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Real-Life Encounters

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Apr 09, 2024 - edited Apr 09, 2024 by [deleted] - permalink

I go to University and I have a classmate who has huge arms (she is short which makes them look more impressive), especially her shoulder and triceps, it is impossible not to see those fibers. Unfortunately now I only see her on Wednesdays.

[im deleting the photo because its weird to take photos of women (people) without their permission and post them on the internet - fp909]

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

> I walked into a supermarket here in Florida and saw Hayley Allyn standing outside on my way in. She was wearing black tights and a pink workout shirt. She looked much more incredible in person, too.

Wow, must have been incredible to see her in person! How did those arms look? ;)


Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

> > I would definitely have asked for a flex. If she responded well I would have asked if I can feel it

Because that won’t weird her out at all.

Exactly lol

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

[im deleting the photo because its weird to take photos of women (people) without their permission and post them on the internet - fp909]

There should be no issue if someone chops her head off.

Apr 10, 2024 - permalink

There should be no issue if someone chops her head off.

or don't be a creep and take pictures of people minding their own business without permission?

It's like social etiquette 101.

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

It's like social etiquette 101.

I have noticed the occasional person here lacks social skills.

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

Guys today I was walking in a park when a large group of joggers ran past me. most of them where men and regular looking women but there was one Asian woman with huge calves and big muscular looking tights. and some small (for this site) but tough looking biceps. she ran quickly so I only saw her for a few seconds but then they ran back in the other direction because. a lot of people in their group fell behind. and then she ran past me again a little slower this time. a little later I saw another jogger she was old but had huge calves but no noticeable biceps and I couldn't see her thighs.

Apr 11, 2024 - permalink

I got an eyeful in a local R subway train today in NYC. Though the temperature was in the high fifties, a girl in her twenties or thirties was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, showing off what appeared to be two quite muscular arms -- my favorite body part! I don't think she was a bodybuilder, but she was obviously fit and undoubtedly lifted weights. Needless to say, I tried not to stare as she hung onto the subway strap and her biceps popped when the train swayed and lurched. She also had nice veins in her forearms...

Apr 15, 2024 - edited Apr 15, 2024 - permalink

A few years ago, I started doing CrossFit at a small box. They had some quite athletic women there, but nothing too wild and none with a big social media representation. Two and a half years ago, I've moved and switched to a fairly big CrossFit box. Not only is the programming much harder, but the people there are much better at CrossFit. This results in much more athletic women of all kinds. There are big women, who lift lots of weight, but there are also my favourites; shredded, lean women with nice abs, biceps veins and so on. Some of them can also be found on social media or even here on the website. I really enjoy going there, especially when the weather is nice and the outfits more revealing.

Different story: Last year I have been to the local, small supermarket close to my home, for the regular grocery shopping. I have noticed a pretty, blonde, young woman. She was wearing a normal, short-sleeved jeans jacket. When she turned around, I have noticed the jacket wasn't closed in the front. Under it, she wore a white top, which exposed most of her lower stomach and I was able to see a very defined, ripped six-pack. Besides this, she looked quite muscular; I saw some veiny forearms and a strong neck. Therefore, I do not think she was the typical skinny girl. Unfortunately, I have never met her again in the supermarket, but last weekend I think I saw her again on the road leading to the supermarket. I was walking on the other side of the road, but I've noticed her immediately. She was wearing some sports bra and short leggings, so her figure was much easier to notice. There was once again the super defined six-pack, but now I was also able to see that she had very nice arms and a beautiful back as well. The moment I saw her was unfortunately way too short, as she just got into a car. Now that I know she is living in the neighbourhood, I hope I will be able to see her again.

Apr 15, 2024 - edited Apr 15, 2024 - permalink

One time I was standing at the train station in Rome and a female bodybuilder suddenly walked past me. I don't think she was italian, she looked to me kinda south american or something like that. She had in her hand a statuette of a muscled human figure. I thought that maybe she had won some kind of fbb show in Italy, but it's also possible that she saw the statuette in a stand and decided to buy it, I didn't had time to give a good look to the object. Anyway, her muscles were huge, they were bulging out of her leggings and long sleeved T-shirt. She could easily have been a pro, or maybe a really gifted amateur. She was fairly short, but like I said, her muscles were incredible, never saw anything like that in my all life (in everyday life at least).

Apr 15, 2024 - permalink

Once I was meeting with some of my friends for lunch, and I had arrived early at the restaurant. I was waiting for them at the table when I saw a woman wearing a white sleeveless top with a shoulder that looked like a fucking boulder. She was walking quite fast so my instinct was to stand up and get closer to see, without her noticing me. I got closer and I saw an arm that looked so beefy and lean. And below that, six nice thick bricks poking out of her crop top. It was so hot, I got a fat boner and wanted to go up to her but my friends were about to arrive and she had walked away.

Apr 15, 2024 - edited Apr 15, 2024 - permalink

Recent trip to the store gave me an encounter with an older woman, maybe in her 40’s but it was hard to tell because muscular women hold their age extremely well. Anyway , she obviously lifted because her traps were bulging and arms were jacked. Should have approached her but I’m wary of seeming like a creep so I didn’t.

Apr 15, 2024 - permalink

I got an eyeful in a local R subway train today in NYC. Though the temperature was in the high fifties, a girl in her twenties or thirties was wearing a short-sleeve shirt, showing off what appeared to be two quite muscular arms -- my favorite body part! I don't think she was a bodybuilder, but she was obviously fit and undoubtedly lifted weights. Needless to say, I tried not to stare as she hung onto the subway strap and her biceps popped when the train swayed and lurched. She also had nice veins in her forearms...

The straps in trains or busses and trams are always great to watch some biceps pop

Apr 16, 2024 - edited May 15, 2024 - permalink


One time I was standing at the train station in Rome and a female bodybuilder suddenly walked past me.

Great description of the situation. Muscles like that on a woman never get old, if you're lucky enough to run into them at a random place!

May 15, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by [deleted]
May 15, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by Gatsby28
May 15, 2024 - permalink

Thank you fp909....that Fatin post was well beyond insane! I didn't bother to respond to it....figuring a moderator would erase it.

May 15, 2024 - permalink

Thank you fp909....that Fatin post was well beyond insane! I didn't bother to respond to it....figuring a moderator would erase it.

This was my response to it https://media0.giphy.com/media/Ow59c0pwTPruU/...

May 17, 2024 - edited May 17, 2024 - permalink

A woman walked into my job today (mind you I work in a fast food restaurant so your average bodybuilder or fitness minded person likely wouldn't eat there very often) and immediately caught my eye. She was definitely what many would consider mixed and had a BEAUTIFUL almost modelesque face with very angular features. I assume she stood somewhere between 5'3" to 5'5". She was very slim but she was nice and cut up! I could see the separation in her muscles despite her having a very slender build. At her very best she could've been an amateur bikini competitor. She was dressed in workout gear so she definitely hit the gym but if she was wearing even the tiniest windbreaker you probably wouldn't notice her muscularity all that much.

What's so interesting about that is how even out in public a woman with a build akin to a bikini competitor stands out from the crowd. Compared to many of the women featured on this website she may not be the cat's meow for those of us who like hyper muscularity, but I promise you would surely bump into a wall trying to glance at her when comparing her to the likes of the average woman. And on top of that she had conventionally attractive features so that only makes it better. Interesting how that concept works.

May 17, 2024 - permalink

Just once in my life I want to see a muscular woman in person.

May 17, 2024 - permalink

I met a woman in Brazil who is thin, less than 5’3”, but her toned arms, shoulders and biceps attract a lot of attention. She has a photo on social media that shows this a little https://www.girlswithmuscle.com/2255584/

May 17, 2024 - permalink

Around 2000 when I was 12 I saw Marika Johanssen at an airport. She was in a summer dress and my mind was totally blown.

May 17, 2024 - permalink

Around 2000 when I was 12 I saw Marika Johanssen at an airport. She was in a summer dress and my mind was totally blown.

Damn that must have been something at 12. There’s definitely a few times for me like actually knowing and being at the gym with Alyssa Nemes (look her up on here, she downsized but was an up and coming star for a little) and I was in Walmart one day, walking through the parking lot and saw a Hispanic woman’s back absolutely rippling with shredded muscles. Talked to her for a minute and complimented her on her muscles. She didn’t speak English very well but definitely seemed proud of them. She even flexed her bicep and wanted me to feel them. She was like the size of women’s physique from a few years ago.

When I was 12 or 13 though (also around 2000), I remember being at a restaurant with my family and my mom’s work friends for some type of dinner. And in walked a girl a little older than me, probably about 15. She must have been a gymnast AND lifted. I’ll literally never forget it, a tight yellow tank top, a white hair band, mid length light brown hair, jean shorts, and white platform flip flops. She had no boobs but super ripped pecs and triceps. And with every movement her biceps exploded. She was thin but packed with muscle for like 15. And it was a place with a salad bar so she got up a few times to grab something so I got to see her biceps bulge a good few times. I had seen female bodybuilders on tv and in books at that point and definitely was attracted to them but this was different. It was the first time I saw real muscle in person. Especially around my own age. What I’d give to even just talk to her now and say “you really got me going on muscular women so thanks” haha. I won’t lie, I’ve always done pretty well for myself, super athletic, big time soccer player, etc. so If I was a little older I DEFINITELY would have talked to her. Or if I wasn’t with my entire family.

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