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jjjeeessiiiccaaa (Jessica Piccoli) arrested a third time

Sep 22, 2023 - permalink

She could be a psychopath, in other words someone who can mimic but doesn't really understand human emotion. She probably knows this is the socially "necessary" thing to do (or what most might do on social media), but she has trouble expressing herself in a sincere manner because she doesn't actually feel any remorse.

Well stated and unfortunately this is probably the true essence of the case. You can't treat a psychopath with therapy. They just learn to be better at fooling everyone else. That's the scariest type of person to be around. Doesn't matter how hot someone is, you have to get that clarity to know the type of person with whom you're dealing.

Sep 22, 2023 - edited Sep 22, 2023 - permalink

> > I can tell you have very little interaction with people irl, he's in danger and shared this with us the body building community to let us know just how dangerous she is I meet with these women all the time and I'm glad I know to steer clear of jessica now.

Because I mind my own business? You come into contact with far more dangerous people than you'll ever realize. I can understand wanting to know her history if you know her and will come in contact with her. But for the 99% who will never see her, it's irrelevant.

Clearly you don't mind your own business if you're still here talking about it, you can't understand shit.. I told you I meet up with bodybuilders all the time my chances of running into this lunatic is high because unlike you I actually step outside my door and talk to people.

Thank god her BF shared this and thank god for idiots like you who expose themselves when ever a pretty "lady" appears. easy pray.

Sep 22, 2023 - permalink

Well stated and unfortunately this is probably the true essence of the case. You can't treat a psychopath with therapy. They just learn to be better at fooling everyone else. That's the scariest type of person to be around. Doesn't matter how hot someone is, you have to get that clarity to know the type of person with whom you're dealing.

Definitely a psycho she has that weird stare they do, like a predator shark.

Sep 22, 2023 - permalink


last week she popped up in my IG explore and i read a bunch of captions saying "I've changed"

only thing she changed was her makeup routine i guess

She's trying to stay relevant 😂

Sep 23, 2023 - edited Sep 23, 2023 - permalink

> > I can tell you have very little interaction with people irl, he's in danger and shared this with us the body building community to let us know just how dangerous she is I meet with these women all the time and I'm glad I know to steer clear of jessica now.

Because I mind my own business? You come into contact with far more dangerous people than you'll ever realize. I can understand wanting to know her history if you know her and will come in contact with her. But for the 99% who will never see her, it's irrelevant.

I agree with the posts of Tall, It is none of my business. But Im reacting on how easily people (understandably) pass judgemnt on so little mostly not objective information and it becomes a (damaging) public conviction without a real court.

From a professional point of view, she behaves a surtain agressive way but with no background and circumstantial information it is not posible to come to any conclusion on her person or personality (diagnose) or how dangerous she realy is or was.

And as for "I can safe her", no but we could help her, if wanted and needed, if indicated by a psychological evaluation done by the juridicial system. Ive been working for 14 years in a forensic psychiatric treatment team, involved in the treatment of people who show this kind and much much worst behavour. But with that in mind, i probably look from an other perspective at the goob vids.

But hey if you want to stick a label, call / diagnose her a psychopath, sociopath or what ever you can think of. You could also register as a psychiatrist and ask 350$ an hour and do a psychic evaluation from a 2 minutes vid and the story of her ex wich leaves 58 minutes of heavily or heavenly paid browsing on GWM ;-)

I wish her and everyone else all the best

Sep 23, 2023 - permalink

Clearly you don't mind your own business if you're still here talking about it, you can't understand shit.. I told you I meet up with bodybuilders all the time my chances of running into this lunatic is high because unlike you I actually step outside my door and talk to people.

Thank god her BF shared this and thank god for idiots like you who expose themselves when ever a pretty "lady" appears. easy pray.

Like I said, I can understand wanting to know her history if you're actually going to be meeting with her. Maybe if I repeat myself your comprehension skills will kick in. Hopefully. But, to equate not coming in contact with some random low-level quasi-bodybuilder - with not getting out the house, as if these are the only people to interact with, is something only an idiot would say. Not everyone's world revolves around meeting FBB thots.

Sep 23, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

But, to equate not coming in contact with some random low-level quasi-bodybuilder - with not getting out the house

She's become the Keyser SĂśze of female bodybuilding.

Oct 02, 2023 - permalink

Also there is a big diffirence between acting crazy and being crazy

The only thing that separates Jessica from other female bodybuilders, or women in general is that her episode is being documented. Am i breaking news here in stating that women are crazy? They really, I've seen the 'Nicest girl\ s ever´ behave no different to this.

Oct 02, 2023 - permalink

"Men and women with severe mental illness were 4.2 times (men) and 27.5 times (women) more likely to have been convicted of a violent crime compared to individuals with no psychiatric diagnosis."


Interesting. I'm bookmarking this to read and verify from other sources later.

Unfortunately the link didn't work. I got a server error code. I looked it up on the Wayback Machine here: https://web.archive.org/web/20220317145339/ht...

Oct 02, 2023 - permalink

Everyone should probably stay away from phenoms, I think it may have a virus...

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink

I know it's gross but it turns me on that she's abusive.

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink

I know it's gross but it turns me on that she's abusive.

Username checks out

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink

Everyone should probably stay away from phenoms, I think it may have a virus...

Too late. You already read my post. You're now hopelessly virus infested.

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink

Username checks out

Yeah looking through this guys comment history he seems to have a concerning fetish for women beating him up. Strangely enough he’s not the only one too I’ve seen a couple of people like him on the site.

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink

I can fix her

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink

Yeah looking through this guys comment history he seems to have a concerning fetish for women beating him up. Strangely enough he’s not the only one too I’ve seen a couple of people like him on the site.

Masochism is far more commonplace than sthenolagnia.

Oct 03, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

I know it's gross but it turns me on that she's abusive.

Masochism is a method of self-regulation.

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink


Quoting Descartes, "she beats me, therefore I am".

It's widely held that Descartes wrote the entire section containing "I think, therefore I am" to appease the church. The actual quote paraphrased for context would be effectively "I think, therefore don't execute me for heresy".

Oct 03, 2023 - edited Jul 13, 2024 - permalink

It's widely held that...

How widely?

Oct 03, 2023 - edited Oct 03, 2023 - permalink


I wonder what is it then he really believed? What would have he said if he could have spoken freely? That he does not think and therefore he is not?

Decartes was a "thinker" extraordinaire.

My personal take was that Decartes was either agnostic or athiest. Probably athiest. The only way to answer your question is to recommend that you read his Discourse On Method from cover to cover. Take your time, it's the longest of short reads. Immense philosophical density. While he has many mentions of "God", in context, it doesn't fit. His appeasement of the church was clever. He gave them bits to cherry pick what they wanted to hear, but an objective reader can discern his true thinking. Most of what he wrote were his "true beliefs" as you phrased it. Where he strays or contradicts himself is where the appeasement is. It's not straight forward. He didn't have the luxury of that.

The original was written in Decartes' native language of French (for his period). I read an English translation that was popular in colleges: Rene Decartes, Discourse On Method, Third Edition, translation by Donald A. Cress.

I found the Cress Fourth Edition available on Archive.org. It requires a (free) login to read the full text: https://archive.org/details/discourseonmetho0...

Alternatively, the Free Library at Project Gutenberg has a different translation (I'm not familiar with) which doesn't require any login to read in full: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/59/59-h/59-h.htm

You might read it and reach a different conclusion than I did. But my understanding is that my conclusion is consistent with that of the scholars that study it closer than you or I ever will.

...And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink

I know, I know. But it's better to indulge in fantasies than seek out the real thing. I went for real experiences sometimes and regretted it.

My real life girlfriend is the sweetest, most harmless women I know. She's not at all fit or muscular, and even if she were, she wouldn't ever hurt a fly. That's just not how she is. I'm very aware of how fucked up I am, which is why I've been trying to build healthy relationships with healthy people. I've been successful in that!

However, my sweet, harmless girlfriend doesn't satisfy my cravings for abusiveness. I still have to work on that. In the meantime, better to come fawn over pictures on a screen than to cheat on my gf with women that will ruin my life.

Now back to the thread's subject: damn I wish Jessica would slap me silly

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink


Decartes was a "thinker" extraordinaire.

My personal take was that Decartes was either agnostic or athiest. Probably athiest. The only way to answer your question is to recommend that you read his Discourse On Method from cover to cover. Take your time, it's the longest of short reads. Immense philosophical density. While he has many mentions of "God", in context, it doesn't fit. His appeasement of the church was clever. He gave them bits to cherry pick what they wanted to hear, but an objective reader can discern his true thinking. Most of what he wrote were his "true beliefs" as you phrased it. Where he strays or contradicts himself is where the appeasement is. It's not straight forward. He didn't have the luxury of that.

The original was written in Decartes' native language of French (for his period). I read an English translation that was popular in colleges: Rene Decartes, Discourse On Method, Third Edition, translation by Donald A. Cress.

I found the Cress Fourth Edition available on Archive.org. It requires a (free) login to read the full text: https://archive.org/details/discourseonmetho0...

Alternatively, the Free Library at Project Gutenberg has a different translation (I'm not familiar with) which doesn't require any login to read in full: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/59/59-h/59-h.htm

You might read it and reach a different conclusion than I did. But my understanding is that my conclusion is consistent with that of the scholars that study it closer than you or I ever will.

...And now, back to our regularly scheduled program.

Not to get waaay off track, but it’s common knowledge among even first year philosophy students that EVERYTHING Descartes came to after Cogito Ergo Sum — like his “proof” that God exists and a loving God wouldn’t lie to us about the world existing—was cheating and tortured logic. As you say, probably to appease the Church.

Oct 03, 2023 - permalink


Not to get waaay off track

We're going to need to move the Decartes stuff to it's own thread for anything further. I hadn't anticipated this blowing up beyond my first reply on it.

My reply is here: Rene Decartes, Discourse On Method (cont.)

Nov 08, 2023 - permalink

Lol her ex took er back.

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