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What percentage of the models in this site do you believe would be able to beat the AVERAGE UNTRAINED MAN in a fight?

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

I imagine that the average weight here is around 150-160lbs, so most likely the guy will be 50lbs heavier.

Either way, you're basing someone's fighting ability solely on strength?

the average guy is 200 lbs? what? its more like 170 and thats being generous

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

the average guy is 200 lbs? what? its more like 170 and thats being generous

In America 200lbs is the average. In Europe and other places I'm sure it's much smaller.

So it depends on which country we're talking about. I give the models a 1% chance against American men, but 10-15% against Europeans.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

In America 200lbs is the average. In Europe and other places I'm sure it's much smaller.

So it depends on which country we're talking about. I give the models a 1% chance against American men, but 10-15% against Europeans.

200 lbs of fat... u think the average american is walking around with 200 lbs of muscle mass?

Jan 16, 2024 - edited Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

200 lbs of fat... u think the average american is walking around with 200 lbs of muscle mass?

That's exactly the point I keep trying to make. A lot of these American men are overweight/obese.

I'd bet my money more often than not on a fit individual (man or woman), even if that person is at around 150 pounds, to win against an average american dude who barely works out and is overweight/obese (around 200 pounds).

Wouldn't you?

I made this point to Tall1 multiple times and he seems to keep ignoring it.

Link about Obesity: https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/...

Link about how average people (men and women) don't work out much: https://www.statista.com/statistics/189562/da...

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by iluvstrongwomen
Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

I wish I was wrong. I wish someone would prove me wrong. It would significantly increase the appeal of a lot of women on this site. But I can't let fantasy influence reality.

Well, you are indeed wrong. And you know, why are you even on a site like this anyway if you're just here to tell everyone that they're living a fantasy world and these women are just weak compared to the average guy?

Now, regarding that the average American man is 200lbs. Ok, and what's the body composition? Is it 200lbs of muscle? Because the average man is about 18-24% bodyfat. Whereas the girls we're talking about here are far below that. Also, the average joe beginner will struggle to bench 135lbs. Of course they'd be able to bench heavier with work and dedication, but that's not who we're talking about here is it? We're talking about the average, untrained man.

As I keep pointing out, and you keep conveniently ignoring, most of the girls on this site can outlift the average guy. You do not see some guy who rarely works out, walk into a gym and start benching 185lbs. Not going to happen. And we have video evidence of MANY girls on sites like these, doing it all the time and much heavier weights. They also have deadlift and squat numbers the average, untrained man cannot touch. Again, I'm not talking fantasy, but real numbers backed up by video evidence.

The point is when when you combine the strength to lift heavy weights in the gym, years of training not just in strength training, but also endurance, I maintain that many of these girls will wreck the average, untrained, overweight guy. Plus, many of these girls are also on gear so their strength is also "chemically enhanced." In other words, the girls on these sites are most definitely not average.

So all you need to do here is stop equating male athletes and gym bros to the "average untrained man".

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

200 lbs of fat... u think the average american is walking around with 200 lbs of muscle mass?

I didn't say that. The average body fat percentage for an American male is 28%. Not great but not terrible either. Good enough to still hold an advantage at that size, IMO.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

So it depends on which country we're talking about. I give the models a 1% chance against American men, but 10-15% against Europeans.

With this response, I'm now convinced that you're just a troll. Not wasting my time with you anymore.

So, you're right. All these muscular girls with all their years of training, impressive stats, etc stand only a 1% chance against the average American man. Got it.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

Lets turn this around: how would an average man actually win in a fight against a woman who is so much stronger than him? He can't throw an efective punch, he doesn't know how to wrestle and he's got terrible stamina. The only thing he has for him is longer reach to throw his weak punches and 20 kg of weight advantage if they grapple. This is not going to end well for him in most scenarios. There's a percentage of "fit girls", bikini athletes and similar on this site who mostly aren't very strong compared to an average man, but take any competitive CF girl and they would crush the guy. With fbbs its tricky cause many of them are immensely strong in many ways but aren't particularly athletic.

Jan 16, 2024 - edited Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

Well, you are indeed wrong. And you know, why are you even on a site like this anyway if you're just here to tell everyone that they're living a fantasy world and these women are just weak compared to the average guy?

Now, regarding that the average American man is 200lbs. Ok, and what's the body composition? Is it 200lbs of muscle? Because the average man is about 18-24% bodyfat. Whereas the girls we're talking about here are far below that. Also, the average joe beginner will struggle to bench 135lbs. Of course they'd be able to bench heavier with work and dedication, but that's not who we're talking about here is it? We're talking about the average, untrained man.

As I keep pointing out, and you keep conveniently ignoring, most of the girls on this site can outlift the average guy. You do not see some guy who rarely works out, walk into a gym and start benching 185lbs. Not going to happen. And we have video evidence of MANY girls on sites like these, doing it all the time and much heavier weights. They also have deadlift and squat numbers the average, untrained man cannot touch. Again, I'm not talking fantasy, but real numbers backed up by video evidence.

The point is when when you combine the strength to lift heavy weights in the gym, years of training not just in strength training, but also endurance, I maintain that many of these girls will wreck the average, untrained, overweight guy. Plus, many of these girls are also on gear so their strength is also "chemically enhanced." In other words, the girls on these sites are most definitely not average.

So all you need to do here is stop equating male athletes and gym bros to the "average untrained man".

I think this perfectly highlights why there's so much division on this topic. You think their fighting ability, or lack thereof, is somehow a reflection of their capabilities in the gym. That said, there are actually two crowds here, those who understand the nuance of fighting and those who don't. As I mentioned earlier, I'm factoring in reach, reflexes, test levels, bone structure etc. I'm looking at much more than just how much they bench.

Where have I equated male athletes to the average man? I'm literally the only one bringing stats of the average male, from actual studies, into the discussion. I have not based my points on anything other than that.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

With this response, I'm now convinced that you're just a troll. Not wasting my time with you anymore.

So, you're right. All these muscular girls with all their years of training, impressive stats, etc stand only a 1% chance against the average American man. Got it.

Yep. A lot of ignorance from Tall1. He conveniently ignored many of the facts I brought up. I doubt he's even seen any of the videos of the women here curling 30+ pound dumbbells or benching at 135+ pounds.

Jan 16, 2024 - edited Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

With this response, I'm now convinced that you're just a troll. Not wasting my time with you anymore.

So, you're right. All these muscular girls with all their years of training, impressive stats, etc stand only a 1% chance against the average American man. Got it.

Hopefully you're a man of your word, unlike the last guy who said this. If so, I'll leave you with this: Lifting weights != fighting. Secondly, there are a shit ton of skinny girls on here who wouldn't be able to curl 30 lbs.

It's just a numbers game, and 1% of thousands (including those unnamed) is still a good handful of people. To put that in perspective, could anyone list more than 200 women here who are capable of winning? Probably not.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

I think this perfectly highlights why there's so much division on this topic. You think their fighting ability, or lack thereof, is somehow a reflection of their capabilities in the gym. That said, there are actually two crowds here, those who understand the nuance of fighting and those who don't. As I mentioned earlier, I'm factoring in reach, reflexes, test levels, bone structure etc. I'm looking at much more than just how much they bench.

Where have I equated male athletes to the average man? I'm literally the only one bringing stats of the average male, from actual studies, into the discussion. I have not based my points on anything other than that.

And you conveniently ignore the fact that average American man is likely to be overweight/obese, which can makes factor such as reach, reflexes, test levels, and bone structure less relevant.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

And you conveniently ignore the fact that average American man is likely to be overweight/obese, which can makes factor such as reach, reflexes, test levels, and bone structure less relevant.

Nevermind him. He's clearly just a troll. We're all on sites like these because we like strong girls since they're rare. But he's here to tell us... "no no no... all girls are weak compared to average guys. Even fat, unathletic guys have inherent fighting technique built in automatically from birth and they'd know exactly what to do in a fight. It's a gift/natural talent these girls can't match, because y'know... men are men"

Why else would he be on a site like this if not to be a troll?

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

To go further, how does the FBB win? What's their path to victory? How do they overcome the numerous disadvantages they would face?

I'm curious as to how you guys think this would actually play out, specifically:

Most of the women here would be at a disadvantage in terms of reach. That's not something we can just dismiss. The guy would be able to land punches before she's in range to do anything effective. That also means it would be easier to dodge her punches. With no boxing training, how does she negate that?

What reason do we have to believe that FBB's technique would be better? How would that go? Again, that doesn't mean that guy's technique would be good.

What about their reaction speed which influences their ability to dodge. Given "The mean fastest reaction times were 23 ms shorter in men than women" ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3198384/#:~:text=The%20mean%20fastest%20reaction%20times,and%20131%20ms%20for%20women. How do they negate that as well?

And still the testosterone disadvantage. Even on steroids, most women won't exceed the natural test levels of the average male. Can she become as aggressive and violent without the natural ability to do so?

Try reading the Abstract.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink
Deleted by w0033944
Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

OK, another example. Here, we have former 3X World's Strongest Woman Donna Moore (now competing as an under 82kg athlete), shouldering a 91 kg lump of reinforced concrete:

link text

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

There's only one way to settle this. But I'm not willing to go to jail for it.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

There's only one way to settle this. But I'm not willing to go to jail for it.

Yes, I've always agreed it would be sub-optimal for a fan to kidnap his 5 favorite female bodybuilders.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

Nevermind him. He's clearly just a troll. We're all on sites like these because we like strong girls since they're rare. But he's here to tell us... "no no no... all girls are weak compared to average guys. Even fat, unathletic guys have inherent fighting technique built in automatically from birth and they'd know exactly what to do in a fight. It's a gift/natural talent these girls can't match, because y'know... men are men"

Why else would he be on a site like this if not to be a troll?

Amen bro. Despite whatever facts we present to Tall1, he seems to ignore it. Plus if I want, I can indeed provide him a list of 200 women he asked for from this site who are way fitter and stronger than the average guy, by simply providing him the link to the models list and sorting it however I want. But you watch he will likely, given the pattern of behavior we've seen from him.

He didn't even answer your question "And you know, why are you even on a site like this anyway if you're just here to tell everyone that they're living a fantasy world and these women are just weak compared to the average guy?" He answered everything else, as he seems to like to cherry pick.

I hope no one else responds to him.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

Try reading the Abstract.

Bro, don't bother responding to Tall1. He's clearly a troll and he won't be convinced regardless of what we try to present to him. He'll ignore it. For whatever its worth, why is he even on a site like this anyway if he's just here to tell everyone that they're living a fantasy world and these women are just weak compared to the average guy?

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

Lets turn this around: how would an average man actually win in a fight against a woman who is so much stronger than him? He can't throw an efective punch, he doesn't know how to wrestle and he's got terrible stamina. The only thing he has for him is longer reach to throw his weak punches and 20 kg of weight advantage if they grapple. This is not going to end well for him in most scenarios. There's a percentage of "fit girls", bikini athletes and similar on this site who mostly aren't very strong compared to an average man, but take any competitive CF girl and they would crush the guy. With fbbs its tricky cause many of them are immensely strong in many ways but aren't particularly athletic.

Very well said bro. But I can assure you that Tall1 will ignore it. Again, for what its worth, why is he even on a site like this anyway if he's just here to tell everyone that they're living a fantasy world and these women are just weak compared to the average guy?

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

I like that girlswithmuscle has turned into guys with disagreements.

The bottom line, the true factual North that we can all agree on is clear:

The average woman on this site would absolutely wipe the floor with the average or slightly above average man.

MMA fighters, tradesmen, and Bradley Martin (260lbs) are not the average man.

-Case Closed. The winner is: Girls with Muscle-

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

I like that girlswithmuscle has turned into guys with disagreements.

The bottom line, the true factual North that we can all agree on is clear:

The average woman on this site would absolutely wipe the floor with the average or slightly above average man.

MMA fighters, tradesmen, and Bradley Martin (260lbs) are not the average man.

-Case Closed. The winner is: Girls with Muscle-

100% agree.

Jan 16, 2024 - permalink

OK, another example. Here, we have former 3X World's Strongest Woman Donna Moore (now competing as an under 82kg athlete), shouldering a 91 kg lump of reinforced concrete:

link text

She's part of the one percent.

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