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Your favorite (probably) natural women?

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Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Pointless to argue but if you actually looked at her Instagram and not curated pics you would understand that her build is achievable with 20 years of consistent training lmao. I'm a climber myself and I climb with strong women all the time. I'll leave it at that. Let's agree to disagree

I 100% believe that the amount of muscle that she has is achievable naturally. Women can even build quite a bit more than that.

I do not believe that this shredded degree of leanness is achievable naturally. Unless she dieted down and looked like she does in those pictures for like one or two days max. But if she's regularly living at that BF%, she's not natural. Select males can pull that off. Almost no females can.

Again, I'm not natural and I love it, so I'm saying this with zero judgement. All of us have the right to look how we want, and these drugs are honestly awesome. She looks fantastic.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

The two who come to mind who are clearly natural are Desi and Ellen. Desi has just got those lucky genetics where her fat goes to her ass not her stomach, but her legs and arms are pretty top end for a natural lifter. Ellen is another great example, not particularly big or lean compared to loads of others but that’s because she’s natural - just look at her biceps she says she hits them twice a week, they’re some natural biceps if you ask me 😂 but god damn does she have some glutes and her back and quad development is pretty great for a natural lifter

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Pointless to argue but if you actually looked at her Instagram and not curated pics you would understand that her build is achievable with 20 years of consistent training lmao. I'm a climber myself and I climb with strong women all the time. I'll leave it at that. Let's agree to disagree

I agree, Puccio could be natural. I think lots of people from this site know nothing about fitness, so they either think bodybuilders are natural or that women can't build muscles, and both are wrong.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

I agree, Puccio could be natural. I think lots of people from this site know nothing about fitness, so they either think bodybuilders are natural or that women can't build muscles, and both are wrong.

I know quote a lot about fitness and I'm a bodybuilder. And I've been both natty and enhanced.

It's worth noting that "on gear" is a spectrum. Some athletes blast all the time, some do intermittent cycles. You don't gain bodybuilder mass if you don't eat bodybuilder macros.

These shots of her where she's super ripped with the six pack and all. It's possible to look that way naturally for a very short time frame, but it's highly improbable that she's doing that. A light cycle would get you there and keep you there.

Anyway, I do think that she's used some gear, because honestly.. why wouldn't she.. its a prestigous competition that requires strength.. but her cycles are clearly light and she probably spends a good amount of time off everything.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

I know quote a lot about fitness and I'm a bodybuilder. And I've been both natty and enhanced.

It's worth noting that "on gear" is a spectrum. Some athletes blast all the time, some do intermittent cycles. You don't gain bodybuilder mass if you don't eat bodybuilder macros.

These shots of her where she's super ripped with the six pack and all. It's possible to look that way naturally for a very short time frame, but it's highly improbable that she's doing that. A light cycle would get you there and keep you there.

Anyway, I do think that she's used some gear, because honestly.. why wouldn't she.. its a prestigous competition that requires strength.. but her cycles are clearly light and she probably spends a good amount of time off everything.

Wasn't talking about you, I agree with most of your points tbh.

And I agree about Puccio too, she could be natural based on how she looks, but there's a good chance she isn't simply because most people do it when competing in anything nowadays.

But one thing I disagree with is, depending on the country lots of people HATE gear for cultural reasons, when I lived in belgium some people I trained with (athletes) would rather keep losing than take peds.

And I was taught the same, I competed in some sports too in the past but would have never taken anything no matter what.

Ped use shouldn't be shamed in some sports, but that's what people taught us when we were younger, lots of people know nothing about gear because it's considered taboo, and it shouldn't be.

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

The climbing culture isn't like the bodybuilding culture. Gear is a big no-no especially for people that climb outside like Puccio. Also if she were to be accused of taking something, her whole career would be gone. Every high grade ascents would taken off the lists.

Also something to keep in mind, there's a huuuge problem for people being anorexic in the sport since every pound you add is more weight on the wall. I'm not saying she is but women in climbing have been known to track their foods more than any other sports

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

Ped use shouldn't be shamed in some sports, but that's what people taught us when we were younger, lots of people know nothing about gear because it's considered taboo, and it shouldn't be

If you take gear in competition where it isn't allowed, you definitely should be shamed and disqualified from ever competing in it ever again.

However, there's a difference between wanting to look good and performance sports. I'm on a girlswithmuscles forum lmao and one look at my "favorites" will confirm that I find it attractive. Taking gear on the casual to feel good is a completely different story

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

The climbing culture isn't like the bodybuilding culture. Gear is a big no-no especially for people that climb outside like Puccio. Also if she were to be accused of taking something, her whole career would be gone. Every high grade ascents would taken off the lists.

Also something to keep in mind, there's a huuuge problem for people being anorexic in the sport since every pound you add is more weight on the wall. I'm not saying she is but women in climbing have been known to track their foods more than any other sports

I mean, CrossFit also officially frowns upon gear usage, but here is a podium finisher from last year's CrossFit games in her age group, so...

Mar 26, 2024 - permalink

some people are still living in the early days when no one was thinking about being a professional crossfitter and it was moms and college kids and whatever was going on in 2010. as soon as money enters the equation its different.

you're telling me i could put another 10-15 pounds on my lift in 3-4 months or less, look better, and that woudl put me ahead o the guy i lost to last year who won a cool 500k and i only got whatever?

they would take the drugs every time

Mar 27, 2024 - edited Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

We live in a day and age where every other middle-aged housewife is trying to get a script for Ozempic so they can look better for a PTA meeting or brunch with the gals.

If you believe there is a single competitor, model, athlete or influencer who isn't looking for every available tool to advance their physique then I have a bag of magic beans to sell you...

(and yes, the beans are also performance enhancing)

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

And here I thought beans just gave you gas. ;)

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

I mean, CrossFit also officially frowns upon gear usage, but here is a podium finisher from last year's CrossFit games in her age group, so...

Can't argue that competitive CrossFit has and always will be a joke of a sport

you're telling me i could put another 10-15 pounds on my lift in 3-4 months or less, look better, and that woudl put me ahead o the guy i lost to last year who won a cool 500k and i only got whatever?

they would take the drugs every time

If you believe there is a single competitor, model, athlete or influencer who isn't looking for every available tool to advance their physique then I have a bag of magic beans to sell you...

I'm not blind to the fact that we live in a world where drug use is more prevalent than ever. Especially since social medial has normalised a lot of it in the past 15 years.

Maybe I'm being purposely naive or maybe it's because I adhere myself to that ideology of good sportsmanship and hard work so I try to not be too quick to juge another athlete. I'm ready to be proven wrong as it's more in good than blind faith.

To me, winning and beating an opponent fair and square based on my own strength and skills is worth more than any money that can be gained but then again.. I'm a dirt bag that would rather live in my van 8 months out of the year so that I could climb every day instead of being a millionaire. :)

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

> > You’re wrong. > > If you take a look at her physique, she doesn’t have big traps or capped shoulders. Amber herself said on TikTok she did Olympic lifting for over 6 years and she’s an army veteran. The reality is any girl can get jacked naturally if they train consistently with heavy weights and eat plenty of food. Do you know any muscular women in real life? How many do you actually talk to?

PED use is very, very common in Olympic weightlifting.

Anyway, for an actual example of someone who I think is muscular and natty, I give you Patricia Berg

Think she could look ripped if she did some bodybuilder dieting, similar to later mentioned Puccio (who probably has to remain lighter if she is a climber).

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

At first, I thought it was strange how part of the fantasy is that these women are natural. But it's not supposed to make sense -- it's a fantasy.

Until recently, I was in that camp too. I do find the idea of a woman who gets all their muscle development naturally because my whole fantasy is a real, strong, 100% female.

But after being on a site like this for any amount of time, you start to realize that it's almost impossible for a woman (heck, even men if we're being honest) to be totally ripped and vascular naturally. So, I've switched my fantasy to be on a spectrum because gear usage isn't all the the same. Some go overboard where they start looking and sounding like men with their faces all contorted and jaw lines sharp and square. I draw the line there and I say no thanks.

As long as they're light on their usage, still look feminine and sound feminine, perfectly fine with me.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

To answer seriously, Isabella Mira is beautiful and seems natural.

I second that definitely

Mar 27, 2024 - edited Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

We could also post women from before steroids like Luisita Leers

No steroids in the 1930s 😂.

Lusita Leers was a circus performer who dedicated herself to intense training, embodying the role of a strong woman as both her profession and lifestyle.

Can a woman with unique genetics and strong determination develop a muscular physique like hers? Absolutely.

However, why would a contemporary woman, so focused on achieving muscularity, invest all that effort to attain a physique that's considered ordinary by today's standards?

Modern women resembling Lusita Leers body resort to PEDs. They are ordinary women who prefer not to endure the rigorous training and constraints of circus life. Those who share Lusita's way of life also use PEDs and have the body of a modern FBB.

Those that have impressive bodies that can be achieved like Lusita are normal woman using PEDs, living a normal life.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

To answer seriously, Isabella Mira is beautiful and seems natural.

As explained above, this girl is probably using PEDs. I doubt she is a genetic blessed woman living a monk-lifestyle to have this kind of body without drugs. She is a normal girl, training a little, doing some diet and using PEDs.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

The two who come to mind who are clearly natural are Desi and Ellen. Desi has just got those lucky genetics where her fat goes to her ass not her stomach, but her legs and arms are pretty top end for a natural lifter. Ellen is another great example, not particularly big or lean compared to loads of others but that’s because she’s natural - just look at her biceps she says she hits them twice a week, they’re some natural biceps if you ask me 😂 but god damn does she have some glutes and her back and quad development is pretty great for a natural lifter

Zero chance Ellen is natural. Rather easy to tell where she's at in terms of cycle as well, just compare her delts here:

A natural female lifter also doesn't have pec striations like this:

An argument for Desi being natty can be made, though I also wouldn't be shocked if she were running a bit of Var to stay on top of things.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

Can't argue that competitive CrossFit has and always will be a joke of a sport

I'm not blind to the fact that we live in a world where drug use is more prevalent than ever. Especially since social medial has normalised a lot of it in the past 15 years.

Maybe I'm being purposely naive or maybe it's because I adhere myself to that ideology of good sportsmanship and hard work so I try to not be too quick to juge another athlete. I'm ready to be proven wrong as it's more in good than blind faith.

To me, winning and beating an opponent fair and square based on my own strength and skills is worth more than any money that can be gained but then again.. I'm a dirt bag that would rather live in my van 8 months out of the year so that I could climb every day instead of being a millionaire. :)

The point wasn't to establish that competitive CrossFit is a joke of a sport. Rather, it was to say that even when a sporting culture "denounces" PED use publicly, there will always been an underbelly that either accepts that it exists or, in some cases (especially at the elite level), encourages it.

People like to claim that their discipline isn't like "bodybuilding culture" because unlike bodybuilders embracing PED use, their sport would never do such a thing. It's another myth kind of similar to the whole "unless she is built like Andrea Shaw, she can't be on steroids" argument. I'm not a climber, so while I can't speak personally for the culture like I can for Crossfit, there is discussion out there that pretty much reflects that https://www.reddit.com/r/climbharder/comments.... It is a strength sport, and even though climbers will ideally want to be at a low bodyweight so they have less mass to pull up, there is still incentive to use in order to have as much muscle relative to fat as possible (like Puccio's build.)

And while it's very romantic that you believe in competition and winning in a fair and square way, competitors are ALWAYS going to field whatever advantage they can, especially at the top levels. You'll never watch an American Football game, see a player grab a fist full of jersey from their opponent, have the referee miss that call, and have that player say to the ref "hey, you missed that call, I think you should flag me."

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

The two who come to mind who are clearly natural are Desi and Ellen. Desi has just got those lucky genetics where her fat goes to her ass not her stomach, but her legs and arms are pretty top end for a natural lifter. Ellen is another great example, not particularly big or lean compared to loads of others but that’s because she’s natural - just look at her biceps she says she hits them twice a week, they’re some natural biceps if you ask me 😂 but god damn does she have some glutes and her back and quad development is pretty great for a natural lifter

You also think Jessica Buettner is natty, just saying.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

Laura Pastura

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink

Laura Pastura


Mar 27, 2024 - permalink


She competes in Natural Feds and claims natural.

Mar 27, 2024 - permalink
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