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Are tattoos used to aid / prevent human trafficking?

Jan 09, 2024 - edited Jan 09, 2024 - permalink

A LOT of ink on muscle girls — in history tats were used for branding slaves and labeling tribes. Could the wave of tattoos be more than just a fad — are they getting them to serve as a deterrent? Or are their handlers forcing them to get tats to serve as an aid? A traffic victim would be easily identified by it.

Jan 09, 2024 - permalink

It's not that deep. It's really not. You like a tattoo design, then you get said tattoo. That's really it.

Jan 09, 2024 - permalink

WOW.. what an out of left field explanation of tattoos. AS ryo said, it is not that deep. I have spoken to several tattooed people and the tattoo artists themselves that see it as just another form of expressing their art. Like them or not tattoos are an individual choice by the person.

Jan 09, 2024 - permalink

I suspect that Pixelman74 doesn't live in the West or in a developed country. Certainly not somewhere such as the UK or the USA, where tattoos are now very commonplace, especially among younger people. People who are from the country where they were born and have lived all their life.

It has nothing to do with trafficking. What has trafficking got to do with this site anyway? I don't think FBBs are the type of people who are trafficked!

Jan 09, 2024 - permalink

I did not consider that HollyJ. In another location abroad from USA and UK I see the threat and concern. I still am rather blind-sided by the comments of Pixelman presents in context to the theme of the site.

Jan 09, 2024 - permalink

lol what

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

I know my question seems nutty, and I have a hard time putting this into words right. But I can’t shake the feeling some of these women are suddenly marked as if they’re branded by someone else, or they’re tatting up to make it impossible to be taken — too recognizable.

Last year I saw the FBB flick “Pearl”, which showed an unexpected seediness — the girls’ trainers/handlers were manipulative and exploitive in every way. Sure, it’s a movie so it’s a bit of a caricature — but it grieved me deeply. We have great respect and admiration for these muscle girls —yet there are people out there who use and abuse them. The tattoo thing has always bothered me before this—taken together I can’t help but wonder.

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

No of course not many of them actually say why they got the tattoos. and many random non muscular women I see have tattoos because they think it's trendy now. in the recent past it was seen as degenerate. but there have been waves of people in history that got a lot of tattoos only. for the next generation to make them uncool again. but I do think there is some peer pressure to get tattoos now. either her boyfriend or other fbbs try to convince them to get a tattoo.

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

Trend =/= trafficking (except when it does, of course)

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

You guys in this forum are truly something else, y'know that?

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

I know my question seems nutty, and I have a hard time putting this into words right. But I can’t shake the feeling some of these women are suddenly marked as if they’re branded by someone else, or they’re tatting up to make it impossible to be taken — too recognizable.

Last year I saw the FBB flick “Pearl”, which showed an unexpected seediness — the girls’ trainers/handlers were manipulative and exploitive in every way. Sure, it’s a movie so it’s a bit of a caricature — but it grieved me deeply. We have great respect and admiration for these muscle girls —yet there are people out there who use and abuse them. The tattoo thing has always bothered me before this—taken together I can’t help but wonder.

Oh God, there's a lot to unpack with this.

Out of curiosity, do you like, are indifferent to, or hate tattoos? If you hate them, you have to ask yourself if you are constructing a narrative to deduce why something that you dislike so much has become so prominent, and that since you dislike it, it must be prominent for a negative reason.

You're seeing a lot of muscular women with tattoos because...more people are getting tattoos. I can't speak for worldwide, but in the United States, one third of American adults have tattoos: 27% of men have them, 38% of women have them, and a whopping 56% of women between the ages of 18 and 29 have them https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/202... . I have tattoos, and every woman I dated including my now girlfriend had at least one tattoo.

Trends and cultures evolve. Even back in "the day," tattoos weren't only for marking slaves. You can't assume there is some mass conspiracy of muscular women getting tattoos from "handlers" (whatever that means,) or that they are getting them as a deterrent against sex trafficking. Also, while I am not an expert on the demographics of sex trafficking victims, I highly doubt that muscular women and female bodybuilders are part of it.

To put it bluntly, your post sounds nutty because it is.

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

I suspect that Pixelman74 doesn't live in the West or in a developed country. Certainly not somewhere such as the UK or the USA, where tattoos are now very commonplace, especially among younger people. People who are from the country where they were born and have lived all their life.

It has nothing to do with trafficking. What has trafficking got to do with this site anyway? I don't think FBBs are the type of people who are trafficked!

Or they're spending WAY too much time in the QAnon rabbit hole

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

Probably not QAnon. I don't think Pixelman is from the USA and I don't think he has any interest in Trump. He mentions having seen a film and it all seems to stem from that film.

Pixelman ignored what I posted and Gatsby28 has basically said the same thing as I said.

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

I know my question seems nutty, and I have a hard time putting this into words right. But I can’t shake the feeling some of these women are suddenly marked as if they’re branded by someone else, or they’re tatting up to make it impossible to be taken — too recognizable.

Last year I saw the FBB flick “Pearl”, which showed an unexpected seediness — the girls’ trainers/handlers were manipulative and exploitive in every way. Sure, it’s a movie so it’s a bit of a caricature — but it grieved me deeply. We have great respect and admiration for these muscle girls —yet there are people out there who use and abuse them. The tattoo thing has always bothered me before this—taken together I can’t help but wonder.

If a multitude of women start showing up with their coach's names tattooed on themselves or sporting slogans like "refeed me, baby", yeah, I'll join you in the wondering.

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

Glad to know I’m the only one who’s an overthinking coo-koo in here.

Jan 10, 2024 - edited Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

Knowing a lot of people who have tattoos, it’s usually very simple: they like the tattoos and how it looks on them. Sure, there may a tribal element for some (thinking of certain gangs and Polynesian people), but for many more it’s a form of art and body decoration.

Now whether someone gets a tattoo for personal reasons or because that’s what their friends are doing, is another matter.

There are also plenty of philosophies when it comes to tattoos, in terms of style, quantity, placement and so on. For example some might see them as something deep, representing a story their life, while others aren’t much more than a collection of permanent “stickers”.

If you want to get a better perspective, then maybe have a coffee with a tattoo artist or two, and see what they have to say.

Of course there are also plenty of people who prefer not to have a tattoo, either because of social acceptance or that they prefer their skin to look as unblemished as possible. This is the way I like to be and at most would only go for something temporary.

Jan 10, 2024 - permalink

Or are their handlers forcing them to get tats to serve as an aid? A traffic victim would be easily identified by it.

Could you give us examples of muscular girls on this site who you believe have "handlers?"

Jan 11, 2024 - permalink

A LOT of ink on muscle girls — in history tats were used for branding slaves and labeling tribes. Could the wave of tattoos be more than just a fad — are they getting them to serve as a deterrent? Or are their handlers forcing them to get tats to serve as an aid? A traffic victim would be easily identified by it.

Or they just like the designs of the tattoos on their body lol. Heard of the tattoo Nazis on here but never thought I’d see a tattoo conspiracy theorist lmao.

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