Very selective moderating!
These photos just happened to be yours, but many of them are either blurry (low quality) or just pushing the "no competition tans" to a whole other level (golden?). You can see the theme is the specific model where these competition photos were problematic, and similar uploads from other users we also included in the deletion.
Her older uploads are a little meh but she’s posted better quality stuff lately. The tan thing is literally in the list Of things that are discouraged not sure you read the rules
That's strange, mods deleted 6 of your images and somehow nearly 200 go missing... 🤔
VERY strange
Her older uploads are a little meh but she’s posted better quality stuff lately. The tan thing is literally in the list Of things that are discouraged not sure you read the rules
There are more blurry pictures an low quality postage stamps I can't count them all.
Not only that, it's possible the most-posted morph on the site.
i forget where i replied about a deleted post but wanted to share an example of a good group photo:
Can clearly see the quad seaprate from the leg (as opposted to just a thick leg without much detail, for whatever reason). even lighting for everyone. enough of the rest of their bodies to compare (in this case their legs) and they're not overlapped too much so you have a clear separation from person to person
they were merged wtih better resolution versions.