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A strange question for older people.

Jun 12, 2024 - permalink

yeah.. and to be honest I think there is some value in our 'ancestral bias'.. because these our attitudes that developed over generations, for self-interests. So, I often value (or at least understand) traditional beliefs.. BUT what I find frustrating, is that since the '6os many traditional sexual attitudes & prejudices have been obliterated. Almost any and every sexual anomaly has been normalized in American society.. but female bodybuilding is still generally treated with (open) contempt.

And I think part of this is because female bodybuilding doesn't have much institutional advocacy on its side. A lot of the reason homosexuality became normalized (in America) is because of political advocacy and corporate advocacy on its behalf.. There hasn't been much institutional support for muscular women. When institutions (like media) utilize female bodybuilders, its still marginalized, one-dimensional depictions.. ie- making fun of their masculine qualities, making them seem like deranged 'roid-ragers, etc. For the most part, I don't care how institutions perceive female muscle, but it does seem like a blind spot, when so many other forms of previously fringe, or taboo, sexual tastes have been normalized (and even celebrated now). Just my opinions.

I personally think most men are not attracted to muscular women because they are so rare. and since most women like muscular men they don't want a man that is weaker than them. and this caused men to evolve a preference for non muscular women since finding them was simply too hard in prehistoric times. weakness is generally a big disadvantage so it doesn't make sense in terms of evolution realistically both genders should go for the strongest partner they can get. in apes the females are still weaker than the males but the gap seems smaller than with humans. women became slightly weaker than men at first because the reproductive system in most mannimals takes a lot of energy. but with us humans things evolved in a negative way. You have some exceptions were the women are stronger but they are usually egg laying animals.

Jun 12, 2024 - edited Jun 12, 2024 - permalink

I personally think most men are not attracted to muscular women because they are so rare. and since most women like muscular men they don't want a man that is weaker than them. and this caused men to evolve a preference for non muscular women since finding them was simply too hard in prehistoric times. weakness is generally a big disadvantage so it doesn't make sense in terms of evolution realistically both genders should go for the strongest partner they can get. in apes the females are still weaker than the males but the gap seems smaller than with humans. women became slightly weaker than men at first because the reproductive system in most mannimals takes a lot of energy. but with us humans things evolved in a negative way. You have some exceptions were the women are stronger but they are usually egg laying animals.

Interestingly, the latest archeological findings of Hunter/Gatherer groups in Prehistoric times, have observed that Women as well as Men hunted routinely...it was not solely the Men. But when it came to warfare, the Men would be involved. Turns out that women have stronger 'below the waist' muscular build (when active and very exercised) as compared to men and that women have naturally higher threshold for pain and better stamina.

Jun 12, 2024 - permalink

Interestingly, the latest archeological findings of Hunter/Gatherer groups in Prehistoric times, have observed that Women as well as Men hunted routinely...it was not solely the Men. But when it came to warfare, the Men would be involved. Turns out that women have stronger 'below the waist' muscular build (when active and very exercised) as compared to men and that women have naturally higher threshold for pain and better stamina.

i think there have been some recent studies about this in fitness, and anecdotally i think many of us that have been around well-trained women will find that while, on the whole, they don't have the same top-end strength as men, at percentages relative to their max for a lift they are able to do more reps than men with the same percentages (extra true with lower body).

anecdotally, when i was training with a woman often, and these kinds of things came up, for squats at like 50% of max, she would often do 25+ reps while I would be stuck in the low teens, this despite my max being 405 at the time, and hers being like 235. in conditioning work she would often end up with more rounds than me because she simply kept going even though it hurt to work (obviously not danger-pain but lactic acid build up and all that).

its why im not surprised to see these semi-juiced up college hardbodies like Kelsey bennching like 275 and then repping out 20+ at 135 because they were bored.

Jun 13, 2024 - permalink

Having turned 59 today, I guess I qualify as an old person lol. I discovery FBBs in 1983, in magazines, when I was 17, and became hooked immediately. Not sure if it's a fetish or not, but I've always been on the lookout everywhere for muscle. Back then I was aware of femdom and BDSM, but not furries or fetish for fat, or feet or vore.

Jun 13, 2024 - permalink


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