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Unable to find all comment text through search?

Jun 08, 2024 - permalink

So I recently been commenting with the intention of basically labelling images so that I can find them through comment text search. For instance, any images that I want to find again with leotards I'll comment with that word. But for some reason when I go to search they don't seem to appear. Am I misunderstanding the search? how comes it doesn't seem to work for the images I comment on? On that note, is there also any way to view all images I've commented on? Thanks

Jun 08, 2024 - permalink

Your profile says that you have made 0 image comments, they were most likely marked as spam.

Jun 08, 2024 - edited Jun 08, 2024 - permalink

Your profile says that you have made 0 image comments, they were most likely marked as spam.

Thanks for that comment, it helped me realize how to look at my previous comments. That's strange though I can see my previous comments whereas you can't. Well at least that answers my second question. Now only if the search also will bring up images via my comments too...

Jun 09, 2024 - permalink

Your profile says that you have made 0 image comments, they were most likely marked as spam.

This is basically it.

Once I get done with the new commenting system I can run a script upon request to turn your existing comments that are tag-worthy, like "leotard" into tags. Until then it's probably best if your comments don't spam the front page or other users (but they are still saved by the site).

28 minutes ago - permalink

Have you tried searching again? I think you will get the results you expected

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