some of the comments I see where they are with said guy.) Why get upset when they go for pretty much the same look in men that we ourselves like in women? It really feels like when reading those posts that there are guys who want some kind of miracle to happen without the need to really put any work into it (same with the posts asking for examples of guys who don't lift who are with muscular women.) It's trying to find some kind of validation toward something that isn't really realistic.

I do empathize with guys who aren't into lifting but who also like muscular women. But like asianfitnessfanatic said, you can find fit women in other activities like rock climbing, co-ed sports and so on. If lifting isn't really your cup of tea, maybe try another fitness activity? But if you are someone who doesn't like ANY physical activity, then I am not sure what to say.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

Everyone should lift weights for simple health reasons. But I can't imagine logging onto this site, seeing the way these women look and still not go to the gym. I just come here for motivation. Plus its fun to see how your body responds to different cycles

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

The 'encounters' where the OP even spoke to the object of their desire are few and far between. They'd rather take photos without her consent so they're not even shooting their shot.

look no farther than the multiple posts (now deleted) where guys are posting photos they took of women without consent and t hink its ok to post online.

Jun 22, 2024 - permalink

If you're into truly muscular women, ie women who are on steroids, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you think you're going to find them at your local gym. The chances of running into a female on steroids is extremely low. You're far better off going to some sort of fitness or bodybuilding expo instead.

Better yet, it's not the 90's anymore, just slide into their DMs. Of course, do so with a real instagram profile (not one that follows a bunch of fetish shit), and send a real message, nothing creepy or fetish driven.

Now, just speaking for myself here, but going to the gym is a bit of a double-edged sword for me. Yes, working out would make myself more appealing to FBBs. But at the same time, it would limit the amount of FBBs that I find appealing. The stronger I get, the stronger I need the FBB to be. I want them to at least match my strength or be stronger. At any rate, I'm fine with this remaining a fantasy and have no interest in actually dating an FBB.

Jun 23, 2024 - permalink

The vast majority of men on this site are ashamed for liking muscular women. So much so they hide it from not only their friends, but from their whole life.

True IMO. And there have been a lot of suggestions here (including the gym) about where to meet muscular women.

So the question becomes, without outing yourself as a female muscle fetishist to the general public, how to you meet women who both have a muscular body (from whatever activity) AND would enjoy being the dominant, benevolent life parter of a softer, more sexually/physically submissive man?

(Let's assume that man is of average size, in decent shape for his age, personable, intelligent, generally successful, and reasonably good looking. IOW, able to date many typical women, but not able to find the woman of which he dreams. Asking for a friend....)

Jun 23, 2024 - permalink

True IMO. And there have been a lot of suggestions here (including the gym) about where to meet muscular women.

So the question becomes, without outing yourself as a female muscle fetishist to the general public, how to you meet women who both have a muscular body (from whatever activity) AND would enjoy being the dominant, benevolent life parter of a softer, more sexually/physically submissive man?

(Let's assume that man is of average size, in decent shape for his age, personable, intelligent, generally successful, and reasonably good looking. IOW, able to date many typical women, but not able to find the woman of which he dreams. Asking for a friend....)

Just do sessions then. Or get into BDSM. What you are referring to is not a typical fitness woman. Muscular women are just normal woman. They are not necessarily any more dominant than an average woman. They will still prefer the man to partake in traditional gender roles.

Jun 24, 2024 - permalink

So the question becomes, without outing yourself as a female muscle fetishist to the general public, how to you meet women who both have a muscular body (from whatever activity) AND would enjoy being the dominant, benevolent life parter of a softer, more sexually/physically submissive man?

(Let's assume that man is of average size, in decent shape for his age, personable, intelligent, generally successful, and reasonably good looking. IOW, able to date many typical women, but not able to find the woman of which he dreams. Asking for a friend....)

Just do sessions then. Or get into BDSM. What you are referring to is not a typical fitness woman. Muscular women are just normal woman. They are not necessarily any more dominant than an average woman. They will still prefer the man to partake in traditional gender roles.

Basically what H3rcules said. I also want to add that while there are women out there who enjoy having a "dominant" role, whether they are muscular or not, women in general hate it when dudes fetishize them. And unfortunately, based on what you have written you're approaching this in the exact manner that they so dislike (I'm going by you referring to yourself as a "female muscle fetishist.")

Coming from a BDSM perspective as someone who used to be involved in a local kink community, I want to ask you this question: are you actually a submissive, or are you instead more of a specific-activity bottom? The biggest complaint that I have heard from dominant and switch women from my community is the fact that the majority of men who approach them are not true submissives, but rather were approaching them essentially like fetish dispensers to their own male-centered fantasies without really offering anything in return. And I could be wrong and I apologize if I am mistaken, but from how you wrote your comment I get the impression you fall more into the latter.

To also echo what fp said awhile ago: submission is more a state of mind and being versus being tethered to a body type. You might believe due to what you see on fetish sites and webcams that muscular women are always dominant and love being stronger than men and get off on showing their physical superiority or whatever, but the truth is that muscular women can also be submissive and many of them really don't care about those kinds of things. The most dominant woman I ever met during my tenure in the BDSM community was this TINY older lady who physically looked like a strong wind could blow her over. But her attitude, persona and the way she conducted her play? I demoed with her a few times and those were some of the most intense scenes I was ever a part of.

So to answer your question, the best bet to meet muscular women is like I said before: get involved with the strength community and also go to a gym that attracts serious lifters along with going to conventions and comps, but the most important thing to do in your case is to try and change your perspective from "female muscle fetishist" to one of "I have a preference for muscular women" because chances are if you find a muscular women and start establishing a rapport with her, it's relatively unlikely she is going to go for the fetish thing right off the bat, if she is even a "dominant" in the first place. The kink conversation comes later, and it's something where you BOTH talk about what you are into and also ask her what you can do for what she is also in to.

Jun 25, 2024 - permalink

Just do sessions then. Or get into BDSM. What you are referring to is not a typical fitness > woman.

Have never done a session, and I don't think I'd want one without extensive hands/tongue on muscle worship (probably OK) and sex of the GFE type, which I imagine is probably not OK, as these women see many guys and (understandably) it's a business to them. Maybe I'm wrong, but I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars to find out, in a given instance, that I'm not wrong. Maybe it's possible to subtly ascertain that beforehand, and if there is I'd appreciate some pointers.

As for BDSM, I did try that. I'm not a lifestyle submissive, far from it. I am a sexual submissive; my desire is to be sexually dominated by a muscular, confident woman who flaunts her power and whom I feel is physically superior.

Muscular women are just normal woman. They are not necessarily any more dominant than an > > average woman. They will still prefer the man to partake in traditional gender roles.

Agreed. That's in part what makes it so hard to find a woman who is both muscular and dominant, and further who welcomes and appreciates the worship and sexual submission of a man. (Let alone IRL one who is intelligent, personable, shares some interests, etc.)

Bottom line is that I don't think there is an easy solution (or I would have come across it already) but I thought I'd ask here just in case. Thanks for your comment.

Jun 26, 2024 - edited Jun 26, 2024 - permalink

Basically what H3rcules said. I also want to add that while there are women out there who enjoy having a "dominant" role, whether they are muscular or not, women in general hate it when dudes fetishize them. And unfortunately, based on what you have written you're approaching this in the exact manner that they so dislike (I'm going by you referring to yourself as a "female muscle fetishist.")

Female muscle fetishist may be an overstatement, but it is a fairly accurate if shorthand way to describe my sexual preferences. IOW it's not that I'm "approaching" it this way. It is that, to be honest with myself, I AM this way. I agree that in general muscular women have no respect or desire for weaker, more submissive men (sexual or otherwise). And most people generally consider being that way unmanly, or just weird. Hence the conundrum.

Coming from a BDSM perspective as someone who used to be involved in a local kink community, I want to ask you this question: are you actually a submissive, or are you instead more of a specific-activity bottom? The biggest complaint that I have heard from dominant and switch women from my community is the fact that the majority of men who approach them are not true submissives, but rather were approaching them essentially like fetish dispensers to their own male-centered fantasies without really offering anything in return. And I could be wrong and I apologize if I am mistaken, but from how you wrote your comment I get the impression you fall more into the latter.

A few years ago I put my toe into the BDSM world, and it is not for me. I've never claimed to be a "true" or lifestyle submissive, and in the BDSM world that was confirmed quickly. What I am is a sexual submissive who is turned on my female muscle, a very different thing.

I agree that a BDSM mistress might view my desires as attempting to top her from the bottom, and in many respects she's not wrong. What I seek is not a lifestyle mistress though, but a muscular woman whose desires naturally complement mine - who wants to be worshipped and sexually dominant, but also wants a guy who is independent and an equal in other respects. I realize that I am searching for an unusual match in a very small pool, which is a primary reason why I posted here for possible ideas from those who might be in a similar situation.

To also echo what fp said awhile ago: submission is more a state of mind and being versus being tethered to a body type. You might believe due to what you see on fetish sites and webcams that muscular women are always dominant and love being stronger than men and get off on showing their physical superiority or whatever, but the truth is that muscular women can also be submissive and many of them really don't care about those kinds of things. The most dominant woman I ever met during my tenure in the BDSM community was this TINY older lady who physically looked like a strong wind could blow her over. But her attitude, persona and the way she conducted her play? I demoed with her a few times and those were some of the most intense scenes I was ever a part of.

Agreed that submission (and dominance for that matter) is a state of mind, probably induced by brain wiring/chemistry. And I understand that, like all women, muscular women can be dominant, submissive, or a mix of both. That makes searching for a woman who does have the desired combination of attributes, which includes desiring a man with my attributes, that much more difficult.

So to answer your question, the best bet to meet muscular women is like I said before: get involved with the strength community and also go to a gym that attracts serious lifters along with going to conventions and comps, but the most important thing to do in your case is to try and change your perspective from "female muscle fetishist" to one of "I have a preference for muscular women" because chances are if you find a muscular women and start establishing a rapport with her, it's relatively unlikely she is going to go for the fetish thing right off the bat, if she is even a "dominant" in the first place. The kink conversation comes later, and it's something where you BOTH talk about what you are into and also ask her what you can do for what she is also in to.

I see your point about the self-conception or self-presentation as having a "preference for muscular women" being accurate but less overt than FMF. Also agreed that with any woman, including dominant and/or muscular women, you should never lead with sexual considerations. That's just crass. Every woman/relationship is different, and you just have to feel when the time is right. Could happen quickly, or it could take quite a while. What I usually do is to take advantage of places in normal conversation where I can slip in a subtle hint of what I desire. She either responds to that hint in kind (rare) or doesn't. After a few hints without a suitable response, I conclude that she's just not in that very small pool of complementary women, and move on.

And I understand your point about FBB conventions and competitions as other potential meeting places for muscular women. Without knowing anyone in that world it would be a little uncomfortable for me, but nothing ventured, etc. And usually I prefer a more athletic (whether lean or thick) female build to a true FBB, but there are exceptions.

So still looking....Thanks for your comment.

Jul 01, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Aeon05
Jul 06, 2024 - permalink

Now, just speaking for myself here, but going to the gym is a bit of a double-edged sword for me. Yes, working out would make myself more appealing to FBBs. But at the same time, it would limit the amount of FBBs that I find appealing. The stronger I get, the stronger I need the FBB to be. I want them to at least match my strength or be stronger. At any rate, I'm fine with this remaining a fantasy and have no interest in actually dating an FBB.

I think this is the main point of "dating upwards" being a fantasy. The more you work out the less attracted you become.

I wonder if the answer to this is rather becoming really good at something else you are; as someone mentioned the sugar daddies. Simply be good at something that the women would appreciate.

Of course I would still be working out myself for my benefits.

Jul 06, 2024 - edited Jul 06, 2024 - permalink

If you're into truly muscular women, ie women who are on steroids, then you're setting yourself up for disappointment if you think you're going to find them at your local gym. The chances of running into a female on steroids is extremely low. You're far better off going to some sort of fitness or bodybuilding expo instead.

Depends......if by chance you go to a bbing gym you will see a few of them. It's a bit of luck. Or you can go on purpose to bbing gyms. Expos are cool but there's not many of them.

Better yet, it's not the 90's anymore, just slide into their DMs. Of course, do so with a real instagram profile (not one that follows a bunch of fetish shit), and send a real message, nothing creepy or fetish driven.

Girls doing steroids use Instagram to work. they have anywhere from 30.000 to 500.000 followers. Good luck with having a girl with 250.000 followers answer your friendly dm... Even worse...your pathetic profile with 30 followers is on her inbox with your pics so every time you pass by her on the gym you Will feel embarrased.....and since she never answers to that dm eventually you start to fall into a depression comparing yourself to that mighty goddess on drugs.

The BEST way to get close to them I think would be to become their client. But they Will suck you dry lol....and you'll end Up depressed anyway because you can't even eat a chocolate or drink a soda. And you'll crave her approval and attention....but she'll say she has 100 other clients, if you don't like it leave.

She'll have you on lettuce and Chicken for Life working out 3 hours a day. Herself, she'll only go 3 times a week to the gym and eat whatever she wants. She'll make you feel so worthless....until you accept reality and start talking drugs, which she Will sell to you.

In your last day of life you Will ask her why she rejected you sexually....she'll say that she didn't want kids, she just wanted to travel, party and have fun. She loves freedom. Her kids are her cats/dogs.

You'll die miserable and poor while she travels with the money you paid her.

Jul 07, 2024 - permalink

Depends......if by chance you go to a bbing gym you will see a few of them. It's a bit of luck. Or you can go on purpose to bbing gyms. Expos are cool but there's not many of them.

Girls doing steroids use Instagram to work. they have anywhere from 30.000 to 500.000 followers. Good luck with having a girl with 250.000 followers answer your friendly dm... Even worse...your pathetic profile with 30 followers is on her inbox with your pics so every time you pass by her on the gym you Will feel embarrased.....and since she never answers to that dm eventually you start to fall into a depression comparing yourself to that mighty goddess on drugs.

The BEST way to get close to them I think would be to become their client. But they Will suck you dry lol....and you'll end Up depressed anyway because you can't even eat a chocolate or drink a soda. And you'll crave her approval and attention....but she'll say she has 100 other clients, if you don't like it leave.

She'll have you on lettuce and Chicken for Life working out 3 hours a day. Herself, she'll only go 3 times a week to the gym and eat whatever she wants. She'll make you feel so worthless....until you accept reality and start talking drugs, which she Will sell to you.

In your last day of life you Will ask her why she rejected you sexually....she'll say that she didn't want kids, she just wanted to travel, party and have fun. She loves freedom. Her kids are her cats/dogs.

You'll die miserable and poor while she travels with the money you paid her.

All from personal experience?

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