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"Natty or not" drivel

May 15, 2024 - permalink

I swear it seems like half the comments on this site are arguing back and forth about whether or not someone is on steroids. Can we just ban that discussion from the image comments? Or give it it's own thread if it's so important to people. Most people here could care less what drugs people take, but some people seem to be obsessed with it.

I think it's a worthwhile discussion to have. Not only for women's health but also to help adjust everyone's expectations. For example a lot of guys like the idea of having children with a fit woman, it's important for men to be at least somewhat familiar with determining if a woman is natty or not natty in order to best achieve this aim.

May 15, 2024 - edited May 15, 2024 - permalink

Ye but how would you ever be able to moderate that? I picked that example question for an obvious reason, and I think you just improved my point.

Glad I was helpful? I'm not asking anyone to moderate that. I'm just bucketing it in the drivel category. People are free to beclown themselves. I wasn't really responding to your point, just using your example to clarify mine.

May 15, 2024 - permalink

Glad I was helpful? I'm not asking anyone to moderate that. I'm just bucketing it in the drivel category. People are free to beclown themselves. I wasn't really responding to your point, just using your example to clarify mine.

What you are doing now is drivel since your point doesn't lead anywhere.

May 15, 2024 - permalink

I don't know if banning is the right thing to do but it's the only thing I can think of. I agree with whoever said they don't participate in the comments as much because of these low-effort, weirdly intense arguments. I don't want to get dragged into that argument. I don't see why this stuff can't be limited to the forums.

If you look at the comments on here over time, the site has gone from a 90's era chat room kind of feeling to something closer to a social media environment. There are fewer simpy "crush me mommy" comments, to the point that I don't see them as much of a problem anymore. But the natty obsession hasn't gone away.

I think people on this site underestimate the potential for women to make use of this site to drive people to their other accounts and make money. Women could look at this site as a money making lead generator, and they would be less likely to blacklist. Making the comments more useful (reddit style upvote/downvote) would help without actually banning anything. Nested replies would be great too so it feels more like a conversation. And I have brought this up before, but giving verified models the ability to mod their own photos and comments could be interesting.

May 15, 2024 - permalink

I wonder if amb5002 is on a PED cycle, it'd explain the aggressive approach to banning speech on the site...🤔.

Jul 12, 2024 - permalink

Speak for yourself, I love the "natty" discussion threads. I don't even try to argue on them anymore.

Just when I think that people can't be any more self-deluded, needly judgemental, or stunningly ignorant about human physiology.. the "natty" threads always surprise me with the new depths and heights that they reach. It's kind of awesome TBH.

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