Which blacklisted name would you most like to see on this site again? (365 total votes)
Efi Sarris had potential to be so big in the bodybuilding community, I hope shes doing well. She completely vanished off of all social medai
Tough choice between K. Sheppard and L.M. Stow, now that the latter has returned to competing and shed the "X model" looks.
I vote for Efi but I don't miss her that much since she disappeared from social media. The one I would like to see come back, since she is active, is Jessica Sestrem.
title edit
The blacklist mostly refers to women who have chosen to not appear on this site.
The 10 options I chose are based on the following factors:
Since there are hundreds of names on the blacklist, you are welcome and encouraged to list names that were left off from this poll.
minor edit in the description