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[Off-Topic] The Greatest Decade?

Which is the greatest decade? (212 total votes)

1990's (63, 29.7%)
2020's (62, 29.2%)
2000's (28, 13.2%)
1980's (23, 10.8%)
2010's (22, 10.4%)
1970's (6, 2.8%)
1960's (3, 1.4%)
1930's (3, 1.4%)
1950's (2, 0.9%)
1940's (0, 0.0%)
May 30, 2024 - permalink

Many of us feel nostalgia for a particular decade in history. It can give insight into the various ages of the userbase, but I feel like this is more of a fun way of finding out rather than directly asking "how old are you?"

May 30, 2024 - permalink

2020's not bc I'm young and don't wanna look back to the old stuff but nowadays there are a lot more girls lifting weights than for example 10 years ago.

May 30, 2024 - permalink

Make sure you're not voting purely from the lens of "which decade has the best muscle girls?"

This thread was posted to the Off Topic section, and the title also clearly reflects this. I'm just asking what your favorite decade is in a general sense. Whether it be for culture, music, memories, or whatever.

May 30, 2024 - permalink

i think the 80s had the best music the 90s had the best movies 80s movies are good but i think some of them didn't age well and in the 2000s movies got dumbed down and in the 2010s they became pure shit .and the 2000s had the best video games and internet culture. i am not sure what to call it but i like how things worked in the 2000s compared to today .but the 2000s had the worst music nowadays there is more choice but the 2000s was more of a hybrid era when you had internet but mtv and radio was still relevant because you only had internet at home. nowadays i just ignore what is popular pre 80s seems like shit to me great music but not a lot of muscular woman and no video games. and the 2010s and 2020s so far seem like the 2000s but with faster internet but everything else is worse. i was born in the 90s so my views of the 80s and early 90s are just based on old movies and daily life may have been worse or better than i think

May 30, 2024 - permalink

i like the conveiniece that the internet has made, bu t i think it's destroying industries and attention spans faster than new things can pop up.

from time to time i leave my phone in my trunk and drive to where im going like it's the 90s, just listening to the radio.

end of the 2000s was great because you were just getting probably the best time to have good internet but without most fo the coming trash. muscle media was getting pretty good. most media conglomerates hadn't gotten more conolidated, and my fave sci fi franchises were still going strong

i think most of all it was way harder to be subject to the voices of the most annoying people. even if i'm not on twitter a tweetn from a bunch of randos can become news. idk if i could pick somewhere to be in my mid 30s now it would be the 2000s before the financial crash

May 31, 2024 - permalink

i like the conveiniece that the internet has made, bu t i think it's destroying industries and attention spans faster than new things can pop up.

Completely agree on this. I was born in the early 70s and grew up without the internet, and I think I'm better off for it. I think that's why I'm so partial to the 80s, it was my teenage years and movies and music were great.

I just think that allowing the internet to be a part of childhood life and education is severely handicapping people.

Jun 01, 2024 - permalink

I'm sure someone has posted this before but I wonder what generation is more common on this site. It looks like 90s is the top one and I wonder how much of that is because the votes are coming from millenials

Jun 01, 2024 - permalink

I would've voted the 90s, since it was also my time of discovering my passion for it, but nostalgia aside, I chose the 80s - all the material I've found (and still find) from that era reaffirms it. From "fit dancers" to "super athletic" to even a few "mass monsters", the women rejoiced in showing off their physiques.

Jun 01, 2024 - permalink

I'm sure someone has posted this before but I wonder what generation is more common on this site. It looks like 90s is the top one and I wonder how much of that is because the votes are coming from millenials

i always assumed the user base was quite old but maybe i am wrong many people just vote based on how much female muscle content there is so they pick more recent decades. but in the 90s you had at least some of that combined with a very different culture you you go back further female muscle becomes rare.

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

i always assumed the user base was quite old but maybe i am wrong many people just vote based on how much female muscle content there is so they pick more recent decades. but in the 90s you had at least some of that combined with a very different culture you you go back further female muscle becomes rare.

I too at one point, thought the user base was a little older. But there was another poll a while back that asked what everyone's age was. I was shocked that the largest user grouping was people in their 20s, maybe it was 30s, either way they are way younger than me. Of course, this is not very scientific since we hide who we are to an extent.

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

2020s. Bodybuilding has never been more popular and there will be more and more bodybuilders and greater public acceptance of PED use going forward.

Jun 03, 2024 - permalink

2010s had its big push

Jun 04, 2024 - permalink

Maybe it's because I'm young blood and I started consuming this content regularly in the 2020s, but I have no doubt each decade is intrinsically better than the last because of progressively more widespread PED acceptance/usage, less stigma towards women with muscle, and OF COURSE more advanced PEDs. The future looks mighty bright.

Jun 04, 2024 - permalink

Make sure you're not voting purely from the lens of "which decade has the best muscle girls?"

This thread was posted to the Off Topic section, and the title also clearly reflects this. I'm just asking what your favorite decade is in a general sense. Whether it be for culture, music, memories, or whatever.

Those parameters appear to be a losing proposition... ๐Ÿ˜‚

Jun 04, 2024 - permalink

Generally, gonna have to either say the 90's or the 2000's.

I'm quite young so didn't experience the 90's first hand but a lot of things from that era appeal to me, from the movies, to the videogames, and especially the music.

But the 2000's is not only the decade I have actual nostalgia for, but imo actually surpasses the 90's in a few aspects, namely the internet and tv shows/books (some real gems come from this era) and even the music was still great during this time, though the crappier trends that would become more prominent later on did have their start here. This applies to things like social media, which although obviously became much more prominent during the 2010's, started here as well.

Jun 04, 2024 - permalink

I think I would slide the scale and pick 1995-2005.

Best of the early 2000s media and early good internet but a bit of the autonomy of not being 100% connected all the time. I still think those Wild West days of the internet were best because it hadnโ€™t been taken over by big corps and even in muscle land you had multiple people doing the same thing with a diff flavor. Like having different creative sensibilities is nice

Aside from 9/11 there was a big feeling of optimism and growth and OPPORTUNITY. Still kind of a time where if you really wanted to leave and not be found you could do it (obviously positive and negative ends of this) and if you really wanted to leave part of your past behind you could do it and start fresh.

Things were still affordable. $10 regular could fill a tank when I was a kid. Movies were cheaper. Malls were still popular and there were generally more frequented โ€œthird spacesโ€ for everyone that I think has turned digital these days.

Jun 05, 2024 - permalink

Those parameters appear to be a losing proposition... ๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah the results don't mean anything at this point.

Jun 07, 2024 - permalink


Yeah the results don't mean anything at this point.

I think the fact that the highest votes are for the 2020's mean this poll has no validity ๐Ÿ˜‚

Jun 07, 2024 - permalink


Jun 10, 2024 - permalink

For an old guy, the 90's were magical. All of the sudden, there were muscle women everywhere. American Gladiators, ESPN fitness shows, etc.

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

I think the fact that the highest votes are for the 2020's mean this poll has no validity ๐Ÿ˜‚

I was thinking the same thing.. this poll sample must skew pretty young, if people think the 20s have been good times. And I recognize it's all subjective, but a chaotic, economically depressed decade with a pandemic.. that's not even halfway in, as the greatest decade ??

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

70s had best movies 80s best music 90s best overall living. Things were simple, housing was still affordable, politics was boring and the economy roaring. Cellphones weren't ubiquitous and people had a better sense of independence and self reliance. Early internet was the wild west and most webpages were created by hobbyists yearning to share their passionate interests.

However I can't imagine going back to the pre-youtube days. Despite all the noise it's an irreplaceable educational tool.

Jun 11, 2024 - permalink

I was thinking the same thing.. this poll sample must skew pretty young, if people think the 20s have been good times. And I recognize it's all subjective, but a chaotic, economically depressed decade with a pandemic.. that's not even halfway in, as the greatest decade ??

i think people just pick the era with the most female muscle content but even then 2010s and late 2000s were better

Jun 13, 2024 - permalink

However I can't imagine going back to the pre-youtube days. Despite all the noise it's an irreplaceable educational tool.

I agree with your take on online media. Even tho the world has become worse in a lot of ways over the last generation.. online media and networking has been a blessing. It's blown apart the previous model of gatekeeping.. where only certain media outlets, publishers, and movie studios controlled almost all the media resources. It's cool that people can make their own content, and deliver it directly to the consumers instantly.

It seems lame looking back, remembering how only Siskel & Ebert, and a handful of newspaper critics controlled movie reviewing etc. They were usually pretentious geeks. I like hearing a cross-section of online reviewers now, with a variety of tastes.

Jun 14, 2024 - permalink

However I can't imagine going back to the pre-youtube days. Despite all the noise it's an irreplaceable educational tool.

I can't help but feel we're past the zenith of the streaming age now. I miss the glory days when you could stream a massive back-catalog of good TV shows on Netflix. You could even get Bluray's by mail for the movies that were worth the extra bit-rate too! Now the content is balkanized with the recommender system neutered to cover it up, and I have to do funky things like putting an old Roku on a VLAN/VPN to my parents house to make use of the "family" plan. Plus they randomly limit you to 720p playback when they decide your hardware isn't good enough.

Will have to see if YouTube defeats the Ublock Origin + Sponsorblock combo / yt-dlp with this server side ad injection thing. I might actually be productive again for a few months until a workaround is found.

I think the fact that the highest votes are for the 2020's mean this poll has no validity ๐Ÿ˜‚

Really the only good thing to come out of this last decade was the normalization of Work From Home. Hard to think of anything else that's been a bigger quality of life improvement than that. But it's a 2 tier economy right now, if you owned property/stock before you're doing really well now. If you were in the other half of the middle class that was demoted to working poor then it's been pretty awful.

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