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What percentage of the models in this site do you believe would be able to beat the AVERAGE UNTRAINED MAN in a fight?

Jan 12, 2024 - edited Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

You're done but responded to me 5 minutes later? Seems "I'm done" was a cop-out to avoid bearing the burden of supporting your points or answering difficult questions.

I thought it would be quick to respond so I figured why not respond. If it required a long response/time such as supporting my points for answering your questions, I wouldn't have bothered.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

> > Actually, you don't have to make any assumptions to know what an "average man" is, other than the country he lives in. There are plenty of studies that can tell you what are the average characteristics of a man in a given country, starting with how much they weigh and ending with median education. > > In this case, however, we're talking about an average untrained man. And we've also got papers published about the measurable physical output of such people.

LOL. Ok.......teniss4. In case all that research went to your head, what he asserted was that the "average man" on this post wasn't defined. In a research paper, they will go out of their way to categorize and define their sample list.

Oh cmon. Everybody(?) knows that its about the physical aspects.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

> > I'd put my money on a fit muscular woman from this site over a 5'9 200 lb overweight guy. That's probably that guy is too slow to begin with and the woman is probably much quicker and faster. Speed and quickness does matter in a fight.

Just because they're fit doesn't automatically mean they're going to have handspeed or good reactions. But, I can give you that as well. Let's assume they're faster. How are they going to stop the guy from getting close and ragdolling them? They can't. How are they going to stop this 200lb guy from slamming them? What happens when she gets hit??

You're all over the place. Most people men don't really know how to throw a punch. This is even more true for untrained men. Knocking out somebody with a punch like in a Hollywood movie is not that easy. A 90kg overweight guy wont be able to ragdoll or slam anybody, because they're too weak to do it. Especially if their opponent doesn't want to be slammed and is in most ways stronger than the said guy.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

In a fight the tallest person will always win. so clearly Sultan Kösen will always win against cris cyborg. because Sultan Kösen is taller he is immune to her attacks and then he just uses his stomp move and he will win. just ignore that he is in crutches because he is too tall for the human body.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

You're all over the place. Most people men don't really know how to throw a punch. This is even more true for untrained men. Knocking out somebody with a punch like in a Hollywood movie is not that easy. A 90kg overweight guy wont be able to ragdoll or slam anybody, because they're too weak to do it. Especially if their opponent doesn't want to be slammed and is in most ways stronger than the said guy.

You guys keep saying men don't know how to throw a punch as if women do. We're making relative comparisons here. I'm not saying that most guys can throw a great punch, but relative to an FBB, yes the guy is going to be better.

In terms of strength, we don't have to sit here and speculate. Let's compare real numbers and determine who's stronger. What are most of the women here benching and curling? The average male can curl 50lbs. I've only seen about 4-5 videos of women curling 50lbs or more. So I think it's fair to say that the vast majority of the girls here cannot match the average male in terms of bicep strength.

What about bench? I haven't seen many bench videos at all, so I can't say.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Almost everything you've written is wrong. 1. I've never said that women know how to punch. 2. But Yeah, lot of these women on this site actually jocks who have been doing all kinds of sports, so there probably is a significant percentage of women who either know how to punch or have been performing similar explosive motions, like in handball, tennis or javelin, whatever. 3. Fighting is largely not about punching. Most of those untrained fights end with grappling because neither side can do much damage by swinging their fists. 4. You've misread the topic. Average untrained male. 5. I think youve probably misread the statistic you're quoting. Maybe among gymgoers mean 1rpm for bicep dumbbell curl is 50 lbs (22.7 kg) but that's already people who train and it's a 1rpm. Theres no way your average Joe fresh off the street will be able to bend his elbow at all with 22 kg in his hand. Also, I've never seen a vid of people doing 1rpm. Nobody does that.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Close to 0% if you're talking about an actual fight and not just fooling around.

  1. The second any of these women get hit by an average man, the fight is over. Even Laila Ali has said that women can't withstand the type of physical punishment that a man can. So even though she can hit hard, she admits that she has to tell her male sparring partners to tone it down. So if someone who fights for a living can't take a man's punches, what's going to happen to an FBB getting hit with no gloves? Being muscular doesn't mean you're going to be able to take a punch.

  2. Most men instinctively know how to throw a punch, women don't. Even if a guy is bad at punching they're still going to be better than an untrained FBB.

  3. Most of the women on here are ripped, but they're not very big. They would still be at an anatomical disadvantage.

  4. Can't discount the mental aspect. Men are simply more savage and can tap into those primal instincts better than a woman.

I would make an exception for the handful of women who are big and strong enough whereas their power and mass would be so overwhelming that they should be able to win. Amazonka, Noof Yosuf, Julia Fory, etc. Those are the only type of women that I could see beating a guy's ass.

you are absolutely insane... there are mma fighters on this site and you think the AVERAGE man wouldnt stand a change against them??????? fucking wild

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Close to 0% if you're talking about an actual fight and not just fooling around.

  1. The second any of these women get hit by an average man, the fight is over. Even Laila Ali has said that women can't withstand the type of physical punishment that a man can. So even though she can hit hard, she admits that she has to tell her male sparring partners to tone it down. So if someone who fights for a living can't take a man's punches, what's going to happen to an FBB getting hit with no gloves? Being muscular doesn't mean you're going to be able to take a punch.

  2. Most men instinctively know how to throw a punch, women don't. Even if a guy is bad at punching they're still going to be better than an untrained FBB.

  3. Most of the women on here are ripped, but they're not very big. They would still be at an anatomical disadvantage.

  4. Can't discount the mental aspect. Men are simply more savage and can tap into those primal instincts better than a woman.

I would make an exception for the handful of women who are big and strong enough whereas their power and mass would be so overwhelming that they should be able to win. Amazonka, Noof Yosuf, Julia Fory, etc. Those are the only type of women that I could see beating a guy's ass.

you are absolutely insane... there are mma fighters on this site and you think the AVERAGE man wouldnt stand a change against them??????? fucking wild

Let's set aside trained fighters for a moment, since they're 1% of the women we're even talking about here. The other 99% are simply not built for fighting. Men have better reaction times, better accuracy, better resiliency, and stronger chins than most women. You're living in a fantasy if you think otherwise. Stop getting your notions about female combat capabilities from television.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Let's set aside trained fighters for a moment, since they're 1% of the women we're even talking about here. The other 99% are simply not built for fighting. Men have better reaction times, better accuracy, better resiliency, and stronger chins than most women. You're living in a fantasy if you think otherwise. Stop getting your notions about female combat capabilities from television.

we are talking about the average man here.. idk where you live but they are definitely not 5'9 200 lbs. wtf thats like a jacked bodybuilder level

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

IMO: The biggest phallacy being perpetuated here is the idea that some very significant percentage of men can take a punch to the face and continue moving forward.

The number would likely be even smaller for women.

The number is super-super small for both. So, there's that.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

Let's set aside trained fighters for a moment, since they're 1% of the women we're even talking about here. The other 99% are simply not built for fighting. Men have better reaction times, better accuracy, better resiliency, and stronger chins than most women. You're living in a fantasy if you think otherwise. Stop getting your notions about female combat capabilities from television.

You're actually living in a fantasy world. In general men are of course way stronger than women. But the thing is that a huge percentage of the women featured here are professional athletes. And then we're talking about untrained average men. I'm willing to bet that close to 99% of the CF athletes featured here would wipe the floor with such men. So would many FBBs, physique competitors and lots of the non-bodybuilding athletes. The physical output of an untrained man is usually extremely unimpressive. That average American 5'9 200-pounder (so 175 cm and 90 kg) is overweight and would die of a heart attack if he were to run 3 km. And that's the average for the entire population, not the "untrained".

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

This hot girl would beat the average guy very easily.

5'10", fights at 145 lbs but would walk around at quite a bit more. 8 wins in 11 pro MMA fights.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

This hot girl would beat the average guy very easily.

5'10", fights at 145 lbs but would walk around at quite a bit more. 8 wins in 11 pro MMA fights.

Yep! I totally agree.

Jan 12, 2024 - permalink

This is an interesting video. Maddie Loehr in this video I feel like represents the typical girl in this site. While the guy here I feel like represents the typical American guy, kind of big but more so overweight than fit/muscular. I'd say about 7 out of 10 times she would win in a fight against him.

Any thoughts?

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

you are absolutely insane... there are mma fighters on this site and you think the AVERAGE man wouldnt stand a change against them??????? fucking wild

Pro MMA fighters make up what percent of this site? Less than 1%???

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

we are talking about the average man here.. idk where you live but they are definitely not 5'9 200 lbs. wtf thats like a jacked bodybuilder level


Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

Just because a guy is 5'9 200 pounds doesn't mean that he's fit/muscular. It could also be that he's overweight/obese. For the average American man, there's a good chance that he's overweight/obese and probably doesn't train much or not at all. The below link show the overweight/obesity stats amongst American men.


I think the chances are likely that one of the typical fit muscular ladies here can win a fight against a 200 pound overweight/obese guy. I think the fit lady in the picture below is representative of the typical model here and I'd bet my money on her to win a fight against an average untrained guy.

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink



I read the full study the took their data from: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr122-508.pdf

While they admit that Hispanics were undersampled for decades, as someone who once did mobile screenings for NIH while stationed at Bethesda in the mid-90s, I would say that healthy-looking people tended not to get screened. I know that's just anecdata, but based on that observation, I question the reliability of their conclusions. Yes, given the data they collected, those are the facts. But, I have reason to believe the sample is bad. I'm not suggesting they cheated, just that it feels incomplete while giving off the semblance of being thorough.

Also, I'm overweight and my waist is (only) 38".

And also-also, fuck, I'm now a part of Team WetBlanket.

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

I think people may be overestimating the average man of today. the average man is no longer a farmer, mechanic or soldier, it is now a person who sits at a computer for 10 or more hours a day.

a regular man is much stronger than a regular woman, no one disputes that. the difference in fighting power between a man who trains seriously and a woman who trains seriously is even greater.

but I do not believe that in any aspect today's average untrained man is superior to women who have subordinated and devoted their entire lives to strength or endurance training.

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

I think people may be overestimating the average man of today. the average man is no longer a farmer, mechanic or soldier, it is now a person who sits at a computer for 10 or more hours a day.

a regular man is much stronger than a regular woman, no one disputes that. the difference in fighting power between a man who trains seriously and a woman who trains seriously is even greater.

but I do not believe that in any aspect today's average untrained man is superior to women who have subordinated and devoted their entire lives to strength or endurance training.

I absolutely agree with your statement, "but I do not believe that in any aspect today's average untrained man is superior to women who have subordinated and devoted their entire lives to strength or endurance training."

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

Why people think that a bodybuilder (whatever is a male of a female) are expert in fight? Fighting and bodybuilding are 2 seperated filed

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

Why people think that a bodybuilder (whatever is a male of a female) are expert in fight? Fighting and bodybuilding are 2 seperated filed

Because physical altercations happen so rarely between men and women (yes even abuse is rare) that the only times these notions get tested are because a man puts on a skirt and plays tennis. If there's one good thing to arise from the trans phenomena it's that we got a lot of data points that prove the profound physical differences between men and women.

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

Because physical altercations happen so rarely between men and women (yes even abuse is rare) that the only times these notions get tested are because a man puts on a skirt and plays tennis. If there's one good thing to arise from the trans phenomena it's that we got a lot of data points that prove the profound physical differences between men and women.

Well , first not everyone but iv'e noticed that lot of female bodybuilders are not so much strong then untrained male.

Second by the way i saw by many heavy juiced that uploaded videos punching the bag that they fighting skills are very very poor even less terrible then untrained male.

Yes female bodybuildres are good athlets and self deciplined. Many girls came to the sport by a mentality of beauty contest not everyone have the mindset of fighters. My opinion at least. Offcourse there is lot of fbb that have a great ground to be a fighters

Jan 13, 2024 - edited Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

Well , first not everyone but iv'e noticed that lot of female bodybuilders are not so much strong then untrained male.

Second by the way i saw by many heavy juiced that uploaded videos punching the bag that they fighting skills are very very poor even less terrible then untrained male.

Yes female bodybuildres are good athlets and self deciplined. Many girls came to the sport by a mentality of beauty contest not everyone have the mindset of fighters. My opinion at least. Offcourse there is lot of fbb that have a great ground to be a fighters

female bodybuilders are massively stronger than the untrained male(im not even talking about some of the roided john cena looking "women" that are on this site)

Jan 13, 2024 - permalink

female bodybuilders are massively stronger than the untrained male(im not even talking about some of the roided john cena looking "women" that are on this site)


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