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Help me design a new tags system

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May 27, 2024 - permalink

Will the ability to add tags after uploading the image be mandatory?

I would think no, since that might just get people to do a poor job of adding tags since they just want to get past it. Also then that page would have to be redesigned such that navigating away from it without filling it out gets your uploads deleted.

The character limit of 15 is going to be awkward since currently, there is a tags with 16 chars: "overall physique" (though I am making no claim how useful that tag actually is).

Good point, it should probably be more like 20-25.

What characters will be allowed in tags? Model names allow some Non-ASCII characters (I think?), but I think tag names could be stricter, maybe just English letters and spaces.

Yeah I was thinking this as well, maybe a-z, plus dashes, spaces, and apostrophes. Notably, no commas.

Reporting tags (as well as finding the rules for them) should be easy, ideally directly from an image that has a tag. (Since at the start, there will most likely be a lot of undesirable tags)

Yeah, or from the search results page for a tag, once you click on it. I suppose if someone just reports the image itself, mentioning the tag, that would work well enough to get our attention.

Is there going to be a site that lists all the tabs with a filter, and sorting like the current models page? Otherwise, it'll be difficult to stick to common variants of a tag even if you want to do so.

Could be although honestly I'm running low on space in the top bar. The autocomplete when you're entering a tag should help with finding an existing tag.

If a tag is merged, does a user who wants to use the "losing" tag see what it was merged into or just that it isn't available?

I was thinking this would work the same way it does for models, the person enters the merged tag and then it automatically changes to the one it was merged into when they save.

Is there going to be a restriction on who can create new tags (similar to the way Stack Exchange is set up)?

I'm not sure what the restrictions on Stack Exchange are. We could restrict it to accounts that fit certain criteria (like the age of the account). However we haven't restricted who can enter model names and that's been OK so far. We have a script that can revert vandalism easily, as well as another script that scans for vandalism.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

Just a thought, but what about a class of tag with "=" at the end that would allow some free text to be added after it? The most obvious would be insta= and tiktok=. That would save a lot of comments asking for them.

May 28, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

Just a thought

I'm not sure if tags are the best way to do it.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

The comments are searchable right now. I think users are trained to use tags, but the comments are potentially a rich source of data.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

Progress update: I changed the tag input to be freeform like the model name input:

I also made a list page for tags, just like the existing one for users and models:

The image counts are a bit out of date because my local instance of GWM that I test on is using data from many months ago. That said, I was surprised to see delts beating out biceps as the most used tag.

There's still quite a bit of work left to do, including all the logic about renaming/merging/deleting tags.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

This is super cool. Interested to see how it settles into production.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

One thing that could be interesting is adding an element of the existing system, so while we do have the free-form field, it would be coupled with a "quick tags" option. This would allow a user to select from a list of popular or "promoted" tags, or possibly even tuned to the tags the user specifies the most often.

On touch screen devices, less typing is often better.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

One thing that could be interesting is adding an element of the existing system, so while we do have the free-form field, it would be coupled with a "quick tags" option. This would allow a user to select from a list of popular or "promoted" tags, or possibly even tuned to the tags the user specifies the most often.

On touch screen devices, less typing is often better.

I could see auto-fill being useful here (similar to the autofill used when searching models), and the generated list could be sorted from most popular to least.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

It does indeed have autofill.

Jun 20, 2024 - permalink

It's looking promising

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

How about a Mature, or Old Lady tag?

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

We need a FEET tag!!!

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

I want tags for certain positions like sitting cross legged

Jun 21, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I think these can all be had under the same system.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

sigh....Your regular reminder ..quote from Chainer

NOTE: This thread is not for new tag suggestions!

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

I know this is personal and subjective, but should we add the term 'cute' in the list of tags.

Muscle + cute is what I like.

Jun 21, 2024 - permalink

I know this is personal and subjective

I too would like a cute tag. But if people can't agree on what is six feet then I wouldn't expect too much.

Jun 21, 2024 - edited Jun 21, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by asianfitnessfan
Jun 26, 2024 - permalink

Progress update: I changed the tag input to be freeform like the model name input:


Just throwing this idea out there...

Would there be any interest in implementing negative search tags? For example (once this new tag system is implemented), let's say I wanted to search for "biceps" but I don't want any results tagged with "gym"... Would there be a way (if implemented) to type this into the search using a certain syntax, such as "biceps, -gym" with a negative (minus) in front of "gym?"

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

I think the negative search tag is a good idea.

Maybe create a new thread about the new tag system after implementing it. It could be used to highlight the boundaries/transitions between tags of the same group. For example for the existing tags bodybuilder, figure/fitness, athlete, gymnast, teen the thread could provide a guideline which tag is to use- perhaps with some links to images.

So it could help the users tag the images and it could help them which tags to use for a promising image search.

Jun 28, 2024 - permalink

Yes, please! Negative search tags would be a great feature. Good images that have only one or two tags could be found much easier

Jun 29, 2024 - permalink

Yes I think it's a good idea. Anything to make the search more tailored in a different way

Jun 30, 2024 - permalink

Yeah I think negative tags would not be very hard to do.

Jul 08, 2024 - permalink

That's a brilliant idea and would be extremely useful.

Sep 23, 2024 - permalink


(I haven't done the negative tags yet)

Thread locked by Chainer.
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