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Your favorite (probably) natural women?

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Apr 02, 2024 - permalink

Dude. Stop

LMAO!! At this point, it's just trolling

Apr 02, 2024 - permalink

> Sarah O Brien ?? > >

Dude. Stop It’s a valid question

Apr 02, 2024 - permalink

It’s a valid question

Okay, then no. Sarah O'Brien is not natty. Not even close. Let's make this easier for your future endevours. Looking at your history of proposals, EVERY muscle girl you will ever propose a question about is on gear. How about that! Which means that no muscle girl that you would ever ask if she is natty or not is natty. There, you got a serious and truthful answer to all your future "valid" questions about if a particular muscle girl is natty or not.

Apr 02, 2024 - permalink

So touchy

Apr 03, 2024 - permalink

Sarah O Brien ??

Definitely not, but that second pic is such a pretty shot of her. It’s a great candid, thanks for posting it.

Apr 03, 2024 - permalink

So touchy

i think mostly because in general we are a little tired of the discourse around PEDs. We got guys rage posting publically about GWM and going on a long rant about how steroids are ruining the sport and how he can't support that anymore yet continues to interview women who are and have been using.

we got influencers on anything from a little to a lot who looked like small tanks in high school, or people like DLB or Gillian Ward claiming that they're totally natty and, i quote, "don't even take aspirin when i have a headache, i'm very careful about what i put in my body".

We got women exhibiting classic signs of use and denying although we have a pretty good trail of breadcrumbs since the 80s.

We got women and men saying "i had no idea there was a banned substance in my protein powder" or, famously, " well my bf was on gear and i swallowed his semen that's probably where i got it". Then, somehow, there are people that won't believe that argument but then argue that the 100 women better than her are "totally nautral" despite exhibiting the same kind of physical changes.

It's kind of nutty.

Are there genetically gifted indivuduals that respond to weight training better than others? Sure. But the rate in which the women are growing doesn't make sense. Which is why i appreciate when people fess up, don't make a big deal about it, and move on.

I don't think anyone is insecure about it either. No one is feeling emasculated because they're trying to gaslight others into believing they achieved their phenomenal results naturally. But no one wants to look like your average natty guy that trains--big but not cut, maybe not even lean, and no one wants to do the hard route to look like that which takes a lot of discpline, and a decade of weight training and good diet

Apr 03, 2024 - permalink

Well said fp.

As I said earlier, I generally don't care if someone uses PEDs or not, not do I think that it should make any impact on your fetish. But threads like this kind of confirm my belief that sites like this can warp people's expectations on what is truly achievable natty versus PEDs. It's all confirmation bias similar to guys who say things like "there must be a lot of muscular women because I see them all the time on social media!" when in reality it's algorithms flooding their content feeds. I think it annoys me a little more than it probably should because I'm also a lifter who is heavily into strength sports and I know firsthand what a realistic physique change looks like, and I hate seeing influencers who give unrealistic expectations along with those who give platforms of support for those statements.

I also want to add a small rant that I can't stand it when inevitably some doofus chimes in with "oh those dudes can't believe that a woman can build muscle naturally because insert reasons" I don't know how many times I have to say this, but nobody is saying that women can't build muscle naturally. What we ARE saying is that women CAN build muscle naturally, but that kind of muscle building is going to look very modest compared to the enhanced physiques that we see here. I have seen instances of naturally muscular women being shown here and on other platforms, and guys comment saying that they either don't lift at all or that they barely lift. Again, that reflects the warped expectations that sites like this can have, especially to someone who doesn't train or know much about exercise science.

Apr 03, 2024 - edited Apr 03, 2024 - permalink

I'm just checking in to - once again - say how freaking awesome this stuff is.

I've been cycling low doses of SARMS and Winny for the better part of 18 months. I do 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off. I've gained about 15lb of lean mass, and quite a bit in the high androgen receptor areas like delts and traps and lats. I went from looking like a regular dude at the gym to someone who really lifts and has a noticeable taper. I eat a ton but don't particularly watch my diet.

And I just got my bloodwork and vitals done. LDL is fine. Liver and kidney function is fine. BP is a little elevated, but it was before I started gaining and hasn't gotten worse. No body acne, no hair loss. My skin didn't get thick and dry, and I'm not punching people out for tiny slights. This stuff noticeably improved my physique and (unfortunately) lighted up my wallet.

I'm in my late 30's and my only secret is to take whatever dose your average teen douchebag is promoting and cut it in half. My cycles are so tight that my natural test production doesn't shut down all the way either. In fact, my overall test numbers are still pretty normal-ish (higher side of normal), but I find that these drugs really assist with hypertrophy and fat loss.

IDK, if some of you guys actually tried lifting and tried doing some cycles, I think that PED's would stop being this big scary thing that's a huge turnoff and disappointment, and they'd start being just a practical way for people to get the big awesome muscles that we all love. Be smart and be conservative with their use and they're quite safe.

Apr 04, 2024 - permalink

I'm just checking in to - once again - say how freaking awesome this stuff is.

I've been cycling low doses of SARMS and Winny for the better part of 18 months. I do 6 weeks on, 6 weeks off. I've gained about 15lb of lean mass, and quite a bit in the high androgen receptor areas like delts and traps and lats. I went from looking like a regular dude at the gym to someone who really lifts and has a noticeable taper. I eat a ton but don't particularly watch my diet.

And I just got my bloodwork and vitals done. LDL is fine. Liver and kidney function is fine. BP is a little elevated, but it was before I started gaining and hasn't gotten worse. No body acne, no hair loss. My skin didn't get thick and dry, and I'm not punching people out for tiny slights. This stuff noticeably improved my physique and (unfortunately) lighted up my wallet.

I'm in my late 30's and my only secret is to take whatever dose your average teen douchebag is promoting and cut it in half. My cycles are so tight that my natural test production doesn't shut down all the way either. In fact, my overall test numbers are still pretty normal-ish (higher side of normal), but I find that these drugs really assist with hypertrophy and fat loss.

IDK, if some of you guys actually tried lifting and tried doing some cycles, I think that PED's would stop being this big scary thing that's a huge turnoff and disappointment, and they'd start being just a practical way for people to get the big awesome muscles that we all love. Be smart and be conservative with their use and they're quite safe.

I for one, appreciate your post. My views on PED use by GWM has certainly changed over time thanks to threads like this and others. I still don't know too much about it, but it's good to see info like this from those who do use it.

My "schmoe-ness" had been for girls who are 100% muscular and strong naturally. Mainly because of the rarity of it... that's what makes it appealing to me. My ignorance made me think it's an all or nothing proposition where it's either they are natty or they needles sticking out from their butts 24/7. But it's much more nuanced than that, obviously.

Now, it really doesn't matter to me anymore as long as she's still feminine and doesn't have the deep voice, the chiseled face, weighing 250lbs with 20" biceps and 0% BF, etc (yes, I'm exaggerating). So as long as they don't go overboard, I'm perfectly fine with it.

At the same time, we know there are guys who are really into the steroid-fiend girls.. so everyone has their preferences. No need for anyone to get too frustrated about this whole thing.

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

Can anyone tell whether below women are natural or not?

Michi Ritz:

Rafaela Montanaro:

Apr 05, 2024 - permalink

Michi Ritz is a doctor, and she definitely be getting high on her own supply. Lots of it too.

I'm a man, I'm on gear, and even I don't have shoulders that awesome. She's an amazing athlete for sure.

The 2nd girl.. probably not. Maybe could be, but almost surely isn't if she's doing a contest connected to Weider or WOS.

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

Possible lifetime natty:

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

^^^ she might be natural in terms of muscle.

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

What do you think about world level athletes of olympic sports like swimming or track and field, who have to pass doping test?

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

Alejandra Espinoza Mexican TV host https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5ZdfOBv7qk/?i...

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

What y'all do you think about her? Natty or not?

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

What do you think about world level athletes of olympic sports like swimming or track and field, who have to pass doping test?

You mean the same doping tests the world's biggest doper, Lance Armstrong, passed without fail for years upon years?

Apr 06, 2024 - permalink

What y'all do you think about her? Natty or not?

Definitely not but she’s cute! I love her look

Apr 07, 2024 - permalink

Definitely not but she’s cute! I love her look

Why not?

Apr 07, 2024 - permalink

Katie Arnoldi, the author of Chemical Pink, competed natty and retired because she didn’t want to have to use PEDs to be competitive. A good look of a natty physique at comp conditioning:


Apr 07, 2024 - permalink

Ansofitt is for me 100% naturall . But sadly she dont post so much on instagram .because she dont change so fast she says . She thinks people want to see fast muscle gains . And that's a bit true. People here and on social media wanne see girls that grow fast but most of them are fake naturalls sadly . She is all about respect and she dont get allot of respect because she dont change that fast naturall . Most naturall people quiet social media because they think they have bad genetics to grow muscle mass and they get no respect for there hard work

Apr 07, 2024 - permalink

What do you think about world level athletes of olympic sports like swimming or track and field, who have to pass doping test?

I think girls at the ohlympic subreddit are good pool to choose from. Though they are not that much "muscle girls" like one would expect.

Apr 09, 2024 - permalink

What do you think about world level athletes of olympic sports like swimming or track and field, who have to pass doping test?

Marion Jones never failed a drug test. And while it was never confirmed, it’s hard to make the argument that Florence Griffith Joyner was natural given how much muscle she added and how much her performance drastically improved.

Thing is, elite athletes at the highest level are going to do whatever they can to reach their goals. And given that some compounds have incredibly narrow detection windows (you have a much better chance getting busted for weed,) it’s not surprising to see it in any elite competition, Olympics included. Hell, Weightlifting was off the initial 2028 Olympic program because of widespread doping.

Apr 09, 2024 - edited Apr 09, 2024 by [deleted] - permalink

[blacklisted woman]

But no she’s not natty. Probably very small dosage though. But you’d have to see her totally relaxed too

Apr 09, 2024 - permalink

[blacklisted woman]

But no she’s not natty. Probably very small dosage though. But you’d have to see her totally relaxed too

I think she is. Not a competitor or athlete. Has pecs though.

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