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Guidelines for Creating New Threads

Aug 07, 2021 - edited Jun 23, 2022 - permalink

When creating a new thread, please understand that you are interacting with a whole community of like-minded individuals, many of whom have been registered members of the site for many years. With this in mind, it goes a long way to put at least a decent amount of effort when starting a new thread. We don't expect you to be masters of the English language, and we're not expecting you to write a novel, but we do expect something that doesn't come across as lazy and half-assed. So the following are basic guidelines for creating a new thread in each section of the forum:

Site Discussion:

We usually don't have issues with this section. Just keep in mind that this section is for Site discussion and not personal issues (these issues should be put into a message to the mod staff). Try to be as clear and specific as possible in what you'd like to discuss with the community.

Bug Reports:

Here we have a little more leeway, since usually something you experienced personally is what brought your attention to the bug, and so we encourage you to report these. Nothing else to really say except try to be detailed and clear in your description.


This is for discussions related to muscular women. There are a lot of topics you can discuss if you'd like, we just ask that you don't be insulting (i.e. "why are these women ugly?") and don't use any NSFW language (sexualized, references to genitalia, etc.). NSFW discussions are instead welcome in the NSFW section. The best threads start off with a well thought out opinion or take on an issue or event, which then leaves it open for a healthy discussion amongst the community. Links, pictures, or videos are welcome if applicable. Do not link to or upload paysite content.

Paysite Reviews:

Try to stick to commenting on existing threads. However, if the paysite you have in mind is not represented, then you are welcome to create a new thread. As explained above, don't be lazy and try to be as clear and detailed in your review as possible. Other than that, we don't care whether you're leaving a good or bad review, just try to avoid using strong language (expletives) or insults. Also do not post any paysite content here (same as with the rest of the site).

Image Themes:

This is a very popular section and can be quickly crowded up with sub-par threads. It is very important that when you start a new thread that you're opening a unique topic that hasn't already been touched on recently (in the last several months), and that you lead off with a few images so that everyone is visually aware of what you're looking for. If you start a thread simply titled "Pecs" and in the post you write "Post em." it will get deleted. It's both lazy and insulting to the community and all it does is crowd up this section with worthless threads.


This is mainly for "who is this?" type threads. You can also post a request to have users suggest images of a specific interest. Again, please be as detailed and specific as possible. Even if you are creating a "who is this?" thread, try not to just post a picture... tell us where you found it. The more information you can provide, the higher the quality of help you'll receive, and the higher the likelihood of someone being able to ID her.

Also, please keep in mind the upload rules and especially avoid posting anything from paysites, minors (under 18 years of age), nude content, trans women, and morphs/artwork. For requests involving nudity, we ask that you post these in the NSFW section. For requests involving trans women, we ask that you post these in the Trans Women section. And for requests involving morphing, 2D or 3D artwork, animations, and anything else of relevance that exists outside of reality, we ask that you post these in the Fantasy section.


Works of fiction. You are welcome to post any kind of story you'd like, provided it doesn't involve minors and it is relevant to the site (it needs to involve a muscular woman somewhere at some point in the story). For this section all we ask is that you use a basic level of grammar and punctuation. Stories that are virtually illegible will likely be removed. Again, we don't expect you to be masters of the English language but you do need to keep the community in your consideration and put a little more effort into your work. Most users don't need to worry about this.


Nudity is no longer allowed. Otherwise these sections follow the same general guidelines as the other sections, as expressed above. NSFW is more for discussions involving explicit content that we would otherwise not allow in the General/Nonfiction section. Trans Women is of course for trans women. Fantasy is for anything that is based outside of reality, or loosely based on reality... for example this section is typically reserved for 2D and 3D artwork and morphed/photoshopped images, although other threads involve TV shows and movies, toys, video games, statues, etc.

Self-Promotion & Foreign Languages / Subcommunities:

Chainer already posted the rules at the top of each of these pages.

Jun 27, 2022 - permalink

This comment will be providing users with a clear idea of why we lock or delete certain threads. It will also cover basic forum etiquette.

A user-created thread will have a higher likelihood of being locked or deleted if:

  • It was made with minimal effort. At GWM the rule is always quality over quantity, and so we prefer higher quality threads... that is, threads that were created within the guidelines listed above.
  • It is intended to be an Image Theme thread, and the user failed to lead with examples.
  • The user created the thread with more of an intention of gratifying himself off the back of other users' work, rather than something to benefit the site and community. In other words, it was created on a whim in the "heat of the moment."
  • It is not unique. In these cases the moderator typically links to the thread that already exists. Please search before creating threads. Many times if you're asking a question you'll find it has already been answered before.
Jun 27, 2022 - permalink

This comment will cover why we delete certain comments.

A comment will have a higher likelihood of being deleted if:

  • Its contents are off-topic to the thread it is posted in. Please read the original post of each thread before commenting, not just the title.
  • It contains nothing constructive to the discussion. Please do not bump threads with worthless comments, such as "wow" or "that's dumb."
  • It triggers or engages in a flame war. We don't tolerate trolls, bigotry, etc. If you have strong opinions on a subject, try and keep it civil or just don't comment.
  • It is a malicious attack against another user or anyone. We don't condone hate here.
  • It is part of a series of comments made in a short span of time (less than 24 hrs) since the last user commented. In other words, if you comment on a thread, and no one else has commented in a 24 hr period, then please do not comment again. You are welcome to edit your previous comment if you have something more to add that cannot wait. If about 24 hrs has passed, then you're welcome to comment again, provided your comment has value and isn't breaking any of the rules outlined above.
Apr 22, 2024 - permalink

I'd like to open a thread about fictional characters, which by current definition can't go into fiction (as I'm not posting a story), nor non-fiction (because I'm posting about women who aren't real).

Where should it go?

Apr 22, 2024 - permalink

I'd like to open a thread about fictional characters, which by current definition can't go into fiction (as I'm not posting a story), nor non-fiction (because I'm posting about women who aren't real).

Where should it go?

Animated characters? https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/...

Live action characters? Forum search for the name. Someone else has probably discussed it too.

Apr 22, 2024 - permalink

I'd like to open a thread about fictional characters, which by current definition can't go into fiction (as I'm not posting a story), nor non-fiction (because I'm posting about women who aren't real).

Where should it go?

You can post your thread to wherever you think it best fits and we'll move it if there is a more appropriate section for it. Keep in mind there is also an Off Topic section (newly added since the original post to this thread).

Apr 23, 2024 - permalink

Animated characters? https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/forum/thread/...

Live action characters? Forum search for the name. Someone else has probably discussed it too.

Neither, the MC in my stories, and how others prefer theirs.

Apr 23, 2024 - permalink

You can post your thread to wherever you think it best fits and we'll move it if there is a more appropriate section for it. Keep in mind there is also an Off Topic section (newly added since the original post to this thread).

Thanks, will do.

May 05, 2024 - permalink

Why did you shut down my thread?

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