I know some people think it’s ticky tack but they are asking for people’s money and saying “look like me” but you photoshop yourself. And then you offer a custom plan that 20 other people follow
I know some people think it’s ticky tack but they are asking for people’s money and saying “look like me” but you photoshop yourself. And then you offer a custom plan that 20 other people follow
Not defending her for that I’m just saying you see one too many models rightfully exposed by goob for what they are lol
Anybody remember Melody Melo? She was a young powerlifting phenom who had some very impressive lifts in her early 20s (I believe she could deadlift over 500.) She rose very fast, but just as quickly she disappeared. If I remember correctly (and this is pretty vague, so please correct me if I am wrong,) she talked about how her mother was abusive towards her in regards to her training and I think she also talked about the drug use as well. She posted a couple of videos in 2016 talking about making a comeback but it sounds like nothing ever came to fruition.
Definitely miss her, but at the same time she is an example of what can happen to young strength athletes who burn very brightly and quickly. Seems they burn out just as hard too (Hayley McNeff also comes to mind)
I remember when she popped up. That was big in the time when there was a lot of geared benching, she was big on the bench shirts. Obvi that stuff is still around but you see a lot more average people hitting nice raw numbers. I think at the time she was 16 or 17 hitting a 500 pull which was wild at the time. Still is but I’m seeing random 18 year old girls on tiktok pulling four plates raw, conventional so a lot more exposure these days
She’s nearing 30 now but a couple of years ago I feel like she popped up? Or maybe that was the other woman who popped up around the same time who did her biceps stuff.
Anyway can’t find her on IG, Twitter long dead, there’s no tags for her on IG that I can find.
Anybody remember Melody Melo? She was a young powerlifting phenom who had some very impressive lifts in her early 20s (I believe she could deadlift over 500.) She rose very fast, but just as quickly she disappeared. If I remember correctly (and this is pretty vague, so please correct me if I am wrong,) she talked about how her mother was abusive towards her in regards to her training and I think she also talked about the drug use as well. She posted a couple of videos in 2016 talking about making a comeback but it sounds like nothing ever came to fruition.
Definitely miss her, but at the same time she is an example of what can happen to young strength athletes who burn very brightly and quickly. Seems they burn out just as hard too (Hayley McNeff also comes to mind)
Yeah she did an interview with RXMuscle and talked about how her mother hated her training while her step father was very abusive and had her on gear at 13 yrs old. I think the interview has long since been deleted from the site but if I can find it, I'll add the link.
Yeah she did an interview with RXMuscle and talked about how her mother hated her training while her step father was very abusive and had her on gear at 13 yrs old. I think the interview has long since been deleted from the site but if I can find it, I'll add the link.
Ah, RXMuscle. Thank you for the recollection. Now I know where I saw that https://www.facebook.com/rxmuscledotcom/posts...
I wonder why it was deleted. Dave Palumbo may be an idiot, but I think this was an interview worth watching. And how terrible of a parent must you be to put your 12 year old on gear?
Yeah she did an interview with RXMuscle and talked about how her mother hated her training while her step father was very abusive and had her on gear at 13 yrs old. I think the interview has long since been deleted from the site but if I can find it, I'll add the link.
On gear, as in PED’s?
> What ever happened to Rach White?
Someone else mentioned that some pretty explicit stuff of hers got leaked, and she's gone dark ever since.
Oh yeah & it was Great. Didn't know it wasn't supposed to ne public tho.
I was following Ida Leo for awhile, but then I stopped seeing updates from her social media. Turns out she deleted her Instagram several months ago and seemingly completely disappeared. Definitely was a rising bodybuilder with a pretty impressive physique given that she claimed to be vegan. Anyone know what happened to her?
wouldn'ty be surprised if she was over the attention from guys lol definitely very lesbian, but also not your usual social media age.
I wouldn'ty be surprised if she [Ida Leo] was over the attention from guys lol definitely very lesbian, but also not your usual social media age.
Oh dude, she is definitely a lesbian. Just look at that hateful expression. She radiates misandry like Valerie Solanas (que en el infierno pudre) at a radical feminist convention.
I have a few to name. Some of whom are very obscure but, here goes:
KK & LB are two former FB friends of mine. LB has gone away, far away.
KK is still around but, her profile hasn't been updated in three years. And, all her sexy muscle pics are gone, forever gone. They were glorious, though, lemme tells ya.
Last I heard, TB got married and has spirited herself entirely off the Internet. She is a ghost now, much like Roxie Rain.
there shouldn't be much surprise for a lot of women pushing 40 (or who dropped off pushing 40). even non-bb women will be trying for a baby as a last gasp around that age (if they want one) and with all the drugs some of these women do they will likely try earlier for better success rate. not surprised that many of them would dip for that reason, or just retire because it's hard on their body with little success.
its ok if you're winning stuff or making a lot of money from sponsors. i saw Robyn Machado was making pretty good change per post, maybe 4-500? a few times a month you get a nice two grand for being hot and having a lot of followers to drive traffic. not to mention any discount codes you have for additional change. it's much safter than being naked on the internet.
Haven’t seen anything from Jordyn Lee Ross in a long time, hasn’t posted on tiktok in months and I can’t seem to find her insta