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Do you ever feel "guilty" for having this fetish/attraction?

May 21, 2023 - permalink

Guilty? Never

May 21, 2023 - permalink

> You could make a case that by giving attention to these kind of women, we are encouraging PED abuse.

Not even a little bit. Bodybuilders train for themselves, not for attention. In your defense, I think the only way to fully understand the mindset is to train yourself. What anyone else thinks, how they react, what they say, has ZERO effect on any of these women's decisions.

So the good news, no need for you to feel guilt in that regard.

I still disagree. A lot of women on this site makes thousands of dollars from their onlyfans or by doing sessions. That gives them a massive financial incentive to continue using PEDs.

May 21, 2023 - permalink

I still disagree. A lot of women on this site makes thousands of dollars from their onlyfans or by doing sessions. That gives them a massive financial incentive to continue using PEDs.

Bodybuilding is a commitment and sacrifice on so many levels. I highly doubt anyone is doing it so they can make money on onlyfans. Find me one person who says that, I've personally never met any.

May 21, 2023 - permalink

Sometimes yes for spending money on them

May 22, 2023 - permalink

Less for the muscle women attraction than for some of the other interests fans bring into it, like brutal fight fantasies, extreme dom/sub wishes, etc. And worse, many of them write really bad fan-fiction about it. I have occasionally felt guilt at getting hot over a poorly-written fight fantasy. "That's so hot!"/ "What horrible writing!"

May 25, 2023 - permalink

I'm kinda like Colin. I get embarrassed for other dudes who sort of jump overboard with it. There are some guys (and maybe ladies) out there who just need to relax. But nah I've never felt guilty about this. I keep it strictly under wraps and date 'normal' women, but if someone found out and asked I'd be like "yeah, fit chicks are hot. What of it?"

May 25, 2023 - edited May 25, 2023 - permalink

Idk why I would feel guilty over someone else's life choices. This isn't the old days. A wealth of information is at your finger tips with a quick google search. Everyone should know what they're putting their bodies through when they decide to venture into this lifestyle. And that decision was made long before any of us started following them. I'm just here to enjoy the show. Everybody's individual health concerns are their own responsibility. I will continue to express my love for seeing them get more big and more ripped and not much else is own my mind beyond that.

Bodybuilding is a commitment and sacrifice on so many levels. I highly doubt anyone is doing it so they can make money on onlyfans. Find me one person who says that, I've personally never met any.

I know Claudia Partenza admitted she made an effort to always stay semi-ripped because that's the look her session clients liked to see her most.

May 26, 2023 - permalink

I hope your girlfriend makes a full recovery. I really would just accept your attraction to muscular ladies. If you feel guilty you'll be attracted to them, if you accept it you'll feel attracted to them. So, just be kind to yourself. Clearly you love your girlfriend for much more than her physique so just enjoy being a bloke and be supportive of your girlfriend, as you are already being. Spoil her, reassure her and motivate her. Make her feel as special as possible and you'll feel better and she'll feel as good as she can at the moment. You're going to find other women attractive anyway. You're a man, that's what we are like. That's fine, but guilt is a waste of time and energy. Good luck to you both.

May 26, 2023 - permalink

The only thing I feel guilty about is being surrounded by people (offline people) who have no love or understanding for my love for sexy, muscular pritty kitties who could easily tear me to pieces. I feel bad about that. Terrible, actually. But, I don't feel about the fetish itself, though.

Jun 01, 2023 - permalink

This post is part question along with a little bit of cathartic vulnerability from me, so bear with me a bit.

For some background, I am a 35 year old man who outside of being attracted to strong, muscular women, also is involved in strength sports and fitness. I am a CrossFitter who has competed and I'm also a casual boxer and wrestler. I am fit and muscular, but I wasn't always that way. But even when I was at my least fit, I was always attracted to buff women. And even though I like strength training, there is a small part where that motivation came from an attraction to buff women.

I have a long-term girlfriend who I am looking to propose to shortly, and one of the things we bonded over was a love of CrossFit. She too does it, and was pretty muscular and strong. There were other things that made me fall in love with her, but I definitely wanted someone who was also into strength training.

Unfortunately, for the past couple of years she started to struggle with some health issues that resulted in weight gain. It started to affect her performance at the gym, and while she tried seeing doctors to help she kept struggling. Eventually, the health issues got so bad that her doctor said she had to completely stop weight training and high intensity exercise for at least some time. They emphasized it wouldn't be permanent, but it's really doing a number on her self esteem, and she says that she hates how she is losing her muscle and strength and that she feels so weak. I assure her that she is doing ok and that it's not forever, but she still feels awful.

Which leads me to the topic at hand. She has always known that I am attracted to buff women, and she has no problem with it. She even sends me links to pics and videos of them, and she says that she is ok with me seeing a session wrestler and even wants to join so she can watch. I'm definitely lucky that I have a partner so supportive of that. And yet I feel so incredibly guilty for being attracted to jacked women especially now. I know that part of why my girlfriend is so depressed with what she is going through is because she is fully aware that I am attracted to women who lift, and she isn't one at the time. Make no mistake, I love her very much, and even if this was permanent and she had health issues where she could never lift or be muscular again, I wouldn't fall out of love with her (there is so much more I love about her than just her being a CrossFitter when we met.) But still, that attraction to muscular women will always be there. And even if I stop looking at them, that preference isn't something I can just switch off in my brain, as much as I sometimes wish I could at times.

There's that, and there's also the fact that so many physique types that I like are only attainable with PED use. My girlfriend is adamantly opposed to either of us using them, and while I still think naturally built muscle is hot, I can't help but eye those enhanced physiques. And sometimes I hate it. I feel guilt for liking something that requires drugs that can be harmful.

And to top it all off, I see the complaints from buff women about men fetishizing them and asking them inappropriate questions and basically not treating them like humans. I like to think that I learned from my mistakes of being like that in my teens and early to mid 20s, but I still can't help but feel bad when they say things like this and I wonder if I am being like that even though I motivate myself to consciously recognize to not act like a , well, schmoe for lack of a better word when interacting with them.

So yeah. Honestly, for the past few weeks I have been feeling pretty lousy about it. To be blunt, sometimes I hate myself for it and feel like I don't deserve to be happy with a loving partner because of it. It's a bit lonely feeling like this within this world, and I don't have really anyone to talk about it except here of all places. I know this was written with the intent of it being a question, but like I said in the first paragraph, it was also a cathartic vent. I don't even know what I want to get out of it, but at least feel a bit better about sharing here.

Thank you for reading.

Hey man, I'm really sorry for this struggle. However, you should not feel guilty, and you should -in my opinion- separate the sexual attraction and being together. I've dated a girl who did powerlifting, with incredible physique and all that, but she was an utter asshole in real life situations. Like, she always tried to belittle me in many ways (I have no style, dirty kitchen and so on), which is a thing that in a sexual fantasy I would find arousing. However when it comes down to real life it is not beneficial to have such people around, intoxicating in the bad way. Why am I saying this? Because what really matters in a life together is not having muscles, but being gentle and comprehensive toward the other, THIS is the true treasure, and if I've read correctly, your girlfriend is really intelligent and supportive. However, I am now with a girl who is "just" fit and strong (judo black belt) but not muscular as we (here) intend it, but that's ok, she's one of the sweetest person I've met so far and this is what matters.

Moreover, I've read that the condition your girlfriend suffers is temporary, right? I wish your girlfriend a quick recover and to you the best luck possible my friend!

Feb 04, 2024 - edited Feb 04, 2024 - permalink

I am in my 70's. I first found out I was attracted to women or girls who have muscle when I was 10 or 11 years old. My uncle took me to visit his sister who was in her 30's at the time. We arrived and she was cleaning her house. She didn't know we were coming. She asked why didn't he call. She said she would have looked better, she said she was a mess. She pulled back her sleeve and flexed a big round bicep. Mind you this was in the early 60's. I never knew that a woman could have a muscle. I grew up thinking that all men were stronger than women. This also was before I knew anything about sex. I was so attracted to this woman. I never felt any attraction like that. This attraction has followed me all through my life. In school in those days girls who had muscles did not show them off. In the mid 70's I found an article about Miss Mira that showed her flexing a bicep. I have collected articles and magazines all my life. The internet is great. I almost feel that I created this whole woman's muscle craze. Never before in history have so many women and girls been into building muscle. Many times I have asked women and girls to flex. They usually do it. It always turns me on. Especially when they let me feel the muscle. My wife knows about my fetish. She does not have muscles. I love this quote: "The brain is the most outstanding organ. It works 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth until you fall in love. The point I am making is do not feel guilty about your fetish. Enjoy it. I have always enjoyed the fact that I can be so turned on by a woman who can flex a nice bicep. Through the years I have been turned on by many of them and it is fun. When it comes to love you have no control over who you fall in love with. Enjoy your life. If you love this girl I hope you marry her and have a wonderful life. One more funny story about my uncle's sister. I am an attorney. Many years after I first saw her bicep that day she came to my office for a will. She must have been in her 60's, I told her about that day and what her flexed bicep did to me. She loved the fact that I told her. Sometimes things come full circle. Be well my friend.

Feb 04, 2024 - permalink

Why is it even considered a fetish to want a woman to be fit? It’s sexy! Not to the point where veins pop out their hands imo but a 6 pack and toned legs go a long way for me and I think everyone should take care of their physique

Feb 09, 2024 - permalink

I don't see the attraction to muscular women as a fetish. Muscles are part of the human body. Everyone has them so to me, being attracted to muscles is just like being attracted to how a person looks. It's similar to someone who is attracted to a woman's eyes or to the way she carries herself (overall look).

To answer the OP's question, I don't think it's anything to be guilty about. Everyone can be attracted to different things about the opposite sex and that is natural. But as several people pointed out, it is important to avoid objectifying someone by overly focusing on muscles and not seeing that person as a human being.

Feb 09, 2024 - permalink

Great Tread ……

Feb 09, 2024 - permalink

It definitely is a fetish. I can look at a girl and not be too attracted, but the moment I find out she has muscular calves, legs, abs, or arms and my blood pressure shoots up. A fetish is not a bad thing. It just is. We find muscles attractive and we can't change that. The guilty feeling comes from society's pressure. Nowadays in the west, there seems to be more acceptance to fit women. Bodybuilders are still shocking to see in most places in the west, but a fit slim girl probably not as much. I feel like it depends on the size of the muscle. If she is huge, then yeah you're going to get side eyes. I still feel a little guilty since some people will mock the attraction to muscle girls. I just avoid the topic to avoid getting into a losing argument. Women viewed as strong has come a long way, but still has more ways to go i.e. women's sports.

Feb 09, 2024 - edited Feb 10, 2024 - permalink

Why would I be lol?

Some women like buff or tall men, is that a fetish? Not necessarily.

As long as you don't dehumanize people it's just a preference, tbh I find all sorts of women attractive, I just tend to like more androgynous/masculine women but that's a preference.

I don't find extreme/unhealthy physiques attractive, whether they take too much steroids or are too fat/skinny.

I've seen dudes hide it, it's quite sad tbh.

Feb 10, 2024 - permalink

I feel "guilty" for not going all-in much, much earlier in life.

Feb 13, 2024 - permalink

I'm aware that the kind of physique I'm attracted to is almost always associated with PED use, and I occasionally feel a twinge of guilt at that. But I realize that these women would be using whether I looked or not. So I look.

Feb 13, 2024 - permalink

Absolutely not! Beauty is on the eyes of the beholder. As a 38-year-old man myself, I'll say to the younger men here to embrace this about yourself. Structure your life in a way that it revolves around enjoying the beauty of these strong muscular women, whether it be enjoying their content online, attending bodybuilding shows, or even meeting them for sessions.

Feb 13, 2024 - permalink

I feel "guilty" for not going all-in much, much earlier in life.

I agree. But I'm still not 40 yet, so I'm trying to make up for what I missed out on as much as possible in a realistic manner.

Feb 13, 2024 - permalink

I don't know if guilty is the right word, but I certainly feel I'm letting my grandparents down in being attracted to these type of women. I know it's something they would never approve of. I also know it's not a particularly healthy attraction, at least not with the type of hyper-muscular women I'm into at times. So it's something I need to work on.

Feb 13, 2024 - permalink

Nobody has to feel guilty for a sexual fantasy. Of course there are some fantasies you shouldn't practise in reality because then it become immoral (and in some cases unlawful too). But only a thought never is immoral. So everybody should have all the fun he wants with his imaginations.

Feb 13, 2024 - permalink

I don't and have never felt guilty for my fetish.

The closest to feeling guilty was when I was a child and in my early teen years, before I stopped being religious. I was a Catholic at the time, and I repeatedly tried to quit jacking it to girls with muscle, but I wasn't successful at stopping.

But even when I was trying to be a good ol' Catholic boy I never felt guilty about it. I just thought that it was wrong and sinful, because of my religion at the time, but that didn't make me feel guilty.

Why didn't my fetish, which would encourage me to masturbate, make me feel guilty? Well, I was trying to be a good ol' Catholic boy, but I wasn't a particularly religious person. I tried to follow Catholic teachings because I believed I had to, not out of some genuine love of the act of religious practice, like a more devoted individual would.

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