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Do you ever feel "guilty" for having this fetish/attraction?

May 24, 2024 - permalink

Some women don't like the look of male bodybuilders too.

May 24, 2024 - permalink

Most women don't like the look of male bodybuilders too.

May 24, 2024 - permalink

I wish I never had it. I feel it like a curse. It's not their fault, everyone lives and build muscles as they want. But me being attracted to strong ladies, it's like admiring the sun, it burns, I want to keep doing it, I wish I could go there, but I can't. Being a petite girl, always in books, scared to hell to go in a gym to build a little of confidence, because I'm scared to see a buff girl and can't control myself of stalking her. So I webcam them, and just seing those pixels flexing I feel too emotional. So no sessions IRL, to not feel empty in my existence after the ends of artificial emotions. I went to see that movie recently out, Love Lies bleeding, I had to hurry out of the screen room, I was getting too much warmed by some scenes, sweating and breathing heavy like a perv. Being Bisexual, helps to date some gentlemen. But they can be the most charming chaps, when I see a muscle girl, I lose it all. I can't even think to date a strong girl, I'll be so messy in my emotions, my behaviour, I would ruin it all, and lose her. And they are so rare, I one, I lose all.

So yes, it's a bloody curse.

Forgive me ladies and gents for this, I just had to express it, after a bad Friday whiskey.

May 25, 2024 - permalink

personally i have started to feel bad on two avenues.

on one hand, it has effected me financially for years. i would have struggled less in my 20s (less, but still struggled) had i not had it around. also, some of my activities during that time were related to the fetish and i would put more focus on that instead of things like my career. i would be better off without it.

on another hand i know i am personally responsible for a small number of women getting into the fetish side of it. this actually is a huge weight on me because the actions are done and going back and apologizing or whatever isn't going to undo it.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

Mostly I feel regret that I didn't try harder to fulfill my desires, did a session etc.

May 28, 2024 - permalink

Mostly I feel regret that I didn't try harder to fulfill my desires, did a session etc.

I was previously married to a strong, muscular woman, many years ago. I've also have had a couple of other relationships with muscular women. However...I definitely have regrets that I didn't pursue sessions, when it was more common for many of the female bodybuilders to provide them.

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

I've had a few instances of obsessing over it and it has negatively impacted my relationships. There are days I love it and days I wish I could be satisfied normally.

Jun 02, 2024 - permalink

no, it's just natural to be attracted to stronger more capable women. The issue is the "addiction" element. These are real human beings and we have to learn that admiration and attraction is normal but the "porn" aspect is dangerous. They should not be objects of satisfaction but women who we can genuinely admire. it's not easy take it from me but focus on improving aspects of your own life pursue hobbies and passions to get rid of that "addiction" element cuz it's just an escape from a shitty life. Then you won't feel guilty for admiring women who are strong but also real human beings.

Jun 04, 2024 - permalink

I don’t feel guilty, but I don’t tell everyone my thoughts. For financial reasons, I have to live with family members and appease their sensibilities, despite how much I don’t really like them. If they found out about my attractions, they would undoubtedly think I’m gay, which is closer to the truth; I’m androsexual.

Jun 04, 2024 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

The issue is the "addiction" element.

The addiction element exists because the attraction is based on nurture, or lack of it, rather than nature.

Jun 04, 2024 - permalink

Not at all. And I am not ashamed of liking broccoli, mushrooms and chicken liver either. All are just items I appreciate without attaching any sort of rationalization because such doesn't matter. Oh, and I forgot to add Habanero Pepper sauce and lots of garlic and ginger to the list...

Jun 06, 2024 - permalink

I am not buying this. You're not naturally attracted to stronger, more capable men. Especially not sensually or sexually. So why women?

It is natural to be attracted sensually and sexually to women. Them being stronger and more capable has nothing to do with the nature of it. Though even then it's not natural to do it or feel it with just anyone in any situation. Men are by nature also social and rational beings, some more emotionally and intellectually mature than others, and some are even aware of their process of maturation.

The addiction element exists because the attraction is based on nurture, or lack of it, rather than nature.

Admiration is normal if you do it like you would to an actor or a musician, which is that you admire what he has produced. No musician or actor would find it healthy or normal if you fetishized their bodies, and calling it admiration is not going to change it.

In case of female bodybuilders, because their "product" is their body, the "porn" aspect is pretty much inseparable from it. This "genuine admiration" sounds like an attempt to explain away the obvious. It also sounds like a split personality. One part of the split deals with the "porn" aspect and another part deals with the supposedly platonic "admiration" aspect.

The key element in all this is fascination with power. Not only physical power, but mostly it's physical, and whatever else that can be represented in physical form. Fascination with power is not natural part of human sexuality and neither is it a form of admiration or appreciation. As a rule, if it's a craving then it's something far heavier than admiration.

Some of the supposed admirers may pretend their interest in these women is not sensual or sexual, but this also requires pretending that these women don't see themselves as sexual beings. As if they could suddenly forget that part of themselves and become some platonic product of their efforts.

I was about to say that there is a tacit agreement between women doing sessions and their clients that the service is not an exploration of sexuality. But after thinking about it just a little bit longer I'm quite sure only some clients are fooling themselves. I could call it an ersatz sexuality.

If you really think you can and want to admire these women as real human beings then you need to get into the gym subculture. Then you need to study training and nutrition a lot. Then you need to get to know as many women there as possible. Based on that you will know which ones are healthy and disciplined and worthy of your admiration. It should not and will not feel any different than admiring a capable and responsible car mechanic or airline pilot. You know how the job is done and you see them doing it well. But if you ever see a woman fly an airplane sexually, especially with passengers, your and their best hope is that she gets fired as soon as possible.

Other than that it sounds like an attempt to hide the sexual nature of it from oneself. But like I said, it's an ersatz sexuality. Fascination with power is a form of estrangement from sexuality or a defense against one's true sexual feelings. A person like this is afraid of finding himself empty. And the defense is literally that no, I'm not empty. It's just that she's so powerful that I look empty in comparison, which makes it safe and understandable and makes me relatively fine.

In this context an attempt to further platonize the issue simply means further estrangement.

But the most important part is to realize that this defense takes place only in the man's mind. The women are completely unaware of it. They don't feel that powerful and they don't see the man as less empty and strange than he really is. And in cases they really do feel powerful, they will find the contrast between them and an anonymous admirer even more steep.

7/10 debate essay, needs more brain rot

Jun 06, 2024 - permalink

i would be inclined to agree if you might describe a woman that's a little more aware of herself or generally has emotional maturity vs someone fresh out of college that hasn't gotten any life experience yet. there IS something attractive about competence, confidence in ones seslf. but there is no direct correlation between those and bodybuilders, because we know a lot of these people are immature, stupid, easily influenced, etc because they're people too. being a bodybuilder does not make them any of those things inherently.

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